108 research outputs found

    Alternatives for Sugar Replacement in Food Technology: Formulating and Processing Key Aspects

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    The physical, chemical, thermal, rheological, and sensory characteristics of spreads with noncarbohydrate nutritive sweeteners (such as polyols), produced on ball mill, could be predicted. Spreads with 70 and 100% maltitol, as a sweetener, produced on different temperatures (30, 35, 40°C) and mixer speed rotations (60, 80, 100 r/min), give the spreads with very good or excellent sensory characteristics, characteristic spreadability without sandiness (gritty texture), good melting behavior, and pleasant taste. Both process parameters are very important and have the dual effect on spread quality. The best spread quality, considering all characteristics, has the spread with 100% maltitol, produced on the highest process parameters (40°C, 100 r/min)


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    This paper examines and presents some heretofore familiar, as well as new suppositions: one being the influence of the French art between the mid-19th and early 20th centuries on two films by Vincente Minnelli directed in the 1950s – An American in Paris (1951) and Gigi (1958). Following a brief discussion on some biographical details that may have been the reason for Minnelli’s affection for such art, and the development of his career, what follows is an overview of the production of both films, and more importantly an analysis of the references to art that shaped their visual component, while simultaneously attempting to disclose possible reasons for their appearance.Keywords: film musical, art, France, Vincente Minnelli, Arthur Freed

    Symbolic computation of Hankel determinants and matrix generalized inverses

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    In this thesis, existing methods for symbolic computation of Hankel deteriminants and matrix generalized inverses are modified and new are introducted. There are derived closed-form expressions for Hankel determinants of different classes of sequences. It is constructed the method for rapid computation of generalized inverses whose complexity reaches theoretical lower bound. There are also constructed new methods for computation of generalized inverses of rational and polynomial matrices

    Heuristic algorithm for single resource constrained project scheduling problem based on the dynamic programming

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    We introduce a heuristic method for the single resource constrained project scheduling problem, based on the dynamic programming solution of the knapsack problem. This method schedules projects with one type of resources, in the non-preemptive case: once started an activity is not interrupted and runs to completion. We compare the implementation of this method with well-known heuristic scheduling method, called Minimum Slack First (known also as Gray-Kidd algorithm), as well as with Microsoft Project

    Wind Assisted Ship PropulsionTechnologies – Can they Help in Emissions Reduction?

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    According to International Maritime Organization, emissions coming from global shipping are expected to increase 50% to 250% by the year 2050. This concern led to the introduction of various regulations that aims to encourage ship owners and builders to explore innovative renewable technologies. The main focus of this article is on wind-assisted ship propulsion technologies, as a complement to ship propulsion, such as rigid sail, soft sail, wing sail, kite, and Flettner rotor. These technologies are not widely accepted because ship owners have doubts due to the lack of real-life results and their implementation and efficiency greatly depends on ship design and purpose. This article shows the progress in the field of wind-assisted ship propulsion in the last 15 years which proved the concept as they have the potential to reduce fuel consumption, thus emissions, by double digits. The conclusion is drawn, from fuel savings percentages, that rotor and soft sails technologies have great potential in the future of the shipping industry

    Effect of Convective Drying Method of Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) on Drying Kinetics, Bioactive Components and Sensory Characteristics of Bread with Chokeberry Powder

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    The effects of three dehydration temperatures at 50, 60 and 70 °C of convective drying method on fresh fruits of black chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa L.) were evaluated. The drying temperatures were found to have significantly different effects on the characteristics of dried fruits and powders, made by the dried fruits. The maximum drying rate at a temperature of 50 °C was 59 g/h, at 60 °C 102 g/h, and at 70 °C 115 g/h, and thus the drying time was 37 hours, 27 hours and 23 hours respectively. The drying temperature at 50 °C caused the least damage to the cell structure of the fresh chokeberries, bioactive components (anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenols) and total antioxidativity. The dehydrated chokeberries at the temperature of 50 °C had the highest ratio of total anthocyanins (376.89 ± 5.73 mg cyn-3-glu / 100 g dm), total flavonoids (1037.19 ± 3.83 mg CE / 100 g dm), phenols (1918.79 ± 3.26 mg GAE / 100 g dm) and antioxidant activity (37.11 ± 0.28 mg TE / 100 g dm). The drying process at a temperature of 50 °C required longer drying period, higher energy need and produced the chokeberry powder, which gave the bread with the best sensory characteristics, compared to a drying process at a temperature of 60 °C and 70 °C

    Еталонирање терестричких ласерских скенера у лабораторијским условима

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    Терестричко ласерско скенирање (ТЛС) представља методу брзог прикупљања велике количине података у виду „облака тачака“ који нам касније представља основу за приказивање реалног стања „објекта“ у виду тродимензионалног модела и вршење разних анализа над њим. Перманентни развој технологије, хардвера и софтвера у претходних 10-ак година је у великој мери утицао на експанизију методе ТЛС-а, и на квалитет података који добијамо као резултат њене примене. Методу ТЛС-а можемо декларисати као једну од „најмлађих“ метода која се користи у геодезији, грађевинарству, архитектури, просторном планнирању и др. Међутим, методи ТЛС-а недостају јасно дефинисане и стандардизоване теренске процедуре као и методе испитивања и еталонирања инструмената и прибора који се користи. Такође, још увек не постоји међународни стандард који би унифицирао декларисање карактеристика инструмената од стране произвођача. У овом раду је дат преглед свих процеса и прорачуна у циљу успостављања метролошког полигона за потребе еталонирања терестричко ласерских скенера. Приказана је и анализа података прикупљених приликом еталонирања три модела терестричко ласерских скенера

    Equivariant Networks for Porous Crystalline Materials

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    Porous crystalline materials have the potential to play a key role in developing solutions for molecular storage, gas separation and carbon adsorption. For these solutions, we need to develop new materials with specific properties. Estimating the properties of such porous materials involves first principle simulation using classical molecular simulations. The computational complexity of these methods can be a barrier to high throughput screening of the potential materials as the space of possible materials is vast. Data-driven methods, specifically machine learning methods based on deep neural networks offer a significant opportunity to significantly scale the simulation of the behavior of these materials. However, to effectively achieve this the Deep Learning models need to utilize the symmetries present in the crystals. Crystals pose specific symmetries that are present in their space group. Existing methods for crystal property prediction either have symmetry constraints that are too restrictive or only incorporate symmetries between unit cells. In addition, these models do not explicitly model the porous structure of the crystal. In this paper, we develop a model which incorporates the symmetries of the unit cell of a crystal in its architecture and explicitly models the porous structure. We evaluate our model by predicting the heat of adsorption of CO2_2 for different configurations of the Mordenite and ZSM-5 zeolites. Our results confirm that our method performs better than existing methods for crystal property prediction and that the inclusion of pores results in a more efficient model.Comment: Added additional figures as well as additional experiments for MF