75 research outputs found

    Limiting factors in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) conservation

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    With current extinction rates comparable with the rates of previous mass extinctions and humanities necessity of biodiversity, conservation of habitat and species should be regarded as paramount whenever planning land use. In this paper we have focused on the Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) an umbrella species in Eurasian boreal and temperate forests. Capercaillie numbers have been reduced in mainland Europe and British Isles during the last century mainly due to increased predator populations, habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation as a result of human development of agriculture and land use change. Human recreation in sites with capercaillie show increased levels of stress in the capercaillies which might contribute to their decline. Programs in Scotland, Germany, Spain and Poland have the aim to aid or reintroduce populations in the capercaillies historic range. Practices with the aims to reintroduce or re-stock populations often consist of releasing individuals reared in facilities or breeding centers into suitable habitat. High mortality shortly after releasing due to high predation as a result of mal adapted physical and behavior traits leads to failure in most programs. Predator management and new techniques that improve the physical and behavioral quality in reared capercaillies such as choice of rearing method, large flight pens, elevated roost and anti-predatory training have shown increased fitness and increased survival. The use of PVA tools is effective when comparing different procedures or scenarios and should be used as a decision basis.Nutidens utrotningstakt som kan jĂ€mföras med takterna under de tidigare massutdöendena och mĂ€nsklighetens behov av ekosystemtjĂ€nster som upprĂ€tthĂ„lls tack vare biodiversitet bör bevarande av habitat och arter ha en tydlig roll vid planering av markanvĂ€ndning. I detta arbete har vi fokuserat pĂ„ TjĂ€der (Tetrao urogallus) som anses vara en paraplyart i eurasiska boreala och tempererade skogar. PĂ„ den europeiska kontinenten har tjĂ€derpopulationer minskat det senaste Ă„rhundradet frĂ€mst pĂ„ grund av ökat predationstryck samt degradering, fragmentering och förlust av habitat. Även mĂ€nsklig störning knuten till rekreation ger ökade stressnivĂ„er hos tjĂ€drar vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor till minskande populationer. I Skottland, Tyskland, Spanien och Polen finns program med mĂ„l att Ă„terintroducera eller bevara tjĂ€derpopulationer. Liknande program prĂ€glas av lĂ„ga framgĂ„ngssiffror. Hög predation bland tjĂ€drar kort efter utslĂ€pp till viss del som effekt av underutvecklade fysiska- och psykiska egenskaper. Predatorkontroll samt nya metoder att föda upp tjĂ€drar bidrar till ökad framgĂ„ng i försök. PVA Ă€r ett verktyg som effektivt kan anvĂ€ndas för att bedöma vilket scenario i mĂ€nniskans försök att bevara tjĂ€der som Ă€r mest slagkraftigt

    Effects of enrichment on simple aquatic food webs

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    Simple models, based on Lotka-Volterra types of interactions between predator and prey, predict that enrichment will have a destabilizing effect on populations and that equilibrium population densities will change at the top trophic level and every second level below. We experimentally tested these predictions in three aquatic food web configurations subjected to either high or low nutrient additions. The results were structured by viewing the systems as either food chains or webs and showed that trophic level biomass increased with enrichment, which contradicts food chain theory. However, within each trophic level, food web configuration affected the extent to which different functional groups responded to enrichment. By dividing trophic levels into functional groups, based on vulnerability to consumption, we were able to identify significant effects that were obscured when systems were viewed as food chains. The results support the prediction that invulnerable prey may stabilize trophic-level dynamics by replacing other, more vulnerable prey. Furthermore, the vulnerable prey, such as Daphnia and edible algae, responded as predicted by the paradox of enrichment hypothesis; that is, variability in population density increased with enrichment. Hence, by describing ecosystems as a matrix of food web interactions, and by recognizing the interplay between interspecific competition and predation, a more complete description of the ecosystem function was obtained compared to when species were placed into distinct trophic levels

    Deltagerdriven forskning – vĂ€xtodlingsgruppen: Resultat och utvĂ€rdering av arbetet under 1998 till 2001

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    De ekologiska lantbrukarna i Sverige har under lĂ„ng tid utfört olika typer av utvecklingsarbete pĂ„ gĂ„rdsnivĂ„ (Wivstad, 1999). I den fortsatta utvecklingen av ekologiskt lantbruk Ă€r det viktigt att ta tillvara dessa erfarenheter och kunskaper. Deltagardriven forskning Ă€r en förĂ€ndringsprocess (Ullmark, 1998) dĂ€r aktiva lantbrukare, rĂ„dgivare och forskare arbetar i grupp utifrĂ„n gemensamma intresseomrĂ„den. Syftet Ă€r att knyta ihop forskarnas, rĂ„dgivarnas och lantbrukarnas teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper och erfarenheter. Alla som medverkar i processen Ă€r lika viktiga och alla parter som berörs av resultaten har möjlighet att pĂ„verka gruppens arbete och utveckling (Ullmark, 1998). Tillsammans identifierar gruppen problem och anvĂ€nder/utvecklar för lantbrukaren relevanta försöks- och forskningsmetoder som kan bidra till att lösa de praktiska problem som lantbrukaren faktiskt stĂ€lls inför. Genom deltagardriven forskning kan lantbrukarna Ă€ven fĂ„ möjlighet till att pĂ„verka var och hur forskning bedrivs. ForskningsfrĂ„gorna kan hĂ€mtas frĂ„n lantbrukssystemets olika delar samt göra gruppen medveten om hur olika delar pĂ„verkar helheten (Wivstad, 1999; EksvĂ€rd et al, 2001). I förlĂ€ngningen kan deltagarna bli informatörer och överföra idĂ©er till andra lantbrukare (Ullmark, 1998). Centrum för uthĂ„lligt lantbruk, CUL, placerat vid SLU, har sedan 1998 ansvarat för det tvĂ€rvetenskapliga projektet ”Deltagardriven forskning” som ett verktyg för regional utveckling av det ekologiska lantbruket. Det övergripande mĂ„let har varit att öka kunskapen om hur man kan Ă„stadkomma uthĂ„lliga lantbrukssystem. Projektet startade med sex delgrupper inriktade pĂ„ följande omrĂ„den: grönsaker – friland, grönsaker – vĂ€xthus, höns, vĂ€xtodling, biogas samt grisproduktion. DĂ€refter har nĂ„gra tillkommit och nĂ„gra avslutats. För aktuell information se hemsidan: www.cul.slu.se. Ytterligare beskrivning kan fĂ„s i ”Deltagardriven forskning – forskningsinriktad aktörssamverkan för svenskt lantbruk” (EksvĂ€rd, i tryck)

    Effects of Degraded Optical Conditions on Behavioural Responses to Alarm Cues in a Freshwater Fish

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    Prey organisms often use multiple sensory cues to gain reliable information about imminent predation threat. In this study we test if a freshwater fish increases the reliance on supplementary cues when the reliability of the primary cue is reduced. Fish commonly use vision to evaluate predation threat, but may also use chemical cues from predators or injured conspecifics. Environmental changes, such as increasing turbidity or water colour, may compromise the use of vision through changes in the optical properties of water. In an experiment we tested if changes in optical conditions have any effects on how crucian carp respond to chemical predator cues. In turbidity treatments we added either clay or algae, and in a brown water colour treatment we added water with a high humic content. We found that carp reduced activity in response to predator cues, but only in the turbidity treatments (clay, algae), whereas the response in the brown water treatment was intermediate, and not significantly different from, clear and turbid water treatments. The increased reliance on chemical cues indicates that crucian carp can compensate for the reduced information content from vision in waters where optical conditions are degraded. The lower effect in brown water may be due to the reduction in light intensity, changes in the spectral composition (reduction of UV light) or to a change in chemical properties of the cue in humic waters

    Optimal Swimming Speed in Head Currents and Effects on Distance Movement of Winter-Migrating Fish

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    Migration is a commonly described phenomenon in nature that is often caused by spatial and temporal differences in habitat quality. However, as migration requires energy, the timing of migration may depend not only on differences in habitat quality, but also on temporal variation in migration costs. Such variation can, for instance, arise from changes in wind or current velocity for migrating birds and fish, respectively. Whereas behavioural responses of birds to such changing environmental conditions have been relatively well described, this is not the case for fish, although fish migrations are both ecologically and economically important. We here use passive and active telemetry to study how winter migrating roach regulate swimming speed and distance travelled per day in response to variations in head current velocity. Furthermore, we provide theoretical predictions on optimal swimming speeds in head currents and relate these to our empirical results. We show that fish migrate farther on days with low current velocity, but travel at a greater ground speed on days with high current velocity. The latter result agrees with our predictions on optimal swimming speed in head currents, but disagrees with previously reported predictions suggesting that fish ground speed should not change with head current velocity. We suggest that this difference is due to different assumptions on fish swimming energetics. We conclude that fish are able to adjust both swimming speed and timing of swimming activity during migration to changes in head current velocity in order to minimize energy use

    Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden

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    Whereas there is evidence that mixed-species approaches to production forestry in general can provide positive outcomes relative to monocultures, it is less clear to what extent multiple benefits can be derived from specific mixed-species alternatives. To provide such insights requires evaluations of an encompassing suite of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and forest management considerations provided by specific mixtures and monocultures within a region. Here, we conduct such an assessment in Sweden by contrasting even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies)-dominated stands, with mixed-species stands of spruce and birch (Betula pendula or B. pubescens), or spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). By synthesizing the available evidence, we identify positive outcomes from mixtures including increased biodiversity, water quality, esthetic and recreational values, as well as reduced stand vulnerability to pest and pathogen damage. However, some uncertainties and risks were projected to increase, highlighting the importance of conducting comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluations when assessing the pros and cons of mixtures

    Var en sovjetisk rÀttskultur en del av en europeisk rÀttskultur?

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    En sovjetisk rÀttskultur var delvis i teorin en del av en europeisk rÀttskultur men i praktisk tillÀmpning fanns det stora skillnader

    LÀrandemiljöer för praktiskt lÀrande : Var anser eleverna att de lÀr sig sitt yrke bÀst?

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    Syftet med den hÀr uppsatsen Àr att undersöka hur gymnasieelever pÄ ett yrkesprogram ser pÄ sina lÀrandemiljöer. Hur uppfattar eleverna lÀrandemiljöerna i sina yrkeslokaler pÄ skolan och ute pÄ deras praktikplatser? Vi vill undersöka var eleverna anser att de lÀr sig sitt kommande yrke bÀst. Genom att utföra enkÀtundersökningar och djupintervjuer med elever frÄn 5 olika yrkesprogram har vi fÄtt fram de resultat som har varit av betydelse för vÄr undersökning. Den praktiska kunskapen anser de flesta eleverna att man lÀr sig ute pÄ praktikplatsen men de ser ocksÄ fördelarna med utbildningen inne i skolan. De ser ocksÄ fördelen med att koppla den teoretiska kunskapen till den praktiska
