8 research outputs found

    (R)-2-{2-[(S)-(2′-Benzo­yloxy-1,1′-binaphthyl-2-yl)oxycarbonyl­amino]-3-phenylpropanamido­meth­yl}pyridinium picrate acetone solvate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C43H34N3O5 +·C6H2N3O7 −·C3H6O, the large dimension and shape of the cation are responsible for the elongation of the ortho­rhom­bic unit cell. The ions and acetone mol­ecules are linked together by a system of hydrogen bonds involving an inter­molecular hydrogen bond between one N atom of the cation and the O atom of acetone and two inter­molecular hydrogen bonds between the cation N atoms and the O atoms of the picrate anion. No intra­molecular hydrogen bonds exist in the structure. The dihedral angle between the two naphthalene ring systems is 76.16 (13)°. The chiral C atom has a known R configuration, but this cannot be confirmed from this X-ray analysis

    Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations controlled by the structure of flysch nappe outliers: Insights from large-scale electrical resistivity tomography survey and LiDAR mapping

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    The flysch nappe outliers represent a structural setting prone to the development of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs). The study area of the Palkovicke hfirky hills represents an isolated outlier of the Carpathians flysch nappes, Czech Republic. Geomorphological mapping based on field surveys and interpretation of LiDAR data reveals the occurrence of various types of slope deformations, including two DSGSDs. With the aim of detecting the main controlling factors of the DSGSDs, a multiapproach investigation combining surface and underground studies has been performed. Structural measurement points to a brachysynclinal structure composed of jointed and lithologically diverse strata with step-like topography. High-resolution LiDAR data suggest strong tectonic disruption caused by conjugated transtensional and en echelon tectonic faults controlling the course of slope segments, river valleys and landslide scarps. Four specific localities have been subjected to geophysical surveying. Kilometre-scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles that have depths of penetration reaching the limits of the method (>150 m) were acquired across the gravitationally deformed nappe outlier. The data show the overall structural conditions of the nappe outlier consisting of alternating lithological units affected by folds and fault zones. A local subordinate anticline within the central part of the brachysynclinal structure has controlled the origin of the most morphologically pronounced DSGSDs. Other large-scale DSGSDs related to the inherited fault system potentially affect the entire N/NW segment of the studied elevation. Data integration indicate that structural conditions, including lithological boundaries, tectonic disruption and local folding to be the main controlling factors of the DSGSDs evolution.Web of Science32118717

    Monitoring‚ ochrana a rozšíření druhů ryb a velkých mlžů chráněných i EU v povodí Horní Lužnice‚ Blanice vč. přípravy revitalizačních úprav

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    V tříletém období bylo prováděno monitorování změn biologické rozmanitosti se zřetelem ke změnám po katastrofálních povodních v roce 2002, kterými byly postiženy jižní Čechy a také povodí Horní Vltavy. Zpráva popisuje ichtyologický průzkum řeky Lužnice, ichtyologický průzkum řeky Blanice, monitoring velkých mlžů na Blanici a horní Lužnici, přípravu revitalizačních úprav říčních aluvií a způsoby ověření dosažených výsledků

    Monitoring‚ ochrana a rozšíření druhů ryb a velkých mlžů chráněných i EU v povodí Horní Lužnice‚ Blanice vč. přípravy revitalizačních úprav

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    Cílem je monitoring chráněných druhů sekavce písečného, pískoře pruhovaného, hořavky duhové a vranky obecné v povodí Horní Lužnice (CHKO Třeboňsko) a Blanice po povodních v roce 2002 spolu s monitoringem a managementem velkých mlžů tamtéž. Provedený průzkum ichtyofauny v hydrosystémech horní Lužnice byl zaměřen na hlavní tok řeky a především na slepá a mrtvá ramena i samostatné tůně v nivě. Sledování ichtyofauny řeky Blanice bylo zaměřeno do lokality nově vybudovaného rybího přechodu u obce Bavorov

    Abrupt vegetation and environmental change since the MIS 2: A unique paleorecord from Slovakia (Central Europe)

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    Research on past abrupt climate change and linked biotic response is essential for understanding of the future development of biota under changing climatic conditions, which, in turn, is necessary for adequate progress in ecosystem management and nature conservation. The present study presents the first comprehensive reconstruction of local and regional environment at the Western Carpathian/Pannonian Basin border, including a first chironomid-based paleoclimate reconstruction and d18O and d13C records from travertine, to investigate abrupt biota and climate shifts since the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2. A range of biotic and abiotic proxy data in organic-calcareous sediment sequence were analysed using a multi-proxy approach to produce a detailed reconstruction of past ecosystem conditions. The results illustrate that the most prominent abrupt change in the local environment occurred directly at the MIS 2/ MIS 1 transition at 14,560 cal BP as a consequence of increased precipitation and an increase in reconstructed mean July temperature by ~2.2 C. Abrupt changes in local environment during the early Holocene were closely linked to travertine precipitation rate around thermal springs and thus indirectly to the climate until the arrival of the Late Neolithics around 6400 cal BP. Regional vegetation response (derived from pollen data) to the climatic fluctuations lagged, with the most prominent changes around 14,410 cal BP and 10,140 cal BP. Our data suggest the presence of a steppe-tundra ecosystem with evidence for low amounts of temperate broadleaf trees during the MIS 2, indicating close proximity to their northern glacial refugium. We demonstrate the ability of d18O and d13C stable isotope record from travertine to reflect abrupt climatic and environmental changes. The study provides evidence about benefits using travertine deposits coupled with high-resolution paleoecological data to investigate past biotic and abiotic responses to abrupt climate change