401 research outputs found

    Some effects of the anisotropy in a simple lattice gauge model at finite temperature

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    Monte Carlo simulations are carried out on the (3+1)-dimensional Z(2) anisotropic lattice model, and a new method to simulate extremely anisotropic lattice systems with discrete symmetries is proposed. Dependence of the temporal and spatial average plaquette, Wilson loops on the anisotropy parameter is presented.Comment: talk given by L.A.Averchenkova at LATTICE'99 (Finite Temperature and Density), Pisa, Italy, 3 pages, Latex, 3 pictures as a ps-fil

    Применение препаратов йода для профилактики патологии послеродового периода у овцематок и улучшения гормонального статуса ягнят

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    Influence of preparations of iodine on physiological indicators of ewes and lambs in the post-natal period was studied. Researches were carried out in the Stavropol Territory on the North Caucasian sheep breed. It is established that application to ewes before childbirth of preparations of organic and inorganic forms of iodine increases indicators of the general resistance of an organism and phagocytic activity of blood of pregnant animals, prevents pathologies of childbirth and the postnatal period, promotes the birth of healthy viable posterity and improvement of their hormonal status. So by results of the analysis of the obtained data phagocytic activity in the first group increased for 10,2%, in the second for 6,8%, and in the control decreased by 2,1%.Изучали влияние препаратов йода на физиологические показатели овцематок и ягнят в постнатальном онтогенезе. Исследования проводились в Ставропольском крае на овцах северокавказской породы. Установлено, что дача овцематкам перед родами препаратов органической и неорганической форм йода увеличивает показатели общей резистентности организма и фагоцитарную активность лейкоцитов беременных животных, профилактирует патологию родов и послеродового периода, способствует рождению здорового жизнеспособного потомства и улучшению их гормонального статуса. Так, по результатам анализа полученных данных фагоцитарная активность в первой группе возросла на 10,2%, во второй - на 6,8%, а в контрольной снизилась на 2,1%

    Enhancement of the Raman Scattering and the Third-Harmonic Generation in Silicon Nanowires

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    We studied features of Raman scattering and the third-harmonic generation in silicon nanowire (SiNW) ensembles formed by means of chemical etching of crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers with preliminary deposited silver nanoparticles in hydrofluoric acid. The c-Si wafers of different crystallographic orientations and doping levels were used, which results in variations of the formed nanostructure size and degree of order. For the excitation at 1064 nm the ratio of Raman scattering signals for SiNWs and those for initial c-Si wafer ranges from 2 to 5, whereas for shorter wavelengths the ratio increases for more ordered arrays of SiNWs of greater diameter and decreases for less ordered SiNW structures. The TH signals in SiNW ensembles demonstrate both fall and one- or two-orders-of-magnitude rise in comparison with c-Si depending on the structure of the SiNW ensemble. The obtained results are explained by the effect of partial light localization in SiNW ensembles

    Influence of Copper on the Catalytic Activity of Supported Rhodium Catalysts in the Reactions of CO Oxidation and NO Reduction

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    The catalytic activity of Cu, Rh, and Rh/Cu, catalysts supported on Al2O3, CeO2 and CeO2/Al2O3 in reactions of CO oxidation and NO reduction has been studied in temperature-programmed regime. Addition of Cu to Rh catalysts decreases temperature at which 5 and 50% degree of conversion, while end of reaction temperature is not influenced by presence of Cu. The presence of Cu has positive effect on the activity of Rh containing catalysts in the low temperature region. Cu has noticeable promoting effect mainly for the catalytic activity in the reaction of CO oxidation and in smaller extent for the reaction of NO reduction. Preliminary redox treatment of the catalysts decreases the light off temperature in the reactions of CO oxidation and in NO reduction. Thermal treatment at temperatures up to 973 K does not have sensible effect on the catalytic activities of all studied catalysts. Calcination at 1073 K, however, strongly decreases the catalytic activity of Rh/Cu/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts

    Comparative Study of Multifragmentation of Gold Nuclei Induced by Relativistic Protons, 4^4He, and 12^{12}C

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    Multiple emission of intermediate-mass fragments has been studied for the collisions of p, 4^4He and 12^{12}C on Au with the 4π4\pi setup FASA. The mean IMF multiplicities (for the events with at least one IMF) are saturating at the value of 2.2±0.22.2\pm0.2 for the incident energies above 6 GeV. The observed IMF multiplicities cannot be described in a two-stage scenario, a fast cascade followed by a statistical multifragmentation. Agreement with the measured IMF multiplicities is obtained by introducing an intermediate phase and modifying empirically the excitation energies and masses of the remnants. The angular distributions and energy spectra from the p-induced collisions are in agreement with the scenario of ``thermal'' multifragmentation of a hot and diluted target spectator. In the case of 12^{12}C+Au(22.4 GeV) and 4^4He(14.6 GeV)+Au collisions, deviations from a pure thermal break-up are seen in the energy spectra of the emitted fragments, which are harder than those both from model calculations and from the measured ones for p-induced collisions. This difference is attributed to a collective flow.Comment: 33 pages 15 figures, accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Thermal multifragmentation in p + Au interactions at 2.16, 3.6 and 8.1 GeV incident energies

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    Multiple emission of intermediate-mass fragments has been studied for the collisions p + Au at 2.16, 3.6 and 8.1 GeV with the FASA setup. The mean IMF multiplicities for events with at least one IMF are equal to 1.7, 1.9 and 2.1 (±0.2) respectively. The multiplicity, charge distributions and kinetic energy spectra of IMF are described in the framework of a intranuclear cascade model followed by the statistical multifragmentation model. However, between the two parts of the calculation the excitation energies and the residual masses and charges are modified to take into account the losses during expansion. The results support a scenario of true thermal multifragmentation of a hot and expanded target spectator

    178 MHz cavity with HOM damping for the DFELL storage ring

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    Design of the new cavity produced for the DUKE FELL storage ring is presented. The fundamental and higher order modes (HOMs) parameters are shown. The HOMs are substantially damped in a special load with absorbers made of conductive ceramics. Experimental studies of the absorbing material properties were carried out on models. The results are described. The cavity cold measurements results are presented as well.Представлено конструкцію, параметри, і результати розрахунку спектра вищих мод резонатора, виготовленого для накопичувального кільця лазера на вільних електронах в університеті ДЮКЕ (США). У цьому резонаторі вищі моди сильно подавлені за допомогою спеціального навантаження, що використовує провідну кераміку. Описано результати досліджень властивостей поглинаючого матеріалу, проведених на макеті. Приведено результати холодних вимірів резонатора і його іспитів на високому рівні потужності.Представлена конструкция, параметры и результаты расчета спектра высших мод резонатора, изготовляемого для накопительного кольца лазера на свободных электронах в университете ДЮКЕ (США). В этом резонаторе высшие моды сильно подавлены с помощью специальной нагрузки, использующей проводящую керамику. Описаны результаты исследований свойств поглощающего материала, проведенных на макете. Приведены результаты холодных измерений резонатора и его испытаний на высоком уровне мощности

    Plasma rotation diagnostics at the FT-2 tokamak based on the upper hybrid resonance backscattering enhanced doppler effect

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    Observations of enhanced Doppler frequency shift effect of the highly localized microwave backscattering in the upper hybrid resonance are reported. The experiment is performed at FT-2 tokamak, where a steerable focusing antenna set, allowing off equatorial plane plasma extraordinary wave probing from high magnetic field side, was installed. A separate line less than 1.5 MHz wide and shifted by up to 2 MHz is routinely observed in the backscattering spectrum under condition of accessible upper hybrid resonance. The enhanced frequency shift is explained by the growth of poloidal wave number of the probing wave in the resonance. Development of a new scheme for local diagnostics of fluctuations poloidal rotation based on this effect is started.У статті описуються спостереження посиленого ефекту Доплера в спектрі сигналу розсіяного назад у верхньому гібридному резонансі зондувальної хвилі. Експеримент виконаний на токамаці ФТ-2, на якому недавно були встановлені рухливі антени, що дозволяють здійснювати зондування плазми електромагнітними хвилями в незвичайній поляризації з боку сильного магнітного поля. За умови доступного верхнього гібридного резонансу в спектрі розсіювання спостерігалася лінія шириною менш 1.5 МГц, зрушена до 2 МГц. Ефект пояснений ростом полоідального хвильового числа зондувальної хвилі в резонансі. Почато розвиток нової схеми локальної діагностики обертання плазмових флуктуацій, заснованої на цьому ефекті.В статье описываются наблюдения усиленного эффекта Доплера в спектре сигнала рассеянного назад в верхнем гибридном резонансе зондирующей волны. Эксперимент выполнен на токамаке ФТ-2, на котором недавно были установлены подвижные антенны, позволяющие осуществлять зондирование плазмы электромагнитными волнами в необыкновенной поляризации со стороны сильного магнитного поля. При условии доступного верхнего гибридного резонанса в спектре рассеяния наблюдалась линия шириной менее 1.5 МГц, сдвинутая до 2 МГц. Эффект объяснён ростом полоидального волнового числа зондирующей волны в резонансе. Начато развитие новой схемы локальной диагностики вращения плазменных флуктуаций, основанной на этом эффекте