749 research outputs found


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    This paper examines some aspects of language contact in a Croatian-English bilingual speech community in Canada. The primary goal of the paper is to better understand language proficiency, language use, and attitudes of second-generation heritage speakers of Croatian. In officially multicultural Canada, the roles of Croatian and English are both complementary and distinct. Indeed, there is an obvious imbalance in the position and use of the two languages. Whereas English functions as a dominant or majority language (one of the two official languages), Croatian is a heritage or minority language. Although many studies have been conducted on different heritage languages, little attention has been paid to Croatian as an immigrant heritage language in Canada. Therefore, a closer examination of heritage language development and practices in this bilingual speech community is necessary. The research presented here is based on data from two sources: the Canadian census data and the data from a sociolinguistic survey conducted in the Croatian community in the greater Toronto area through a questionnaire. In order to describe linguistic practices in the community and create a linguistic profile of the second-generation heritage speaker of Croatian, the study focuses on the following issues: the acquisition of language skills in English and Croatian, the use of the two languages in everyday life, the learning of the heritage language, and attitudes towards maintenance of the heritage language.Ovaj rad bavi se proučavanjem jezičnih dodira u hrvatsko-engleskoj dvojezičnoj govornoj zajednici u Kanadi. Osnovni cilj rada je bolje razumijevanje poznavanja i upotrebe hrvatskog jezika te stavova o hrvatskom jeziku kod druge generacije nasljednih govornika. Kanada je multikulturalna država na službenoj razini, a uloge hrvatskog i engleskog jezika jasno su odijeljene te postoji izražena neravnoteža u položaju dvaju jezika i u njihovoj upotrebi. Dok je engleski dominantan ili većinski jezik (jedan od dvaju službenih jezika Kanade), hrvatski je nasljedni ili manjinski jezik. Premda postoje mnoge studije o različitim nasljednim jezicima, o hrvatskom kao nasljednom jeziku u Kanadi malo se zna zbog čega je nužno pobliže ispitati razvoj hrvatskoga kao nasljednog jezika i opisati jezične prakse. Podatci na kojima se temelji ova studija potječu iz dvaju izvora: popisa stanovniÅ”tva Kanade i sociolingvističkog istraživanja upitnikom u hrvatskoj zajednici na Å”irem području grada Toronta. Kako bi se opisale jezične prakse u zajednici i stvorio lingvistički profil nasljednoga govornika hrvatskoga, studija se usredotočuje na sljedeće teme: stjecanje jezičnih vjeÅ”tina na engleskom i hrvatskom, upotreba dvaju jezika u svakodnevnom životu, učenje nasljednog jezika i stavove o očuvanju nasljednog jezika

    Assessing the candidate in the selection interview: The role of interviewer's personality

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    U ovoj studiji ispitivan je relativni doprinos ličnosti osobe koja vodi intervju i njene procene ličnosti kandidata u predviđanju ocene pogodnosti kandidata za posao koju daje ta osoba, kao i moderatorski efekat ličnosti osobe koja vodi intervju na odnos između ocena ličnosti kandidata i njegove pogodnosti za posao. Rezultati su pokazali da su ocene Big Five crta ličnosti kandidata povezane sa procenama pogodnosti kandidata za posao, kao i crte Saradljivosti i Ekstraverzije osobe koja vodi intervju. Otvorenost za iskustvo i Saradljivost osobe koja vodi intervju imale su moderatorski efekat na odnos između ocena crta ličnosti kandidata od strane osobe koja vodi intervju i procene pogodnosti kandidata za posao. Rezultati otkrivaju ulogu koju Saradljivost, Ekstraverzija i Otvorenost za iskustvo osobe koja vodi intervju igraju u proceni kandidata u selekcionom intervjuu.The study explores the relative contribution of interviewers' personality and interviewers' ratings of candidate's personality in predicting interviewers' ratings of candidate's job suitability and examines the moderating effect of interviewers' personality on the relationship between ratings of candidate's personality and job suitability. Results showed that ratings of candidate's Big Five personality traits were related to ratings of candidate's job suitability, as well as were interviewers' Agreeableness and Extraversion. Interviewers' Openness and Agreeableness had a moderating effect on the relationship between interviewers' ratings of candidate's personality traits and ratings of candidate's job suitability. Results reveal the role that interviewer's Agreeableness, Extraversion and Openness play in the assessment of candidate in the selection interview


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    The use of metaphors often characterizes contemporary public discourses on various issues. By the same token, metaphors have been used extensively in the discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper examines the war metaphor as a framing and rhetorical device with distinct persuasive potency within the Croatian sociocultural context. The analysis shows that militaristic metaphors were omnipresent in the Croatian public discourse at the beginning of the pandemic. Their dual role, explanatory and persuasive, was instrumental in convincing the public to understand the pandemic and accept the restrictive mandates put in place.Metafore se često upotrebljavaju u suvremenim javnim diskursima o različitim temama, pa tako i u diskursu o pandemiji virusa COVID-19. Prema rezultatima dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja (Bates 2020, Semino 2021, Wicke and Bolognesi 2020), u javnom diskursu o pandemiji koronavirusa najbrojnije su ratne metafore, koje su tema ovog rada. U radu su prikupljeni metaforički jezični izrazi iz izvoriÅ”ne domene rata koriÅ”teni u dnevnim novinama za vrijeme prvog vala pandemije te je analiziran njihov retorički persuazivni potencijal u hrvatskom sociokulturnom kontekstu. Kvalitativna analiza korpusa temelji se na Charteris-Blackovom (2011) trodijelnom pristupu koji obuhvaća identifikaciju, interpretaciju i objaÅ”njenje metafora. Cilj je utvrditi koji su se metaforički jezični izričaji iz domene rata koristili u hrvatskom javnom diskursu o pandemiji te objasniti zaÅ”to su se koristili i na koji način su oblikovali percepciju javnosti. Rezultati analize potvrdili su sveprisutnost ratnih metafora u hrvatskom javnom diskursu na početku pandemije koronavirusa. Njihova dvostruka uloga, kao sredstva za tumačenje i uvjeravanje, bila je ključna u oblikovanju miÅ”ljenja javnosti o pandemiji i prihvaćanju nametnutih restriktivnih mjera

    Refinding of the critically endangered species Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. in Western and Eastern Serbia

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    Eranthis hyemalis is a critically endangered species in Serbia, where it is protected by national law. The only confirmed finding place of the species in Serbia was the Bagremara forest near Backa Palanka. It was assumed that the species disappeared from other recorded localities, or else the data were not confirmed. During a field study in 2016, we registered this species in Valjevo, a town in Western Serbia. A previous record of the species at this locality dates from 1992, but the precise location was not known. We also registered a small population in Eastern Serbia (on the hill Vrska Cuka). Both localities were georeferenced with GPS devices. Small groups of individuals are present at these locations, and they are endangered by multiple factors. All chorological data for Serbia are presented on a UTM grid map with squares of 10 km x 10 km. Protection measures are urgently required

    Sports live text commentary as a hybrid register

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    Aim: To present and analyze features of live text commentary (LTC) as a recent register of the English language using examples from the coverage of UEFA Euro 2020. The paper explores the influence of spoken language and sports announcer talk (SAT) on the register. It focuses on the differences and similarities between LTC and SAT and presents an overview of features unique to LTC. Methods: LTC was examined as a text variety following Chovanecā€™s (2018) analysis and using the register perspective proposed by Biber and Conrad (2009). Examples from fourteen LTCs reporting on the UEFA Euro 2020 competition held in June/July 2021 were analyzed, including their typical situational and linguistic characteristics and some of their functions. Results: LTC is a hybrid register that exemplifies todayā€™s convergence of different media. LTCs take the context of production from live blogs, while their language is mainly reminiscent of SAT, including tense usage and adoption of certain forms. Spoken language, in general, is also an influence, especially on the syntactic and grammatical levels. Distinct LTC features include the internal structure, icons, and interactiveness of the text. The analyzed commentaries feature clearly outlined sections (e.g., opening and closing posts) that serve specific discursive purposes. Icons have a particular function in LTC; their meaning is well-established, and they sometimes function as utterances. Another remarkable characteristic is the intertextuality derived from text contributions provided by various spectators of the sports event, including fans. This interaction is, at times, simulated. Conclusion: The paper confirmed LTC as a hybrid format with avenues for further hybridization. In LTC, we see an intertwining of different elements, which, taken together, produce a new whole in a process typical of the convergence seen in the media today. The most innovative aspects of LTC, the intertextuality, interactiveness, and co-production of a text, are limited


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    Turističke agencije danas su gotovo neizostavan dio planiranja nekog putovanja. Veliki broj putnika, odnosno turista, na svoja putovanja odlazi upravo u organizaciji turističkih agencija te one imaju veliku ulogu u kretanju turista te razvoju turističkih destinacija. U radu je objaÅ”njen pojam turističkih agencija i turističkih destinacija te načini na koje turistička agencija utječe na razvoj turističke destinacije. Ponajprije turističke agencije utječu na razvoj pojedinih elemenata turističke destinacije kao Å”to su smjeÅ”tajni kapaciteti,ugostiteljski objekti i drugi subjekti. Jedan od najčeŔćih načina na koji turističke agencije surađuju sa navedenim subjektima su ugovori kao na primjer ugovor o alotmanu. U poglavlju o turističkim destinacijama ukratko se objaÅ”njava pojam turističke destinacije te kratka povijest nastajanja turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Svaka turistička destinacija prolazi kroz određene životne faze, a to su istraživanje, angažiranje, razvoj, konsolidacija te stagnacija, a turističke agencije sudjeluju u svakoj od tih faza. Agencije također utječu na razvoj turističkih destinacija i kroz proces zapoÅ”ljavanja. Prema podacima sa Zavoda za statistiku, primjetan je sve veći utjecaj turističkih agencija na broj noćenja i dolazaka turista u Republiku Hrvatsku, koji je iz godine u godinu sve veći. U zadnjem poglavlju osvrćemo se na tehnologiju u poslovanju turizma te se navode prednosti i prijetnje takvog načina poslovanja. Iz svega toga zaključujemo kako je utjecaj turističkih agencija na razvoj turističkih destinacija sve veći i zastupljeniji te se nikako ne smije zanemariti.Travel agencies today are certainly an integral part of planning a trip. A large number of passengers or tourists is going on a trips organized by travel agencies and they have an important role in the movement of tourists and the development of tourist destinations. The paper explains the concept of travel agencies and tourist destinations as well as the ways in which travel agency affects the development of tourist destinations. First, travel agencies are affecting the development of individual elements of the tourist destinations such as accommodation, restaurants and other entities. One of the most common ways in which travel agencies are cooperating with the stated subjects are contracts such as the contract for allotment. In the chapter on tourist destinations the concept of a tourist destination and a brief history of the formation of tourist destinations in Croatia is briefly explained. Each tourist destination goes through certain stages of life, such as research, recruitment, development, consolidation and stagnation, and travel agencies are participating in each of these stages. Agencies also affect the development of tourist destinations and the recruitment process. According to data from the Department of Statistics, there has been a growing influence of tourist agencies on the number of overnight stays and tourist arrivals in the Republic of Croatia, which is more and more every year. In the last chapter we talk about technology in business tourism and lists of the advantages and threats of such a way of doing business. From all this we conclude that the impact of travel agencies in the development of tourist destinations is only getting bigger, and it shouldnā€™t be ignored

    Normal Random Variable

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    U ovom radu upoznat ćemo se sa slučajnim varijablama. Nakon toga, detaljnije ćemo promatrati neprekidnu slučajnu varijablu i njene karakteristike te ćemo se bazirati na normalnu slučajnu varijablu i njen standardiziran oblik. Također ćemo izvesti očekivanje i varijancu te slučajne varijable, povezati ćemo ju i s Laplaceovom funkcijom te se upoznati s njezinim računanjem pomoću tablica. Naposljetku ćemo navesti i dokazati centralni granični teorem te ga primijeniti na aritmetičku sredinu.In this paper we introduce random variables. After that, we will thoroughly observe continuous random variable and its characteristics and we will especially deal with normal random variable and its standardized form. Furthermore, we will derive expectation and variance for such random variable and see its connection with Laplace function and also how it can be calculated using tables. Finally, we will state and prove central limit theorem and apply it to arithmetic mean

    Job crafting in Serbia: Serbian mixed-method validation of the Job Crafting Scale

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bila validacija srpske adaptacije Skale preoblikovanja posla (eng. the Job Crafting Scale - JCS), primenom kombinacije kvalitativnog i kvanitativnog pristupa u okviru tri studije na ukupnom uzorku od 832 osobe zaposlene u različitim sektorima privrede. Preoblikovanje posla (eng. job crafting) predstavlja ponaÅ”anje na poslu koje je usmereno na preoblikovanje radnih zadataka tako da se pojača i održi motivacija za rad. U prvoj studiji smo proveravali razumevanje stavki kao i prilagođenost sadržaja stavki naÅ”oj kulturi. U drugoj studiji smo proverili faktorsku sturukturu JCS skale, kao i pouzdanost i validnost faktora. U trećoj studiji smo testirali invarijantnost predloženih modela između uzorka druge i treće studije, kao i kriterijumsku validnost analiziranjem korelacija JCS skale i posvećenosti poslu (eng. work engagement). Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala da većina ajtema uspeÅ”no prenosi željeno značenje. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na interpretaciju skorova dimenzije smanjivanje ometajućih zahteva na poslu poÅ”to ovi ajtemi mogu ukazivati na ponaÅ”anja koja se ne opažaju kao poželjna. Imajući u vidu ukupnu pouzdanost, invarijantnost četvorofaktorskog modela drugog reda i kriterijumsku valjanost, verzija skale sastavljana od 21 ajtema se može smatrati validnom merom preoblikovanja posla u Srbiji. Takođe, ova studija je ukazala da kratka forma srpske verzije JCS skale od 12 ajtema ima zadovoljavajuća psihometrijska svojstva i da može biti validna lokalna mera preoblikovanja posla.The aim of the current study was to validate the Serbian adaptation of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS), applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches, within three studies totalling 832 employees from different industries. Job crafting is work behaviour aimed at modifying job tasks in order to enhance and maintain work motivation. In Study 1, we have tested the understanding of all items and their possible cultural embeddedness. In Study 2, we have tested the JCS factor structure, factors' reliability and validity. In Study 3, we have tested the invariance of the proposed models (Study 2 and Study 3 models) and criterion validity by analysing the correlation between the JCS and work engagement. Qualitative analysis has revealed that the majority of items transferred the intended meaning. Special care should be taken in interpreting the decreasing hindering job demands dimension scores, since these items might point toward behaviours that were not perceived as positive. With its overall reliability, second-order four-factor model invariance and criterion validity, originally composed 21-item JCS could be considered to be a valid instrument for assessing job crafting in Serbia. The present study has also shown that the 12-item JCS-Serbian short version has satisfactory psychometric properties and that it could be considered as a valid local job crafting scale

    Mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja European Solar Radiation Atlasa na primjeru analize dnevnog kretanja Sunca

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    The application of the European Solar Radiation Atlas (ESRA) in daily Sun motion in sky analysis and its effects is widely spread in all engineering professions. Mathematical relations for Sun azimuth and height in specified moment, defined by date and time, can, for instance, be used in electrical engineering calculations of energy production and control of photovoltaic plants. The results obtained at measuring stations across Europe produce empirical relations between irradiation, time and electrical energy production. In this research a model of ostensible Sun movement trough daily analysis of its height and azimuth, and the analysis of production of integrated photovoltaic plant on the roof of the Technical College in Bjelovar with the web interface implementation of ESRA model for specified application ā€“ PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information Systems) are presented.Primjena European Solar Radiation Atlasa (ESRA) u analizama dnevnih kretanja Sunca po nebu i njegovih učinaka je rasprostranjena u svim inženjerskim strukama. Matematički odnosi visine i azimuta Sunca u određenom trenutku, defniranom datumom i vremenom, mogu se npr. u elektrotehnici koristiti za proračune proizvodnje i upravljanje fotonaponskim postrojenjem. Rezultati na mjernim stanicama Å”irom Europe daju empirijske odnose zračenja, vremena i proizvodnje električne energije. U ovom radu je dan pregled modela za prividno kretanje Sunca kroz dnevnu analizu visine i azimuta Sunca, te analiza proizvodnje fotonaponskog postrojenja na krovu zgrade Visoke tehničke Å”kole u Bjelovaru pomoću web sučelja implementacije ESRA modela za spomenutu primjenu ā€“ PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information Systems)
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