154 research outputs found

    Perspective: Of mice and men - How widespreads adult neurogenesis?

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    These are exciting times for research on adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN). Debate and controversy regarding the existence of generation of new neurons in the adult, and even diseased human brain flourishes as articles against and in favor accumulate. Adult neurogenesis in the human brain is a phenomenon that does not share the qualities of quantum mechanics. The scientific community should agree that human AHN exists or does not, but not both at the same time. In this commentary, we discuss the latest research articles about hAHN and what their findings imply for the neurogenesis field

    Singular adult neural stem cells do not exist

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    Adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) are the source for the continuous production of new neurons throughout life. This so-called adult neurogenesis has been extensively studied; the intermediate cellular stages are well documented. Recent discoveries have raised new controversies in the field, such as the notion that progenitor cells hold similar self-renewal potential as stem cells, or whether different types of aNSCs exist. Here, we discuss evidence for heterogeneity of aNSCs, including short-term and long-term self-renewing aNSCs, regional and temporal differences in aNSC function, and single cell transcriptomics. Reviewing various genetic mouse models used for targeting aNSCs and lineage tracing, we consider potential lineage relationships between Ascl1-, Gli1-, and Nestin-targeted aNSCs. We present a multidimensional model of adult neurogenesis that incorporates recent findings and conclude that stemness is a phenotype, a state of properties that can change with time, rather than a cell property, which is static and immutable. We argue that singular aNSCs do not exist

    Early postnatal in vivo gliogenesis from nestin-lineage progenitors requires Cdk5

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    The early postnatal period is a unique time of brain development, as diminishing amounts of neurogenesis coexist with waves of gliogenesis. Understanding the molecular regulation of early postnatal gliogenesis may provide clues to normal and pathological embryonic brain ontogeny, particularly in regards to the development of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) contributes to neuronal migration and cell cycle control during embryogenesis, and to the differentiation of neurons and oligodendrocytes during adulthood. However, Cdk5’s function in the postnatal period and within discrete progenitor lineages is unknown. Therefore, we selectively removed Cdk5 from nestin-expressing cells and their progeny by giving transgenic mice (nestin-CreERT2/R26R-YFP/CDK5flox/flox [iCdk5] and nestin-CreERT2/R26R-YFP/CDK5wt/wt [WT]) tamoxifen during postnatal (P) days P2-P 4 or P7-P 9, and quantified and phenotyped recombined (YFP+) cells at P14 and P21. When Cdk5 gene deletion was induced in nestin-expressing cells and their progeny during the wave of cortical and hippocampal gliogenesis (P2-P4), significantly fewer YFP+ cells were evident in the cortex, corpus callosum, and hippocampus. Phenotypic analysis revealed the cortical decrease was due to fewer YFP+ astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, with a slightly earlier influence seen in oligodendrocytes vs. astrocytes. This effect on cortical gliogenesis was accompanied by a decrease in YFP+ proliferative cells, but not increased cell death. The role of Cdk5 in gliogenesis appeared specific to the early postnatal period, as induction of recombination at a later postnatal period (P7-P9) resulted in no change YFP+ cell number in the cortex or hippocampus. Thus, glial cells that originate from nestin-expressing cells and their progeny require Cdk5 for proper development during the early postnatal period

    The transcription factor ZEB1 regulates stem cell self-renewal and cell fate in the adult hippocampus

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    Radial glia-like (RGL) stem cells persist in the adult mammalian hippocampus, where they generate new neurons and astrocytes throughout life. The process of adult neurogenesis is well documented, but cellautonomous factors regulating neuronal and astroglial differentiation are incompletely understood. Here, we evaluate the functions of the transcription factor zinc-finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) in adult hippocampal RGL cells using a conditional-inducible mouse model. We find that ZEB1 is necessary for self-renewal of active RGL cells. Genetic deletion of Zeb1 causes a shift toward symmetric cell division that consumes the RGL cell and generates pro-neuronal progenies, resulting in an increase of newborn neurons and a decrease of newly generated astrocytes. We identify ZEB1 as positive regulator of the ets-domain transcription factor ETV5 that is critical for asymmetric divisio

    An analogue of the Prolactin Releasing Peptide reduces obesity and promotes adult neurogenesis

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    Hypothalamic Adult Neurogenesis (hAN) has been implicated in regulating energy homeostasis. Adult-generated neurons and adult Neural Stem Cells (aNSCs) in the hypothalamus control food intake and body weight. Conversely, diet-induced obesity (DIO) by high fat diets (HFD) exerts adverse influence on hAN. However, the effects of anti-obesity compounds on hAN are not known. To address this, we administered a lipidized analogue of an anti-obesity neuropeptide, Prolactin Releasing Peptide (PrRP), so-called LiPR, to mice. In the HFD context, LiPR rescued the survival of adult-born hypothalamic neurons and increased the number of aNSCs by reducing their activation. LiPR also rescued the reduction of immature hippocampal neurons and modulated calcium dynamics in iPSC-derived human neurons. In addition, some of these neurogenic effects were exerted by another anti-obesity compound, Liraglutide. These results show for the first time that anti-obesity neuropeptides influence adult neurogenesis and suggest that the neurogenic process can serve as a target of anti-obesity pharmacotherapy

    A cryogenic beam of refractory, chemically reactive molecules with expansion cooling

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    Cryogenically cooled buffer gas beam sources of the molecule thorium monoxide (ThO) are optimized and characterized. Both helium and neon buffer gas sources are shown to produce ThO beams with high flux, low divergence, low forward velocity, and cold internal temperature for a variety of stagnation densities and nozzle diameters. The beam operates with a buffer gas stagnation density of ~10^15-10^16 cm^-3 (Reynolds number ~1-100), resulting in expansion cooling of the internal temperature of the ThO to as low as 2 K. For the neon (helium) based source, this represents cooling by a factor of about 10 (2) from the initial nozzle temperature of about 20 K (4 K). These sources deliver ~10^11 ThO molecules in a single quantum state within a 1-3 ms long pulse at 10 Hz repetition rate. Under conditions optimized for a future precision spectroscopy application [A C Vutha et al 2010 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 074007], the neon-based beam has the following characteristics: forward velocity of 170 m/s, internal temperature of 3.4 K, and brightness of 3x10^11 ground state molecules per steradian per pulse. Compared to typical supersonic sources, the relatively low stagnation density of this source, and the fact that the cooling mechanism relies only on collisions with an inert buffer gas, make it widely applicable to many atomic and molecular species, including those which are chemically reactive, such as ThO

    Expansion and further delineation of the SETD5 phenotype leading to global developmental delay, variable dysmorphic features, and reduced penetrance

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    Diagnostic exome sequencing (DES) has aided delineation of the phenotypic spectrum of rare genetic etiologies of intellectual disability (ID). A SET domain containing 5 gene (SETD5) phenotype of ID and dysmorphic features has been previously described in relation to patients with 3p25.3 deletions and in a few individuals with de novo sequence alterations. Herein, we present additional patients with pathogenic SETD5 sequence alterations. The majority of patients in this cohort and previously reported have developmental delay, behavioral/psychiatric issues, and variable hand and skeletal abnormalities. We also present an apparently unaffected carrier mother of an affected individual and a carrier mother with normal intelligence and affected twin sons. We suggest that the phenotype of SETD5 is more complex and variable than previously presented. Therefore, many features and presentations need to be considered when evaluating a patient for SETD5 alterations through DES

    Advanced cold molecule electron EDM

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    Measurement of a non-zero electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron within a few orders of magnitude of the current best limit of |d_e| < 1.05 × 10^(−27) e⋅cm [1] would be an indication of physics beyond the Standard Model. The ACME Collaboration is searching for an electron EDM by performing a precision measurement of electron spin precession in the metastable H^3Δ_1 state of thorium monoxide (ThO) using a slow, cryogenic beam. We discuss the current status of the experiment. Based on a data set acquired from 14 hours of running time over a period of 2 days, we have achieved a 1-sigma statistical uncertainty of δd_e = 1 × 10^(−28) e⋅cm/√T, where T is the running time in days

    A comparison of the radiosensitisation ability of 22 different element metal oxide nanoparticles using clinical megavoltage X-rays

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    Background: A wide range of nanoparticles (NPs), composed of different elements and their compounds, are being developed by several groups as possible radiosensitisers, with some already in clinical trials. However, no systematic experimental survey of the clinical X-ray radiosensitising potential of different element nanoparticles has been made. Here, we directly compare the irradiation-induced (10 Gy of 6-MV X-ray photon) production of hydroxyl radicals, superoxide anion radicals and singlet oxygen in aqueous solutions of the following metal oxide nanoparticles: Al2O3, SiO2, Sc2O3, TiO2, V2O5, Cr2O3, MnO2, Fe3O4, CoO, NiO, CuO, ZnO, ZrO2, MoO3, Nd2O3, Sm2O3, Eu2O3, Gd2O3, Tb4O7, Dy2O3, Er2O3 and HfO2. We also examine DNA damage due to these NPs in unirradiated and irradiated conditions. Results: Without any X-rays, several NPs produced more radicals than water alone. Thus, V2O5 NPs produced around 5-times more hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals. MnO2 NPs produced around 10-times more superoxide anions and Tb4O7 produced around 3-times more singlet oxygen. Lanthanides produce fewer hydroxyl radicals than water. Following irradiation, V2O5 NPs produced nearly 10-times more hydroxyl radicals than water. Changes in radical concentrations were determined by subtracting unirradiated values from irradiated values. These were then compared with irradiation-induced changes in water only. Irradiation-specific increases in hydroxyl radical were seen with most NPs, but these were only significantly above the values of water for V2O5, while the Lanthanides showed irradiation-specific decreases in hydroxyl radical, compared to water. Only TiO2 showed a trend of irradiation-specific increase in superoxides, while V2O5, MnO2, CoO, CuO, MoO3 and Tb4O7 all demonstrated significant irradiation-specific decreases in superoxide, compared to water. No irradiation-specific increases in singlet oxygen were seen, but V2O5, NiO, CuO, MoO3 and the lanthanides demonstrated irradiation-specific decreases in singlet oxygen, compared to water. MoO3 and CuO produced DNA damage in the absence of radiation, while the highest irradiation-specific DNA damage was observed with CuO. In contrast, MnO2, Fe3O4 and CoO were slightly protective against irradiation-induced DNA damage. Conclusions: Beyond identifying promising metal oxide NP radiosensitisers and radioprotectors, our broad comparisons reveal unexpected differences that suggest the surface chemistry of NP radiosensitisers is an important criterion for their success

    The role of prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2) in toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated colitis-associated neoplasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have previously found that TLR4-deficient (TLR4-/-) mice demonstrate decreased expression of mucosal PGE <sub>2 </sub>and are protected against colitis-associated neoplasia. However, it is still unclear whether PGE <sub>2 </sub>is the central factor downstream of TLR4 signaling that promotes intestinal tumorigenesis. To further elucidate critical downstream pathways involving TLR4-mediated intestinal tumorigenesis, we examined the effects of exogenously administered PGE <sub>2 </sub>in TLR4-/- mice to see if PGE <sub>2 </sub>bypasses the protection from colitis-associated tumorigenesis.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Mouse colitis-associated neoplasia was induced by azoxymethane (AOM) injection followed by two cycles of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) treatment. Two different doses of PGE <sub>2 </sub>(high dose group, 200 μg, n = 8; and low dose group, 100 μg, n = 6) were administered daily during recovery period of colitis by gavage feeding. Another group was given PGE <sub>2 </sub>during DSS treatment (200 μg, n = 5). Inflammation and dysplasia were assessed histologically. Mucosal Cox-2 and amphiregulin (AR) expression, prostanoid synthesis, and EGFR activation were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In control mice treated with PBS, the average number of tumors was greater in WT mice (n = 13) than in TLR4-/- mice (n = 7). High dose but not low dose PGE <sub>2 </sub>treatment caused an increase in epithelial proliferation. 28.6% of PBS-treated TLR4-/- mice developed dysplasia (tumors/animal: 0.4 ± 0.2). By contrast, 75.0% (tumors/animal: 1.5 ± 1.2, P < 0.05) of the high dose group and 33.3% (tumors/animal: 0.3 ± 0.5) of the low dose group developed dysplasia in TLR4-/- mice. Tumor size was also increased by high dose PGE <sub>2 </sub>treatment. Endogenous prostanoid synthesis was differentially affected by PGE <sub>2 </sub>treatment during acute and recovery phases of colitis. Exogenous administration of PGE <sub>2 </sub>increased colitis-associated tumorigenesis but this only occurred during the recovery phase. Lastly, PGE <sub>2 </sub>treatment increased mucosal expression of AR and Cox-2, thus inducing EGFR activation and forming a positive feedback mechanism to amplify mucosal Cox-2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results highlight the importance of PGE <sub>2 </sub>as a central downstream molecule involving TLR4-mediated intestinal tumorigenesis.</p