188 research outputs found

    A two-stage mechanism of viral RNA compaction revealed by single molecule fluorescence

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    Long RNAs often exist as multiple conformers in equilibrium. For the genomes of single-stranded RNA viruses, one of these conformers must include a compacted state allowing the RNA to be confined within the virion. We have used single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to monitor the conformations of viral genomes and sub-fragments in the absence and presence of coat proteins. Cognate RNA-coat protein interactions in two model viruses cause a rapid collapse in the hydrodynamic radii of their respective RNAs. This is caused by protein binding at multiple sites on the RNA that facilitate additional protein-protein contacts. The collapsed species recruit further coat proteins to complete capsid assembly with great efficiency and fidelity. The specificity in RNA-coat protein interactions seen at single-molecule concentrations reflects the packaging selectivity seen for such viruses in vivo. This contrasts with many in vitro reassembly measurements performed at much higher concentrations. RNA compaction by coat protein or polycation binding are distinct processes, implying that defined RNA-coat protein contacts are required for assembly

    Characterization of RNA aptamers that disrupt the RUNX1-CBFbeta/DNA complex.

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    The transcription factor RUNX1 (AML1) is an important regulator of haematopoiesis, and an important fusion partner in leukaemic translocations. High-affinity DNA binding by RUNX1 requires the interaction of the RUNX1 Runt-Homology-Domain (RHD) with the core-binding factor beta protein (CBFbeta). To generate novel reagents for in vitro and in vivo studies of RUNX1 function, we have selected high-affinity RNA aptamers against a recombinant RHD-CBFbeta complex. Selection yielded two sequence families, each dominated by a single consensus sequence. Aptamers from each family disrupt DNA binding by the RUNX1 protein in vitro and compete with sequence-specific dsDNA binding. Minimal, high-affinity ( approximately 100-160 nM) active aptamer fragments 28 and 30 nts in length, consisting of simple short stem-loop structures, were then identified. These bind to the RHD subunit and disrupt its interaction with CBFbeta, which is consistent with reduced DNA affinity in the presence of aptamer. These aptamers represent new reagents that target a novel surface on the RHD required to stabilize the recombinant RHD-CBFbeta complex and thus will further aid exploring the functions of this key transcription factor

    Genomic RNA folding mediates assembly of human parechovirus

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    Assembly of the major viral pathogens of the Picornaviridae family is poorly understood. Human parechovirus 1 is an example of such viruses that contains 60 short regions of ordered RNA density making identical contacts with the protein shell. We show here via a combination of RNA-based systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment, bioinformatics analysis and reverse genetics that these RNA segments are bound to the coat proteins in a sequence-specific manner. Disruption of either the RNA coat protein recognition motif or its contact amino acid residues is deleterious for viral assembly. The data are consistent with RNA packaging signals playing essential roles in virion assembly. Their binding sites on the coat proteins are evolutionarily conserved across the Parechovirus genus, suggesting that they represent potential broad-spectrum anti-viral targets.Peer reviewe

    Increasing the Metabolic Stress of an Unweighted Knee Exercise via Blood-flow Restriction Training: A Potential Treatment Adjunct for Physiotherapists

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    Background: Blood-flow Restriction Training [BfRT] involves the temporary, artificial reduction of blood flow through a limb, often during low-intensity resistance exercise. Following lower-limb injury or surgery, evidence suggests that BfRT can be used to minimise losses in thigh muscle size and strength or accelerate their return. However, the restriction equipment used in BfRT research is often inaccessible to frontline clinicians. There is also little evidence as to the acute metabolic effect of adding blood-flow restriction to un-resisted, or ‘no load’, rehabilitation exercises. Purpose: Using an inexpensive restriction device, this study investigated whether adding lower-limb bloodflow restriction to a rehabilitation-appropriate ‘no load’ knee exercise produced a significant change in the acute metabolic stress of the exercise session. Methods: The height, weight and leg measurements of n=16 healthy participants (n=9 male) were recorded. Participants attended four exercise sessions separated by at least 48 hours. Each session consisted of three, one-minute sets of a single-leg, unweighted knee-extension exercise. Throughout all sessions a 21cm-wide thigh blood-pressure cuff was wrapped around the thigh of the exercising limb. During the first exercise session the cuff was not inflated [control]. Over the remaining three sessions, the cuff was inflated to one preselected pressure [40/60/80mmHg] in order to restrict blood flow through the exercising limb. At the start of these sessions, the percentage of popliteal arterial blood-flow volume remaining after cuff inflation [BfR] was determined using Doppler ultrasound. To indicate metabolic stress, near infra-red spectroscopy was used to record deoxygenated haemoglobin mass [HHb] of the vastus lateralis muscle before and during every exercise session. Cohort differences in BfR and HHb change for each exercise session were then compared. Results: All participants completed all exercise sessions. BfR decreased as cuff pressure was increased, with 80mmHg inducing a mean BfR of 47.6% (95% CI 42.9% - 52.3%). HHb of the vastus lateralis muscle did not increase during the control session. HHb of the vastus lateralis muscle increased significantly when cuff pressures were applied during the three remaining sessions. (Repeated Measures ANOVA, p< 0.001, partial η2 0.65). Overall, a higher Body Mass Index was associated with smaller changes in HHb of the vastus lateralis muscle during sessions in which cuff pressures were applied (Pearson R -0.794, R² 0.630, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Results indicate that adding lower-limb blood-flow restriction significantly increased the local, acute metabolic stress of a rehabilitation-appropriate knee exercise without the need to increase exercise load or repetitions. At cuff pressures up to 80mmHg, the degree of metabolic stress experienced during ‘no load’ BfRT differed between individuals and was associated with their Body Mass Index. Implications: Using an inexpensive blood-pressure cuff as the restriction device, findings support the potential use of lower-limb BfRT as a treatment adjunct following lower-limb injury. To deliver a consistent level of metabolic stress among different individuals, clinicians may need to tailor the amount of thigh cuff pressure that they apply based upon an individual’s physical size. Further research is required to determine the potential magnitude of acute metabolic stress required to attenuate the effects of muscle disuse within injured populations

    An age-structured model of hepatitis B viral infection highlights the potential of different therapeutic strategies

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a global health threat, and its elimination by 2030 has been prioritised by the World Health Organisation. Here we present an age-structured model for the immune response to an HBV infection, which takes into account contributions from both cell-mediated and humoral immunity. The model has been validated using published patient data recorded during acute infection. It has been adapted to the scenarios of chronic infection, clearance of infection, and flare-ups via variation of the immune response parameters. The impacts of immune response exhaustion and non-infectious subviral particles on the immune response dynamics are analysed. A comparison of different treatment options in the context of this model reveals that drugs targeting aspects of the viral life cycle are more effective than exhaustion therapy, a form of therapy mitigating immune response exhaustion. Our results suggest that antiviral treatment is best started when viral load is declining rather than in a flare-up. The model suggests that a fast antibody production rate always leads to viral clearance, highlighting the promise of antibody therapies currently in clinical trials

    Consensus recommendations for mrd testing in adult b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in ontario

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    Measurable (minimal) residual disease (MRD) is an established, key prognostic factor in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), and testing for MRD is known to be an important tool to help guide treatment decisions. The clinical value of MRD testing depends on the accuracy and reliability of results. Currently, there are no Canadian provincial or national guidelines for MRD testing in adult B-ALL, and consistent with the absence of such guidelines, there is no uniform Ontario MRD testing consensus. Moreover, there is great variability in Ontario in MRD testing with respect to where, when, and by which technique, MRD testing is performed, as well as in how the results are interpreted. To address these deficiencies, an expert multidisciplinary working group was convened to define consensus recommendations for improving the provision of such testing. The expert panel recommends that MRD testing should be implemented in a centralized manner to ensure expertise and accuracy in testing for this low volume indication, thereby to provide accurate, reliable results to clinicians and patients. All adult patients with B-ALL should receive MRD testing after induction chemotherapy. Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive patients should have ongoing monitoring of MRD during treatment and thereafter, while samples from Ph-negative B-ALL patients should be tested at least once later during treatment, ideally at 12 to 16 weeks after treatment initiation. In Ph-negative adult B-ALL patients, standardized, ideally centralized, protocols must be used for MRD testing, including both flow cytometry and immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain and T-cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangement analysis. For Ph-positive B-ALL patients, MRD testing using a standardized protocol for reverse transcription real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) for the BCR-ABL1 gene fusion transcript is recommended, with Ig/TCR gene rearrangement analysis done in parallel likely providing additional clinical information

    Isolation of an Asymmetric RNA Uncoating Intermediate for a Single-Stranded RNA Plant Virus

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    AbstractWe have determined the three-dimensional structures of both native and expanded forms of turnip crinkle virus (TCV), using cryo-electron microscopy, which allows direct visualization of the encapsidated single-stranded RNA and coat protein (CP) N-terminal regions not seen in the high-resolution X-ray structure of the virion. The expanded form, which is a putative disassembly intermediate during infection, arises from a separation of the capsid-forming domains of the CP subunits. Capsid expansion leads to the formation of pores that could allow exit of the viral RNA. A subset of the CP N-terminal regions becomes proteolytically accessible in the expanded form, although the RNA remains inaccessible to nuclease. Sedimentation velocity assays suggest that the expanded state is metastable and that expansion is not fully reversible. Proteolytically cleaved CP subunits dissociate from the capsid, presumably leading to increased electrostatic repulsion within the viral RNA. Consistent with this idea, electron microscopy images show that proteolysis introduces asymmetry into the TCV capsid and allows initial extrusion of the genome from a defined site. The apparent formation of polysomes in wheat germ extracts suggests that subsequent uncoating is linked to translation. The implication is that the viral RNA and its capsid play multiple roles during primary infections, consistent with ribosome-mediated genome uncoating to avoid host antiviral activity

    Rewriting Nature’s Assembly Manual for a ssRNA Virus

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    Satellite Tobacco Necrosis Virus (STNV) is one of the smallest viruses known. Its genome encodes only its coat protein (CP) subunit relying on the polymerase of its helper virus TNV for replication. The genome contains a cryptic set of dispersed assembly signals in the form of stem-loops that each present a minimal CP binding motif -A.X.X.A- in the loops. The genomic fragment encompassing nucleotides 1-127 is predicted to contain five such Packaging Signals (PSs). We have used mutagenesis to determine the critical assembly features in this region. These include the CP binding motif, the relative placement of PS stem-loops, their number and their folding propensity. CP binding has an electrostatic contribution but assembly nucleation is dominated by the recognition of the folded PSs in the RNA fragment. Mutation to remove all –A.X.X.A- motifs in PSs throughout the genome yields an RNA that is unable to assemble efficiently. In contrast, when a synthetic 127nt fragment encompassing improved PSs is swapped onto the RNA otherwise lacking CP recognition motifs assembly is partially restored although the virus-like particles created are incomplete, implying that PSs outside this region are required for correct assembly. Swapping this improved region into the wild-type STNV1 sequence results in a better assembly substrate than the viral RNA, producing complete capsids and outcompeting the wild-type genome in head-to-head competition. These data confirm details of the PS-mediated assembly mechanism for STNV, and identify an efficient approach for production of stable viruslike particles encapsidating non-native RNAs or other cargoes

    Detection of intermediates and kinetic control during assembly of bacteriophage P22 procapsid

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    Bacteriophage P22 serves as a model for the assembly and maturation of other icosahedral double-stranded DNA viruses. P22 coat and scaffolding proteins assemble in vitro into an icosahedral procapsid, which then expands during DNA packaging (maturation). Efficient in vitro assembly makes this system suitable for design and production of monodisperse spherical nanoparticles (diameter ≈50 nm). In this work we explore the possibility of controlling the outcome of assembly by scaffolding protein engineering. The scaffolding protein exists in monomer-dimer-tetramer equilibrium. We address the role of monomers and dimers in assembly by using three different scaffolding proteins with altered monomer-dimer equilibrium (weak dimer, covalent dimer, monomer). The progress and outcome of assembly was monitored by time-resolved X-ray scattering which allowed us to distinguish between closed shells and incomplete assembly intermediates. Binding of scaffolding monomer activates the coat protein for assembly. Excess dimeric scaffolding protein resulted in rapid nucleation and kinetic trapping yielding incomplete shells. Addition of monomeric wild type scaffold with excess coat protein completed these metastable shells. Thus, the monomeric scaffolding protein plays an essential role in the elongation phase by activating the coat and effectively lowering its critical concentration for assembly