495 research outputs found

    On the Fairness of Centralised Decision-Making Strategies in multi-TSO Power Systems

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    In this paper, we consider an interconnected power system, where the different Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have agreed to transferring some of their competences to a Centralised Control Center (CCC). In such a context, a recurrent difficulty for the CCC is to define decision-making strategies which are fair enough to every TSO of the interconnected system. We address this multiobjective problem when the objective of every TSO can be represented by a real-valued function. We propose an algorithm to elect the solution that leads to the minimisation of the distance with the utopian minimum after having normalised the different objectives. We analyse the fairness of this solution in the sense of economics. We illustrate the approach with the IEEE 118 bus system partitioned in 3 areas having as local objective the minimisation of active power losses, the maximisation of reactive power reserves, or a combination of both criteria.multi-area power system, centralised control, multi-objective optimisation, fairness.

    A contribution of experimental economics toward characterization of the use of market power in oligopolisitc markets

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    Despite the numerous researches about imperfect competition, the market power remains difficult to quantify using traditional economics methods. In this paper, we propose an experimental economics design and outline some ways of analysis of its results toward characterization of the use of market power. A simple system with two regions and a limited interconnection transfer capacity allocated by an implicit auction is studied. Depending on the experiments two or three subjects share equitably the production capacity in one region, while the production capacity is equitably shared among 5 subjects leading to a more competitive situation in the second one. In both regions, we observe a market price that is different from the theoretical results allowing a quantification of the use of market power. Results are also analyzed based on a characterization of the subjects' behaviour. Further the impact of subjects' behaviour on the market price evolution is described.experimental economics, market power, electricity markets, oligopolistic markets

    Participation of an electric vehicle fleet to primary frequency control in France

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    International audienceUsing electric vehicles (EV) as distributed storage units could be a solution to take advantage of the good availability of EVs and reduce their total cost of ownership. The scientific literature features frequency control as one of the most profitable electric market for EV fleets. This paper presents an economic evaluation of the expected remuneration for a fleet of EVs participating to primary frequency control in France in 2020. First, the modelling of a French EV fleet is addressed. Simulations of the participation of this fleet to the French primary frequency control market are then performed. Two regulation strategies are considered: in the first one, only unidirectional power exchanges are allowed between EVs and the grid, while in the second one bidirectional exchanges are allowed. Results show that the expected remuneration is highly dependent on the ability to charge at work, the power level of the charging stations, and the bidirectional capabilities of the cars. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Codani, P., Petit, M. and Perez, Y. (xxxx) 'Participation of an electric vehicle fleet to primary frequency control in France', Int

    Participation d'une flotte de véhicules électriques au réglage primaire de fréquence

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    Tirer profit de la disponibilité des véhicules électriques (VE) et les utiliser comme moyen de stockage diffus pour le réseau électrique est une solution pour diminuer le coût de cycle de vie élevé de ces derniers. La littérature présente le réglage de fréquence comme la solution la plus profitable pour les véhicules électriques. Ce papier propose une évaluation des gains économiques potentiels pour une flotte de véhicules électriques participant au réglage primaire, dans le cas Français. Dans un premier temps, le comportement d'une flotte de VE est modélisé. La participation de cette flotte au réglage primaire de fréquence est ensuite simulée. Deux stratégies de réglage, une avec échanges de puissance bidirectionnels entre les véhicules et le réseau, et une avec échanges unidirectionnels, sont comparées. Les résultats fournissent des indications sur la taille idéale de la flotte, et sur la caractérisation des échanges de puissance avec le réseau

    External Network Modeling for MVAr Scheduling in Multi Area Power Systems

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    International audienceMulti area power systems work most often with a poor inter-regional coordination about reactive power concerns. Transmission system operators typically do not possess a detailed knowledge about voltage profile across interconnected power systems. In this context, reactive power scheduling may be inefficient and inter-regional reactive power flows become a decisive issue. This inefficiency, associated with economic constraints and increasing stress on interconnection lines, may lead to conflicts, which could be partially avoided with a better scheduling strategy. In addition to inter-utility agreements, part of the solution could be to use appropriate external network modeling. Different modeling are thus presented in this paper and illustrated with an IEEE 118 bus system with 2 separately controlled regions, whose scheduling objective is to minimize active power losses. The regional scheduling process is described and the state of the interconnected power system is compared with a global optimization. Finally, the influence of the external network modeling parameters and the accuracy of their forecast is commented


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    Cette Ă©tude Ă©value la discrimination dans l’accĂšs Ă  l’emploi dans trois professions prĂ©sentes Ă  la fois dans le secteur privĂ© et dans la Fonction Publique. Deux dimensions sont examinĂ©es : l’effet de la rĂ©putation du lieu de rĂ©sidence et l’effet de l’origine maghrĂ©bine. Elle est rĂ©alisĂ©e sur donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales de testing rĂ©alisĂ© dans trois professions en tension pour lesquelles la discrimination devrait a priori ĂȘtre trĂšs rĂ©duite : les responsables administratifs de catĂ©gorie A, les techniciens de maintenance de catĂ©gorie B et les aides soignantes de catĂ©gorie C. Pour chaque profession, nous avons construit 3 profils fictifs de candidats Ă  l’emploi similaires en tout point Ă  l’exception de la caractĂ©ristique testĂ©e (l’origine signalĂ©e par la consonance du prĂ©nom et du nom, ou la rĂ©putation du lieu de rĂ©sidence). Entre octobre 2015 et avril 2016, nous avons envoyĂ© 3258 candidatures en rĂ©ponse Ă  1086 offres d’emploi. L’étude consiste en une exploitation statistique des rĂ©sultats de ces envois.Nous mettons en avant trois principaux rĂ©sultats, conditionnellement au fait que des donnĂ©es de testing ne fournissent qu’une mesure partielle, ponctuelle et localisĂ©e des discriminations Ă  l’embauche. PremiĂšrement, nous ne trouvons pas que les discriminations Ă  l’embauche sont plus faibles dans la Fonction Publique que dans le secteur privĂ©. DeuxiĂšmement, nous ne sommes pas parvenus Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence l’existence de discriminations qui seraient spĂ©cifiques Ă  la Fonction Publique d’Etat ; en revanche, nous fournissons plusieurs preuves de l’existence d’une discrimination dans l’accĂšs Ă  l’emploi, selon l’origine et le lieu de rĂ©sidence, pour les Fonctions Publiques HospitaliĂšre et Territoriale.TroisiĂšmement, le mode de recrutement par concours tel qu’il est organisĂ© dans la Fonction Publique Territoriale ne permet pas de garantir un accĂšs Ă©gal Ă  l’emploi public : nous trouvons des discriminations Ă  la fois pour les recrutements de contractuels et pour ceux de fonctionnaires titulaires aprĂšs un concours

    Does subsidising young people to learn to drive promote social inclusion? Evidence from a large controlled experiment in France

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    We assess the impact of lowering the cost of learning to drive in France by randomly assigning candidates to either of two groups of 18 to 25 years olds. Young people in the “test group” were given a €1000 voucher to pay for their driving lessons and were suported by a welfare centre throughout the time they were learning. Young people in the “control group” retained all the other welfare benefits for the underprivileged. The vouchers were given to 10 000 young people most of whom were not in education, employment or training. We investigate three types of outcome covering driving, housing and employment status. We analyse the specific role of local support in passing the driving test and we specifically take into account the possibility of spillover effects between treated and untreated individuals

    On the Fairness of Centralised Decision-Making Strategies in multi-TSO Power Systems

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider an interconnected power system, where the different Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have agreed to transferring some of their competences to a Centralised Control Center (CCC). In such a context, a recurrent difficulty for the CCC is to define decision-making strategies which are fair enough to every TSO of the interconnected system. We address this multiobjective problem when the objective of every TSO can be represented by a real-valued function. We propose an algorithm to elect the solution that leads to the minimisation of the distance with the utopian minimum after having normalised the different objectives. We analyse the fairness of this solution in the sense of economics. We illustrate the approach with the IEEE 118 bus system partitioned in 3 areas having as local objective the minimisation of active power losses, the maximisation of reactive power reserves, or a combination of both criteria

    A contribution of experimental economics toward characterization of the use of market power in oligopolisitc markets

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    International audienceDespite the numerous researches about imperfect competition, the market power remains difficult to quantify using traditional economics methods. In this paper, we propose an experimental economics design and outline some ways of analysis of its results toward characterization of the use of market power. A simple system with two regions and a limited interconnection transfer capacity allocated by an implicit auction is studied. Depending on the experiments two or three subjects share equitably the production capacity in one region, while the production capacity is equitably shared among 5 subjects leading to a more competitive situation in the second one. In both regions, we observe a market price that is different from the theoretical results allowing a quantification of the use of market power. Results are also analyzed based on a characterization of the subjects' behaviour. Further the impact of subjects' behaviour on the market price evolution is described
