281 research outputs found

    Efficient MaxCount and threshold operators of moving objects

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    Calculating operators of continuously moving objects presents some unique challenges, especially when the operators involve aggregation or the concept of congestion, which happens when the number of moving objects in a changing or dynamic query space exceeds some threshold value. This paper presents the following six d-dimensional moving object operators: (1) MaxCount (or MinCount), which finds the Maximum (or Minimum) number of moving objects simultaneously present in the dynamic query space at any time during the query time interval. (2) CountRange, which finds a count of point objects whose trajectories intersect the dynamic query space during the query time interval. (3) ThresholdRange, which finds the set of time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (4) ThresholdSum, which finds the total length of all the time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (5) ThresholdCount, which finds the number of disjoint time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. And (6) ThresholdAverage, which finds the average length of time of all the time intervals when the dynamic query space is congested. For these operators separate algorithms are given to find only estimate or only precise values. Experimental results from more than 7,500 queries indicate that the estimation algorithms produce fast, efficient results with error under 5%

    Estimating the maximum rise in temperature according to climate models using abstract interpretation

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    Current climate models are complex computer programs that are typically iterated time-step by time-step to predict the next set of values of the climate-related variables. Since these iterative methods are necessarily computed only for a fixed number of iterations, they are unable to answer the natural question whether there is a limit to the rise of global temperature. In order to answer that question we propose to combine climate models with software verification techniques that can find invariant conditions for the set of program variables. In particular, we apply the constraint database approach to software verification to find that the rise in global temperature is bounded according to the common Java Climate Model that implements the Wigely/Raper Upwelling-Diffusion Energy Balance Model climate model

    Constraint Databases and Geographic Information Systems

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    Constraint databases and geographic information systems share many applications. However, constraint databases can go beyond geographic information systems in efficient spatial and spatiotemporal data handling methods and in advanced applications. This survey mainly describes ways that constraint databases go beyond geographic information systems. However, the survey points out that in some areas constraint databases can learn also from geographic information systems

    A Computational Model of the Spread of Ancient Human Populations Based on Mitochondrial DNA Samples

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    The extraction of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from ancient human population samples provides important data for the reconstruction of population influences, spread and evolution from the Neolithic to the present. This paper presents a mtDNA-based similarity measure between pairs of human populations and a computational model for the evolution of human populations. In a computational experiment, the paper studies the mtDNA information from five Neolithic and Bronze Age populations, namely the Andronovo, the Bell Beaker, the Minoan, the Rössen and the Únětice populations. In the past these populations were identified as separate cultural groups based on geographic location, age and the use of, decoration or shape of cultural artifacts

    A Computational Translation of the Phaistos Disk

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    For over a century the text of the Phaistos Disk remained an enigma without a convincing translation. This paper presents a novel semi-automatic translation method that uses for the first time a recently discovered connection between the Phaistos Disk symbols and other ancient scripts, including the Old Hungarian alphabet. The connection between the Phaistos Disk script and the Old Hungarian alphabet suggested the possibility that the Phaistos Disk language may be related to Proto-Finno-Ugric, Proto-Ugric, or Proto-Hungarian. Using words and suffixes from those languages, it is possible to translate the Phaistos Disk text as an ancient sun hymn, possibly connected to a winter solstice ceremony

    A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

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    Although nuclear non-proliferation is an almost universal human desire, in practice, the negotiated treaties appear unable to prevent the steady growth of the number of states that have nuclear weapons. We propose a computational model for understanding the complex issues behind nuclear arms negotiations, the motivations of various states to enter a nuclear weapons program and the ways to diffuse crisis situations

    Cubic Spline Interpolation by Solving a Recurrence Equation Instead of a Tridiagonal Matrix

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    The cubic spline interpolation method is proba- bly the most widely-used polynomial interpolation method for functions of one variable. However, the cubic spline method requires solving a tridiagonal matrix-vector equation with an O(n) computational time complexity where n is the number of data measurements. Even an O(n) time complexity may be too much in some time-ciritical applications, such as continuously estimating and updating the flight paths of moving objects. This paper shows that under certain boundary conditions the tridiagonal matrix solving step of the cubic spline method could be entirely eliminated and instead the coefficients of the unknown cubic polynomials can be found by solving a single recurrence equation in much faster time

    A Computational Study of the Evolution of Cretan and Related Scripts

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    Crete was the birthplace of several ancient writings, including the Cretan Hieroglyphs, the Linear A and the Linear B scripts. Out of these three only Linear B is deciphered. The sound values of the Cretan Hieroglyph and the Linear A symbols are unknown and attempts to reconstruct them based on Linear B have not been fruitful. In this paper, we compare the ancient Cretan scripts with four other Mediterranean and Black Sea scripts, namely Phoenician, South Arabic, Greek and Old Hungarian. We provide a computational study of the evolution of the three Cretan and four other scripts. This study encompasses a novel translation of the scripts to a DNA encoding, which enables the use of hypothetical evolutionary tree reconstruction algorithms from the area of bioinformatics

    Estimating the Flight Path of Moving Objects Based on Acceleration Data

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    Inertial navigation is the problem of estimating the flight path of a moving object based on only acceleration measurements. This paper describes and compares two approaches for inertial navigation. Both approaches estimate the flight path of the moving object using cubic spline interpolation, but they find the coefficients of the cubic spline pieces by different methods. The first approach uses a tridiagonal matrix, while the second approach uses recurrence equations. They also require different boundary conditions. While both approaches work in O(n) time where n is the number of given acceleration measurements, the recurrence equation-based method can be easier updated when a new measurement data is obtained
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