851 research outputs found

    Transfer Length of Strands in Prestressed Concrete Piles

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    A top bar effect has been identified in prestressed concrete piles. The effect that this top bar effect has on the development of the prestressing strand is investigated. Strand transfer length is found to be proportional to the observed end slip. While the average transfer length of all strands in a section may satisfy the assumptions inherent in the ACI transfer length equation, due to the top bar effect, top-cast strand transfer lengths are considerably in excess of the ACI-calculated value. The flexural behavior of the pile, accounting for varying transfer lengths through its section, is investigated. Finally, recommendations for in-plant testing and acceptance criteria for prestressed strand bond quality are proposed

    Top Bar Effects in Prestressed Concrete Piles

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    The top bar effect in reinforced concrete is a widely recognized phenomenon. Currently, the ACI Building Code prescribes a 30% increase in the development length of top cast reinforcing bars. No such provision is required for strands in prestressed concrete members. In this paper, the top bar effect for prestressing strands is introduced. Parameters affecting top bar phenomena in prestressed concrete piles are identified, and strategies for reducing this effect are presented. Finally, for the first time, the application of a top bar effect factor for prestressed concrete development length calculations, similar to the one applied in reinforced concrete structural elements, is proposed

    Excessive Strand End Slip in Prestressed Piles

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    This paper presents the results of a research project that investigated excessive strand end slip observed recently in some prestressed piles. From measurements taken in the field, it is apparent that the problem o excessive initial strand slip is independent of pile shape and size. Strand end slip is evident in piles of different manufacturers in different states in the Southeast. Excessive strand end slip was found in both the top and bottom of the cross section of the piles, although the top portion of the cross section generally exhibited much higher initial slip. Several preventive measures can be adopted to reduce the excessive strand end slip. These preventive measures include: a) proper concrete mixture proportioning to reduce top bar effect; b) use of higher-strength concrete with the lowest possible slump and setting time; c) assessment of the condition of the strands prior to installation to insure excellent bond characteristics; d) gradual release of prestress, with an optimal release sequence; and e) use of adequate vibration to ensure consolidation. The strand end slip measured at five prestressing plants in the Southeast is considerably higher than the allowable end slip and is expected to affect the pile performance. If the strand slip theory is adopted, the strand development length increases substantially due to the excessive strand end slip. A top bar effect factor similar to the one used in reinforced concrete design is recommended. To maintain the excellent quality of precast and prestressed concrete products, manufacturers should adopt a dynamic quality control process that follows the rapid changes in the industry. More tests are necessary to ensure excellent quality, such as the Moustafa or an equivalent test, to assess the bond capabilities of the strands, end slip measurements, and direct measurement of the transfer length. Installation of piles should proceed in a manner to alleviate the top bar effects by placing piles alternately in their best and worst directions

    Influence of Mortar Rheology on Aggregate Settlement

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    The influence of the rheology of fresh concrete on the settlement of aggregate is examined. Fresh concrete exhibits a yield stress that, under certain conditions, prevents the settlement of coarse aggregate, although its density is larger than that of the suspending mortar. Calculations, based on estimates of the yield stress obtained from slump tests, predict that aggregate normally used in concrete should not sink. To test this prediction, the settlement of a stone in fresh mortar is monitored. The stone does not sink in the undisturbed mortar (which has a high yield stress), but sinks when the mortar is vibrated, presumably due to a large reduction in its yield stress. This implies that during placement of concrete, the aggregate settles only while the concrete is being vibrated. A unique experimental method for measuring aggregate settlement is also introduced and demonstrated

    Toward a Common Framework and Database of Materials for Soft Robotics

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    To advance the field of soft robotics, a unified database of material constitutive models and experimental characterizations is of paramount importance. This will facilitate the use of finite element analysis to simulate their behavior and optimize the design of soft-bodied robots. Samples from seventeen elastomers, namely Body Double™ SILK, Dragon Skin™ 10 MEDIUM, Dragon Skin 20, Dragon Skin 30, Dragon Skin FX-Pro, Dragon Skin FX-Pro + Slacker, Ecoflex™ 00–10, Ecoflex 00–30, Ecoflex 00–50, Rebound™ 25, Mold Star™ 16 FAST, Mold Star 20T, SORTA-Clear™ 40, RTV615, PlatSil® Gel-10, Psycho Paint®, and SOLOPLAST 150318, were subjected to uniaxial tensile tests according to the ASTM D412 standard. Sample preparation and tensile test parameters are described in detail. The tensile test data are used to derive parameters for hyperelastic material models using nonlinear least-squares methods, which are provided to the reader. This article presents the mechanical characterization and the resulting material properties for a wide set of commercially available hyperelastic materials, many of which are recognized and commonly applied in the field of soft robotics, together with some that have never been characterized. The experimental raw data and the algorithms used to determine material parameters are shared on the Soft Robotics Materials Database GitHub repository to enable accessibility, as well as future contributions from the soft robotics community. The presented database is aimed at aiding soft roboticists in designing and modeling soft robots while providing a starting point for future material characterizations related to soft robotics research

    Chronic Headache Education and Self-management Study (CHESS) : Health Economics Analysis Plan [v2.0]

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    Objective The Chronic Headache Education and Self-management Study (CHESS) is a multicomponent programme of interlocking studies funded by an NIHR programme grant to develop an education and self-management support intervention for people living with chronic headache (here in referred to as the CHESS intervention) and assess its clinical and cost- effectiveness in a randomised controlled trial. This analysis plan relates to the economic evaluation of the CHESS intervention using data from the two-arm multi-centre randomised controlled trial component of the CHESS programme. The within-trial economic evaluation will aim to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the CHESS intervention compared with best supportive care over the 12-month trial period of follow-up. The purpose of the health economics analysis plan is to outline an explicit framework of methods that will be used to analyse the health economic data in a robust manner. The document has been written based on information contained in the trial protocol version 3.7 dated on 19.Sep.2019. Background rationale Chronic headaches present a major problem both for the individual and society. Previous studies on supportive self-management interventions in this population have largely been small studies with short term follow-up, they often did not report clinically relevant outcomes, or were conducted in different healthcare systems therefore difficult to translate into an NHS setting. These studies also did not necessarily focus on chronic headache but rather looked at headache with no frequency specified. Based on the results of our systematic review there may be potential for large gain through a combination of self-management education and appropriate use of prophylaxis and management of medication overuse headache in a chronic headache population. In order to develop the evidence base needed for self-management intervention for chronic headache there needs to be a carefully developed, piloted and evaluated intervention package which has been supported by good qualitative work on understanding outcomes of interest. There is therefore the need for a robust clinical and cost-effectiveness trial within an NHS setting. Objectives The objective is to answer the question: Amongst adults with chronic headache arising from migraine, chronic tension type headache or medication overuse headache, is the provision of a self-management support programme in addition to best usual NHS care clinically and cost effective

    Assessing the quality of concrete – reinforcement interface in Self Compacting Concrete

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For further details please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Research has shown that even self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixtures can exhibit the so-called “top-bar effect” which impacts bond and anchorage. Several instances of conflicting results have nevertheless been published regarding interfacial bond between self-compacting concrete and steel reinforcement. The scope of this paper is to present an experimental methodology for assessing the quality of the interface between self-compacting concrete and ribbed reinforcement. For this purpose, seven different self-compacting and four normally vibrated concrete (NVC) mixtures with diverse rheological characteristics were examined. Digital Image Analysis of cut sections containing reinforcing bars at different cast-heights was used as a diagnostic tool. The study illustrates that the quality of the interface is strongly affected by the viscosity of the SCC mixtures and by the slump values in NVC. Self-compacting concrete mixtures show greater inherent robustness and cohesion at the steel–concrete interface compared to conventionally vibrated concretes.Peer reviewe

    Preferences for prenatal diagnosis of sickle-cell disorder: A discrete choice experiment comparing potential service users and health-care providers

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    BACKGROUND: Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) for sickle-cell disorder (SCD) is moving closer to implementation and studies considering stakeholder preferences are required to underpin strategies for offering NIPD in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: Determine service user and provider preferences for key attributes of prenatal diagnostic tests for SCD and examine views on NIPD. METHOD: A questionnaire that includes a discrete choice experiment was used to determine the preferences of service users and providers for prenatal tests that varied across three attributes: accuracy, time of test and risk of miscarriage. RESULTS: Adults who were carriers of SCD or affected with the condition (N=67) were recruited from haemoglobinopathy clinics at two maternity units. Health professionals, predominately midwives, who offer antenatal care (N=62) were recruited from one maternity unit. No miscarriage risk was a key driver of decision making for both service users and providers. Service providers placed greater emphasis on accuracy than service users. Current uptake of invasive tests was 63%, whilst predicted uptake of NIPD was 93.8%. Many service users (55.4%) and providers (52.5%) think pressure to have prenatal testing will increase when NIPD for SCD becomes available. CONCLUSIONS: There are clear differences between service users and health professionals' preferences for prenatal tests for sickle-cell disorder. The safety of NIPD is welcomed by parents and uptake is likely to be high. To promote informed choice, pretest counselling should be balanced and not exclusively focused on test safety. Counselling strategies that are sensitive to feelings of pressure to test will be essential

    Re-evaluation of cosmic ray cutoff terminology

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    The study of cosmic ray access to locations inside the geomagnetic field has evolved in a manner that has led to some misunderstanding and misapplication of the terminology originally developed to describe particle access. This paper presents what is believed to be a useful set of definitions for cosmic ray cutoff terminology for use in theoretical and experimental cosmic ray studies

    A methodological framework for assessing agreement between cost-effectiveness outcomes estimated using alternative sources of data on treatment costs and effects for trial-based economic evaluations

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    A new methodological framework for assessing agreement between cost-effectiveness endpoints generated using alternative sources of data on treatment costs and effects for trial-based economic evaluations is proposed. The framework can be used to validate cost-effectiveness endpoints generated from routine data sources when comparable data is available directly from trial case report forms or from another source. We illustrate application of the framework using data from a recent trial-based economic evaluation of the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve strain BBG administered to babies less than 31 weeks of gestation. Cost-effectiveness endpoints are compared using two sources of information; trial case report forms and data extracted from the National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD), a clinical database created through collaborative efforts of UK neonatal services. Focusing on mean incremental net benefits at £30,000 per episode of sepsis averted, the study revealed no evidence of discrepancy between the data sources (two-sided p values >0.4), low probability estimates of miscoverage (ranging from 0.039 to 0.060) and concordance correlation coefficients greater than 0.86. We conclude that the NNRD could potentially serve as a reliable source of data for future trial-based economic evaluations of neonatal interventions. We also discuss the potential implications of increasing opportunity to utilize routinely available data for the conduct of trial-based economic evaluations