131 research outputs found

    Association of Urine Findings with Metabolic Syndrome Traits in a Population of Patients with Nephrolithiasis

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    Background The odds of nephrolithiasis increase with more metabolic syndrome (MetS) traits. We evaluated associations of metabolic and dietary factors from urine studies and stone composition with MetS traits in a large cohort of stone-forming patients. Methods Patients .18 years old who were evaluated for stones with 24-hour urine collections between July 2009 and December 2018 had their records reviewed retrospectively. Patient factors, laboratory values, and diagnoses were identified within 6 months of urine collection and stone composition within 1 year. Four groups with none, one, two, and three or four MetS traits (hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and diabetes) were evaluated. Trends across groups were tested using linear contrasts in analysis of variance and analysis of covariance. Results A total of 1473 patients met the inclusion criteria (835 with stone composition). MetS groups were 684 with no traits, 425 with one trait, 211 with two traits, and 153 with three or four traits. There were no differences among groups for urine volume, calcium, or ammonium excretion. There was a significant trend (P,0.001) for more MetS traits being associated with decreasing urine pH, increasing age, calculated dietary protein, urine uric acid (UA), oxalate, citrate, titratable acid phosphate, net acid excretion, and UA supersaturation. The ratio of ammonium to net acid excretion did not differ among the groups. After adjustment for protein intake, the fall in urine pH remained strong, while the upward trend in acid excretion was lost. Calcium oxalate stones were most common, but there was a trend for more UA (P,0.001) and fewer calcium phosphate (P50.09) and calcium oxalate stones (P50.01) with more MetS traits. Conclusions Stone-forming patients with MetS have a defined pattern of metabolic and dietary risk factors that contribute to an increased risk of stone formation, including higher acid excretion, largely the result of greater protein intake, and lower urine pH

    Distribution and Emergency

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    Streaming video requires RealPlayer to view.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Humanitarian organizations divide their work into two categories: development aid that improves underlying conditions, and emergency aid, given in response to a natural or manmade disaster. However, Jennifer Rubenstein, a fellow at Princeton University, questioned this distinction. While it might have logistical advantages, she argued, it does not suit the variety of situations and populations requiring aid.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent webpage, streaming video, photos, power point presentation, and lecture summar

    No evidence for circulating HuD-specific CD8+ T cells in patients with paraneoplastic neurological syndromes and Hu antibodies

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    Aim: In paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) associated with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and Hu antibodies (Hu-PNS), Hu antigens expressed by the tumour hypothetically trigger an immune response that also reacts with Hu antigens in the nervous system, resulting in tumour suppression and neuronal damage. To gain more insight into the hypothesized CD8+T cell-mediated immune pathogenesis of these syndromes, we searched for circulating HuD-specific CD8+T cells in a large cohort of Hu-PNS patients and controls. Patients and methods: Blood was tested from 43 Hu-PNS patients, 31 Hu antibody negativ

    The assessment of the prognosis of musculoskeletal conditions in older adults presenting to general practice: a research protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal conditions represent a common reason for consulting general practice yet with the exception of low back pain, relatively little is known about the prognosis of these disorders. Recent evidence suggests that common 'generic' factors may be of value when assessing prognosis, irrespective of the location of the pain. This study will test a generic assessment tool used as part of the general practice consultation to determine prognosis of musculoskeletal complaints. METHODS/DESIGN: Older adults (aged 50 years and over) presenting to six general practices with musculoskeletal complaints will be assessed as part of the routine consultation using a generic assessment of prognosis. Participants will receive a self-completion questionnaire at baseline, three, six and 12 months post consultation to gather further data on pain, disability and psychological status. The primary outcome measure is participant's global rating of change. DISCUSSION: Prognosis is considered to be a fundamental component of scientific medicine yet prognostic research in primary care settings is currently neglected and prognostic enquiry is disappearing from general medical textbooks. This study aims to address this issue by examining the use of generic prognostic factors in a general practice setting

    A randomised controlled trial on hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome: design and methodological challenges (the IMAGINE study)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastro-intestinal disorder in primary and secondary care, characterised by abdominal pain, discomfort, altered bowel habits and/or symptoms of bloating and distension. In general the efficacy of drug therapies is poor. Hypnotherapy as well as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and short Psychodynamic Therapy appear to be useful options for patients with refractory IBS in secondary care and are cost-effective, but the evidence is still limited. The IMAGINE-study is therefore designed to assess the overall benefit of hypnotherapy in IBS as well as comparing the efficacy of individual versus group hypnotherapy in treating this condition.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The design is a randomised placebo-controlled trial. The study group consists of 354 primary care and secondary care patients (aged 18-65) with IBS (Rome-III criteria). Patients will be randomly allocated to either 6 sessions of individual hypnotherapy, 6 sessions of group hypnotherapy or 6 sessions of educational supportive therapy in a group (placebo), with a follow up of 9 months post treatment for all patients. Ten hospitals and four primary care psychological practices in different parts of The Netherlands will collaborate in this study. The primary efficacy parameter is the responder rate for adequate relief of IBS symptoms. Secondary efficacy parameters are changes in the IBS symptom severity, quality of life, cognitions, psychological complaints, self-efficacy as well as direct and indirect costs of the condition. Hypnotherapy is expected to be more effective than the control therapy, and group hypnotherapy is expected not to be inferior to individual hypnotherapy.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>If hypnotherapy is effective and if there is no difference in efficacy between individual and group hypnotherapy, this group form of treatment could be offered to more IBS patients, at lower costs.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN22888906">ISRCTN22888906</a></p

    The Association between Intrauterine Inflammation and Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery at Term: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND:Different factors contribute to the onset of labor at term. In animal models onset of labor is characterized by an inflammatory response. The role of intrauterine inflammation, although implicated in preterm birth, is not yet established in human term labor. We hypothesized that intrauterine inflammation at term is associated with spontaneous onset of labor. METHODS/RESULTS:In two large urban hospitals in the Netherlands, a cross-sectional study of spontaneous onset term vaginal deliveries and elective caesarean sections (CS), without signs of labor, was carried out. Placentas and amniotic fluid samples were collected during labor and/or at delivery. Histological signs of placenta inflammation were determined. Amniotic fluid proinflammatory cytokine concentrations were measured using ELISA. A total of 375 women were included. In term vaginal deliveries, more signs of intrauterine inflammation were found than in elective CS: the prevalence of chorioamnionitis was higher (18 vs 4%, p = 0.02) and amniotic fluid concentration of IL-6 was higher (3.1 vs 0.37 ng/mL, p<0.001). Similar results were obtained for IL-8 (10.93 vs 0.96 ng/mL, p<0.001) and percentage of detectable TNF-alpha (50 vs 4%, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS:This large cross-sectional study shows that spontaneous term delivery is characterized by histopathological signs of placenta inflammation and increased amniotic fluid proinflammatory cytokines