3,276 research outputs found

    Recuperació del xoriguer petit (Falco naumanni) a l’Alt Empordà

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    El xoriguer petit (Falco naumanni) és una espècie estival a Catalunya, d’alimentació bàsicament insectívora i d’hàbitats oberts amb alternança de cultius de secà i pastures. Durant el segle passat, les seves poblacions van patir un descens molt important al llarg de tota la seva àrea de distribució. Va arribar a desaparèixer com a nidificant en diversos països, tal com va passar a Catalunya el 1986. Per aquest motiu, l’espècie es va catalogar com globalment amenaçada amb la categoria de vulnerable. Des de 1989, es porta a terme un projecte de reintroducció de l’espècie a Catalunya, i actualment s’ha aconseguit l’establiment de dues poblacions: una a Lleida amb 75 parelles reproductores, i l’altra a l’Alt Empordà, amb 37 parelles el 2012. S’ha realitzat un seguiment intensiu de la població introduïda que ha permès conèixer i gestionar el programa de reintroducció. Tot i que la majoria dels paràmetres reproductius són molt bons, segons els models estadístics, la població empordanesa encara presenta unes taxes que no la fan viable sense els alliberaments de nous exemplars, a causa, principalment, de la baixa taxa de retorn dels exemplars adults.The Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) breeds in Catalonia, feeds basically on insects and its habitat are open spaces alternating pastures and dryland farming. During the last century, the Lesser Kestrel populations experienced a very strong decline throughout all its range. It disappeared completely as a breeder in several countries, such as in Catalonia in 1986. Therefore, the species was classified as globally threatened in the category vulnerable. In 1989, a reintroduction program of the species was started in Catalonia and at present time two populations have been secured: one in Lleida with 75 breeding pairs and the other one in the Alt Empordà with 37 breeding pairs in 2012. The introduced population is monitored closely which has allowed to learn about and manage the reintroduction program. Although most of the reproduction parameters are very good according to statistic models, the rates for the Alt Empordà population show that it is still not viable without releasing new specimen, due above all to the low return rate of adult birds

    Primula hirsuta All. dans les Pyrénées orientales

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    Confirmem la presència d’aquesta espècie als Pirineus Orientals basant-nos en noves recol•leccions i observacions de camp. A més a més, presentem una revisió crítica de les citacions anteriors i dels testimonis d’herbari existents. Finalment, resumim la corologia d’aquesta espècie als Pirineus i concloem que hauria d’ésser considerada com a vulnerable (VU) a Catalunya seguint els criteris de l’UICN.Our new collections and field observations confirm the presence of this species in the Eastern Pyrenees. Moreover, we present a critical revision of the previous doubtful citations and of the extant herbarium sheets. Finally, we sum up the chorology of the species on the Pyrenean range and we conclude that the species should be considered as vulnerable (VU) in Catalonia according to criteria UICN.Nos nouvelles récoltes et données de terrain confirment la présence de cette espèce dans la partie orientale des Pyrénées, mise en doute dans quelques travaux ibériques récents. Aussi, nous présentons une révision critique des citations antérieures et des échantillons d’herbier existants. Nous résumons la chorologie de cette espèce dans les Pyrénées et concluons au final que le statut de conservation de ce taxon en Catalogne est vulnérable (VU) selon les critères de l’UICN

    Post-release Movement Behaviour and Survival of Kulan Reintroduced to the Steppes and Deserts of Central Kazakhstan

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    Asiatic wild ass, or kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) were once a key species of the Eurasian steppes and deserts. In Kazakhstan they went extinct by the 1930s. Early reintroductions have reestablished the species in two protected areas, but the species has reclaimed <1% of their former range and remained absent from central Kazakhstan. To initiate restoration in this vast region, we captured and transported a first group of nine wild kulan to a large pre-release enclosure in the Torgai region in 2017, and two more in 2019. We used direct observations and post-release movement data of four kulan equipped with GPS-Iridium collars to document their adaptation process in a vast novel habitat without conspecifics. For comparison with movements in the source populations, we additionally equipped two kulan in Altyn Emel National Park and six in Barsa Kelmes State Nature Reserve. The nine transported kulan formed a cohesive group with very high movement correlation in the enclosure. After release, the group initially stayed tightly together but started to break up by mid-May and all kulan travelled independently by mid-August. With 48,680–136,953 km2, the 95% Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation ranges of the reintroduced kulan were huge and about 10–100 times larger than those in the source populations. The reintroduced mares never reconnected, there was no evidence of successful reproduction, and two of the four collared mares were killed by poachers and one died of natural causes. At least one stallion survived in the wild, but the fate of the other uncollared animals remains unclear. We speculate that the fission-fusion dynamics and low movement correlation of kulan societies and the need for migratory movements harbours the risk that animals released into a novel environment loose contact with each other. This risk is likely enhanced in steppe habitats where movement constraining factors are absent. Further kulan reintroductions to the steppes and deserts of central Kazakhstan should aim to release larger groups and build up the free-ranging population quickly to reach a critical mass, increasing the chance of kulan encountering conspecifics to successfully breed and increase their chances of survival.publishedVersio

    Additions to the flora of the central Pyrenees (II)

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    En aquest treball aportem noves dades de 58 plantes vasculars trobades, principalment, al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici o en àrees properes (des de la Vall d’Aran fins a Andorra). De cadascuna, en donem les localitats on l’hem observada i en valorem l’interès fitogeogràfic, tenint en compte el coneixement actual de la flora pirinenca. Festuca alpina Suter subsp. riverae Chas, Kerguélen & Plonka i Trisetum spicatum (L. ) K. Richt. subsp. ovatipaniculatum Hultén ex Jonsell representen novetats per a la flora de Catalunya, alhora que es confirma la presència de Lathyrus bauhinii Genty i Trisetum baregense Laffite & Miégeville, plantes citades d’antic. La resta de citacions corresponen a plantes rares o poc citades en aquest territori o al conjunt de Catalunya.Here we report new data concerning 58 rare plants, mainly recorded in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park or in neighbouring areas (from Vall d’Aran to Andorra). For each taxon, we discuss the phytogeographic interest of the new locations given, according to the present knowledge of the Pyrenean flora. Festuca alpina Suter subsp. riverae Chas, Kerguélen & Plonka and Trisetum spicatum (L. ) K. Richt. subsp. ovatipan iculatum Hultén ex Jonsell become novelties for the Catalan flora, and we confirm the presence of Lathyrus bauhinii Genty and Trisetum baregense Laffite & Miégeville. In other cases, the new data improve the distributional knowledge of rare plants in the above-mentioned area or in Catalonia

    Distribució i ecologia de Woodsia alpina (Bolton) S.F. Gray a Catalunya i als Pirineus

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    S'aporten dades sobre noves poblacions de Woodsia alpina als Pirineus catalans descobertes els últims anys. Per a cada una s'indiquen dades sobre la localitat concreta, l'hàbitat i els efectius poblacionals. Es revisa la distribució i els requeriments ecològics d'aquest tàxon a tota la serralada dels Pirineus, tant en el vessant nord com en el sud, i s'avalua l'estat d'amenaça d'aquest tàxon a Catalunya segons els criteris de la UICN

    Metodologia per avaluar l'estat de conservació dels hàbitats de Catalunya

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    En aquest document s'ha desenvolupat el protocol de treball per a la valoració de l’estat de conservació de tots els hàbitats naturals i seminaturals de Catalunya. L'avaluació de l'estat de conservació dels hàbitats és un instrument per a la gestió del medi natural, que permet el manteniment de les espècies i dels hàbitats en un estat de conservació òptim, així com dels processos naturals que hi van associats. S'ha generat una metodologia original que inclou l'ús d'un conjunt d'indicadors mesurables, validats a través d'assajos sobre el terreny que han permès definir els paràmetres d'avaluació adequats, així com ajustar correctament les mètriques de valoració. La intenció d’aquesta proposta és la d’esdevenir una eina estàndard en la valoració dels hàbitats, aplicable en l'àmbit de la gestió i la conservació del medi natural, així com en l'avaluació de les millores assolides mitjançant la compensació d’impactes de l’avaluació ambiental.D’una banda, en un document es presenta la metodologia i els protocols d’avaluació. Per altra banda, es lliura una plantilla per a l’aplicació directa del procediment

    Environmental and economic impacts of combining backfill materials for novel circular narrow trenches

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    Over the last few years, several policies and new technological solutions have targeted the construction sector with the aim of reducing the sector's impacts on the environment. Among the different technological advances proposed, the reuse of materials in construction has been reported as a promising solution for an increase in sustainability and circularity. In particular, a type of cities' undergrounds assets for which materials' reuse is being explored are trenches for protecting services (i.e., water and gas transport pipelines, and optic fibre and other telecommunications services). Nonetheless, the economic and environmental benefits and impact of this type of system is still insufficiently quantified. In this research study, the economic and environmental impacts of four scenarios of trenches were assessed by using Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The four alternatives analysed consisted of: (1) the classical solution; (2) the classical solution with the reuse of soil; (3) the control low-strength material, and (4) the eco-trench. The results allowed concluding that in the eco-trench system, for which all material is reused, the environmental and economic impacts could be reduced by more than 80% and 50%, respectively. A parametric study for which the dimensions of the trenches were varied, permitted to reinforce these results and to quantify the impact's change along with the width and depth of the trench. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive view of the high-impact potential of reusing material for the construction of trenches in cities. The outcomes allow also remarking that the eco-trench system could be an attractive and advantageous solution for urban infrastructure stakeholders, both from an economic and environmental perspective.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.6 - Per a 2030, reduir l’impacte ambiental negatiu per capita de les ciutats, amb especial atenció a la qualitat de l’aire, així com a la gestió dels residus municipals i d’altre tipusPostprint (published version

    Environmental effects of using different construction codes applied to reinforced concrete beam designs based on Model Code 2010 and Spanish Standard EHE-08

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    Assuming specific behavior models, the variety of design codes currently used for the design of concrete beams inevitably results in different solutions, ensuring service during the expected lifetime with a maximum functional quality and safety. However, from a sustainable design perspective, such differences may have remarkable environmental impacts. This paper analyses if the approach of the newest design code, i.e., the Model Code, leads to a reduction in resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) over the life cycle of concrete beams. To do so, a comparative analysis of the environmental impact of concrete beams was carried out depending on the reference code used for their design (i.e., EHE-08 or Model Code). The results show that reducing the amount of reinforcing steel is essential to minimize the life cycle environmental impacts of concrete beams. Every country may have its own design codes and, thus, the reinforcing steel use can vary for structures subjected to the same loads and with equivalent structural reliability. Hence, regulations play a key role in the sustainability of construction assets. Conclusions depend on the beam’s length (L), height (h) and characteristic compressive strength (fck). For short beams (4 m), the greater the h, the greater the reinforcement difference between the two codes. With regard to beams with L = 8 m, these differences can lead to varying steel and GHG savings, e.g., up to 5.0 % with MC-2010 (h = 0.6 m and fck = 35 MPa), almost 40 % with EHE – 08 (h = 0.6 m and 35 MPa < fck = 50 MPa) and more than 30 % with MC-2010 (h = 1.0 m).. For long beams (L = 12.0 m), steel consumption is 0.3 % to 19 % lower when the beam is designed with EHE-08, and this difference decreases as fck increases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Supernova enhanced cosmic ray ionization and induced chemistry in a molecular cloud of W51C

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    Cosmic rays pervade the Galaxy and are thought to be accelerated in supernova shocks. The interaction of cosmic rays with dense interstellar matter has two important effects: 1) high energy (>1 GeV) protons produce {\gamma}-rays by {\pi}0-meson decay; 2) low energy (< 1 GeV) cosmic rays (protons and electrons) ionize the gas. We present here new observations towards a molecular cloud close to the W51C supernova remnant and associated with a recently discovered TeV {\gamma}-ray source. Our observations show that the cloud ionization degree is highly enhanced, implying a cosmic ray ionization rate ~ 10-15 s-1, i.e. 100 times larger than the standard value in molecular clouds. This is consistent with the idea that the cloud is irradiated by an enhanced flux of freshly accelerated low-energy cosmic rays. In addition, the observed high cosmic ray ionization rate leads to an instability in the chemistry of the cloud, which keeps the electron fraction high, ~ 10-5, in a large fraction (Av \geq 6mag) of the cloud and low, ~ 10-7, in the interior. The two states have been predicted in the literature as high- and low-ionization phases (HIP and LIP). This is the observational evidence of their simultaneous presence in a cloud.Comment: Accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letter