109 research outputs found
Kapeankaistan LTE koneiden välisessä satelliittitietoliikenteessä
Recent trends to wireless Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication and Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new demand for more efficient low-throughput wireless data connections. Beside the traditional wireless standards, focused on high bandwidth data transfer, has emerged a new generation of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) which targets for less power demanding low-throughput devices requiring inexpensive data connections.
Recently released NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) specification extends the existing 4G/LTE standard allowing more easily accessible LPWAN cellular connectivity for IoT devices. Narrower bandwidth and lower data rates combined to a simplified air interface make it less resource demanding still benefiting from the widely spread LTE technologies and infrastructure.
%% Applications & Why space
Applications, such as wide scale sensor or asset tracking networks, can benefit from a global scale network coverage and easily available low-cost user equipment which could be made possible by new narrowband IoT satellite networks.
In this thesis, the NB-IoT specification and its applicability for satellite communication is discussed. Primarily, LTE and NB-IoT standards are designed only for terrestrial and their utilization in Earth-to-space communication raises new challenges, such as timing and frequency synchronization requirements when utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques.
Many of these challenges can be overcome by specification adaptations and other existing techniques making minimal changes to the standard and allowing extension of the terrestrial cellular networks to global satellite access.Viimeaikaiset kehitystrendit koneiden välisessä kommunikaatiossa (Machine to Machine Communication, M2M) ja esineiden Internet (Internet of Things, IoT) -sovelluksissa ovat luoneet perinteisteisten nopean tiedonsiirron langattomien standardien ohelle uuden sukupolven LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks) -tekniikoita, jotka ovat tarkoitettu pienitehoisille tiedonsiirtoa tarvitseville sovelluksille.
Viimeaikoina yleistynyt NB-IoT standardi laajentaa 4G/LTE standardia mahdollistaen entistä matalamman virrankulutuksen matkapuhelinyhteydet IoT laitteissa. Kapeampi lähetyskaista ja hitaampi tiedonsiirtonopeus yhdistettynä yksinkertaisempaan ilmarajapintaan mahdollistaa pienemmän resurssivaatimukset saman aikaan hyötyen laajalti levinneistä LTE teknologioista ja olemassa olevasta infrastruktuurista. Useissa sovelluskohteissa, kuten suurissa sensoriverkoissa, voitaisiin hyötyä merkittävästi globaalista kattavuudesta yhdistettynä edullisiin helposti saataviin päätelaitteisiin.
Tässä työssä käsitellään NB-IoT standardia ja sen soveltuvuutta satellittitietoliikenteeseen. LTE ja NB-IoT ovat kehitty maanpääliseen tietoliikenteeseen ja niiden hyödyntäminen avaruuden ja maan välisessä kommunikaatiossa aiheuttaa uusia haasteita esimerkiksi aika- ja taajuussynkronisaatiossa ja OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing) -tekniikan hyödyntämisessä. Nämä haasteet voidaan ratkaista soveltamalla spesifikaatiota sekä muilla jo olemassa olevilla tekniikoilla tehden mahdollisimman vähän muutoksia alkuperäiseen standardiin, ja täten sallien maanpäälisten IoT verkkojen laajenemisen avaruuteen
Integrating Behavior in Life-History Theory: Allocation versus Acquisition?
Central theories explaining the maintenance of individual differences in behavior build on the assumption that behavior mediates life-history trade-offs between current and future reproduction. However, current empirical evidence does not robustly support this assumption. This mismatch might be because current theory is not clear about the role of behavior in individual allocation versus acquisition of resources, hindering empirical testing. The relative importance of allocation compared to acquisition is a key feature of classic life-history theory, but appears to have been lost in translation in recent developments of life-history theory involving behavior. We argue that determining the relative balance between variation in resource allocation and acquisition, and the role of behavior in this process, will help to build more robust and precise predictions.Peer reviewe
Understanding behavioural responses to human-induced rapid environmental change: a meta-analysis
Behavioural responses are often the first reaction of an organism to human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC), yet current empirical evidence provides no consensus about the main environmental features that animals respond to behaviourally or which behaviours are responsive to HIREC. To understand how changes in behaviour can be predicted by different forms of HIREC, we conducted a meta-analysis of the existing empirical literature focusing on behavioural responses to five axes of environmental change (climate change, changes in CO2, direct human impact, changes in nutrients and biotic exchanges) in five behavioural domains (aggression, exploration, activity, boldness and sociability) across a range of taxa but with a focus on fish and bird species. Our meta-analysis revealed a general absence of directional behavioural responses to HIREC. However, the absolute magnitude of the effect sizes was large. This means that animals have strong behavioural responses to HIREC, but the responses are not clearly in any particular direction. Moreover, the absolute magnitude of the effect sizes differed between different behaviours and different forms of HIREC: Exploration responded more strongly than activity, and climate change induced the strongest behavioural responses. Model heterogeneities identified that effect sizes varied primarily because of study design, and the specific sample of individuals used in a study; phylogeny also explains significant variation in our bird model. Based on these results, we make four recommendations to further our understanding: 1) a more balanced representation of laboratory and field studies, 2) consideration of context dependency, 3) standardisation of the methods and definitions used to quantify and study behaviours and 4) consideration of the role for individual differences in behaviour. © 2021 Nordic Society Oikos. Published by John Wiley & Sons LtdPeer reviewe
Lymphatic vessels are present in human saccular intracranial aneurysms
Saccular intracranial aneurysm (sIA) rupture leads to subarachnoid haemorrhage and is preceded by chronic inflammation and atherosclerotic changes of the sIA wall. Increased lymphangiogenesis has been detected in atherosclerotic extracranial arteries and in abdominal aortic aneurysms, but the presence of lymphatic vessels in sIAs has remained unexplored. Here we studied the presence of lymphatic vessels in 36 intraoperatively resected sIAs (16 unruptured and 20 ruptured), using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence stainings for lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) markers. Of these LEC-markers, both extracellular and intracellular LYVE-1-, podoplanin-, VEGFR-3-, and Prox1-positive stainings were detected in 83%, 94%, 100%, and 72% of the 36 sIA walls, respectively. Lymphatic vessels were identified as ring-shaped structures positive for one or more of the LEC markers. Of the sIAs, 78% contained lymphatic vessels positive for at least one LEC marker. The presence of LECs and lymphatic vessels were associated with the number of CD68+ and CD163+ cells in the sIA walls, and with the expression of inflammation indicators such as serum amyloid A, myeloperoxidase, and cyclo-oxygenase 2, with the presence of a thrombus, and with the sIA wall rupture. Large areas of VEGFR-3 and alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha SMA) double-positive cells were detected in medial parts of the sIA walls. Also, a few podoplanin and alpha SMA double-positive cells were discovered. In addition, LYVE-1 and CD68 double-positive cells were detected in the sIA walls and in the thrombus revealing that certain CD68+ macrophages are capable of expressing LEC markers. This study demonstrates for the first time the presence of lymphatic vessels in human sIA walls. Further studies are needed to understand the role of lymphatic vessels in the pathogenesis of sIA.Peer reviewe
Effects of multiple wetting incidents, shear and sliding friction on lubricant stability in SLIPS
Surface icing almost invariably derives from the precursory step of liquid water encountering the surface. Thus, slippery liquid infused porous surfaces, SLIPS, must possess steady wetting durability, and lubricant stability to function as a reliable hydro−/icephobic surface design especially in outdoor applications. Additionally, they should maintain their phobic performance under shear forces, and possess low sliding friction to act as a slippery, multirepellent surfaces. These characteristics are needed in variable applications ranging from moving and rotating blades to steady surfaces, operating in altering climate conditions. More profound durability testing is needed to examine the loss of surface functionality when the lubricant is depleted from the structure via various routes. In addition, the durability tests should be designed to serve the application-related purposes and thus, to reveal performance differences between slippery surfaces for further analysis and targeted end-use development. Here, we tested the wetting durability and stability of SLIPS with multicycle Wilhelmy plate by dipping the surfaces multiple times in water bath. Additionally, we examined the effects of centrifugal and friction-based shear stress to investigate the lubricant depletion from the structure. Tests that measure the durability and the stability of SLIPS designs are in great need in further developing functional slippery surfaces for real outdoor application coatings which encounter environmental stresses, e.g., wetting and icing. Acknowledging the material differences under specific stresses will guide designing the slippery surfaces towards more specific and functionable end-use applications.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Commissioning of the MultiRad 350 cell and small animal x-ray irradiation system
Purpose: The main objective of this study was to commission a commercial x-ray irradiation system to be used for cell and small animal studies.Materials and methods: Evaluated characteristics of an x-ray irradiator included dose linearity and dose repeatability with respect to time, x-ray beam profiles, light field to irradiation field agreement and absolute radiation dose. Radiochromic films, ionization chambers and radiophotoluminescence dosimeters were used for dosimetry and the maximum settings of the irradiator were applied.Results: The dose was linear with time using several voltage settings and the dose repeatability with time was within 5% beyond 15 s of irradiation time. The x-ray beam profiles were acceptable, flatness being less than 4%. The light field to irradiation field agreement appeared to have a maximum difference of 0.5 cm; the irradiation field being closer to the irradiator's door than the light field.Conclusions: The MultiRad 350 x-ray irradiation system can be used in a safe and controlled manner for irradiating cells and small animals. However, the user should be careful to verify the filter position prior the irradiation.</p
Myeloperoxidase Associates With Degenerative Remodeling and Rupture of the Saccular Intracranial Aneurysm Wall
Rupture of a saccular intracranial aneurysm (sIA) is often fatal. Thus, early detection of rupture-prone sIAs is vital. Myeloperoxidase (MPO), derived mainly from neutrophils, associates with sIA rupture, and therefore its role in sIA pathogenesis warrants further studies. We analyzed MPO and its association with other histological markers in 36 (16 unruptured and 20 ruptured) sIA samples by immunohistochemistry. MPO was present in all studied sIAs, and its expression associated with wall inflammatory cell infiltrations (r = 0.50, 0.63, and 0.75, all p <0.002), degenerative remodeling (p = 0.002) and rupture (p = 0.003). MPO associated strongly with the presence of organized luminal thrombi (p <0.001), which also stained positive for MPO. Polymorphonuclear MPO+ cells were detected in the sIA walls, indicating neutrophils as MPO-source. MPO correlated strongly with accumulation of oxidized lipids (r = 0.67, p <0.001) and loss of smooth muscle cells (r = -0.68, p <0.001), suggesting that MPO is a relevant source of oxidative stress leading to cell death in the sIA wall. Furthermore, MPO associated with erythrocyte fragmentation (r = 0.74, p <0.001) and iron deposition (p = 0.041), 2 outcomes known to amplify MPO-dependent oxidative stress. Taken together, these results suggest that MPO associates with degenerative remodeling predisposing to sIA wall rupture and may serve as a biomarker of a rupture-prone sIA wall.Peer reviewe
Serum Amyloid A Is Present in Human Saccular Intracranial Aneurysm Walls and Associates With Aneurysm Rupture
Saccular intracranial aneurysm (sIA) rupture leads to a disabling subarachnoid hemorrhage. Chronic inflammation and lipid accumulation in the sIA wall contribute to wall degenerative remodeling that precedes its rupture. A better understanding of the pathobiological process is essential for improved future treatment of patients carrying sIAs. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute-phase protein produced in response to acute and chronic inflammation and tissue damage. Here, we studied the presence and the potential role of SAA in 36 intraoperatively resected sIAs (16 unruptured and 20 ruptured), that had previously been studied by histology and immunohistochemistry. SAA was present in all sIAs, but the extent of immunopositivity varied greatly. SAA immunopositivity correlated with wall degeneration (p=0.028) and rupture (p=0.004), with numbers of CD163-positive and CD68-positive macrophages and CD3-positive T lymphocytes (all pPeer reviewe
Linking vgll3 genotype and aggressive behaviour in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
We tested the possibility that vgll3, a gene linked with maturation age in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), may be associated with behaviour by measuring aggressiveness and feeding activity in 380 juveniles with different vgll3 genotypes. Contrary to our prediction, individuals with the genotype associated with later maturation (vgll3*LL) were significantly more aggressive than individuals with the genotype associated with earlier maturation (vgll3*EE). Individuals with higher aggression were also significantly lighter in colour and had higher feeding activity. Although higher aggression was associated with higher feeding activity, there was no association between feeding activity and vgll3 genotype. Increased aggression of vgll3*LL individuals was independent of their sex and size, and genotypes did not differ in their condition factor. These results imply that aggressive behaviour may have an energetic cost impairing growth and condition, especially when food cannot be monopolized. This may have implications for individual fitness and aquaculture practices.Peer reviewe
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