57 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Magmatic and Metamorphic Processes in Peralkaline Rocks Petrogenesis and geochemical evolution of the Norra KĂ€rr Complex, Southern Sweden

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    Der 1,49 Ga alte Norra KĂ€rr-Intrusivkomplex (Schweden) besteht aus deformierten und metamorphisierten peralkalischen Nephelinsyeniten. Norra KĂ€rr liegt im Transskandinavischen Magmatischen GĂŒrtel und wurde entweder 1) als Teil eines Vulkanbogens wĂ€hrend des prĂ€-kollisionalen Stadiums der Danopolonischen / Hallandischen Orogenese oder 2) entlang eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes an der sĂŒdwestlichen Grenze des Fennoskandischen Schildes intrudiert. Die Intrusion ist heute als eine nach Westen einfallende Synform erhalten, die wĂ€hrend der Svekonorwegischen Orogenese vor ca. 1,15 Ga unter mĂ€ĂŸigen bis hohen grĂŒnschieferfazialen Bedingungen deformiert wurde. Die stark verfalteten Gesteine sind eine ideale Fallstudie, um die Effekte magmatischer und metamorpher/hydrothermaler Prozesse in alkalischen Gesteinen sowie die Rolle der Metamorphose bei der Anreicherung und Umverteilung von Seltenerdelementen (REE) zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden detaillierte petrographische und mineralogische Analysen der verschiedenen Lithotypen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Arbeit wurde weiterhin durch mineralchemische Untersuchungen mittels Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde sowie mit Spurenelementdaten von Eudialyt und Klinopyroxen ergĂ€nzt. Eine primĂ€r-magmatische Lagerung ist trotz der intensiven Deformation der Gesteine wĂ€hrend der Svekonorwegischen Orogenese erhalten. Die Spurenelementchemie von Eudialyt zeigt gut entwickelte negative Eu-Anomalien und starke Sr- und Ba-Abreicherungen, die gut der Gesamtgesteinsgeochemie entsprechen. Diese implizieren, dass die Nephelinsyenite von Norra-KĂ€rr durch intensive fraktionierte Kristallisation aus einem alkalibasaltischen Magma hervorgegangen sind. Die magmatische Mineralparagenese kristallisierte dabei aus einer subsolvus-syenitischen Schmelze bei kontinuierlich abnehmenden Temperaturen (700-450°C) und SiliciumdioxidaktivitĂ€ten (0,6-0,3). Aufgrund der anfĂ€nglich relativ niedrigen PeralkalinitĂ€t unter reduzierenden Bedingungen wurde Zirkonium in Aegirin eingebaut. Die spĂ€tere Destabilisierung des Zr-reichen Aegirins deutet auf eine steigende PeralkalinitĂ€t, Sauerstoff-FugazitĂ€t sowie WasseraktivitĂ€t hin, welche im Anschluss zur Bildung von frĂŒhmagmatischem Katapleiit fĂŒhrten. Die Kristallisation von Mn- und Seltenerdelement-(REE)-armem Eudialyt erfolgte dagegen erst nach ausreichender Anreicherung der Restschmelze mit Cl, REE und HFSE. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die metamorphen Bedingungen wĂ€hrend der Svekonorwegisch-Grenvilleschen Orogenese auf Temperaturen zwischen 400 und 550°C und einen Siliciumdioxid-AktivitĂ€tsbereich von 0,25-0,4 geschĂ€tzt. Deformation und hydrothermale Alteration fĂŒhrten zur Bildung von postmagmatischem Al-reichen Aegirin. Der Übergang von der magmatischen zur metamorphen Mineralparagenese wird durch die Zunahme des REE-Gehalts in Eudialyt markiert. Die außergewöhnliche Anreicherung von Schweren REE in spĂ€tmetamorphem Eudialyt ist auf eine Restanreicherung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren: Leichte REE wurden bevorzugt mobilisiert, um lokale sekundĂ€re Minerale zu bilden, wĂ€hrend die schweren REE zurĂŒckblieben und sich in Eudialyt anreicherten. Insgesamt hat diese Arbeit die systematischen VerĂ€nderungen der Mineralchemie von Eudialyt und Klinopyroxen mithilfe von feldgeologischen und petrographischen Methoden beleuchtet, und die magmatische sowie die metamorphe Geschichte des Norra KĂ€rr-Intrusivkomplexes rekonstruiert. Die so neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ĂŒber das Verhalten gesteinsbildender Silikate in alkalischen Gesteinen bei mittlerer grĂŒnschiefer- bis unterer amphibolitfazialer Metamorphose können auf andere metamorphisierte peralkalische Gesteinen ĂŒbertragen bzw. an solchen getestet werden.The 1.49 Ga Norra KĂ€rr complex (Sweden) consists of a layered succession of deformed and metamorphosed peralkaline nepheline syenites. The complex was emplaced into the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt either in a volcanic arc setting during the pre-collisional stage of the Danopolonian or Hallandian orogeny or, alternatively, in an active margin setting along the southwestern border of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Norra KĂ€rr intrusive rocks are preserved within a westward-dipping synform, deformed and metamorphosed at moderate to high greenschist-facies conditions during the Sveconorwegian orogeny at 1.15 Ga. Due to the marked metamorphic overprint, the nepheline syenites of the Norra KĂ€rr complex are used in this dissertation as a case study to distinguish the effects of magmatic and metamorphic/hydrothermal processes on the (re-)distribution of high field strength and rare earth elements (REE) in alkaline rocks. For this purpose, a detailed petrographic and mineralogical investigation of the different lithotypes that constitute the Norra KĂ€rr Complex was carried out and combined with studies on the elemental composition of the ore-forming minerals based on electron probe microanalyses. This was further complemented by trace element data for eudialyte-group minerals and clinopyroxenes using laser ablation inductively-coupled mass spectrometry. Regardless of the intense deformation during the Sveconorwegian–Grenvillian orogeny, indications for primary magmatic layering of the Norra KĂ€rr intrusion are retained. The trace element chemistry of eudialyte-group minerals mimic whole-rock compositions and display well-developed negative Eu-anomalies and strong Sr- and Ba-depletions in chondrite-normalized diagrams. These imply that the Norra KĂ€rr nepheline syenites formed by intense fractional crystallization from an alkali basaltic parental magma. The magmatic mineral assemblage crystallized from a subsolvus syenite melt at continuously decreasing temperatures (700–450°C) and silica activity (0.6–0.3). Owing to initially relatively low peralkalinity and reducing conditions, zirconium was first incorporated into aegirine. Subsequent destabilization of the Zr-rich aegirine indicates increasing peralkalinity, oxygen fugacity and water activity, which resulted in the formation of early magmatic catapleiite. Later crystallization of magmatic Mn- and REE-poor eudialyte-group minerals happened as soon as Cl, REE and high field strength elements were sufficiently enriched in the residual melt. Metamorphic conditions during the Sveconorwegian–Grenvillian orogeny are constrained to temperatures between 400 and 550°C and a silica activity range of 0.25–0.4. Because of deformation and interaction with hydrothermal fluids, post-magmatic Al-rich aegirine as well as post-magmatic eudialyte-group minerals enriched in REE, Y and Mn were formed. The transition from a magmatic to a metamorphic environment is also recorded by an increase of the REE-content of eudialyte-group minerals. An exceptional enrichment of heavy REE in late metamorphic eudialyte may be the result of residual enrichment: light REE were preferentially mobilized to form local secondary light rare earth-rich rinkite-group mineral assemblages, while the heavy REE stayed behind and formed eudialyte enriched in heavy REE. This study has documented systematic changes of the mineral chemistry of eudialyte-group minerals as well as clinopyroxenes of the Norra KĂ€rr Complex. Based on field relationships and petrographic arguments, these changes have been associated with the magmatic and metamorphic history of the complex. New insights are thus provided into the behavior of rock-forming silicates in alkaline rocks under medium greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The results can be tested on and transferred to other metamorphosed peralkaline rocks

    Cow, Bull, Woman, Man (Relief on a Vessel from the End of the Fifth Millennium BC from the Western Black Sea Coast)

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    In the Varna Eneolithic necropolis three gold applications were found with shapes presenting cattle in profile. They have no clear sexual characteristics. These figures are usually interpreted as bulls. Images with analogous shapes occur rarely on ceramic vessels as well. This paper presents a vessel from the settlement mound Kozareva Mogila (Bulgaria). Two anthropomorphic and two zoomorphic figures are depicted on it. The images are schematic, modeled in relief along the entire middle part, arranged in a horizontal belt and alternating anthropomorphic and zoomorphic. The anthropomorphic ones are presented facing the observer, differing from each other only in that one has embossed female breasts. The zoomorphic ones are presented in profile. In shape they are very close to the gold cattle figures from Varna. Like the human figures, one has a clearly marked sex: a phallus in relief. This indicates that one depicts a bull and the other a cow, a rare example of simultaneous presentation of female and male anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images with clearly marked sex. This scene is a key to identifying the gender of the gold zoomorphic figures from the Varna necropolis, commonly called bulls

    Charters For „А New Public Health“

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    Research attention is focused on charters due to the fact that in the public health sphere, global strategic policies over the past fifty years are looming and developing most often through charters and declarations. The purpose of the article is to examine the unifying and specific features of two of the founding charters in the field of public health: the Ottawа and the Okanagan Charter, the later adopted by the International Network of Universities and Colleges for Health Promotion 2015. А historical comparative analysis of the two documents is performed. The Okanagan Charter endorses and adapts the principles of health promotion to higher education institutions. Understanding and officially adopting it are the first steps needed for joining the global health promoting universities movement

    Recension systématique et critique des études portant sur l'utilisation de la variable motivationnelle dans les inerventions auprÚs d'adolescent(e)s atteint(e)s d'anorexie mentale

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    Essai doctoral prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat (D.Psy) en psychologie option psychologie clinique.Les adolescentes atteintes d’anorexie sont souvent dĂ©crites comme des jeunes avec une faible motivation Ă  changer leur comportement et Ă  s’engager aux interventions proposĂ©es. Afin de remĂ©dier Ă  cette situation, l’entretien motivationnel (EM) a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© comme mĂ©thode qui pourrait favoriser l’émergence de la motivation au changement et l’engagement au traitement. Il a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© par ailleurs qu’une confusion existait dans la littĂ©rature entre l’EM et les Ă©tapes de prĂ©paration au changement du modĂšle transthĂ©orique du changement. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cidĂ© alors de considĂ©rer ces deux concepts en tant que variable motivationnelle. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente recension des Ă©crits est d’explorer l’utilisation de la variable motivationnelle dans la prise en charge des adolescentes atteintes d’anorexie. Les Ă©tudes inclues dans la recension ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©es dans les bases de donnĂ©es Ovid Medline et PsycINFO. L’ensemble des articles sĂ©lectionnĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ© selon plusieurs catĂ©gories. Il a Ă©tĂ© conclu que la motivation au changement Ă©levĂ©e Ă©tait en lien avec la faible dĂ©tresse psychologique, l’amĂ©lioration de la motivation et de l’engagement au traitement auprĂšs de personnes avec des TCA incluant des adolescentes atteintes d’anorexie. Des recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es pour la recherche future.Adolescents with anorexia are often described as young people with low motivation to change their behavior and to engage in the proposed interventions. To remedy this situation, motivational interviewing (MI) has been identified as a method that could improve the motivation to change and commitment to treatment. Furthermore, it has been observed that confusion exist in the literature between the MI and the stages of change of the transtheoretical model of change. It has been decided to consider these two concepts as a motivational variable. The aim of this literature review is to explore the use of the motivational variable in the care of adolescents with anorexia. The studies included in the review have been identified in databases Ovid Medline and PsycINFO. All articles have been analyzed according to several categories. It has been concluded that the high motivation to change was related to low psychological distress and to the improvement of motivation and commitment to treatment for individuals with eating disorders including adolescents with anorexia. Recommendations are made for future research


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    The aim of the paper is to present the socio-economic and political aspects in the development of organic sector in post-socialist Bulgaria. It will question the building up of the organic concept in terms of national policies, farming practices and market forces in the country. That topic has its scientific relevance at least in three crucial dimensions. Firstly, because the legacy of the socialist system significantly affected the structure of the agricultural sector as well as the entrepreneurial behavior of the rural population under conditions of transition. Secondly, the analysis is important because it helps to identify the internal (national) and the external (out of the national context) driving forces that influence the development of the organic sector in Bulgaria. Thirdly, the organic sector comprises different economic activities, it’s not only about producing but also processing, trading, exporting, importing. In other words, economic considerations are crucial while building this new concept. Nor less of relevance is the fact that despite the unquestionable importance of the organic sector for achieving sustainable rural development, that phenomenon has not yet been subject to a lot of scientific research in Bulgaria. The paper will challenge this research gap and will present a comprehensive analysis of the development Bulgarian organic sector and the processes that influence the building up of the organic concept in a post-socialist context. The paper is supported by the Swiss Enlargement Contribution in the framework of the Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme through the Project “Addressing socio-economic regional disparities: the potential of organic farming for strengthening rural areas in Bulgaria”. The results presented in this paper are based of qualitative and quantitative research data gathered during the first 16 months of the Project through 1) 22 semi-structures in-depth interviews with key informants working in the areas of organic farming research, organic farming associations, environmental and consumer organizations, retail, policy decision-makers, extension and administration; 2) Policy document analyses, desk-top analyses of relevant literature and other public resources and 3) network analysis of more than 20 network interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire

    Student Nurses On The Non-Healthy Way Of Life

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    Introduction: The profession of the nurse requires knowledge of the proper, healthy, active way of life, so nurses can guide and advise their patients, and not just be an example for them to follow.Aim:The aim of the study is to establish nutritional and other behavioral habits of nursing students as a prerequisite for their attitudes towards healthy lifestyles.Materials and Methods:1.         Sociological Methods:Documentary method - study of the available literature on the problem;Poll method - Anonymous survey of the opinion of 100 nursing students from sophomore and junior year of MU - Pleven.2.         Statistical methods:Survey data was processed with a computer statistical program - SPSS 19 for WINDOWS and EXCEL.Results and Discussion:The analysis of the survey shows the distribution of the respondents into 3 groups compared to their self-assessment for a healthy lifestyle: 34% define their lifestyle as healthy, 32% as unhealthy, and the remaining 34% cannot tell. There is a large share of respondents (45%) who say they often miss meals, 34% often eat pastry for breakfast and 38% have dinner between 19:00 and 22:00. In terms of physical activity and mental relaxation, a large proportion of students exercise less often than once a month, and almost all spend about or less than 8 hours a day on sleep and rest.Conclusion:From what has been said so far, it can be concluded that most of the nursing students surveyed have unhealthy habits and poor nutrition and are having difficulty in correctly categorizing their lifestyle as being healthy or unhealthy

    Knowledge of nurse students about the proper behavior during a terrorist act

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    Introduction: The issues related to adequate medical actions during a terrorist act in recent years emerged as particularly relevant. In the terrorist organizations that continually increase, a lot of money is invested and therefore combating the consequences of their attacks is particularly difficult. In this regard it is necessary that healthcare professionals possess knowledge and skills for proper behavior during a terrorist act.Objective: To investigate nurse studentsñ€˜ knowledge of the proper behavior during a terrorist act.Material and Methods: Attached is the questionnaire method (direct group anonymous survey) and analysis of the literature. The opinion of 50 third-year nurse students at the Medical University of Varna was explored in January 2016.Results: The results reflect the opinions of the respondents, future nurses, on their holdings of knowledge concerning proper behavior during a terrorist act. The majority of respondents demonstrate knowledge related to key actions in assistance. They know the basic categories of victims and the rules for sorting.Conclusion: The data from the study show that despite the demonstrated knowledge, students are self-critical to their preparation. This necessitates a study of their attitudes on advanced training on the issue

    Organic Farming in Bulgaria (1990-2012). Sociological Interpretations

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    Aggression in school through pupils‘ eyes

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    School harassment and violence are gradually being recognized as some of the most important problems of modern education systems.The purpose of this study is to examine pupils‘ opinion on the presence of aggression at school, the measures being taken, and to generate suggestions from the pupils themselves to address the problem. The study includes a total of 174 pupils aged 11 to 18 years old from Varna, Dobrich, Shumen, Silistra, and Targovishte.The majority of pupils have witnessed aggression (89.1%), and every second one (52.9%) has been the victim of aggressive behavior. In each class there were on average 3-4 abusers and 3 victims. According to half of the pupils (52.7%), the measures in the school against aggression (mainly lectures, seminars or sanctions) are ineffective. The majority of respondents (87.8%) proposed the introduction of a special subject in health education starting from the first grade and having a different thematic focus, enabling the building of emotional and social competence and including contemporary interactive forms of training

    Need for targeted training of nurses to adequately conduct during a terrorist act

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    Introduction: The world is under constant threat of terrorist acts. Lack of readiness to respond to attacks costs the public very expensive and threatens much of the population. A number of experts are on the opinion that the training in antiterrorism should be an integral part of the united state standards and take place both in schools and in higher education and subsequently the required knowledge to be continuously updated.Objective: To explore the opinions and attitudes of student nurses in terms of the need for targeted training to adequately conduct during a terrorist act.Material and Methods: Attached is the questionnaire method (direct group anonymous survey) and analysis of the literature. Tested is the opinion of 50 thirdyear students, specialty Ăąâ‚ŹĆŸNurse` in Medical University of Varna in January 2016.Results: The results reflect the opinions of interviewed students from specialty Ăąâ‚ŹĆŸNurse` on the need for adequate training behavior during the terrorist act. All respondents confirmed their responses to the need for further training in this area. Preferred learning methods in the vast majority of students are interactive - role playing games on the problem, talks and discussions. The majority of students considered that such specific training must be conducted after completion of basic training.Conclusion: The future nurses are prepared to improve and constantly update their knowledge and skills related to adequately conduct terrorist attacks
