693 research outputs found

    Advies opzet monitoring en evaluatie kringlooplandbouw : notitie opgesteld op verzoek van het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit

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    Deze notitie bevat 2 onderdelen: Deel 1. Advies opzet monitoring en evaluatiesysteem. Deel 2. Verkenning: uitwerking monitoring voor enkele thema’s die spelen in de kringlooplandbouw (bodemkwaliteit, bemesting, veevoer, biodiversiteit, klimaat, voedselconsumptie, neveneffecten)

    Delineation of Chondroid Lipoma: An Immunohistochemical and Molecular Biological Analysis

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    Aims. Chondroid lipoma (CL) is a benign tumor that mimics a variety of soft tissue tumors and is characterized by translocation t(11;16). Here, we analyze CL and its histological mimics. Methods. CL (n = 4) was compared to a variety of histological mimics (n = 83) for morphological aspects and immunohistochemical features including cyclinD1(CCND1). Using FISH analysis, CCND1 and FUS were investigated as potential translocation partners. Results. All CLs were strongly positive for CCND1. One of 4 myoepitheliomas, CCND1, was positive. In well-differentiated lipomatous tumors and in chondrosarcomas, CCND1 was frequently expressed, but all myxoid liposarcomas were negative. FISH analysis did not give support for direct involvement of CCND1 and FUS as translocation partners. Conclusions. Chondroid lipoma is extremely rare and has several and more prevalent histological mimics. The differential diagnosis of chondroid lipomas can be unraveled using immunohistochemical and molecular support

    Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight or Obese Subjects May Be Linked Through Intrahepatic Lipid Content

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    Objective: Low cardiorespiratory fitness predisposes to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus in part independently of body weight. Given the close relationship between intrahepatic lipid content (IHL) and insulin sensitivity, we hypothesized that the direct relationship between fitness and insulin sensitivity may be explained by IHL. Research Design and Methods: We included 138 overweight to obese, otherwise healthy subjects (age: 43.6 +/- 8.9 yrs., body mass index: 33.8 +/- 4 kg/m(2)). Body composition was estimated by bio-impedance analyses. Abdominal fat distribution, intramyocellular, and intrahepatic lipid content were assessed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and tomography. Incremental exercise testing was performed to estimate individual's cardiorespiratory fitness. Insulin sensitivity was determined during an oral glucose tolerance test. Results: For all subjects, cardiorespiratory fitness was related to insulin sensitivity (r=0.32, p<0.05), IHL (r=-0.27, p<0.05), visceral (r=-0.25, p<0.05) and total fat mass (r=-0.32, p<0.05), but not to intramyocellular lipids (r=-0.08, ns). Insulin sensitivity correlated significantly with all fat depots. In multivariate regression analyses, independent predictors of insulin sensitivity were IHL, visceral fat and fitness (r(2)=-0.43, p<0.01; r(2)=-0.34 and r(2)=0.29, p<0.05, respectively). However, the positive correlation between fitness and insulin sensitivity was abolished after adjustment for IHL (r=0.16, ns), whereas it remained significant when adjusted for visceral- or total body fat. Further, when subjects were grouped into high versus low IHL, insulin sensitivity was higher in those subjects with low IHL, irrespective of fitness levels. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the positive effect of increased cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight to obese subjects on insulin sensitivity may be mediated indirectly through IHL reduction

    Технология извлечения структур знаний с использованием аппарата расширенных семантических сетей

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    В статье рассматривается задача извлечения из текстов естественного языка структур знаний: информационных объектов («именованных сущностей»), их свойств, связей и фактов участия в действиях. Для этих целей разработан инструментарий: язык представления знаний (расширенные семантические сети – РСС) и их обработки (язык преобразования структур – ДЕКЛ). На этой основе созданы технологии, которые обладают следующими особенностями. Из текстов извлекаются не отдельные объекты (именованные сущности), а структуры знаний, представляющие связи объектов и их участие в действиях и событиях. Для извлечения структур знаний разработан уникальный семантико-ориентированный лингвистический процессор (ЛП), осуществляющий глубинный анализ текстов ЕЯ и выявляющий десятки типов объектов вместе с их структурами. Процессор ЛП управляется лингвистическими знаниями, представляющими собой декларативные структуры и обеспечивающие быструю настройку ЛП на предметную область и язык. Основой лингвистических знаний являются правила, обладающие высокой степенью избирательности при выявлении объектов («сущностей»), средствами устранения коллизий при их применении. Это позволяет минимизировать шумы и потери.У статті розглядається задача знайдення у текстах природної мови структур знань: інформаційних об’єктів («іменованих сутностей»), їх якостей зв’язків і фактів участі у діях. Для цих цілей розроблений інструментарій: мова представлення знань (розширені семантичні мережі – РСМ) та їх обробки (мова перетворення структур – ДЕКЛ). На цій основі створені технології, що мають наступні особливості. З тестів виділяються не окремі об’єкти (іменовані сутності), а структури знань, що представляють зв’язки об’єктів та їх участь у діях та подіях. З метою виділення структур знань розроблений винятковий семантико-орієнтований лінгвістичний процесор (ЛП), що здійснює глибинний аналіз текстів ЕЯ та виявляє десятки типів об’єктів разом з їх структурами. Процесор ЛП керується лінгвістичними знаннями, які представляють собою декларативні структури та забезпечують швидке настроювання ЛП на предметну сферу та мову. Основою лінгвістичних знань є правила, що мають високий ступінь вибірковості при виявленні об’єктів («сутностей»), засобами усунення колізій при їхньому використанні. Це дозволяє мінімізувати шуми та втрати.The paper is devoted to the extracting of knowledge structures from the natural language texts, i.e. information objects (“Named Entities”), their features, relationships, and participation in the actions and events. For this purpose, the language used for knowledge representation (extended semantic networks/ESN) and tools for processing (language for structure conversion LSC) are considered. On this base, the new technologies are proposed. These technologies have the following features: extraction from the texts of knowledge structures that represent the links of named entities and their participation in actions and events. For the knowledge extraction the unique semantic-oriented language processor (LP) are designed. Processor LP provides the deep analysis of NL-texts and revealing set of objects together with their structures. Processor LP is controlled by the linguistic knowledge, which are declarative structures (on ESN) and which provides the quick tuning of LP on subject area and language, both Russian and English

    Diagnosis of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis: Discordant results by diagnostic methods.

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    The performance of the Xpert© MTB/RIF and MTBDRplus assays for the detection of rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis was compared to culture-based drug susceptibility testing in 30 specimens with rifampicin-resistant and rifampicin-indeterminate Xpert MTB/RIF results collected between March 2012 and March 2014. Xpert MTB/RIF and MTBDRplus were 100% sensitive and 100% concordant for rifampicin resistance detection, but 3 of 13 samples (23%) positive for rifampicin resistance on Xpert MTB/RIF and MTBDRplus were negative for rifampicin resistance on mycobacteria growth indicator tube drug susceptibility testing. Specificity was 72% for Xpert MTB/RIF and 80% for MTBDRplus. Positive predictive value for Xpert MTB/RIF for multidrug resistant tuberculosis was 47.8% for new patients and 77.8% for previously treated patients; negative predictive value was 100% for both new and previously treated patients. The discordant rifampicin resistance test results indicate a need to fully characterise circulating rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in Zambia and to inform the development of guidelines for decision-making in relation to diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis

    Effect of household and community interventions on the burden of tuberculosis in southern Africa: the ZAMSTAR community-randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Southern Africa has had an unprecedented increase in the burden of tuberculosis, driven by the HIV epidemic. The Zambia, South Africa Tuberculosis and AIDS Reduction (ZAMSTAR) trial examined two public health interventions that aimed to reduce the burden of tuberculosis by facilitating either rapid sputum diagnosis or integrating tuberculosis and HIV services within the community. METHODS: ZAMSTAR was a community-randomised trial done in Zambia and the Western Cape province of South Africa. Two interventions, community-level enhanced tuberculosis case-finding (ECF) and household level tuberculosis-HIV care, were implemented between Aug 1, 2006, and July 31, 2009, and assessed in a 2×2 factorial design between Jan 9, 2010, and Dec 6, 2010. All communities had a strengthened tuberculosis-HIV programme implemented in participating health-care centres. 24 communities, selected according to population size and tuberculosis notification rate, were randomly allocated to one of four study groups using a randomisation schedule stratified by country and baseline prevalence of tuberculous infection: group 1 strengthened tuberculosis-HIV programme at the clinic alone; group 2, clinic plus ECF; group 3, clinic plus household intervention; and group 4, clinic plus ECF and household interventions. The primary outcome was the prevalence of culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in adults (≥18 years), defined as Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from one respiratory sample, measured 4 years after the start of interventions in a survey of 4000 randomly selected adults in each community in 2010. The secondary outcome was the incidence of tuberculous infection, measured using tuberculin skin testing in a cohort of schoolchildren, a median of 4 years after a baseline survey done before the start of interventions. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN36729271. FINDINGS: Prevalence of tuberculosis was evaluated in 64,463 individuals randomly selected from the 24 communities; 894 individuals had active tuberculosis. Averaging over the 24 communities, the geometric mean of tuberculosis prevalence was 832 per 100,000 population. The adjusted prevalence ratio for the comparison of ECF versus non-ECF intervention groups was 1·09 (95% CI 0·86-1·40) and of household versus non-household intervention groups was 0·82 (0·64-1·04). The incidence of tuberculous infection was measured in a cohort of 8809 children, followed up for a median of 4 years; the adjusted rate ratio for ECF versus non-ECF groups was 1·36 (95% CI 0·59-3·14) and for household versus non-household groups was 0·45 (0·20-1·05). INTERPRETATION: Although neither intervention led to a statistically significant reduction in tuberculosis, two independent indicators of burden provide some evidence of a reduction in tuberculosis among communities receiving the household intervention. By contrast the ECF intervention had no effect on either outcome. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Use of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing for screening of tuberculosis in the community in high-burden settings: a prospective, cross-sectional study in Zambia and South Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: WHO recommends community-wide, systematic tuberculosis screening in high-prevalence settings. C-reactive protein has been proposed as a tuberculosis screening tool for people living with HIV. We aimed to assess the performance of a point-of-care C-reactive protein test for tuberculosis screening in the community in two countries with a high tuberculosis burden. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, cross-sectional study in four communities in Zambia and South Africa, nested in a tuberculosis prevalence survey. We included adults (aged ≥15 years) who were sputum-eligible (tuberculosis-suggestive symptoms or computer-aided-detection score ≥40 on chest x-ray) and whose sputum was tested with Xpert Ultra and liquid culture. A 5% random sample of individuals who were non-sputum-eligible was also included. We calculated sensitivity and specificity of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing, alone and combined with symptom screening, to detect tuberculosis in participants who were sputum-eligible, compared with a microbiological reference standard (positive result in Xpert Ultra, culture, or both). FINDINGS: Between Feb 19 and Aug 11, 2019, 9588 participants were enrolled in the tuberculosis prevalence study, 1588 of whom had C-reactive protein testing and received results (875 [55·1%] were women and girls, 713 [44·9%] were men and boys, 1317 [82·9%] were sputum-eligible, and 271 [17·1%] were non-sputum-eligible). Among participants who were sputum-eligible, we identified 76 individuals with tuberculosis, of whom 25 were living with HIV. Sensitivity of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing with a cutoff point of 5 mg/L or more was 50·0% (38/76, 95% CI 38·3-61·7) and specificity was 72·3% (890/1231, 69·7-74·8). Point-of-care C-reactive protein combined in parallel with symptom screening had higher sensitivity than symptom screening alone (60·5% [46/76, 95% CI 48·6-71·6] vs 34·2% [26/76, 23·7-46·0]). Specificity of point-of-care C-reactive protein combined in parallel with symptom screening was 51·7% (636/1231, 95% CI 48·8-54·5) versus 70·5% (868/1231, 67·9-73·0) with symptom screening alone. Similarly, in people living with HIV, sensitivity of point-of-care C-reactive protein combined with symptom screening was 72·0% (18/25, 95% CI 50·6-87·9) and that of symptom screening alone was 36·0% (9/25, 18·0-57·5). Specificity of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing combined in parallel with symptom screening in people living with HIV was 47·0% (118/251, 95% CI 40·7-53·4) versus 72·1% (181/251, 66·1-77·6) with symptom screening alone. INTERPRETATION: Point-of-care C-reactive protein testing alone does not meet the 90% sensitivity stipulated by WHO's target product profile for desirable characteristics for screening tests for detecting tuberculosis. However, combined with symptom screening, it might improve identification of individuals with tuberculosis in communities with high prevalence, and might be particularly useful where other recommended tools, such as chest x-ray, might not be readily available. FUNDING: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

    Prevalence of Tuberculosis, HIV and Respiratory Symptoms in Two Zambian Communities: Implications for Tuberculosis Control in the Era of HIV

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    The original publication is available at http:/www.plosone.orgBackground: The Stop TB Partnership target for tuberculosis is to have reduced the prevalence of tuberculosis by 50% comparing 2015 to 1990. This target is challenging as few prevalence surveys have been conducted, especially in high burden tuberculosis and HIV countries. Current tuberculosis control strategies in high HIV prevalent settings are therefore based on limited epidemiological evidence and more evidence is needed from community-based surveys to inform improved policy formulation. Methods and Findings: 8044 adults were sampled from 2 sub-districts (wards) in Lusaka province, Zambia. Questionnaires were used to screen for symptoms, respiratory samples were obtained for culture and oral secretions collected for HIV testing. 79 individuals were found to have Mycobacterium tuberculosis in their sputum, giving an adjusted overall prevalence of tuberculosis of 870/100,000 (95% CI 570-1160/100,000). The adjusted overall prevalence of HIV was 28.61% (95% CI 26.04-31.19). HIV- infection was significantly associated with prevalent tuberculosis (Adj OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.42-3.74) and the population attributable fraction of HIV for prevalent tuberculosis was 36%. Symptoms such as prolonged cough (adj OR 12.72, 95% CI 7.05-22.94) and fever (Adj OR 2.04, 95%CI 1.23-3.39), were associated with prevalent tuberculosis, but 8 (10%) individuals with prevalent tuberculosis denied having any symptoms at all and only 34 (43%) would have been classified as a TB suspect by current guidelines. Conclusions: Undiagnosed tuberculosis is a challenge for tuberculosis control and new approaches are needed if we are to reach international targets. Epidemiological studies can inform screening algorithms for both detection and prevention of active tuberculosis. © 2009 Ayles et al.Funding for this study came from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as part of the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS-TB Epidemic (CREATE) project (Grant to Johns Hopkins University 19790.01) and from the Foundation for New Diagnostics (FIND). (Publishers' Versio