12 research outputs found

    Tropospheric forcing of the boreal polar vortex splitting in January 2003

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    e dynamical evolution of the relatively warm stratospheric winter season 2002–2003 in the Northern Hemisphere was studied and compared with the cold winter 2004–2005 based on NCEP-Reanalyses. Record low temperatures were observed in the lower and middle stratosphere over the Arctic region only at the beginning of the 2002–2003 winter. Six sudden stratospheric warming events, including the major warming event with a splitting of the polar vortex in mid-January 2003, have been identified. This led to a very high vacillation of the zonal mean circulation and a weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex over the whole winter season. An estimate of the mean chemical ozone destruction inside the polar vortex showed a total ozone loss of about 45 DU in winter 2002–2003; that is about 2.5 times smaller than in winter 2004–2005. Embedded in a winter with high wave activity, we found two subtropical Rossby wave trains in the troposphere before the major sudden stratospheric warming event in January 2003. These Rossby waves propagated north-eastwards and maintained two upper tropospheric anticyclones. At the same time, the amplification of an upward propagating planetary wave 2 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere was observed, which could be caused primarily by those two wave trains. Furthermore, two extratropical Rossby wave trains over the North Pacific Ocean and North America were identified a couple of days later, which contribute mainly to the vertical planetary wave activity flux just before and during the major warming event. It is shown that these different tropospheric forcing processes caused the major warming event and contributed to the splitting of the polar vortex

    Zonal asymmetries in middle atmospheric ozone and water vapour derived from Odin satellite data 2001-2010

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    Stationary wave patterns in middle atmospheric ozone (O3) and water vapour (H2O) are an important factor in the atmospheric circulation, but there is a strong gap in diagnosing and understanding their configuration and origin. Based on Odin satellite data from 2001 to 2010 we investigate the stationary wave patterns in O3 and H2O as indicated by the seasonal long-term means of the zonally asymmetric components O*/3=O3-[O3] and H2O* =H2O-[H2O] ([O3], [H2O]: zonal means). At mid- and polar latitudes we find a pronounced wave one pattern in both constituents. In the Northern Hemisphere, the wave patterns increase during autumn, maintain their strength during winter and decay during spring, with maximum amplitudes of about 10–20% of the zonal mean values. During winter, the wave one in O*/3 shows a maximum over the North Pacific/Aleutians and a minimum over the North Atlantic/Northern Europe and a double-peak structure with enhanced amplitude in the lower and in the upper stratosphere. The wave one in H2O* extends from the lower stratosphere to the upper mesosphere with a westward shift in phase with increasing height including a jump in phase at upper stratosphere altitudes. In the Southern Hemisphere, similar wave patterns occur mainly during southern spring. By comparing the observed wave patterns in O*/3 and H2O* with a linear solution of a steady-state transport equation for a zonally asymmetric tracer component we find that these wave patterns are primarily due to zonally asymmetric transport by geostrophically balanced winds, which are derived from observed temperature profiles. In addition temperature-dependent photochemistry contributes substantially to the spatial structure of the wave pattern in O*/3. Further influences, e.g., zonal asymmetries in eddy mixing processes, are discussed

    Utility of Hovmöller diagrams to diagnose Rossby wave trains

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    The study investigates and compares various methods that aim to diagnose Rossby wave trains with the help of Hovmöller diagrams. Three groups of methods are distinguished: The first group contains trough-and-ridge Hovmöller diagrams of the meridional wind; they provide full phase information, but differ in the method for latitudinal averaging or weighting. The second group aims to identify Rossby wave trains as a whole, discounting individual troughs and ridges. The third group contains diagnostics which focus on physical mechanisms during the different phases of a Rossby wave train life cycle; they include the analysis of eddy kinetic energy and methods for quantifying Rossby wave breaking. The different methods are analysed and systematically compared with each other in the framework of a two-month period in fall 2008. Each method more or less serves its designed purpose, but they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Notable differences between the individual methods render an objective identification of a Rossby wave train somewhat elusive. Nevertheless, the combination of several techniques provides a rather comprehensive picture of the Rossby wave train life cycle, being broadly consistent with the expected behaviour from previous theoretical analysis

    On the estimation of persistence in geophysical time series

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    The estimation of persistence (or: self-correlation) is necessary to evaluate the effective degree of freedom (or: the number of statistically independent samples) of a geophysical time series. The application of textbook definitions may result in problems when the time series contains periodic signals. This is demonstrated with analytical solutions for a given auto-correlation function. On physical grounds, in this paper we estimate the persistence time as the integral over the absolute value of the auto-correlation function. This procedure has been proposed by Stratonovich and is shown to work for slow and fast oscillations involved. In the practical part of the paper, a 42-year long time series of phase height measurements at Kühlungsborn (54 ∘N, 12 ∘E) is studied. In the period band between 2.7 and 27 years, it shows a persistence time of about 12 years and an effective degree of freedom of 3.5. Hence, the negative trend of 310 meters per decade was found to be significant at a level of 86 %. This level could be raised if the time series were longer

    Extreme Precipitation events over North China in August 2010 and their link to eastward-propagating wave-trains across Eurasia: observations and monthly forecasting

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    Over the Far East in summer, climate is strongly influenced by the fluctuating Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH), and strong precipitation is often associated with southeasterly low-level wind that brings moist air from the southern China seas. The WPSH intraseasonal variability is partly influenced by quasi-stationary wave-trains propagating eastwards from Europe across Asia along the two westerly jets: the Silk-Road wave-train along the Asian jet at midlatitudes and the polar wave-train along the sub-polar jet. In the unusual summer of 2010, northeast China experienced its worst seasonal flooding for a decade, triggered by unusually severe precipitation. That summer was also characterized by a record-breaking heat wave over eastern Europe and Russia, whose impact on the precipitation further east over China has been little explored. Here, we examine the role of the Silk-Road and polar wave-trains, and their impact on precipitation over northeast China throughout August 2010, using station precipitation data and re-analyses. We found that there is a strong link between the Silk-Road wave-train and extreme precipitation events. Forecasting such regional precipitation events at the monthly time-scale remains a big challenge for operational global prediction systems. In this study, we use simulations with the atmospheric model of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to highlight the key role of the Silk-Road and polar wave-trains in modulating extreme precipitation over north and northeast China in August 2010. While the ensemble-mean of the forecasts fails to predict the pulses of the Silk-Road wave-train, some model members show a high spatial correlation in upper-level meridional winds with re-analyses. Similarly, there is high spatial correlation between model meridional winds and precipitation. These results highlight the importance of better representing the intraseasonal evolution of the Silk-Road wave-train in order to improve the monthly prediction of summer precipitation over the Far East