44 research outputs found

    Workplace bullying in Serbia: The relation of self-labeling and behavioral experience with job-related behaviors

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    Workplace bullying has been identified as a widespread problem in contemporary organizational research. The aim of the paper was to acquire theoretically based and comparable findings about workplace bullying in Serbia: to explore the behavioral experience and self-labeling approaches (applying the Negative Acts Questionnaire - Revised, NAQ-R) and their relationship with job-related behaviors. The sample comprised 1,998 employees. Prevalence rates of workplace bullying based on self-labeling and behavior experience approaches overlap significantly (70% of employees operationally identified as bullied had also labeled themselves as bullied). Both the self-labeling and behavioral experience approach showed significant correlations with job-related behaviors (perceived threat to a total job, absenteeism, intention to leave, and perceived productivity). Previously bullied, presently bullied and non-bullied employees differed significantly on all four job-related behaviors, with large effect size for the intention to leave and medium effect size for the perceived threat to a total job. The findings support combining self-labeling and behavioral experience approaches in workplace bullying research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

    Usporedba internetskih i papir-olovka ispitivanja zadovoljstva poslom

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    Parallel to the rising availability and application of Web-based organizational research, the issue of its validity becomes increasingly important. The research was designed to reveal any existing differences in job satisfaction survey data gathered using Intranet and paper-and-pencil administration modes. A sample of employees in one large organization in Serbia (N = 1923), answered either Intranet (N = 425) or paper-based job satisfaction survey (N = 1498). A 50-item version of a Job Satisfaction Scale was highly reliable for both data collection techniques. There was a significant method effect on all the checked indicators: demographic characteristics of Intranet and paper sub-samples based (gender, age, length of service and educational level); proportion of missing answers (on items about job satisfaction and demographic data), satisfaction with specific items and dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as overall job satisfaction. Interaction effects of administration mode by gender, age, length of service and education were not significant. Results stress that before accepting Webbased organizational surveys as a new gold standard we need empirical evidence that Web-based data can be combined and/or compared with paper-based data.Usporedo sa sve većom dostupnosti i primjenom internetskih organizacijskih istraživanja, pitanje njihove valjanosti postaje sve važnije. Istraživanje je usmjereno na pitanje postoje li razlike u podacima o zadovoljstvu poslom prikupljenih pomoćuintraneta i papir-olovka upitnika. Uzorak su činili zaposlenici velike tvrtke u Srbiji (N = 1923), koji su odgovorili na upitnike pomoću intraneta (N = 425) ili papir-olovka upitnika (N = 1498). Ljestvica zadovoljstva poslom od 50 čestica pokazala se visokopouzdanom za obje metode prikupljanja podataka. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj metode na sve označene pokazatelje: sastav intranet i papir-olovka poduzoraka na temelju spola, dobi, staža i obrazovanja; udio neodgovorenih pitanja (na česticama o zadovoljstvu poslom i demografskim podacima), zadovoljstvo s određenim facetama (česticama) i dimenzijama zadovoljstva poslom te ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom. Interakcijski pokazatelji za spol, dob, staž i razinu obrazovanja u obje skupine nisu bili značajni. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za jasnim rezultatima o mogućnostima generalizacije takvih upitnika prije njihova postavljanja kao standarda ispitivanja

    It was great, they were all young! Is there ageism in studentsā€™ reflections on professional internship?

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    Noting the tendency of students of work and organizational psychology to choose internships among a smaller number of hosting organizations paired with satisfaction with completed internship expressed by the sentence ā€˜It was great, they were all youngā€™, we performed qualitative content analysis of studentsā€™ reflections on age in the context of internship attractiveness. The materials for the analysis were 1) Fifty internship reports and 2) Discussions with students. There was no explicit ageism in studentsā€™ reports. Students were equally satisfied with mentors from more and less popular organizations. Four categories related to attractiveness of internship hosting organizations emerged: organizational culture, organizational climate, working conditions and mentorsā€™ work. As in the case of more attractive organizations they point to ā€˜youngerā€™ organizations, as a factor of their attractiveness, they could be discussed as ā€˜clear manifestations of ageismā€™, but also they could be regarded as ā€˜younger generation centerednessā€™, and partly a form of ā€˜covert ageismā€™. Reflections could also be interpreted as a consequence of studentsā€™ professional insecurity, need for peer support, ease of communicating with peers and those of similar age. Psychological distance from older generations of colleagues and mentors at work can both be the source of covert and overt ageism. In order to enable students to fully utilize the benefits of internship for their professional development, it is important to work on recognizing and preventing ageism and overcoming generational distances

    Citric Acid Cross-Linked Gelatin-Based Composites with Improved Microhardness

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of cross-linking and reinforcements in gelatin on the physico-mechanical properties of obtained composites. The gelatin-based composites cross-linked with citric acid (CA) were prepared: gelatin type B (GB) and Ī²-tricalcium phosphate (Ī²-TCP) and novel hybrid composite GB with Ī²-TCP and hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles, and their structure, thermal, and mechanical properties were compared with pure gelatin B samples. FTIR analysis revealed that no chemical interaction between the reinforcements and gelatin matrix was established during the processing of hybrid composites by the solution casting method, proving the particles had no influence on GB cross-linking. The morphological investigation of hybrid composites revealed that cross-linking with CA improved the dispersion of particles, which further led to an increase in mechanical performance. The microindentation test showed that the hardness value was increased by up to 449%, which shows the high potential of Ī²-TCP and HAp particle reinforcement combined with CA as a cross-linking agent. Furthermore, the reduced modulus of elasticity was increased by up to 288%. Results of the MTT assay on L929 cells have revealed that the hybrid composite GB-TCP-HA-CA was not cytotoxic. These results showed that GB cross-linked with CA and reinforced with different calcium phosphates presents a valuable novel material with potential applications in dentistry

    Citric Acid Cross-Linked Gelatin-Based Composites with Improved Microhardness

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of cross-linking and reinforcements in gelatin on the physico-mechanical properties of obtained composites. The gelatin-based composites cross-linked with citric acid (CA) were prepared: gelatin type B (GB) and Ī²-tricalcium phosphate (Ī²-TCP) and novel hybrid composite GB with Ī²-TCP and hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles, and their structure, thermal, and mechanical properties were compared with pure gelatin B samples. FTIR analysis revealed that no chemical interaction between the reinforcements and gelatin matrix was established during the processing of hybrid composites by the solution casting method, proving the particles had no influence on GB cross-linking. The morphological investigation of hybrid composites revealed that cross-linking with CA improved the dispersion of particles, which further led to an increase in mechanical performance. The microindentation test showed that the hardness value was increased by up to 449%, which shows the high potential of Ī²-TCP and HAp particle reinforcement combined with CA as a cross-linking agent. Furthermore, the reduced modulus of elasticity was increased by up to 288%. Results of the MTT assay on L929 cells have revealed that the hybrid composite GB-TCP-HA-CA was not cytotoxic. These results showed that GB cross-linked with CA and reinforced with different calcium phosphates presents a valuable novel material with potential applications in dentistry

    Estradiol receptors mediate estradiol-induced inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux in rat caudate nucleus and brain stem

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    Our earlier studies found that in vitro estradiol modulates mitochondrial Ca2+ transport in discrete brain regions. The present study examined the role of estradiol receptors (ERs) in estradiol-induced inhibition of Ca2+ efflux from synaptosomal mitochondria isolated from rat caudate nuclei and brain stems. Radioactively labeled CaCl2 (0.6-0.75 mu Ci (CaCl2)-Ca-45) was used for Ca2+ transport monitoring. The results revealed that in the presence of ER antagonist 7 alpha, 17 beta-[9[(4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentyl) sulfinyl] nonyl] estra-1,3,5( 10)-triene-3,17-diol (ICI 182,780) (1 mu mol/L), the inhibitory effect of estradiol on mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux was more than 60% decreased, suggesting the involvement of ER in this mode of estradiol neuromodulatory action. When particular contributions of ER alpha and ER beta were tested, it was found that ER beta agonist 2,3-bis(4-hydroxy phenyl)-propionitrile (10 nmol/L) inhibited Ca2+ efflux more than 20%, while the inhibition with ER alpha agonist 4,4', 4''-(4-propyl-[1H]-pyrazole-1,3,5-triyl) trisphenol (10 nmol/L) was about 10%, both compared to the control. Both agonists demonstrated attenuation of Ca2+ efflux decrease in the presence of mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger antagonist 7-chloro-5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,5-dihyhdro-4,1-benzothiazepin-2(3H)-one (10 mu mol/L), showing interference with the inhibitory action of that agent. Our results strongly indicate ERs as the mediators of estradiol-induced mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux inhibition in rat caudate nucleus and brain stem synaptosomes

    Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole-chalcone hybrids containing catechol moiety: synthesis, antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity and DNA interaction studies

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    Hybrid compounds that combine the 1,3,4-thiadiazole-containing catechol moiety with a chalcone motif were synthesized and examined for their antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity, and DNA-binding activity. A series of thirteen compounds showed strong antioxidant and cytotoxic effects on human acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Several compounds exerted good cytotoxic activities on cervical adenocarcinoma HeLa cells. The treatment of HeLa cells with IC50 and double IC50 concentrations of the compounds 5a, 5c, 5f, and 5m induced a statistically significant increase in the percentage of cells within a subG1 cell cycle phase. The examined compounds caused G2/M cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells. Each of these compounds triggered apoptosis in HeLa cells through activation of caspase-3, the main effector caspase, caspase-8, which is involved in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, and caspase-9, which is involved in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. All of the examined compounds decreased the expression levels of MMP2 in HeLa cells and levels of protumorigenic miR-133b. Compounds 5a and 5m lowered the expression level of oncogenic miR-21 in HeLa cells. In addition, compounds 5a, 5f, and 5m decreased the expression levels of oncogenic miR-155 while the treatment of HeLa cells with compounds 5a, 5c, and 5f increased expression of tumor-suppressive miR-206. Observed effects of these compounds on expression levels of four examined miRNAs suggest their prominent cancer-suppressive activity. An investigation by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy showed more efficient calf thymus DNA binding activity of the compound 5m in comparison to other tested compounds. Results of a pUC19 plasmid cleavage study and comet assay showed DNA damaging activities of compounds 5a and 5c.Related to published version:[https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1168]This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Jakovljević, K., Joksović, M. D., Matić, I., Petrović, N., Stanojković, T., Sladić, D., Vujčić, M., Janović, B., Joksović, L., Trifunović, S., & Marković, V. (2018). Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole-chalcone hybrids containing catechol moiety: Synthesis, antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity and DNA interaction studies. Medchemcomm, 9(10), 1679ā€“1697. [https://doi.org/10.1039/c8md00316e


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    Populations of the most abundant alfalfa aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum and Therioaphis trifolii, have periodic fluctuations, and many factors affect their dynamics. In the present study, we examined the impact of daily air temperatures on the abundance of two alfalfa aphids in field conditions. The numbers of these two aphids on alfalfa were documented at two locations in a representative alfalfa growing area in Serbia during a three-year field study. Based on the records of aphid abundance and daily air temperatures during the whole study, it was found that a correlation between the sum of optimal daily air temperatures for aphid development, the sum of maximum daily air temperatures and the number of recorded aphid peaks was significant and can therefore be considered for the detection of suitable temperature conditions to increase aphid abundance. The study shows that the highest correlations were between a high density of A. pisum and the sum of optimal daily air temperatures for its development (Ck=0.569) and between a high density of T. trifolii and the sum of maximum daily air temperatures (Ck=0.595). The length of time required for the growth of populations of the two alfalfa aphids differed: 30 days for A. pisum and 5 days for T. trifolii. The association of temperature data to alfalfa aphid abundance enables a projection of their population behavior in changed future climate conditions. This study suggests increased population sizes of T. trifolii and decreased population sizes of A. pisum on alfalfa under the warmer conditions that are expected to prevail in the future. Ā© 2022 Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade). All rights reserved

    Assessment of computed tomography simulators used in radiotherapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate computed tomography simulators used in radio-therapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A survey of quality assurance programmes of 24 computed tomography simulators in 16 facilities was conducted. A dedicated CT-to-ED phantom was scanned at 120 kV and 140 kV, to obtain CT-to-ED conversion curves as well as CTDIvol. Thoracal phantoms were scanned in the standard and extended field of view to evaluate the dosimetric effect on treatment planning and delivery. The mean age of the measured scanners was 5.5 years. The mean water HU value was ā€“6.5 (all scanners, all voltages) and air HU value was ā€“997. Extended field of view computed tomography data differ from the standard field of view and differences between conversion curves have significant dosimetric impact. The CTDI data showed a large range of values between centers. Better quality assurance of computed tomography simulators in all countries is recommended. The CT-to-ED curve could be used as default at one voltage and per manufacturer. Extended field of view imaging can be used, but treatment planning should be avoided in the regions out of the standard field of view

    GM-CSF-Producing Th Cells in Rats Sensitive and Resistant to Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Given that granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is identified as the key factor to endow auto-reactive Th cells with the potential to induce neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) models, the frequency and phenotype of GM-CSF-producing (GM-CSF+) Th cells in draining lymph nodes (dLNs) and spinal cord (SC) of Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA) rats immunized for EAE were examined. The generation of neuroantigen-specific GM-CSF+ Th lymphocytes was impaired in dLNs of AO rats (relatively resistant to EAE induction) compared with their DA counterparts (susceptible to EAE) reflecting impaired CD4+ lymphocyte proliferation and less supportive of GM-CSF+ Th cell differentiation dLN cytokine microenvironment. Immunophenotyping of GM-CSF+ Th cells showed their phenotypic heterogeneity in both strains and revealed lower frequency of IL-17+ IFN-gamma+, IL-17+ IFN-gamma-, and IL-17-IFN-gamma+ cells accompanied by higher frequency of IL-17-IFN-gamma- cells among them in AO than in DA rats. Compared with DA, in AO rats was also found (i) slightly lower surface density of CCR2 (drives accumulation of highly pathogenic GM-CSF+ IFN-gamma+ Th17 cells in SC) on GM-CSF+ IFN-gamma+ Th17 lymphocytes from dLNs, and (ii) diminished CCL2 mRNA expression in SC tissue, suggesting their impaired migration into the SC. Moreover, dLN and SC cytokine environments in AO rats were shown to be less supportive of GM-CSF+ IFN-gamma+ Th17 cell differentiation (judging by lower expression of mRNAs for IL-1 beta, IL-6 and IL-23/p19). In accordance with the (i) lower frequency of GM-CSF+ Th cells in dLNs and SC of AO rats and their lower GM-CSF production, and (ii) impaired CCL2 expression in the SC tissue, the proportion of proinflammatory monocytes among peripheral blood cells and their progeny (CD45(hi) cells) among the SC CD11b+ cells were reduced in AO compared with DA rats. Collectively, the results indicate that the strain specificities in efficacy of several mechanisms controlling (auto) reactive CD4+ lymphocyte expansion/differentiation into the cells with pathogenic phenotype and migration of the latter to the SC contribute to AO rat resistance to EAE