9 research outputs found

    Rasprostranjenost autohtonih i stranih rakušaca (Crustacea: Amphipoda) duž toka rijeke Une

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    Records of five native and one alien gammarid species are reported from fifteen sites along the entire course of the Una River. Samples of gammarids were collected at ten sites in the main course, and at four sites in small left tributaries of the Una River during field studies conducted from 2005 to 2009. Two endemic species formerly known only from the Adriatic Sea drainage area, Echinogammarus acarinatus and Fontogammarus dalmatinus, were collected for the first time in the Black Sea drainage area at the main spring and in the upper course of the Una River. All three Gammarus species that occur in Croatia have been found in the Una River. Only G. balcanicus was recorded at the upper course, while both G. fossarum and G. roeseli were found in the middle and lower river course. With five gammarid species recorded, the Una River has the highest freshwater gammarid species richness among all of the Croatian watercourses. The new record of the invasive Ponto-Caspian gammarid, Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, in the Sava River at the mouth of the Una River is also reported and discussed.Ovim radom utvrđena je rasprostranjenost rakušaca duž toka rijeke Une i u Savi na ušću Une. Zabilježeno je pet autohtonih i jedna strana vrsta rakušaca iz porodica Gammaridae i Pontogammaridae. Prikupljanje uzoraka provedeno je bentos-mrežom na ukupno petnaest postaja, na deset postaja duž glavnog toka rijeke Une i na četiri postaje na manjim lijevim pritocima te u Savi na ušću Une tijekom terenskih istraživanja u razdoblju od 2005. do 2009. godine. Ovim istraživanjima su na području izvorskog i gornjeg dijela toka po prvi put u Uni zabilježene dvije endemske vrste rakušaca, Echinogammarus acarinatus i Fontogammarus dalmatinus, koje su do sada zabilježene samo u rijekama Jadranskog slijeva, te su ovi nalazi ujedno i prvi nalazi ovih vrsta u Crnomorskom slijevu. U rijeci Uni zabilježene su i sve tri vrste roda Gammarus koje su rasprostranjene na području Hrvatske, od kojih vrsta G. balcanicus dolazi u gornjem toku i u pritoku Klokot, dok su vrste G. fossarum i G. roeseli zabilježene zajedno u srednjem i donjem dijelu toka. S ukupno pet zabilježenih autohtonih vrsta rakušaca, rijeka Una je od svih vodotoka u Hrvatskoj rijeka s najvećim brojem vrsta nadzemnih, slatkovodnih rakušaca. Zabilježen je i novi nalaz invazivne ponto-kaspijske vrste Dikerogammarus haemobaphes u Savi na ušću Une

    Polymethylmethacrylate cranioplasty using low-cost customised 3D printed moulds for cranial defects – a single Centre experience: technical note

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    We report our experience with 3D customised cranioplasties for large cranial defects. They were made by casting bone cement in custom made moulds at the time of surgery. Between October 2015 and January 2018, 29 patients underwent the procedure; 25 underwent elective cranioplasties for large cranial defects and four were bone tumour resection and reconstruction cases. The majority of patients (96.5%) reported a satisfactory aesthetic outcome. No infections related to the surgical procedure were observed in the follow-up period. The method proved to be effective and affordable

    Biomechanical stability analysis of transpedicular screws combined with sublaminar hook-rod system using the finite element method

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    Aim To develop and test a new posterior stabilization system by augmenting the posterior hook-rod system with screws and rods. Methods A biomechanical analysis was performed using the finite element method. The anatomical structures were modeled based on computed tomography data. Instrumentation (hooks, rods, and screws) was modeled based on the data obtained by 3D scanning. The discretized model was verified by converging solutions and validated against data from a previously published experiment. A Th12-L1 spinal segment was modeled and modified by removing the body of the L1 vertebra (corpectomy) and the entire L1 vertebra (spondylectomy). The model was additionally modified by incorporating stabilization systems: i) posterior stabilization (transpedicular screws and rods); ii) combined posterior stabilization with sublaminar hooks; and iii) combined anterior (titanium cage) and posterior (sublaminar hooks) stabilization. The rotation angles in each group, and the strains on each part of the three stabilization constructs, were analyzed separately. Results The combined anterior and posterior stabilization system was the stiffest, except in the case of lateral bending, where combined posterior stabilization was superior. Stress analysis showed that the posterior stabilization system was significantly unloaded when augmented with a hook-rod system. A significant strain concentration was calculated in the cranially placed hooks. Conclusion Stiffness analysis showed comparable stiffness between the tested and proposed stabilization construct. Stress analysis showed luxation tendency of the cranially placed hooks, which would most likely lead to system failure

    Cystic Fibrosis – results of CFTR modulators in Croatia

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    Cistična fibroza najčešća je nasljedna bolest, koja skraćuje životni vijek, a uzrokuje je defekt u genu za transmembranski regulator provodljivosti cistične fibroze (eng. cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator – CFTR). Poremećena je homeostaza elektrolita, što se očituje simptomima u više organskih sustava. Plućne manifestacije, s kroničnim infekcijama, upalom i, na kraju, respiratornim zatajenjem, ostaju i dalje najvažnija prijetnja životnom vijeku bolesnika. Do prije jednog desetljeća bilo je dostupno samo simptomatsko liječenje. Od 2012. g. dostupno je liječenje tzv. modulatorima CFTR-proteina i njihovim kombinacijama za osobe s cističnom fibrozom koje nose različite varijante CFTR-gena. Pojavom tih lijekova uvelike se promijenila perspektiva i kvaliteta života ljudi s cističnom fibrozom, ali postavljeni i novi izazovi u vezi s dugoročnim komplikacijama, pitanje eventualnog smanjenja konvencionalnog liječenja, ali i financiranja terapije, koja je mnogim bolesnicima nedostupna. Iznesene su bazične spoznaje o cističnoj fibrozi i funkciji CFTR-proteina, klasifikaciji varijanata CFTR-gena, mogućnostima liječenja CFTR-modulatorima te osnovni ishodi liječenja bolesnika s cističnom fibrozom u Hrvatskoj, gdje se ta terapija primjenjuje od jeseni 2021. godine.Cystic fibrosis, the most frequent lifespan shortening hereditary disease in Caucasians, is caused by a defect in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) gene. Disturbed electrolyte homeostasis leads to the development of different symptoms in multiple organs. Pulmonary manifestations with chronic infections and inflammation result in respiratory failure and remain the most important life-shortening factor. Until recently only symptomatic treatment was available. In year 2012. a new treatment approach with small molecules that modulate the CFTR protein was introduced. Different combinations of CFTR modulators are applicable to certain patients carrying different variants of the CFTR gene. CFTR modulators made a huge difference in the quality of life and perspectives of people with cystic fibrosis. At the same time, new challenges emerged regarding long term complications and possible reduction of conventional treatment options, as well as financial issues that are an obstacle to the use of these drugs for many patients. This paper brings basic insight into cystic fibrosis, the function of CFTR protein, the classification of CFTR gene variants and possibilities of treatment with CFTR modulators as well as basic outcomes of CFTR modulators treatment in Croatia, where this therapy was introduced in autumn 2021

    Socio-Psychological and Political Correlates of Waiving Civil Liberties in Low Security Conditions

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    Pandemija koronavirusa smatra se najvećom trenutnom prijetnjom sigurnosti u svijetu. U svibnju 2021. godine 42% ispitanika širom svijeta karakterizira zaraznu bolest COVID-19 kao jedan od tri glavna goruća problema i izvora nesigurnosti po anketnom istraživanju What Worries the World. Posljedično, vlasti država zahvaćenih širenjem pandemije odlučuju uvesti restriktivne mjere borbe protiv daljnjeg širenja zaraze. Spomenute mjere mogu imati značajne poražavajuće posljedice za ljudska prava i građanske slobode. Radi se o građanima nametnutoj razmjeni dijela građanskih sloboda u službi povećanja sigurnosti, trade-off slobode za sigurnost. Mnogi teoretičari smatraju kako je istaknuta razmjena isključivo pitanje uspostavljanja nove ravnoteže u odnosu sigurnost-sloboda u službi većeg dobra, dok drugi smatraju kako je ono puno značajniji i osjetljiviji problem koji se mora temeljito normativno, etički i racionalno ispitati prije nego što prouzroči društveni gubitak u smislu trajnog erodiranja građanskih sloboda. Rad nadograđuje postojeću znanstvenu literaturu koja se bavi recentnom ugrozom terorizma i javnozdravstvenih kriza te iznosi empirijsko znanstveno istraživanje provedeno u suradnji s građanima Republike Hrvatske. Rad istaknutoj problematici dodaje socio-psihološku i politološku perspektivu fokusirajući se na korelate odricanja građanskih sloboda u uvjetima niske sigurnosti. U radu se utvrđuju motivi socijalne, psihološke i političke prirode zbog kojih su građani RH spremni odustati od određenih temeljnih građanskih sloboda kako bi se zaštitili od aktualne ugroze zaraze koronavirusa.The coronavirus pandemic is considered biggest current security threat in the world, in May 2021, 42% of respondents worldwide characterized COVID-19 as one of the three main burning problems and sources of insecurity according to the What Worries the World survey. Consequently, the state authorities affected by the spread of the pandemic decided to introduce restrictive measures to combat the further spread of contagion. These measures can have significant devastating consequences for human rights and civil liberties. This paper is about the forced exchange of a part of civil liberties in the service of increasing security: trade-off of freedom for security. Many theorists believe that prominent exchange is solely a matter of rebalancing security-freedom in the service of the greater good, while others see it as a much more significant and sensitive issue that must underpin normative, ethical and rational examinations before causing social loss in terms of eroding civil liberties. The paper builds on the existing scientific literature dealing with the recent threat of terrorism and presents empirical scientific research conducted in collaboration with citizens of the Republic of Croatia. The paper establishes motives of social, psychological and political nature due to which the citizens of the Republic of Croatia are ready to give up certain fundamental civil liberties in order to protect themselves from the current threat of coronavirus infection

    Socio-Psychological and Political Correlates of Waiving Civil Liberties in Low Security Conditions

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    Pandemija koronavirusa smatra se najvećom trenutnom prijetnjom sigurnosti u svijetu. U svibnju 2021. godine 42% ispitanika širom svijeta karakterizira zaraznu bolest COVID-19 kao jedan od tri glavna goruća problema i izvora nesigurnosti po anketnom istraživanju What Worries the World. Posljedično, vlasti država zahvaćenih širenjem pandemije odlučuju uvesti restriktivne mjere borbe protiv daljnjeg širenja zaraze. Spomenute mjere mogu imati značajne poražavajuće posljedice za ljudska prava i građanske slobode. Radi se o građanima nametnutoj razmjeni dijela građanskih sloboda u službi povećanja sigurnosti, trade-off slobode za sigurnost. Mnogi teoretičari smatraju kako je istaknuta razmjena isključivo pitanje uspostavljanja nove ravnoteže u odnosu sigurnost-sloboda u službi većeg dobra, dok drugi smatraju kako je ono puno značajniji i osjetljiviji problem koji se mora temeljito normativno, etički i racionalno ispitati prije nego što prouzroči društveni gubitak u smislu trajnog erodiranja građanskih sloboda. Rad nadograđuje postojeću znanstvenu literaturu koja se bavi recentnom ugrozom terorizma i javnozdravstvenih kriza te iznosi empirijsko znanstveno istraživanje provedeno u suradnji s građanima Republike Hrvatske. Rad istaknutoj problematici dodaje socio-psihološku i politološku perspektivu fokusirajući se na korelate odricanja građanskih sloboda u uvjetima niske sigurnosti. U radu se utvrđuju motivi socijalne, psihološke i političke prirode zbog kojih su građani RH spremni odustati od određenih temeljnih građanskih sloboda kako bi se zaštitili od aktualne ugroze zaraze koronavirusa.The coronavirus pandemic is considered biggest current security threat in the world, in May 2021, 42% of respondents worldwide characterized COVID-19 as one of the three main burning problems and sources of insecurity according to the What Worries the World survey. Consequently, the state authorities affected by the spread of the pandemic decided to introduce restrictive measures to combat the further spread of contagion. These measures can have significant devastating consequences for human rights and civil liberties. This paper is about the forced exchange of a part of civil liberties in the service of increasing security: trade-off of freedom for security. Many theorists believe that prominent exchange is solely a matter of rebalancing security-freedom in the service of the greater good, while others see it as a much more significant and sensitive issue that must underpin normative, ethical and rational examinations before causing social loss in terms of eroding civil liberties. The paper builds on the existing scientific literature dealing with the recent threat of terrorism and presents empirical scientific research conducted in collaboration with citizens of the Republic of Croatia. The paper establishes motives of social, psychological and political nature due to which the citizens of the Republic of Croatia are ready to give up certain fundamental civil liberties in order to protect themselves from the current threat of coronavirus infection

    Problematic social media use: the role of procrastination and rejection sensitivity

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    Brzi razvoj tehnologije omogućio je rast različitih društvenih mreža – internetskih kanala koji omogućuju interakciju, dijeljenje sadržaja, izražavanje ideja i razmjenu informacija s publikom u stvarnom vremenu ili asinkrono. Takve aktivnosti mogu biti pozitivne jer mogu pomoći pri upoznavanju osoba s kojima se ne bi mogli susresti izvan društvenih medija, a pružaju i više prilika za dijeljenje svojih razmišljanja s većom publikom. Među popularnijima su Facebook, Instagram i Twitter. Pored pozitivnih učinaka koje društvene mreže imaju na korisnike, postoje i negativni učinci koji se tiču njihove problematične uporabe. Takvu uporabu karakterizira neumjereno korištenje koje ima negativne posljedice na svakodnevni život, društvene i druge aktivnosti. Istraživanja pokazuju da studenti često koriste društvene mreže kao akademske distraktore, te da korištenje interneta za društvenu interakciju dovodi do prokrastinacije - nepotrebnog odlaganja izvršenja zadatka koje izaziva osjećaj nelagode. Najčešće se javlja u obrazovanju i poslovnom životu. Dodatne probleme u obrazovnom i poslovnom životu može stvarati osjetljivost na odbacivanje - pretjerana reakcija i osjetljivost na signale odbijanja u međuljudskim odnosima. Pojedinci koji su vrlo osjetljivi na odbacivanje imaju poteškoća u stvaranju i održavanju zdravih društvenih odnosa licem u lice. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost prokrastinacije, osjetljivosti na odbacivanje i problematične uporabe društvenih mreža kod muškaraca i žena u kasnoj adolescenciji i mlađoj odrasloj dobi (18-34 god.) u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 300 sudionika. Provedeno je putem Google Forms obrasca, a sudionici su ispunjavali Bergensku skalu ovisnosti o društvenim mrežama (Andreassen i sur., 2017), Modificirani upitnik osjetljivosti na odbacivanje (Vukić i Ćubela Adorić, 2016) i Tuckmanovu skalu prokrastinacije (Tuckman, 1991). Utvrđeno je da su žene sklonije problematičnoj uporabi društvenih mreža u usporedbi s muškarcima, ali nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena u prokrastinaciji i osjetljivosti na odbacivanje. Korelacijske analize ukazuju na značajnu pozitivnu povezanost problematične uporabe društvenih mreža te prokrastinacije i osjetljivosti na odbacivanje.Technology's quick advancement has facilitated the expansion of a number of Internet-based platforms, known as social media networks, that allow interaction, content sharing, idea expression, and information exchange in real time or asynchronously. Such activities can be helpful since they can introduce a person to others and give an individual more opportunities to share their thoughts with a larger audience. The most well-known social media platforms include Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. They can also have various undesirable consequences on users, some of which are a result of problematic social media use. It is characterized by overuse that impairs daily life, social interactions, and other activities. Accessing the Internet for social purposes encourages procrastination, which is the unreasonable delaying of tasks that results in discomfort. It happens most frequently in the workplace and in school, since students frequently use social media sites as distractions from their academic work. Additional problems in educational and business life can be created by rejection sensitivity - excessive reaction and sensitivity to rejection signals in interpersonal relationships. Highly sensitive people find it challenging to establish and maintain genuine face-to-face social relationships. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between procrastination, rejection sensitivity and problematic social media use among adults between the ages of 18 and 25 in the Republic of Croatia. 300 participants took part in the research which was conducted through Google Forms online questionnaire. Participants filled in the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (Andreassen et al., 2017), the Modified Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (Vukić and Ćubela Adorić, 2016) and the Tuckman Procrastination Scale (Tuckman, 1991). It was found that women are more prone to problematic use of social media, but no statistically significant differences were found between men and women in procrastination and rejection sensitivity. Correlation analyzes indicate a significant positive association between problematic social media use and both procrastination and rejection sensitivity

    Socio-Psychological and Political Correlates of Waiving Civil Liberties in Low Security Conditions

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    Pandemija koronavirusa smatra se najvećom trenutnom prijetnjom sigurnosti u svijetu. U svibnju 2021. godine 42% ispitanika širom svijeta karakterizira zaraznu bolest COVID-19 kao jedan od tri glavna goruća problema i izvora nesigurnosti po anketnom istraživanju What Worries the World. Posljedično, vlasti država zahvaćenih širenjem pandemije odlučuju uvesti restriktivne mjere borbe protiv daljnjeg širenja zaraze. Spomenute mjere mogu imati značajne poražavajuće posljedice za ljudska prava i građanske slobode. Radi se o građanima nametnutoj razmjeni dijela građanskih sloboda u službi povećanja sigurnosti, trade-off slobode za sigurnost. Mnogi teoretičari smatraju kako je istaknuta razmjena isključivo pitanje uspostavljanja nove ravnoteže u odnosu sigurnost-sloboda u službi većeg dobra, dok drugi smatraju kako je ono puno značajniji i osjetljiviji problem koji se mora temeljito normativno, etički i racionalno ispitati prije nego što prouzroči društveni gubitak u smislu trajnog erodiranja građanskih sloboda. Rad nadograđuje postojeću znanstvenu literaturu koja se bavi recentnom ugrozom terorizma i javnozdravstvenih kriza te iznosi empirijsko znanstveno istraživanje provedeno u suradnji s građanima Republike Hrvatske. Rad istaknutoj problematici dodaje socio-psihološku i politološku perspektivu fokusirajući se na korelate odricanja građanskih sloboda u uvjetima niske sigurnosti. U radu se utvrđuju motivi socijalne, psihološke i političke prirode zbog kojih su građani RH spremni odustati od određenih temeljnih građanskih sloboda kako bi se zaštitili od aktualne ugroze zaraze koronavirusa.The coronavirus pandemic is considered biggest current security threat in the world, in May 2021, 42% of respondents worldwide characterized COVID-19 as one of the three main burning problems and sources of insecurity according to the What Worries the World survey. Consequently, the state authorities affected by the spread of the pandemic decided to introduce restrictive measures to combat the further spread of contagion. These measures can have significant devastating consequences for human rights and civil liberties. This paper is about the forced exchange of a part of civil liberties in the service of increasing security: trade-off of freedom for security. Many theorists believe that prominent exchange is solely a matter of rebalancing security-freedom in the service of the greater good, while others see it as a much more significant and sensitive issue that must underpin normative, ethical and rational examinations before causing social loss in terms of eroding civil liberties. The paper builds on the existing scientific literature dealing with the recent threat of terrorism and presents empirical scientific research conducted in collaboration with citizens of the Republic of Croatia. The paper establishes motives of social, psychological and political nature due to which the citizens of the Republic of Croatia are ready to give up certain fundamental civil liberties in order to protect themselves from the current threat of coronavirus infection

    Određivanje osmotskih osobina životinjskih eritrocita protočnom citometrijom u cilju njihovog inženjeringa kao nosača lekova

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    Despite the fact that the methods based on the osmotic properties of the cells are the most widely used for loading of drugs in human and animal erythrocytes, data related to the osmotic properties of erythrocytes derived from animal blood are scarce. This work was performed with an aim to investigate the possibility of use the flow cytometry as a tool for determination the osmotic behaviour of porcine and bovine erythrocytes, and thus facilitates the engineering of erythrocytes from animal blood to be drug carriers. The method of flow cytometry successfully provided the information about bovine and porcine erythrocyte osmotic fragility, and made the initial steps in assessment of erythrocyte shape in a large number of erythrocytes. Although this method is not able to confirm the swelling of porcine erythrocytes, it indicated the differences in porcine erythrocytes that had basic hematological parameters inside and outside the reference values. In order to apply/use the porcine and bovine erythrocytes as drug carriers, the method of flow cytometry, confirming the presence of osmotically different fractions of red blood cells, indicated that various amounts of the encapsulated drug in porcine and bovine erythrocytes can be expected.Uprkos činjenici da su metode koje se baziraju na osmotskim osobinama ćelija najčešće korišćene metode za inkapsulaciju lekova u humane i životinjske eritrocite, podaci o osmotskim osobinama eritrocita životinjskog porekla su vrlo oskudni. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje mogućnosti korišćenja metode protočne citometrije za određivanje osmotskih osobina svinjskih i goveđih eritrocita, čime bi se olakšao inženjering pomenutih životinjskih eritrocita za otpuštanje lekova. Metodom protočne citometrije uspešno su dobijene informacije o osmotskoj fragilnosti svinjskih i goveđih eritrocita i načinjeni su početni koraci u proceni oblika velikog broja eritrocita. Iako ova metoda nije uspela da potvrdi bubrenje svinjskih eritrocita, ukazala je na razliku u uzorcima svinjskih eritrocita koji su imali osnovne hematološke parametre izvan i unutar referentnih vrednosti. U cilju primene svinjskih i goveđih eritrocita kao nosača lekova, metoda protočne citometrije je, potvrdivši prisustvo osmotski različitih frakcija eritrocita, ukazala na to da se različite količine inkapsuliranog leka u pojedinačnim, kako svinjskim, tako i goveđim eritrocitima mogu očekivati