80 research outputs found


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    Suočeni sa činjenicom da se u literaturi, posebno u novijoj germanističkoj, sve viÅ”e osporava status prilogu kao vrsti reči, a da u srpskom nema dovoljno jasnih kriterijuma za njegovo određenje, u priloženom radu čini se pokuÅ”aj da se na osnovu kontrasta dođe do jasnih strukturnih elemenata koji bi potvrdili jednu ili drugu tezu. Trenutno važeći morfoloÅ”ko-sintaksički kriterijum očigledno nije dovoljan za defniciju priloga kao postojeće ili nedostajuće vrste reči. Akcenat u radu otuda se stavlja na tvorbu reči

    Analiza performansi armiranobetonskih zidova pri seizmičkim dejstvima

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    This dissertation contains analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) walls performance under seismic loading. Limit states, ductility and energy indicators of RC walls behavior are examined, along with their failure mechanisms. Sources of theoretical and experimental research of RC walls behavior under static load and load that simulates seismic action are thoroughly and critically examined. Proposal of a nonlinear mathematical model of RC walls behavior under cyclic load was provided, as well as a simplified model suitable for practical analysis Results of analysis are verified by the available experimental research. Nonlinear numerical models of RC walls are used in this study for simulation of seismic action impact on the multi-storey buildings in dual structural systems. Using adequate (here developed or modified) numerical model provides information about the parameters required for proper behavior of RC walls in concrete structures. Based on the proposed model, building structures of various layouts, heights and arrangement of RC walls were analyzed. The analysis was performed using nonlinear methods: static nonlinear (push-over) method and dynamic method which integrates motion equation (time-history method). Storey drift, maximum inter-storey drift and acceleration of ceilings are comparatively analyzed, as criteria for assessment of seismic performances, due to their direct influence on the damage of structural and nonstructural elements

    Pharmacoepidemiological study of spontaneously reported hepatotoxic reactions of drugs and herbal dietary supplements

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    Usled mogućih veoma ozbiljnih kliničkih posledica i velikih poteÅ”koća pri otkrivanju i dijagnostikovanju, hepatotoksičnost lekova ili lekovima izazvano oÅ”tećenje jetre (Drug Induced Liver Injury ā€“ DILI) predstavlja veoma značajan rizik za bezbednost pacijenata i uvek aktuelan farmakoterapijski izazov za zdravstvene radnike, regulatorne agencije i farmaceutsku industriju. Iako se biljni lekovi i dijetetski suplementi (BLiDS) generalno smatraju bezbednim i imaju Å”iroku upotrebu, objavljeni pojedinačni slučajevi pojave toksičnog oÅ”tećenja jetre pri njihovoj primeni ukazuju na značaj ispitivanja hepatotoksičnog potencijala ovih proizvoda. Hepatotoksične reakcije (HR) uglavnom ostaju neidentifikovane tokom pretkliničkih i kliničkih ispitivanja i otkrivaju se tokom postmarketinÅ”kog praćenja leka (faza IV). U okviru ove disertacije istraživani su postmarketinÅ”ki podaci o bezbednosti lekova i BLiDS evidentirani sistemom spontanog prijavljivanja. Primenom jasno definisnih kriterijuma izvrÅ”eno je pretraživanje dve baze bezbednosnih izveÅ”taja o pojedinačnim slučajevima (Individual Case Safety Report ā€“ ICSR), i to: baze Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) (VigiBaseTM) i nacionalne baze Republike Srbije (baza Nacionalnog centra za farmakovigilancu - NCF). U identifikovanim slučajevima hepatotoksičnosti analizirane su dostupne informacije o prijavljenom suspektnom leku i/ili biljnoj vrsti, vrsti hepatotoksične reakcije, polu, uzrastu, upotrebi alkohola, osnovnim bolestima, istovremeno primenjivanim lekovima i/ili BLiDS, i zemlji porekla. Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: 1) Istraživanje slučajeva lekovima izazvane hepatičke insuficijencije evidentiranih u VigiBaseTM tokom desetogodiÅ”njeg perioda od 01.01.2000. do 31.12.2009. godine U navedenom periodu identifikovano je 6.370 slučajeva lekovima izazvane hepatičke insuficijencije (Drug Induced Hepatic Failure ā€“ DIHF) prijavljenih VigiBaseTM iz 38 zemalja. SAD su prijavile najveći broj ICSR (4.659; 73,1%). Od evropskih zemalja, najveći broj prijava DIHF dostavile su Nemačka (423; 6,6%) i Velika Britanija (316; 5,0%). Broj slučajeva u kojima su pacijenti bili ženskog pola (Ž) je bio statistički značajno veći i iznosio je 3.237 (50,82%) slučajeva, dok je 2.754 (43,23%) slučajeva bilo muÅ”kog pola (M) (p<0,001)...Due to potential for very serious clinical consequences and difficulties in detection and diagnosis, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a highly significant safety risk for patients and ongoing pharmacotherapeutic challenge for health professionals, regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical industry. Although herbal medicines and dietary supplements are widely used and generally considered safe, individual case reports on toxic liver injury associated with their administration indicate significance of investigation on hepatotoxic potential of herbal products. Hepatotoxic reactions (HRs) are usually not identified in preclinical and clinical studies, and get detected during post-marketing surveillance (phase IV). This thesis involves research of post-marketing safety data on medicines and herbal products originating from the spontaneous reporting system. Clearly defined search criteria were applied for the investigation of two databases of individual case safety reports (ICSRs): the World Health Organization (WHO) database (VigiBaseTM) and the Serbian national database (the National Pharmacovigilance Centre - NPC database). In the identified cases of hepatotoxicity available data were analyzed with regards to suspected drug and/or herbal species, type of hepatotoxic reaction, gender, age, use of alcohol, underlying diseases, concomitant medications and/or HMDS, and reporting country. Following results were obtained: 1) Investigation of drug induced hepatic failure recorded in the VigiBaseTM during the 10-year period, from January 01, 2000 to December 31, 2009 There were 6,370 cases of drug induced hepatic failure (DIHF) reported from 38 countries to the VigiBaseTM in the analyzed period. The US reported the majority of ICSRs (4,659; 73.1%). Among the European countries, the highest number of DIHF reports was submitted by Germany (423; 6.6%) and the United Kingdom (316; 5.0%). Female gender (F) was reported in 3,237 (50.82%) cases of DIHF, whereas male gender (M) was found in 2,754 (43.23%) reports (p<0.001). The majority of ICSRs referred to age group 50-59 (875; 13.74%), followed by groups aged 60-69 (837; 13.13%) and 40- 49 years (831; 13.05%). After exclusion of reports of unknown gender or age, females accounted for 54.03%, and age under 55 years represented 56.48% DIHF cases (p<0.001)..

    Copmarative analysis of mortars from the archeological sites Gamzigrad (Romuliana) and Caričin Grad for the purpose of making compatible repair mortars

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of mortars found at two significant archeological sites in Serbia. Specifically, those are Gamzigrad (Romuliana) near Zajecar and the archeological site Caricin Grad near Leskovac. In the previous papers, we dealst with the characterization of mortars from both sites. It was the first examination of mortars from both locations. The comparative analysis of mortars was performed based on the data obtained by testing physical-mechanical properties such as: water absorption, porosity, gravity and specific mass. Mineralogical composition (both quantitative and qualitative) was obtained based on XRD / XRF and SEM/EDS analyses. The comparative analyses of the mortar obtained from the mentioned archeological sites indicated that mortars from both locations contained grains of river aggregate, crushed limestone aggregate and crushed masonry bricks. The share percentage varied. Regarding the binder, the mortar from the Gamzigrad (Romuliana) site had limestone used for the binder, while the mortar from the Caricin Grad site had clay and powdered masonry bricks. The obtained results of mortar analysis pave the way for further research with an aim of making repair mortars

    Comparison of two analytical methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for determination of aflatoxin B-1 in corn and aflatoxin M-1 in milk

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the closeness of agreement between results of ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods for determination of aflatoxin B-1 in corn and aflatoxin M-1 in milk. Samples of corn (n=100) and milk (n=250) were simultaneously analyzed using ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods, after the severe drought that affected Serbia in summer 2012 resulting in occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M-1 in milk. Regression analysis showed higher level of agreement between aflatoxin B-1 samples (R2=0.994), compared to aflatoxin M-1 samples (r(2)=0.920). However, both techniques were satisfactory in meeting the requirements for official control purposes

    Strawberry Polyphenols Attenuate Ethanol-Induced Gastric Lesions in Rats by Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes and Attenuation of MDA Increase

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Free radicals are implicated in the aetiology of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric ulcer, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Strawberries are common and important fruit due to their high content of essential nutrient and beneficial phytochemicals which seem to have relevant biological activity on human health. In the present study we investigated the antioxidant and protective effects of three strawberry extracts against ethanol-induced gastric mucosa damage in an experimental in vivo model and to test whether strawberry extracts affect antioxidant enzyme activities in gastric mucosa. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Strawberry extracts were obtained from Adria, Sveva and Alba cultivars. Total antioxidant capacity and radical scavenging capacity were performed by TEAC, ORAC and electron paramagnetic resonance assays. Identification and quantification of anthocyanins was carried out by HPLC-DAD-MS analyses. Different groups of animals received 40 mg/day/kg body weight of strawberry crude extracts for 10 days. Gastric damage was induced by ethanol. The ulcer index was calculated together with the determination of catalase and SOD activities and MDA contents. Strawberry extracts are rich in anthocyanins and present important antioxidant capacity. Ethanol caused severe gastric damage and strawberry consumption protected against its deleterious role. Antioxidant enzyme activities increased significantly after strawberry extract intake and a concomitantly decrease in gastric lipid peroxidation was found. A significant correlation between total anthocyanin content and percent of inhibition of ulcer index was also found. CONCLUSIONS: Strawberry extracts prevented exogenous ethanol-induced damage to rats' gastric mucosa. These effects seem to be associated with the antioxidant activity and phenolic content in the extract as well as with the capacity of promoting the action of antioxidant enzymes. A diet rich in strawberries might exert a beneficial effect in the prevention of gastric diseases related to generation of reactive oxygen species

    BaTiO3/NixZn1āˆ’xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) Composites Synthesized by Thermal Decomposition: Magnetic, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties

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    To investigate the influence of spinel structure and sintering temperature on the functional properties of BaTiO3/NixZn1āˆ’xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1), NiFe2O4, ZnFe2O4, and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 were in situ prepared by thermal decomposition onto BaTiO3 surface from acetylacetonate precursors. As-prepared powders were additionally sintered at 1150 Ā°C and 1300 Ā°C. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used for the detailed examination of phase composition and morphology. The magnetic, dielectric, and ferroelectric properties were investigated. The optimal phase composition in the BaTiO3/NiFe2O4 composite, sintered at 1150 Ā°C, resulted in a wide frequency range stability. Additionally, particular phase composition indicates favorable properties such as low conductivity and ideal-like hysteresis loop behavior. The favorable properties of BaTiO3/NiFe2O4 make this particular composite an ideal material choice for further studies on applications of multi-ferroic devices

    Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata

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    Plastika kao izvor zagađenja postaje sve veći globalni problem. Većina plastike je dizajnirana za jednokratnu upotrebu, Å”to dodatno povećava količinu plastičnog otpada. Usled preopterećenja zemlje i voda plastičnim otpadom neophodno je razviti procese koji će omogućiti efikasno uklanjanje plastike iz životne sredine [1]. Polietilen-tereftalat (PET) spada u najkoriŔćenije polimere za izradu plastike, te je neophodno naći efikasan način za njegovu degradaciju. Kao povoljan metod degradacije PET plastike predlaže se enzimska hidroliza koriŔćenjem mikroorganizama koji kao izvor ugljenika mogu koristiti PET [2]. Bis-(2-hidroksietil)-tereftalat (BHET) je intermedijer u izgradnji PET polimera, te je koriŔćen kao model sistem za ispitivanje degradacije PET plastike [3]. Cilj ovog rada je bila identifikacija mikroorganizama koji potencijalno razgrađuju BHET, kao i primena čistih kultura za degradaciju istog. Tokom studije testirana je osetljivost mikroorganizama na antibiotike (penicillin i nalidiksinsku kiselinu). Praćena je pojava zona inhibicije 24h nakon zasejavanja mikroorganizama. Nakon antibiograma rađeno je izolovanje DNK po protokolu za Grampozitivne i Gram-negativne bakterije. Za svaki soj mikroorganizama umnoženi su geni za 16s rRNK lančanom reakcijom polimeraze (PCR). Rađena je preparativna agarozna elektroforeza sa PCR produktima i DNK je ekstrahovana iz gela. Uzorci su poslati na sekvenciranje i dobijene sekvence su spojene u programu BioEdit. Dobijene sekvence su poređene u NCBI BLAST bazi podataka i identifikovani su rodovi izolovanih mikroorganizama. Ispitivana je degradacija BHET-a pomoću čistih kultura mikroorganizama, gde je koriŔćena mineralna podloga, a jedan od izvora ugljenika bio je BHET. Inkubacija je trajala 14 dana, a degradacija je praćena u prvom i poslednjem danu inkubacije pomoću tankoslojne hromatografije (TLC). KoriŔćen je sistem rastvarača benzen:dioksan:sirćetna kiselina (90:25:4, v/v/v). Na slici 1 su prikazani rezultati TLC-a gde su koriŔćeni sojevi Pseudomonas, Bacillus i Rhodococcus. Kao najefikasniji soj pokazao se Rhodococcus. Kako je pokazano da sami mikroorganizmi mogu da potpuno ili delimično transformiÅ”u BHET, dalji eksperimenti će se odvijati u smeru ispitivanja potpune degradacije pomoću konzorcijuma mikroorganizama.KNJIGA IZVODA: 9. simpozijum Hemija i zaÅ”tita životne sredine Kladovo, 4-7. jun 2023. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS : 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection Kladovo, 4-7th June 202

    Supporting information for: Water-Tuned Tautomer-Selective Tandem Synthesis of the 5,6-Dihydropyrimidin-4(3 H )-ones, Driven under the Umbrella of Sustainable Chemistry

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    The selective synthesis of 5,6-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-one scaffold (precursor of dihydrouracil) was a very difficult synthetic challenge that, so far, has not been achieved. For the first time, in this paper, green, selective and high-yields approach to 40 novel 5,6-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-ones (DHPMs) by one-pot reaction of aldehydes, Meldrum's acid and isothioureas under solvent-free conditions, in the presence of water, since an additive is presented. In the majority of cases, introduced methodology gave an unprecedented tautomer-selective fashion toward targeted compounds with excellent tautomeric purity (>99.9%), which reached 100% in few cases. The molecular structure of the five compounds has been determined by X-ray crystallography. In each one of them, very short length for the corresponding N2-C1 bond was noticed, making them especially interesting from a structural standpoint. This experimental fact can imply a highly localized electron Ļ€ density in this part of each heterocyclic ring. The obtained experimental results, which are determined from NMR and ESI-MS study, indicate that this Biginelli-type reaction smoothly proceeds in a one-pot mode, pointing to the three-step tandem process, proceeding via the Knoevenagel, aza-Michael, and retro-Diels-Alder reactions. The presented strategy also had the following advantages: reduction amount of waste, excellent values of green chemistry metrics (cEF, EcoScale and GCIS), and it is the first eco-friendly strategy toward the DHPMs scaffold. Ā© Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.Supplementary data for the article: [https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b03127]Related to: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7886

    Comparison of sugars, lipids and phenolics content in the grains of organically and conventionally grown soybean in Serbia

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    The aim of the current study was to determine the content of several primary metabolites: total soluble sugars, starch and lipids, soluble sugars, fatty acids and triacylglycerols profile, and secondary metabolites: total phenolics and flavonoids, in the grains of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar ā€˜Kaćaā€™. Additionally, grain antioxidant properties were assessed using ABTSā€¢+ scavenging capacity and ferric reducing power (FRP) assays. Soybean was developed and grown in Serbia under two cultivation systems (conventional and organic) during two growing seasons (2016 and 2017). In both growing seasons and cultivation systems, soybean grains were characterised by reduced lipid content (8.16ā€“14.34%) and as an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Triacylglycerols (TAGs) with 44 equivalent carbon numbers (ECN44) represented the main fraction (30.95ā€“32.79%) followed by ECN46 TAGs (23.27ā€“26.36%). Low total soluble sugars (2.36ā€“11.51%) content was determined. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed a significant prevalence of non-reducing disaccharides (1.41ā€“6.57%) among the individual sugars. Soybean grains were proved as a good source of phenolic (2493.9ā€“4419.5 mg kg-1) and flavonoid (292.7ā€“500.9 mg kg-1) compounds with the dominance of free (extractable) fractions. Strong positive correlations were observed between both cultivation systems and growing seasons indicating no clear differences for the majority of analysed parameters. All examined extracts possessed a significant ability (27.6ā€“38.2%) to neutralize ABTSā€¢+ radicals, while in the case of FRP assay a significant ability for iron ions (Fe3+) reduction was recorded for the samples from the second growing season
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