105 research outputs found
Підвищення ефективності навчально-тренувального процесу курсантів військових вищих навчальних закладів України
The methods of arm wrestling and the peculiarities of their implementation in the training process of training of cadets of military higher educational institutions of Ukraine are analyzed. It is proposed to implement these methods during physical training sessions by combining technical techniques and methods into a rational chain of motor activities. The interrelation and interdependence of the structure of movements and the level of development of physical qualities under the conditions of the use of methods of arm wrestling during the period of successive exercises on simulators and with partners during independent training by physical training is substantiatedПроанализированы методы армспорта и особенности их внедрения в учебно-тренировочный процесс подготовки курсантов военных высших учебных заведений Украины. Предложено внедрять эти методы во время занятий по физической подготовке путем объединения технических приемов и методов в рациональную цепь двигательных действий. Обоснована взаимосвязь и взаимозависимость структуры движений и уровня развития физических качеств при условии применения методов армспорта в период последовательного выполнения занятий на тренажерах ис партнерами во время самостоятельного занятия физической подготовкойПроаналізовано методи армспорту та особливості їх впровадження в навчально-тренувальний процес підготовки курсантів військових вищих навчальних закладів України. Запропоновано впроваджувати ці методипід час занять з фізичної підготовки шляхом об'єднання технічних прийомів і методів в раціональний ланцюг рухових дій. Обґрунтовано взаємозв'язок і взаємозалежність структури рухів і рівня розвитку фізичних якостей за умов застосування методів армспорту в період послідовного виконання занять на тренажерах і з партнерами під час самостійного заняття фізичною підготовко
Синтез 1-алкіл-3-поліфлуороалкіл-1,3-дигідробензімідазол-2-селенонів як потенційних регуляторів росту рослин
Aim. To synthesize new 1-alkyl-3-polyfluoroalkyl-1,3-dihydrobenzimidazole-2-selenones and study their biological activity as potential plant growth regulators.Results and discussion. 1-Alkyl-3-polyfluoroalkyl-1,3-dihydrobenzimidazole-2-selenones were obtained from the corresponding 1-alkyl-3-polyfluoroalkylbenzimidazolium iodides by the action of elemental selenium in the presence of a base. The preliminary biological tests for the growth-regulating activity of the compounds obtained were conducted.Experimental part. The structure of the compounds synthesized was proven by 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy methods, as well as by the elemental analysis. The biological studies were done on model plants of winter wheat of the “bezosta” variety.Conclusions. A convenient method for obtaining 1-alkyl-3-polyfluoroalkyl-1,3-dihydro-benzimidazole-2-selenones has been developed. Biological studies have shown that the compounds synthesized have a diverse effect on the plant growth.Мета. Синтезувати нові 1-алкіл-3-поліфлуороалкіл-1,3-дигідробензімідазол-2-селенони та вивчити їхню рістрегулю-вальну активність відносно рослин.Результати та їх обговорення. Синтезовано нові 1-алкіл-3-поліфлуороалкіл-1,3-дигідробензімідазол-2-селенони дієюелементарного селену на відповідні 1-алкіл-3-поліфлуороалкілбензімідазолій йодиди в присутності основи. Було проведено попередні біологічні випробування на рістрегулювальну активність отриманих сполук.Експериментальна частина. Структуру одержаних сполук доведено методами 1Н та 19F ЯМР, а також елементним аналізом. Біологічні дослідження виконували з використанням насіння озимої пшениці сорту Безоста.Висновки. Розроблено зручний метод синтезу 1-алкіл-3-поліфлуороалкіл-1,3-дигідробензімідазол-2-селенонів. Біологічнівипробування засвідчили, що отримані сполуки мають різноплановий вплив на ріст рослин
Проблеми правового регулювання та використання електронного суду
Петренко В. С. Проблеми правового регулювання та використання електронного суду / В. С. Петренко // Новели цивільного процесуального кодексу України [Електронне видання] : матеріали "круглого cтолу" (м. Одеса, 26 берез. 2018 р.) / за заг. ред. Н. Ю. Голубєвої; Нац. ун-т "Одес. юрид. акад.". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2018. - С. 41-49
This paper presents a multi-layered architecture of computer simulation soft-ware capable of utilizing grid and cloud resources, characterized in that thefunctionality of the system is distributed according to a service-oriented ap-proach, and the system supports the execution of custom user-defined com-puting scenarios in grid or in cloud (by web services orchestration with anadherence to existing standards) but hides the complexity of direct web ser-vices management from the user with the help of the abstract workflow modeland a web-accessible problem solving environment with a graphical workfloweditor
Оцінка несучої здатності металевої гофрованої конструкції типу Multiplate MP 150 при взаємодії із ґрунтом засипки
We estimated the stressed state of a railroad structure with a large cross section spanning more than 6 m, which is made from metallic corrugated sheets of the type Multiplate MP 150. The stressed-strained state of the corrugated structure was estimated depending on the residual deformation of vertical diameter of the pipe, the modulus of elasticity of backfill soil, and the degree of compaction. The study conducted has demonstrated that maximum stresses occur on the horizontal sides of a metallic pipe, and maximum deformations – in the pipe vault.It was established that an increase in the degree of compaction of backfill soil leads to a decrease in the stresses in a metallic pipe by almost half. The stresses grow much faster with an increase in irregularity on the railroad track. Numerical calculations have shown that the equivalent stresses exceed the permissible magnitude of 235 MPa when the degree of compaction of backfill soil is below 90 % and an operational irregularity on the track develops beyond the permissible magnitude.Operational observations have shown that the pipe is most vulnerable, in terms of resistance against the formation of a plastic hinge, in the initial period of operation when the backfill soil has not yet reached the standard compaction. At the initial stage of operation of a metallic corrugated pipe it is necessary to improve the level of technological control in order to timely detect railroad track’s irregularities that exceed the standards, and to eliminate them.Under normal operational conditions, a metallic corrugated structure has a rather large reserve of carrying capacity, which amounts to 80 %. However, these structures, despite their high initial strength margin, are very sensitive to an increase in external dynamic loads due to the occurrence of irregularity on the railroad track.Проведена оценка напряженного состояния железнодорожной конструкции типа Multiplate MP 150 с учетом степени уплотнения грунтовой засыпки. Установлено, что в начальный период эксплуатации металлическая гофрированная конструкция является неустойчивой против образования пластического шарнира, когда грунтовая засыпка еще не достигла нормативного степени уплотнения. С целью недопущения развития остаточных деформаций металлической гофрированной трубы необходим технический надзор за трубой в течение года эксплуатацииПроведено оцінку напруженого стану залізничної конструкції типу Multiplate MP 150 із врахуванням ступеню ущільнення грунтової засипки. Встановлено, що у початковий період експлуатації металева гофрована конструкція є нестійкою проти утворення пластичного шарніра, коли грунтова засипка ще не досягла нормативного ступеню ущільнення. З метою недопущення розвитку залишкових деформацій металевої гофрованої труби необхідний технічний нагляд за трубою протягом року експлуатаці
Triticale is a promising agricultural crop. The increased content of protein, balanced by the amino acid composition, advantageously distinguishes triticale seed for peeled grains and food concentrates production. Seed cleaning is an important technological operation of food productions, but setting regimes of seed-cleaning equipment for processing triticale seed need specification today.
The aim of this work is to study geometric and physical characteristics of four-type triticale seed and elaboration of recommendations as to its cleaning and fractionating.
There was studied the fractional composition of four-type triticale seed. The comparative analysis of its length, width and thickness in samples of different sorts and fractions was realized. The dependence of geometric properties of triticale seed on sort is reliable. Fractionating reliably influences the change of the mass index of 1000 seeds, changing from 65,2 g to 25,8 g. The mass index of 1000 seeds essentially differs between studied sorts.
Such properties are inherent to seed fractions, obtained by a sieve of 3,2–20 mm and 3,0–20 mm, that are recommended to be called big seeds. Fractions, obtained by a sieve of 2,0–20 and 2,2–20 are analogously similar. Properties of the middle fraction, obtained by sieves of 2,4–20; 2,6–20; 2,8–20 essentially changed, depending on sort.
The elaborated recommendations may be used at choosing cleaning regimes for triticale seed on sieve and sieve-air separators
Determining the impact of noise exposure of mining enterprises’ workers
This study investigated one of the main harmful factors at work, namely the impact of noise exposure on employees. The study was conducted in several stages. At the first stage, an on-site measurement was carried out using a calibrated sound level meter and a special smartphone application in the immediate vicinity of the ore grinding mill. It was found that the noise level is not constant. At the second stage, a mathematical dependence of the noise measurement results on the mill operating time was obtained to compare the measurement accuracy of the sound level meter and the app. As a result, it was determined that the application has sufficient accuracy compared to the calibrated instrument. The third stage resulted in the calculation of the risk of hearing loss for employees from noise exposure at workplaces based on the measurements of the calibrated sound level meter. The calculations showed that the level of this risk is high. At the fourth stage, personal protective equipment was selected using the relevant guidelines from NIOSH and EU-OSHA, as well as considering the results of field measurements, the maximum permissible noise level established by state sanitary standards, and the level of hearing loss risk
Triticale is a promising agricultural crop. The increased content of protein, balanced by the amino acid composition, advantageously distinguishes triticale seed for peeled grains and food concentrates production. Seed cleaning is an important technological operation of food productions, but setting regimes of seed-cleaning equipment for processing triticale seed need specification today.
The aim of this work is to study geometric and physical characteristics of four-type triticale seed and elaboration of recommendations as to its cleaning and fractionating.
There was studied the fractional composition of four-type triticale seed. The comparative analysis of its length, width and thickness in samples of different sorts and fractions was realized. The dependence of geometric properties of triticale seed on sort is reliable. Fractionating reliably influences the change of the mass index of 1000 seeds, changing from 65,2 g to 25,8 g. The mass index of 1000 seeds essentially differs between studied sorts.
Such properties are inherent to seed fractions, obtained by a sieve of 3,2–20 mm and 3,0–20 mm, that are recommended to be called big seeds. Fractions, obtained by a sieve of 2,0–20 and 2,2–20 are analogously similar. Properties of the middle fraction, obtained by sieves of 2,4–20; 2,6–20; 2,8–20 essentially changed, depending on sort.
The elaborated recommendations may be used at choosing cleaning regimes for triticale seed on sieve and sieve-air separators
Wheat spelt is a promising crop. A high food value and high-quality biochemical composition of grains make wheat spelt favorably remarkable for groats production. Preservation of the food value is an important task of food production, but regimes of grain processing must provide good culinary quality and consumption safety.
The aim of our work is to study regimes of irradiation and humidification of wheat spelt grains, influencing the output and culinary quality of the ready product; development of recommendations as to production of rolled groats.
There is studied an influence of different regimes of water-thermal processing on the total output of groats and rolled groats of the highest sort. The reliable connection between the output of rolled groats of the higher sort and duration of irradiation by the electromagnetic field of the ultrahigh frequency and grain humidification has been established. No essential connection as been established between humidification and the total output of groats.
The duration increase of UHF-irradiation (>120–140 s) conditions the essential growth of dust middlings and decrease of rolled groats of the highest sort. The long-term irradiation (180 s) conditions the decrease of groats boiling duration by 17 % comparing with the short-term processing (20 s).
The established influences of the factors are preconditions for transferring obtained technological solutions and their use under conditions of existing groats factories of different productivit
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