90 research outputs found

    Transition from the industrial clusters to the smart specialization: a case study

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    International audienceKazakhstan faced the problem of falling industrial production and decrease in efficiency of former managerial methods of territorial development. Transition to the new Smart Specialization approach provides better understanding of the specifics of the region and provides the highest return on investment in innovation. The authors produce rationale for the selection of regions of Kazakhstan to determine their smart specialization. There were determined the regions, in which it is advisable to develop the general purpose technologies, and the territories, where it is more profitable to focus on applied research and transmitting them into practice in relation to existing products and technological processes

    Impact of production and transaction costs on companies’ performance according assessments of experts

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    International audienceKazakhstan now actively supports the development of entrepreneurship and conducts diversification of the economy. However, the recent crisis has changed the world market and business performance in the country has deteriorated significantly. The presented research studies the directions and reasons for the growth of costs. Based on a mass survey of entrepreneurs, the impact of production and transaction costs on the activities of businesses was assessed. Reducing administrative barriers should also reduce costs across the entire front line between government and business. However, in the process of decisions development on priority areas for reducing costs, evaluations of experts unite and lose coherence. Economic assessments turn into political ones, while the degree of consensus (concordance) of opinions is low. This limits the reliability of the final data and the possibility of their application. In this study, the consistency assessment was carried out using the concordance coefficient

    Эффективность противогрибковой сублингвальной аллергенспецифической терапии у больных до 50 лет и старше с легкой и средней тяжести бронхиальной астмой

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    In Ukraine, the relative contraindication for allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) is age 50 years and older, which is substantiated by its efficiency reduce with age. The use of antifungal sublingual ASIT and its efficiency in older patients remain poorly investigated.Aim – research of antifungal sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy (with mixed-allergens of household mold) in patients with mild and moderate bronchial asthma depending on the age (up to 50 years and older).Methods. A prospective, open, controlled, parallel, single-center study with clinical-functional and allergological examination in 45 patients with asthma in the remission stage with positive skin tests to fungal mixed-allergens was carried out. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the age: 27 patients from 20 to 50 years inclusive (mean age 39.6 ± 1.1 years) were included in the 1st group (the control group); 18 patients from 51 to 71 years old (mean age 57.1 ± 1.4 years) comprised the 2nd group (primary). The treatment was performed using sublingual method with fungal mixed-allergens (household mold mixture) (Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp., Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp.) during the year.Results. The patients with mild persistent and moderate asthma over 50 years old initially differed from the younger patients by slightly worse functional respiratory rates (FEV1), and a lower percentage of patients with mild and uncontrolled asthma. The sublingual ASIT was effective regardless of age, including the patients over 50 years old. The results were confirmed by a positive dynamics of respiratory function indicators, decrease in skin sensitivity to fungal mixed-allergens, asthma transformation into controlled form in 83-89% of the patients. In the patients older than 50 years, the respiratory function dynamics was less pronounced. None of the patients had severe adverse effects. Mild adverse reactions occurred regardless of age in 96-98% of the patients with asthma, most often in the form of cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, and skin itching.Conclusion. The sublingual ASIT with antifungal mixed-allergens in the interior premises in adult patients with mild persistent and moderate bronchial asthma is effective regardless of age, including the patients aged over 50, which was confirmed by improved respiration function, decreased skin sensitivity to fungal allergens, and improved life quality after 12 months therapy. Mild adverse effects happened regardless of age in 96-98% of the patients with asthmaЦель работы – изучение эффективности противогрибковой сублингвальной аллергенспецифической терапии (АСИТ) (с микст-аллергенами плесени бытовой) у больных легкой и средней тяжести бронхиальной астмой в зависимости от возраста (до 50 лет и старше). Результаты показали высокую эффективность АСИТ, что подтвердило улучшение показателей функции дыхания, уменьшение кожной чувствительности к фунгальным аллергенам, улучшение качества жизни независимо от возраст

    Determination of stabilizing additives in kerosenes by the multisensor stripping voltammetry method

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    Relevance. To ensure the operational reliability of equipment, an urgent task is to control the content of antioxidant and antiwear additives in engine fuel at all stages from its production to its intended use. At the stages of fuel use (storage, transfer, transportation, etc.), antioxidant additives can be used up due to natural oxidative processes that inevitably occur in the fuel. As for the antiwear additives, being surfactants by their nature, they can be adsorbed on the surfaces of the process equipment with which the fuel comes into contact. As a result, at the stage of intended use, the level of fuel quality can significantly decrease. Controlling the content of additives in the fuel at the stage of application will allow taking timely measures to restore the fuel quality and reduce the risks of accidents. Aim. To propose an approach to the analysis of the component composition of fuels, which makes it possible to control the content of additives. Objects. Samples of kerosene fractions that are used as the basis or components of commercial fuels of the TС-1 and RT brands produced by oil refineries, stabilizing anti-wear additives "Hi-Tech" and DNA (distilled petroleum acids). Methods. In the framework of the research devoted to solving the problem of operational control of the content of certain additives in various petroleum products, much attention was paid to the possibility of using voltammetry methods for these purposes. Voltammetry is a set of electrochemical methods of research and analysis based on the patterns of electric current flow through an electrochemical cell – an analytical system of two electrodes separated by an analyzed electrolyte solution. Analytical information using voltammetric methods is obtained on the basis of studying the dependence of the current strength in an electrolytic cell on the potential of the indicator microelectrode immersed in the analyzed solution, on which the analyzed reaction proceeds. Results. The paper introduces an approach to the analysis of the component composition of fuels by the multisensor stripping voltammetry method. This approach makes it possible to control the content of additives in the fuel. A feature of the electrochemical behavior of various grades of hydrogenated jet fuel was studied in order to develop a mobile express method for determining additives in them. The authors have developed a test system consisting of an aqueous solution of dimethylformamide (40%) with potassium chloride (0,1 M), cobalt, zinc and mercury cations (2,5×10–4 M). The analyzed fuel was introduced in a ratio of 30:1. The resulting mixture, 50 μl in volume, was mixed and applied to an indicator electrode for subsequent electrochemical measurements. The determination of additives in kerosene in the developed method was carried out by their influence on the peaks of the currents of dissolution of metals in the test system. In this case not only the task of determining the presence of additives in kerosene was solved, but also the problem of their identification

    Analysis of Public Procurement of Medicines in Russia

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    One of the main components of the drug supply of the country's population with medicines is public procurement, which at the legislative level implements the principle of universal access to medical care and guarantees the quality of medical services provided. The authors analyzed the system of public procurement of medicines in Russia: the main sources of financing, customers and suppliers, territorial distribution, structure of methods of placing state orders are determined


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    Purpose of the study: This article analyzes dualistic approaches to the determination of legal facts that grant citizens of the Russian Federation subjective rights. It is obvious that the concept of birth is still not specified in the existing Russian legislation. Different norms of the modern Russian legislation associate the legal fact of birth with the criterion of live birth. An embryo (fetus) cannot have a complex of general civil rights until the time of live birth. Methodology: The authors of the article have compared this constitutional directive with existing rules of other branches of Russian law and revealed a completely opposite situation. Main Findings: Of course, the existing discrepancies in certain legal acts that regulate the same or related social relations represent a classical legal conflict. Moreover, partial contradictions in the Russian legal system are caused by the fact that many sectoral norms conflict with the Constitution. Novelty/Originality: Legal certainty is a basic and system-forming principle that dialectically complements and develops other general-legal, intersectoral and sectoral principles, justifies their functional necessity, determines the accuracy and clarity of legal instructions, established order and limits their actions

    Interpersonal relations in the teaching staff and pro-environmental behavior of teachers of general educational organizations

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    The article is devoted to the study of the need for communication, which is the basis of cooperation and the relationship of people with each other. The main question in understanding of the nature of interpersonal relationships is the question of their connection with social relations. This article presents the results of the study of interpersonal relations in the teaching staff and pro-environmental behavior of teashers. The research methods contain a generalization of the best psychological experience in the study of this problem, description, testing, the method of logical generalizations, methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The hypothesis of the relationship between the level of anxiety and the preferred style of interpersonal relationships among teachers is presented. The results obtained in the study can be used to improve the work of teaching collectives, for family and personal counselingб for further research in the field of team management

    Specific characteristics of seaports development in the context of digitalization: international experience and conclusions

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    The article focuses on the study of specific characteristics of seaports development under conditions of digitalization. The article aims to study features of the development of the international seaport under digitalization to implement the best achievements in Ukraine. The main research method was a systemic-structural approach used to examine seaport digitalization as a part of a logistics chain, including horizontal and vertical links between its elements. To achieve an effective digital transformation, we also used the above method. It helped to study how the factors determined during the study of international practices and possible innovations influence the object under study. The practices, which are of interest for Ukraine and other developing countries, were identified based on the international experience in seaports development under digitalization. The main strategic directions for the digital transformations of the above infrastructural objects were suggested. They involve increasing seaport competitiveness and their effectiveness in the framework of the international transport system. The directions are of interest for public authorities of the governmental and regional levels (while establishing the digitalization policy in the area of sea transport) and the port administrations (while making justified strategic decisions for their development)

    Turbulent processes in the Earth's magnetotail: spectral and statistical research

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    We use the magnetic field measurements from four spacecraft of the Cluster-II mission (three events from 2005 to 2015) for the analysis of turbulent processes in the Earth's magnetotail. For this study we conduct the spectral, wavelet and statistical analysis. In the framework of statistical examination, we determine the kurtosis for selected events and conduct extended self-similarity evaluation (analysis of distribution function moments of magnetic field fluctuations on different scales). We compare the high-order structure function of magnetic fluctuations during dipolarization with the isotropic Kolmogorov model and three-dimensional log-Poisson model with She-Leveque parameters. We obtain power-law scaling of the generalized diffusion coefficient (the power index that varies within the range of 0.2-0.7). The obtained results show the presence of super-diffusion processes. We find the significant difference of the spectral indices for the intervals before and during the dipolarization. Before dipolarization the spectral index lies in the range from - 1.68 +/- 0.05 to -2.08 +/- 0.05 (similar to 5/3 according to the Kolmogorov model). During dipolarization the type of turbulent motion changes: on large timescales the turbulent flow is close to the homogeneous models of Kolmogorov and Iroshnikov-Kraichnan (the spectral index lies in the range from -2.20 to -1.53), and at smaller timescales the spectral index is in the range from -2.89 to -2.35 (the Hall-MHD model). The kink frequency is less than or close to the average value of the proton gyrofrequency. The wavelet analysis shows the presence of both direct and inverse cascade processes, which indicates the possibility of self-organization processes, as well as the presence of Pc pulsations