80 research outputs found

    The base of institutions in county centres

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    A number and variety of existing institutions condition functional diversification of a town. Determination of institutional basis of investigated central places as nine institutions representative for county centres has enabled to distinguish and classify 374 towns in Poland. Varied numbers of coexisting institutions in particular towns have been applied to classify county centres and to determine their importance in the system of central places. In the 20th century, representative institutions, despite theirs various origins and historical development, proved a tendency to concentrate and coexist in the same or almost the same towns (county centres) all over the country

    Les neurones à calrétinine du striatum : comparaisons inter-espÚces et études anatomopathologiques

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    Chez les primates, les interneurones GABAergiques qui expriment la calrĂ©tinine (CR) sont les interneurones les plus abondants du striatum. Pourtant, Ă  ce jour, leur rĂŽle reste encore mal connu. L’utilisation de techniques d’immunohistochimie en association avec des modĂšles animaux de la maladie de Parkinson, nous a permis de mieux caractĂ©riser ces interneurones. Une premiĂšre sĂ©rie de travaux dĂ©crit pour la toute premiĂšre fois la distribution et la composition neurochimique des interneurones CR+ chez la souris en condition normale. Ces donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© directement comparĂ©es aux caractĂ©ristiques des interneurones CR+ chez les primates humains et non humains. Chez la souris, deux types morphologiques d’interneurones CR+ sont prĂ©sents : l’un petit et l’autre de taille intermĂ©diaire ; ils se rĂ©partissent de maniĂšre hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne dans le striatum dorsal. Chez le singe et l’humain, trois types morphologiques d’interneurones CR+ existent. En effet, en plus d’interneurones CR+ de petite taille et de taille intermĂ©diaire, il existe des interneurones CR+ de grande taille qui appartiennent en majoritĂ© Ă  la catĂ©gorie des interneurones cholinergiques du striatum. L’utilisation d’un modĂšle de souris transgĂ©nique Drd1a-tdTomato/Drd2-EGFP (D1/D2) a permis de confirmer que les interneurones cholinergiques exprimaient le rĂ©cepteur Ă  la dopamine (DA) D2 et de dĂ©montrer que les interneurones CR+ chez la souris sont dĂ©pourvus des rĂ©cepteurs D1 et D2. Dans une seconde sĂ©rie de travaux, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  savoir comment la distribution et la composition neurochimique des interneurones CR+ Ă©taient affectĂ©es dans le modĂšle murin de la maladie de Parkinson. Du cĂŽtĂ© de la lĂ©sion 6- hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), les souris prĂ©sentent une forte dĂ©nervation DAergique du striatum, l’une des principales caractĂ©ristiques de la maladie de Parkinson. Dans ces circonstances, seule la densitĂ© des interneurones CR+ de taille intermĂ©diaire, dont 13 % apparaissent immunorĂ©actifs pour la tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), est significativement diminuĂ©e dans le striatum dorsal. Bien que le noyau accumbens (Acb) subisse Ă©galement une forte baisse de son innervation DAergique induite par la lĂ©sion 6-OHDA, les interneurones CR+ prĂ©sents dans l’Acb, dont certains sont aussi immunorĂ©actifs pour la calbindine (CB), ne sont pas affectĂ©s en terme de nombre et de distribution. La troisiĂšme sĂ©rie de travaux nous a permis de reproduire ces analyses chez le primate grĂące Ă  l’utilisation du modĂšle animal de la maladie de Parkinson par intoxication au 1-mĂ©thyl-4-phĂ©nyl-1,2,3,6-tĂ©trahydropyridine (MPTP). Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que la densitĂ© des interneurones CR+ de grande taille est fortement accrue dans le striatum des animaux intoxiquĂ©s par le MPTP. Cette forte augmentation de la densitĂ© des interneurones CR+ de grande taille est couplĂ©e Ă  une augmentation significative de la proportion d’interneurones ChAT+/CR+. L’ensemble de ces donnĂ©es suggĂšre fortement que les interneurones striataux CR+ soient sensibles Ă  une diminution de la concentration en DA dans le striatum dorsal, qui caractĂ©rise la maladie de Parkinson. Finalement, une quatriĂšme sĂ©rie de travaux nous a permis de dĂ©couvrir un regroupement de cellules de petite taille et au phĂ©notype D1 au sein mĂȘme de l’Acb chez la souris D1/D2, suggĂ©rant l’existence d’un nouvel Ăźlot de Calleja dans cette rĂ©gion du cerveau.In the primate striatum, GABAergic neurons that express calretinin (CR) are the most abundant interneurons. Their role within this major basal ganglia component is still unknown. Immunohistochemical techniques used in animal models of Parkinson’s disease allowed us to better characterize these interneurons. A first series of studies enabled us to provide the very first description of the distribution and neurochemical phenotype of the CR+ interneurons in mice striatum, under normal condition. Data was compared to similar findings that were gathered in human and non-human primates. In mice, two morphological phenotypes of CR+ interneurons are present: (1) small and (2) medium-sized CR+ interneurons, both distributed in a heterogeneous way within the dorsal striatum. In primates (both human and non-human), three morphological phenotypes of CR+ interneurons are present within the striatum. In addition to small and medium-sized CR+ interneurons, primates display large-sized CR+ interneurons, which mostly belong to the cholinergic interneurons of the striatum. The use of a double transgenic mouse model Drd1a-tdTomato/Drd2-EGFP (D1/D2) confirmed that the cholinergic interneurons express the dopaminergic (DA) receptor D2, while CR+ interneurons are devoid of D1 and D2. In a second study, we investigated how the distribution and the neurochemical phenotype of the CR+ interneurons are affected in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. In the lesioned striatum, these mice displayed a strong DAergic depletion, one of the main hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease. Under these circumstances, only the density of the medium-sized CR+ interneurons, 13 % of which are immunoreactive for the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), was decreased within the dorsal striatum. In the accumbens nucleus (Acb), the number and distribution pattern of CR+ interneurons, which are also immunoreactive for calbindin (CB), were not affected, despite that the Acb was also significantly depleted in DA. In a third study, the state of the CR+ striatal interneurons was investigated in a simian model of Parkinson’s disease, involving 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) intoxication. Results indicate that the density of the large-sized CR+ interneurons is dramatically increased within the striatum of MPTP-intoxicated animals. This increase goes along with higher proportion of cholinergic interneurons expressing CR. Altogether, our data suggest that the CR+ interneurons are sensitive to a decrease of the DAergic level in the striatum that characterizes Parkinson’s disease. Finally, a detailed analysis of the Acb in the D1/D2 mice allowed us to detect the presence of a novel island of Calleja located within this brain region

    GƂówne centra Metropolii "Silesia"

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    The main purpose of the article is the need to determine precisely the centres of the currently forming Upper Silesia metropolis, quite frequently called Metropolis ‘Silesia’. Due to the typical conurbation arrangement of the cities a hypothesis has been formulated that in the contemporary forming metropolis main centres exist. It can be expected that within the Upper Silesian conurbation not only Katowice will build the metropolis, but also other cities of a well developed high-order (metropolitan) functions. Location of colleges, research and development institutions, showrooms selling expensive cars and luxurious hotels are the right institutions. Due to a complex analysis of four selected factors determining development of the metropolis, a few potential metropolitan centres have been chosen out of several dozens of cities. First of all the centre of Metropolis ‘Silesia’ is very distinctly formed in Katowice. As the second centre, although with lesser significance and in some part complementary to Katowice, Gliwice at the western end of the metropolis could be appointed. On the other hand Sosnowiec, Zabrze, Chorzów and Tychy appear as auxiliary and constantly developing centres of the vast Metropolis ‘Silesia’

    Etapy rozwoju gospodarczego i przestrzennego Ustronia

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    The paper concerns functional changes on the example of UstroƄ. For a long time several independent rural settlements existed there. In 18th century the process of industrialization was initiated in village UstroƄ. In the same time health‑resort began to develop. It based on good natural environment conditions as well as industrial and rural products. Both functions co‑ existed till the end of 20th century, indicating changes of domination in different periods. Nowadays tourist function obtains the greatest predominance. Industry undergoes changes, progressive liquidation and it concentrates in north parts of UstroƄ

    PodobieƄstwa i rĂłĆŒnice przestrzeni publicznej Molsheim i NiepoƂomic

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    PrzestrzeƄ publiczna stanowi niezwykle interesujący przedmiot badaƄ, co wyraĆșnie moĆŒna zaobserwować na terenie mniejszych oƛrodkĂłw miejskich. Autorzy porĂłwnali stan zagospodarowania przestrzeni publicznej dwĂłch maƂych miast, Molsheim we wschodniej Francji i NiepoƂomic na poƂudniu Polski. Obydwa miasta znajdują się w bezpoƛredniej strefie oddziaƂywania dwĂłch duĆŒych metropolii: Strasburga i Krakowa. Obydwa wykazują, pomimo duĆŒej dzielącej ich odlegƂoƛci, podobieƄstwa wynikające m.in. z rozwoju we wspĂłlnym kręgu cywilizacyjnym.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „DoskonaƂoƛć naukowa kluczem do doskonaƂoƛci ksztaƂcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze ƛrodkĂłw Europejskiego Funduszu SpoƂecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja RozwĂłj; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00. Wydano z pomoc finansĂłw Komitetu Nauk Geograficznych PAN i Urzędu Miasta Ɓodzi

    Striatal neurons expressing D1 and D2 receptors are morphologically distinct and differently affected by dopamine denervation in mice

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    The loss of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s disease induces a reduction in the number of dendritic spines on medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the striatum expressing D1 or D2 dopamine receptor. Consequences on MSNs expressing both receptors (D1/D2 MSNs) are currently unknown. We looked for changes induced by dopamine denervation in the density, regional distribution and morphological features of D1/D2 MSNs, by comparing 6-OHDA-lesioned double BAC transgenic mice (Drd1a-tdTomato/Drd2-EGFP) to sham-lesioned animals. D1/D2 MSNs are uniformly distributed throughout the dorsal striatum (1.9% of MSNs). In contrast, they are heterogeneously distributed and more numerous in the ventral striatum (14.6% in the shell and 7.3% in the core). Compared to D1 and D2 MSNs, D1/D2 MSNs are endowed with a smaller cell body and a less profusely arborized dendritic tree with less dendritic spines. The dendritic spine density of D1/D2 MSNs, but also of D1 and D2 MSNs, is significantly reduced in 6-OHDA-lesioned mice. In contrast to D1 and D2 MSNs, the extent of dendritic arborization of D1/D2 MSNs appears unaltered in 6-OHDA-lesioned mice. Our data indicate that D1/D2 MSNs in the mouse striatum form a distinct neuronal population that is affected differently by dopamine deafferentation that characterizes Parkinson’s disease

    Aberrant Lipid Metabolism in the Forebrain Niche Suppresses Adult Neural Stem Cell Proliferation in an Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    SummaryLipid metabolism is fundamental for brain development and function, but its roles in normal and pathological neural stem cell (NSC) regulation remain largely unexplored. Here, we uncover a fatty acid-mediated mechanism suppressing endogenous NSC activity in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We found that postmortem AD brains and triple-transgenic Alzheimer’s disease (3xTg-AD) mice accumulate neutral lipids within ependymal cells, the main support cell of the forebrain NSC niche. Mass spectrometry and microarray analyses identified these lipids as oleic acid-enriched triglycerides that originate from niche-derived rather than peripheral lipid metabolism defects. In wild-type mice, locally increasing oleic acid was sufficient to recapitulate the AD-associated ependymal triglyceride phenotype and inhibit NSC proliferation. Moreover, inhibiting the rate-limiting enzyme of oleic acid synthesis rescued proliferative defects in both adult neurogenic niches of 3xTg-AD mice. These studies support a pathogenic mechanism whereby AD-induced perturbation of niche fatty acid metabolism suppresses the homeostatic and regenerative functions of NSCs

    Effectiveness of screening for atrial fibrillation and its determinants. A meta-analysis

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Many atrial fibrillation patients eligible for oral anticoagulants are unaware of the presence of AF, and improved detection is necessary to facilitate thromboprophylaxis against stroke.</p><p>Objective</p><p>To assess the effectiveness of screening for AF compared to no screening and to compare efficacy outcomes of different screening strategies.</p><p>Materials and methods</p><p>Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE and MEDLINE from Jan 1, 2000 –Dec 31, 2015 were searched. Studies employing systematic or opportunistic screening and using ECG or pulse palpation in populations age ≄40 years were included. Data describing study and patient characteristics and number of patients with new AF were extracted. The outcome was the incidence of previously undiagnosed AF.</p><p>Results</p><p>We identified 25 unique (3 RCTs and 22 observational) studies (n = 88 786) from 14 countries. The incidence of newly detected AF due to screening was 1.5% (95% CI 1.1 to 1.8%). Systematic screening was more effective than opportunistic: 1.8% (95% CI 1.4 to 2.3%) vs. 1.1% (95% CI 0.6 to 1.6%), p<0.05, GP-led screening than community based: 1.9% (95% CI 1.4 to 2.4%) vs. 1.1% (95% CI 0.7 to 1.6%), p<0.05, and repeated heart rhythm measurements than isolated assessments of rhythm: 2.1% (95% CI 1.5–2.8) vs. 1.2% (95% CI 0.8–1.6), p<0.05. Only heart rhythm measurement frequency had statistical significance in a multivariate meta-regression model (p<0.05).</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Active screening for AF, whether systematic or opportunistic, is effective beginning from 40 years of age. The organisation of screening process may be more important than technical solutions used for heart rhythm assessment.</p></div
