132 research outputs found


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    Planktonic foraminifera were studied in the upper Albian to Cenomanian sedimentary sequence of the Monte Petrano and Le Brecce stratigraphic sections located in the Umbria-Marche Basin (central Italy), and of Hole 547A and Site 545 drilled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) on the Mazagan Plateau (offshore Morocco, northeast Atlantic Ocean). Biostratigraphic results allow the identification of a stratigraphically ordered sequence of bioevents that have proved to be reliable for regional and interregional correlations, from older to younger: the lowest occurrences (LOs) of Th. appenninica, Pl. buxtorfi, Pa. libyca, Th. brotzeni in the Albian, and the LOs of Th. globotruncanoides, Th. greenhornensis and Rt. cushmani in the Cenomanian sediments. We remark the difficulty in the identification of the Th. reicheli Zone used in the Tethyan biozonation because of the rarity and absence of the species in many low to mid- latitude pelagic sequences. To overcome the problem, we use the Th. greenhornensis Zone defined as the stratigraphic interval between the lowest occurrence (LO) of Th. greenhornensis and the LO of Rt. cushmani. The LO of Th. greenhornensis is a solid bioevent with the nominal species characterized by a wide geographic distribution and occurring close to the LO of Th. reicheli where the latter species is present. The studied stratigraphic sections are compared with the coeval Mont Risou section in the Vocontian Basin and the record from Blake Nose in the western North Atlantic to verify the correlation and synchronicity of biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic events including the Oceanic Anoxic Events 1d (OAE1d) and the Mid Cenomanian Event (MCE)


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    The Late Oligocene/Early Miocene tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the eastern sector of the Langhe Sub-Basin (Teriary Piedmont Basin) is proposed and discussed. The area is located between the villages of Roccaverano and Mombaldone, along the western side of the Bormida di Spigno River Valley (see attached geologic map). Synsedimentary tectonics strongly influenced the geologic evolution of the region during the time span examined, being particularly evident at three specific "times" that were chosen as models. During "Time 1" (Late Oligocene) gentle anticlines, aligned WNW-ESE and NW-SE, started to form, affecting only hemipelagic mudstones and creating structural highs that controlled the areal distribution of both turbidites (i.e.T. Ovrano High) and a thick pelitic slump sheet (i.e.M. Pisone High). During "Time 2"(Aquitanian) the C. Mazzurini Half-Graben developed, separated by W-E and WNW-ESE growth faults from the M. Ovrano High to the north and gradually connecting, through a gently sloping ramp, with the Rocchetta High to the south. Turbidity currents and debris flows were channeled into the half-graben, while hemipelagic limestones were deposited onto the adjacent higher areas. During "Time 3" (Early Burdigalian) the depocenter of the depression shifted southward, while the half-graben evolved into a wide trough (Piantivello Trough) characterized by turbidites. Subsequently, the strongly irregular topography was progressively leveled to the quite homogeneous landscape on which the Cortemilia Formation (Late Burdigalian) was deposited.

    Remarks on the identification of the Albian/Cenomanian boundary and taxonomic clarification of the planktonic foraminifera index species globotruncanoides, brotzeni and tehamaensis

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    The planktonic foraminifera assemblage across the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Cenomanian Stage defined at Mont Risou (Haute-Alpes in France) is here restudied to clarify the identification and stratigraphic distribution of Thalmanninella globotruncanoides ( = Rotalipora globotruncanoides Sigal, 1948) and Pseudothalmanninella tehamaensis ( = Rotalipora tehamaensis Marianos & Zingula, 1966) whose appearance levels are primary and secondary criteria for placing the Albian/Cenomanian boundary. Since the ratification of the GSSP in 2002, the identification of the foraminifera index species across the Albian/Cenomanian boundary has been reported to be sometimes difficult either because of their rarity or uncertainty in the taxonomic identifications. We discuss the taxonomic status of Thalmanninella brotzeni Sigal 1948, a species regarded for a long time to be a junior synonym of Th. globotruncanoides, through images of Sigal's type materials deposited at the Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), and elucidate the taxonomically important characters that enable unequivocal identification of Th. brotzeni, Th. globotruncanoides and Ps. tehamaensis. Planktonic foraminifera marker species from Mont Risou are compared with well-preserved specimens from Blake Nose Plateau (ODP 171B, North Western Atlantic Ocean) to verify the reliability and stratigraphic distribution of these marker taxa outside the Mediterranean Tethyan area


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    The Bottaccione section (Umbria-Marche Basin, central Italy) was analyzed for calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy across the Santonian-Campanian boundary interval to achieve a high-resolution and updated zonation directly calibrated with magnetostratigraphy. Several calcareous plankton events were detected, including zonal markers and additional potential biohorizons. The base of magnetochron C33r, proposed for placement of the base of the Campanian, lies between the first occurrence of Aspidolithus parcus parcus and the last occurrence of Dicarinella asymetrica in the Bottaccione section. The literature survey indicates that these events were found in the Santonian-Campanian boundary interval at supraregional scale and, may be used to confidently approximate the base of the Campanian

    The Coniacian–Santonian sedimentary record in southern Tanzania (Ruvuma Basin, East Africa): Planktonic foraminiferal evolutionary, geochemical and palaeoceanographic patterns

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    AbstractA 101 m thick stratigraphically complete late Coniacian–early Santonian (ca 89 to 83 Ma) sedimentary sequence drilled in Tanzania (Tanzania Drilling Project Site 39) allows, for the first time, examination of the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and evolution, the depositional history, and geochemical patterns of the subtropical–tropical Indian Ocean region. The sedimentary succession corresponds to an outer shelf to upper slope setting and is dominated by calcareous clayey siltstones and mudstones. The occurrences of Tethyan marker species enable application of the tropical biozonation including identification of the Dicarinella concavata and Dicarinella asymetrica Zones. In addition, Tanzania Drilling Project Site 39 is proposed as reference section for the Coniacian/Santonian boundary in the Indian Ocean with the boundary placed at the lowest occurrence of Globotruncana linneiana in agreement with the Global Stratotype Section and Point (Spain). The record at Tanzania Drilling Project Site 39 provides a unique opportunity to document the planktonic foraminiferal evolution in a subtropical marginal sea environment during a key period in their evolutionary history characterized by a major radiation among the deep‐dwelling taxa. Combined documentation of lithological and geochemical changes (%CaCO3, %Corg, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb) reveals a setting influenced by continental‐derived nutrients in the Dicarinella concavata Zone (Lindi Formation) with a change to higher carbonate production and reduced surface water primary productivity in the overlying Dicarinella asymetrica Zone (Nangurukuru Formation). Planktonic foraminiferal assemblage changes mirror the depositional and geochemical trends and indicate a progressive shift from a more eutrophic to a more oligotrophic regime through time. At the local scale, this palaeoceanographic scenario is consistent with the deepening of coastal Tanzania in response to the Late Cretaceous marine transgression registered in south‐east Tanzania. Because the tectonic evolution and sea‐level rise along the East Africa continental margin is superimposed on the Coniacian–Campanian global long‐term sea‐level high, this study hypothesizes that the epicontinental invasion of blue waters may have favoured radiation among deep‐dwelling taxa

    Late Cretaceous Paleoceanographic Evolution and the Onset of Cooling in the Santonian at Southern High Latitudes (IODP Site U1513, SE Indian Ocean)

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    The latest Cenomanian to Santonian sedimentary record recovered at IODP Expedition 369 Site U1513 in the Mentelle Basin (SE Indian Ocean, paleolatitude 60°S at 85 Ma) is studied to interpret the paleoceanographic evolution in the Southern Hemisphere. The planktonic foraminiferal assemblage changes, the depth ecology preferences of different species, and the surface and seafloor temperature inferred from the stable isotopic values measured on foraminiferal tests provide meaningful information to the understanding of the Late Cretaceous climate. The hothouse climate during the Turonian-Santonian, characterized by weak latitudinal temperature gradients and high atmospheric CO2 concentrations, is followed by a progressive cooling during the Campanian. At Site U1513 the beginning of this climatic transition is nicely recorded within the Santonian, as indicated by an ∼1‰ increase in δ18O values of planktonic foraminifera suggesting a decline in surface water paleotemperatures of 4°C. The onset of cooling is mirrored by changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages including extinctions among surface and deep dwellers, appearances and diversification of newly evolving taxa, and changes from predominantly epifaunal oxic to infaunal dysoxic/ suboxic taxa among co-occurring benthic foraminifera. Overall, the data presented here document an interval in the Santonian during which the rate of southern high latitude cooling increased. Both surface and bottom waters were affected, although the cooling signal is more evident in the data for surface waters. This pattern of cooling ascribes the deterioration of the Late Cretaceous climate to decreased CO2 in the atmosphere and changes in the oceanic circulation correlated with enhanced meridional circulation

    Biotic and Paleoceanographic Changes Across the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the Southern High Latitudes (IODP Sites U1513 and U1516, SE Indian Ocean)

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    Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, spanning the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (93.9 Ma), was an episode of major perturbations in the global carbon cycle. To investigate the response of biota and the paleoceanographic conditions across this event, we present data from International Ocean Discovery Program sites U1513 and U1516 in the Mentelle Basin (offshore SW Australia; paleolatitude 59°–60°S in the mid-Cretaceous) that register the first complete records of OAE 2 at southern high latitudes. Calcareous nannofossils provide a reliable bio-chronostratigraphic framework. The distribution and abundance patterns of planktonic and benthic foraminifera, radiolaria, and calcispheres permit interpretation of the dynamics of the water mass stratification and provide support for the paleobathymetric reconstruction of the two sites, with Site U1513 located northwest of the Mentelle Basin depocenter and at a deeper depth than Site U1516. The lower OAE 2 interval is characterized by reduced water mass stratification with alternating episodes of enhanced surface water productivity and variations of the thickness of the mixed layer as indicated by the fluctuations in abundance of the intermediate dwelling planktonic foraminifera. The middle OAE 2 interval contains lithologies composed almost entirely of radiolaria reflecting extremely high marine productivity; the low CaCO3 content is consistent with marked shoaling of the Carbonate Compensation Depth and ocean acidification because of CaCO3 undersaturation. Conditions moderated after deposition of the silica-rich, CaCO3-poor rocks as reflected by the microfossil changes indicating a relatively stable water column although episodes of enhanced eutrophy did continue into the lower Turonian at Site U1516

    Age and synchronicity of planktonic foraminiferal bioevents across the Cenomanian – Turonian boundary interval (Late Cretaceous)

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    The upper Cenomanian – lower Turonian is a key-stratigraphic interval, as it encompasses the Late Cretaceous supergreenhouse and a major perturbation of the global carbon cycle (i. e., Oceanic Anoxic Event 2) as evidenced by a global positive carbon isotope excursion and by the nearly world-wide deposition of organic-rich marine facies. A turnover in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and in other marine organisms is documented across this stratigraphic interval, but reconstruction of the timing and identification of the cause and effect relationships between environmental perturbations and organism response require a highly-resolved stratigraphic framework. The appearance and extinction levels of planktonic foraminiferal species generally allow accurate intra- and supra-basinal correlations. However, bioevents cannot be assumed to be globally synchronous, because the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of species is modulated by ecological preferences exhibited by each taxon and controlled by oceanic circulation, often resulting in earlier or delayed events in certain geographic areas (i. e., diachronous datums). The aim of this study is to test the synchronicity of the planktonic foraminiferal bioevents recognized across the C/T boundary and to provide the most reliable sequence of events for correlation of low to mid-latitude localities. For this purpose, we have compiled a highly-resolved biostratigraphic analysis of the European reference section for the C/T boundary at Eastbourne, Gun Gardens (UK), and core S57 (Tarfaya, Morocco), and correlated the sequence of bioevents identified with those recorded in other coeval sections available in the literature, including the GSSP section for the base of the Turonian Stage at Rock Canyon, Pueblo (Colorado), where we calculated reliable estimates of planktonic foraminiferal events that are well-constrained by radioisotopically and astrochronologically dated bentonite layers. Results indicate that the extinctions of Thalmanninella deeckei, Thalmanninella greenhornensis, Rotalipora cushmani and "Globigerinelloides" bentonensis in the latest Cenomanian are reliable bioevents for correlation. In addition, our analysis highlights other promising lowest occurrences (LOs) that need to be better constrained by bio- and chemostratigraphy, including the LO of Marginotruncana schneegansi falling close to the C/T boundary. By contrast, the appearance of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica and of some Dicarinella species, the extinction of anaticinellids and the onset of the "Heterohelix" shift are likely diachronous across low to mid-latitude localities. Finally, our study suggests that different species concepts among authors, different sample size and sampling resolution, as well as species paleoecology are important factors that control the stratigraphic position at which bioevents are identified