16 research outputs found

    Recognition and genotyping of minor germplasm of Friuli Venezia Giulia revealed high diversity

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    The wealth of vine varieties that used to exist in Friuli Venezia Giulia has been progressively lost. In order to ascertain the current situation regarding vine germplasm in the region, between 2001 and 2008, a wide-ranging study was conducted of recovery, conservation and molecular characterization with microsatellite markers (SSR) of accessions of minor germplasm at risk of erosion or extinction. A total of 178 accessions were analyzed and 93 varieties identified. Of these, 44 are already registered in the Italian Catalogue, 8 have been imported and are well-known foreign varieties even if not registered in the Italian Catalogue, 38 are potentially autochthonous and of these only 15 are described or at least cited in the literature; there are no hypotheses on the remaining three. In order to obtain information on possible genetic similarities, three types of software were used to process the molecular data, but only Structure allowed the existence of two principal groupings to be hypothesized for some of the presumed Friuli autochthons: one that gravitates around ‘Prosecco’ and the other around ‘Refoscone’.

    T-cell receptor early signalling complex activation in response to interferon-α receptor stimulation

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    Signalling through the IFNαR (interferon-α receptor) and TCR (T-cell receptor) in Jurkat T lymphocytes results in distinct immune responses. Despite this both receptors elicit ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase)/MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) phosphorylation. Vav and Slp76 are shown to be required for IFNα (interferon-α)-stimulated ERK activity. These form a subset of proteins which behave identically on stimulation of both receptors. TCR deletion abrogates IFNαR-stimulated MAPK activity, whereas the canonical JAK/STAT (Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription) pathway is unaffected. Thus recruitment of the intact TCR ESC (early signalling complex) is necessary for this downstream MAPK response. Despite using a common ESC, stimulation of the IFNαR does not produce the transcriptional response associated with TCR. Up-regulation of the MAPK pathway by IFNαR might be important to ensure that the cell responds to only one stimulant

    Immunodiagnosis of endemic mycoses and bronchopulmonary aspergilosis: A multicenter study in Argentina

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    Fil: Canteros, C. E. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Rivas, M. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Soria, M. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Lee, W. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Perrotta, Diego. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Rodero, L. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Davel, Graciela Odelsia. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Berducci, O. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Bonardello, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Castro, H. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Chacón, Y. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Cendán Colombo, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: De Vechi, M. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Errecalde, G. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Fernández, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.FIl: Gorostiaga, J. L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: López, C. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mackay, P. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Gonzalez, R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Cacace, María Luisa. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mestron, S. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mónaco, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Nardin, M. E. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Ramos, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Pagella, H. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Petrussi, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Pizarro, M. R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Saporiti, A. M. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tichellio, A. G. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tiraboschi, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tonelli, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Zanuso, A. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Se realizó entre 01-04-2000 y 30-03-2001, un estudio de corte transversal, para conocer la frecuencia relativa de las enfermedades por hongos dimorfos y Aspergillus spp. en la República Argentina y evaluar la certeza en el diagnóstico de los laboratorios de diferentes áreas geográficas. Participaron 25 centros de salud provenientes de 12 provincias y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Fueron analizados en el laboratorio de origen 965 sueros de pacientes con sospecha clínica de histoplasmosis (HP), paracoccidioidomicosis (PCM), coccidioidomicosis (CM) y aspergilosis. Todos los sueros positivos y el 35% de los negativos fueron reevaluados en el laboratorio de referencia por inmunodifusión doble en agar. La concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos en los centros de origen y el de referencia fue de 98,8%. Se detectaron anticuerpos específicos en 120 sueros correspondientes a 98 pacientes. El 71,4% (70 casos) de los diagnósticos correspondió a micosis endémicas (HP, PCM y CM) y el resto a aspergilosis. PCM fue diagnosticada en 47,9% (47 casos), aspergilosis en 28,6% (28 casos), HP en13,3% (13 casos) y CM en 10,2% (10 casos). La participación en este estudio fue voluntaria y no todos los centros del país estaban representados, sin embargo, las frecuencias de enfermedades fúngicas fueron las esperadas y coincidentes con estudios previos realizados a nivel nacional. (EN) In order to contribute to the knowledge of the relative frequency of chronic fungal diseases and assess the performance of diagnostic laboratories in Argentina, a multicenter study was performed with the participation of 25 medical centers located in 12 different provinces and Buenos Aires City. Between 04-01- 2000 and 03-30-2001, 965 serum specimens from patients clinically suspected of having histoplasmosis (HP), paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), coccidioidomycosis (CM) or aspergilosis were analyzed. Agar immunodiffusion tests (IDD) were done locally. All positive and 35% of negative sera were retested in the reference center. Results of laboratories of origin showed 98.8% concordance with those of reference center. Antibodies against any of the etiological agents were detected in 120 specimens from 98 patients. Endemic mycoses (HP, PCM and CM) were diagnosed in 70 patients (71.4%) and aspergilosis in 28 (28.6%). The frequencies of the different mycoses in decreasing order w ere PCM 47 patients (47.9%), aspergilosis 28 patients (28.6%), HP 13 patients (13.3%) and CM 10 patients (10.2%). The study was carried out on a voluntary basis and some areas of the country were not represented. However, the frequencies were in range with the expected rates in the population under study