694 research outputs found

    IoT powered servitization of manufacturing – an exploratory case study

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    More than ever companies are challenged to rethink their offerings while simultaneously being provided with a unique opportunity for creating or recreating their product-service systems. This paper seeks to address how servitisation can utilise the third wave of Internet development, referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT), which may unlock the potential for innovative product-service systems on an unprecedented scale. By providing an analysis of this technological breakthrough and the literature on servitisation, these concepts are combined to address the question of how organisations offering product-service systems can reap the benefits that the IoT. An analysis of three successful IoT implementation cases in manufacturing companies, representing different industry sectors such as metal processing, power generation and distribution, is provided. The results of the empirical research presented in the paper provide an insight into different ways of creating value in servitisation. The paper also proposes a framework that is aimed at proving a better understanding of how companies can create value, and add it to their servitisation processes with, the data obtained by the IoT based solutions. From the value chain perspective, IoT aided servitisation enables organisations to extend their value chains in order better serve their customers which, in turn, might result in increased profitability. The article proposes further research avenues, and offers valuable insight for practitioners.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Maaseudun sivuelinkeinojen markkinointiongelmat

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    Zoobenthic study of biological state of small lakes in the joint Finnish, Norwegian and Russian border area

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    Appendix 6/15 of the publication "State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area 2007" (The Finnish Environment 6/2007)

    The educational paradigm shift-a phenomenographic study of medical teachers' experiences of practices

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    BackgroundThis paper proposes a novel approach to the development of competence-oriented higher education, a national transformation aimed at harmonising and digitising undergraduate medical and dental education in Finland.MethodsWe apply phenomenography as a viable qualitative method for medical education research. To better understand medical teachers' expectations towards the change in the educational paradigm, we need to study teachers' experiences of the current practices in undergraduate medical and dental education. The phenomenographic approach facilitates solid links between research, educational development, and change.ResultsThe phenomenographic study maps the qualitatively different ways in which medical teachers experience undergraduate medical and dental education practices. The answers reflect the changing educational paradigm in medical schools, suggesting practical implications for further development of medical and dental education and training. Core content analysis is preferred instructional scaffold for both teachers and students to prioritise the extensive medical education objectives. The change towards competence-based orientation is in progress and national co-operation accelerates its impact.ConclusionThere is an obvious need to enrich the content of the current curriculum with national guidelines that aim for congruence in assessment and objectives. Our results suggest an assessment application for the theoretical concepts presented and promote the competence orientation of education throughout the curricula of medical and dental undergraduate education. Moreover, our results contribute to current European discourses on competence-based approaches in higher education. Up-to-date pedagogical faculty development programmes are a key prerequisite for teacher empowerment and future orientation in teaching and learning for healthcare professions.Peer reviewe

    Citizens’ sustainable, future-oriented energy behaviours in energy transition

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    This study explored individuals' engagement in the sustainable energy transition in Finland. Using the attitude-behaviour-context model (Guagnano et al., 1995) and Stern's (2000) typology of environmentally significant behaviours, this study tested the assumption that individuals' engagement in transition is a combination of socio-psychological and contextual (socio-economic) variables and that the active engagement requires individuals to have a future orientation, systemic and self-efficacy, subjective knowledge and a pro-environmental attitude. The survey (N = 1012), representative of the 17-75-yearold Finnish population, was analysed with exploratory factor analysis and linear regression. The socio-psychological variables explained a larger portion of variance than the socio-economic variables in all three types of sustainable energy behaviours. The consideration of future consequences, self-efficacy and knowledge were positively associated with all three types of sustainable energy behaviours. Systemic efficacy was positively associated with and the consideration of immediate consequences was negatively associated with private-sphere environmentalism. The results suggest that individuals' consideration of the immediate and distant future should be included in the socio-psychological models of sustainable behaviours. The results also suggest that policymakers need to focus on strengthening citizens' efficacy beliefs, future orientation and knowledge. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.peerReviewe

    Citizens’ images of a sustainable energy transition

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    Achieving a sustainable energy transition is crucial for mitigating climate change. Citizens' acceptance of the transition is important for it to succeed. We explored citizens' images of the future energy forms and energy system in Finland, and the drivers of a sustainable energy transition. The data gathered with an online questionnaire targeting an adult population 17–75 years of age (N = 1012) were analysed with exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression. Four dimensions of future energy forms were identified: next-generation renewables, fossil energy, bioenergy, and established renewable vs. nuclear energy. Four dimensions of the future energy system were also identified: renewing the energy market, domestic power, small-scale producers, and consumer awareness. Five transition drivers were likewise identified: mainstreaming renewable energy, international actors, individual actions, changing values and economy, and emancipatory change. Mainstreaming renewable energy emerged as the key driver of transition, followed by individual actions. Generally, the sustainable energy transition was strongly supported by citizens' images, but different socio-economic groups preferred somewhat different images. Thus, the diversity of consumers' and citizens’ roles in the transition needs to be acknowledged and encouraged in legitimate national energy policies.peerReviewe

    Nota Bene 2013. Aineistoon ja tutkimuksiin viittaaminen Turun yliopiston Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen koulutusohjelmassa

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    TÀssÀ oppaassa esitellÀÀn Turun yliopiston Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen laitoksen opinnÀytteissÀ kÀytettÀviÀ lÀhteisiin viittaamisen ja lÀhdeluettelon laatimisen kÀytÀntöjÀ. Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen laitoksella voi kÀyttÀÀ joko tekstin sisÀistÀ sulkuviitejÀrjestelmÀÀ tai alaviitejÀrjestelmÀÀ. KÀytÀnnöt on pyritty esittelemÀÀn siten, ettÀ ne palvelevat mahdollisimman joustavasti eri tieteenalojen suuntaan painottuvia kysymyksenasetteluja.Siirretty Doriast

    Durable Biopolymer Films From Lignin-Carbohydrate Complex Derived From a Pulp Mill Side Stream

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 Asikanius, JÀÀskelĂ€inen, Koivula, Oinonen and Österberg.Valorization of side streams offers novel types of raw materials to complement or replace synthetic and food-based alternatives in materials science, increasing profitability and decreasing the environmental impacts of biorefineries. Lignocellulose biomass contains lignin and carbohydrates that are covalently linked into lignin-carbohydrate complexes (LCCs). In biomass fractionation processes, these complexes are conventionally considered as waste, which hinders the biomass fractionation process, and they may solubilize into aqueous effluents. This study presents how LCCs, derived from pulp mill effluent, can be turned into valuable biopolymers for industrial polymer film applications. Free-standing composite films containing hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and LCCs with varying molar mass, charge density and lignin/hemicellulose ratio were prepared to study the effect of LCC amount on mechanical properties and oxygen permeability. Increasing the LCC content increased the yield point and Young’s modulus of the films. Breaking strain measurements revealed a non-linear correlation with the LCC concentration for the samples with higher lignin than hemicellulose content. The addition of LCC enhanced oxygen barrier properties of HEC films significantly even at high relative humidity. The present research demonstrates how a currently underutilized fraction of the biorefinery side stream has the potential to be valorized as a biopolymer in industrial applications, for example as a barrier film for paper and board packaging.Peer reviewe

    Pakasteherneen fysikaalisten rikkakasvintorjuntamenetelmien vaikutus satoon

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