258 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric Forcing in Ice Edge Retreat and Advance Including Wind-Wave Coupling

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    LONG-TERM GOALS: 1. Representing surface fluxes and ocean waves in coupled models in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. 2. Understand the physics of heat and mass transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere. 3. Improve forecasting of waves on the open ocean and in the marginal ice zone.Award Numbers: N0001413WX20830 (Guest) N0001413IP20046 (Fairall, Persson

    Proteomic enrichment analysis of psychotic and affective disorders reveals common signatures in presynaptic glutamatergic signaling and energy metabolism

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    Background: Although genetic studies suggest an overlap in risk alleles across the major psychiatric disorders, disease signatures reflecting overlapping symptoms have not been found. Profiling studies have identified candidate protein markers associated with specific disorders of the psychoaffective spectrum, but this has always been done in a selective fashion without accounting for the entire proteome composition of the system under investigation. Methods: Employing an orthogonal system-based proteomic enrichment approach based on label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, we analyzed anterior prefrontal human post-mortem brain tissue of patients affected by schizophrenia (n = 23), bipolar disorder (n = 23), major depressive disorder with (n = 12) and without psychotic features (n = 11), and healthy controls (n = 23). Labeled selected reaction monitoring (SRM) was used to validate these findings on a pathway level. Independent in silico analyses of biological annotations revealed common pathways across the diseases, associated with presynaptic glutamatergic neurotransmission and energy metabolism. We validated the proteomic findings using SRM and confirmed that there were no effects of post-mortem confounders. Results: Schizophrenia and affective psychosis were linked to a hypoglutamatergic state and hypofunction of energy metabolism, while bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder were linked to a hyperglutamatergic state and hyperfunction of energy metabolism. Conclusions: These findings support recent investigations, which have focused on the therapeutic potential of glutamatergic modulation in psychotic and affective disorders. We suggest a disease model in which disturbances of the glutamatergic system and ensuing adaptations of neuronal energy metabolism are linked to distinct psychiatric symptom dimensions, delivering novel evidence for targeted treatment approaches

    In vivo modeling of patient genetic heterogeneity identifies new ways to target cholangiocarcinoma.

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    L. Boulter was funded by The Wellcome Trust (207793/Z/17/Z), AMMF (2016/108, 2017/115), and Cancer Research UK (C52499/A27948). L. Boulter is also supported by an MRC university grant to the MRC Human Genetics Unit

    Impact of Risk Factors for Specific Causes of Death in the First and Subsequent Years of Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV-Infected Patients

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    Among HIV-infected patients who initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART), patterns of cause-specific death varied by ART duration and were strongly related to age, sex, and transmission risk group. Deaths from non-AIDS malignancies were much more frequent than those from cardiovascular diseas

    Impact of risk factors for specific causes of death in the first and subsequent years of antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Patterns of cause-specific mortality in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are changing dramatically in the era of antiretroviral therapy (ART). METHODS: Sixteen cohorts from Europe and North America contributed data on adult patients followed from the start of ART. Procedures for coding causes of death were standardized. Estimated hazard ratios (HRs) were adjusted for transmission risk group, sex, age, year of ART initiation, baseline CD4 count, viral load, and AIDS status, before and after the first year of ART. RESULTS: A total of 4237 of 65 121 (6.5%) patients died (median, 4.5 years follow-up). Rates of AIDS death decreased substantially with time since starting ART, but mortality from non-AIDS malignancy increased (rate ratio, 1.04 per year; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.0-1.1). Higher mortality in men than women during the first year of ART was mostly due to non-AIDS malignancy and liver-related deaths. Associations with age were strongest for cardiovascular disease, heart/vascular, and malignancy deaths. Patients with presumed transmission through injection drug use had higher rates of all causes of death, particularly for liver-related causes (HRs compared with men who have sex with men: 18.1 [95% CI, 6.2-52.7] during the first year of ART and 9.1 [95% CI, 5.8-14.2] thereafter). There was a persistent role of CD4 count at baseline and at 12 months in predicting AIDS, non-AIDS infection, and non-AIDS malignancy deaths. Lack of viral suppression on ART was associated with AIDS, non-AIDS infection, and other causes of death. CONCLUSIONS: Better understanding of patterns of and risk factors for cause-specific mortality in the ART era can aid in development of appropriate care for HIV-infected individuals and inform guidelines for risk factor management

    Applying Budd's model to partnership

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    Over the last decade, the notions of workplace partnership and labour-management cooperation have resulted in distinctive and vociferous debates regarding forms of employee voice in the UK. It is proposed that there is a need to reconsider how we actually evaluate both the process and outcomes of partnership. This article reports on detailed case studies conducted in three diverse banking organizations in order to understand more about the process and outcomes of partnership. The study then applies the 'efficiency, equity, voice' framework developed by Budd, which has not been widely employed in industrial relations research. Accordingly, the article examines if and how partnership contributes to the balancing of efficiency, equity and voice. Judged in this light, the case studies demonstrate various degrees of success in terms of the extent to which partnership has facilitated voice and promoted more considered decision-making, for both management and employees. The article also demonstrates the usefulness of the Budd framework as a device in analysing employment relations processes and outcomes

    Paths Explored, Paths Omitted, Paths Obscured: Decision Points & Selective Reporting in End-to-End Data Analysis

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    Drawing reliable inferences from data involves many, sometimes arbitrary, decisions across phases of data collection, wrangling, and modeling. As different choices can lead to diverging conclusions, understanding how researchers make analytic decisions is important for supporting robust and replicable analysis. In this study, we pore over nine published research studies and conduct semi-structured interviews with their authors. We observe that researchers often base their decisions on methodological or theoretical concerns, but subject to constraints arising from the data, expertise, or perceived interpretability. We confirm that researchers may experiment with choices in search of desirable results, but also identify other reasons why researchers explore alternatives yet omit findings. In concert with our interviews, we also contribute visualizations for communicating decision processes throughout an analysis. Based on our results, we identify design opportunities for strengthening end-to-end analysis, for instance via tracking and meta-analysis of multiple decision paths

    Attitudes and Acceptance of Oral and Parenteral HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis among Potential User Groups: A Multinational Study

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    BACKGROUND: The use of antiviral medications by HIV negative people to prevent acquisition of HIV or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has shown promising results in recent trials. To understand the potential impact of PrEP for HIV prevention, in addition to efficacy data, we need to understand both the acceptability of PrEP among members of potential user groups and the factors likely to determine uptake. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Surveys of willingness to use PrEP products were conducted with 1,790 members of potential user groups (FSWs, MSM, IDUs, SDCs and young women) in seven countries: Peru, Ukraine, India, Kenya, Botswana, Uganda and South Africa. Analyses of variance were used to assess levels of acceptance across different user groups and countries. Conjoint analysis was used to examine the attitudes and preferences towards hypothetical and known attributes of PrEP programs and medications. Overall, members of potential user groups were willing to consider taking PrEP (61% reported that they would definitely use PrEP). Current results demonstrate that key user groups in different countries perceived PrEP as giving them new possibilities in their lives and would consider using it as soon as it becomes available. These results were maintained when subjects were reminded of potential side effects, the need to combine condom use with PrEP, and for regular HIV testing. Across populations, route of administration was considered the most important attribute of the presented alternatives. CONCLUSIONS: Despite multiple conceivable barriers, there was a general willingness to adopt PrEP in key populations, which suggests that if efficacious and affordable, it could be a useful tool in HIV prevention. There would be a willingness to experience inconvenience and expense at the levels included in the survey. The results suggest that delivery in a long lasting injection would be a good target in drug development