2,540 research outputs found

    Generation of Suprathermal Electrons by Collective Processes in Collisional Plasma

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    The ubiquity of high-energy tails in the charged particle velocity distribution functions observed in space plasmas suggests the existence of an underlying process responsible for taking a fraction of the charged particle population out of thermal equilibrium and redistributing it to suprathermal velocity and energy ranges. The present Letter focuses on a new and fundamental physical explanation for the origin of suprathermal electron distribution function in a highly collisional plasma. This process involves a newly discovered electrostatic bremsstrahlung emission that is effective in a plasma in which binary collisions are present. The steady-state electron velocity distribution function dictated by such a process corresponds to a Maxwellian core plus a quasi-inverse power-law tail, which is a feature commonly observed in many space plasma environment. In order to demonstrate this, the system of self-consistent particle- and wave- kinetic equations are numerically solved with an initially Maxwellian electron velocity distribution and Langmuir wave spectral intensity, which is a state that does not reflect the presence of electrostatic bremsstrahlung process, and hence not in force balance. The electrostatic bremsstrahlung term subsequently drives the system to a new force-balanced steady state. After a long integration period it is demonstrated the initial Langmuir fluctuation spectrum is modified, which in turn distorts the initial Maxwellian electron distribution into a velocity distribution that resembles the said core-suprathermal velocity distribution. Such a mechanism may thus be operative at the coronal source region, which is characterized by high collisionality.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Published at: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 849, Number 2, L30. url: https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/aa956

    Quasilinear analysis of loss-cone driven weakly relativistic electron cyclotron maser instability

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    This paper presents a quasilinear analysis of the relativistic electron cyclotron maser instability. Two electron popUlations are assumed: a low-temperature background component and a more energetic loss-cone population. The dispersion relation is valid for any ratio of the energetic to cold populations, and includes thermal and relativistic effects. The quasilinear analysis is based upon·an efficient kinetic moment method, in which various moment equations are derived from the particle kinetic equation. A model time-dependent loss-cone electron distributidn function is assumed, which allows one to evaluate the instantaneous linear growth rate as well as the moment kinetic equations. These moment equations along with the wave kinetic equation form a fully self-consistent set of equations which governs the evolution of the particles as well as unstable waves.' This set of equations is solved with physical parameters typical of the earth's auroral zone plasma. © 1995 American Institute of Physics

    Nonlinear development of weak beam-plasma instability

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    Nonlinear interactions of tenuous electron beam, background, unmagnetized plasma, and self-consistently generated Langmuir and ion-sound waves are analyzed in the framework of plasma weak turbulence kinetic theory. Full numerical solutions of the complete weak turbulence equations are obtained for the first time, which show the familiar plateau formation in the electron beam distribution and concomitant quasi-saturation of primary Langmuir waves, followed by fully nonlinear processes which include three-wave decay and induced-scattering processes. A detailed analysis reveals that the scattering off ions is an important nonlinear process which leads to prominent backscattered and long-wavelength Langmuir wave components. However, it is found that the decay process is also important, and that the nonlinear development of weak Langmuir turbulence critically depends on the initial conditions. Special attention is paid to the electron-to-ion temperature ratio, Te /Ti , and the initial perturbation level. It is found that higher values of Te /Ti promote the generation of backscattered Langmuir wave component, and that a higher initial wave intensity suppresses the backscattered component while significantly enhancing the long-wavelength Langmuir wave component

    Maser-beam instability of Bernstein waves

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    The present study constitutes a continuation and improvement of the preceding work by Yoon et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 104, 19801 (1999)]. In the present discussion, an instability of Bernstein waves excited by a beam of energetic electrons is investigated. Special attention is paid to the regime where the ratio of plasma frequency, vpe , to electron gyrofrequency, Ve , is sufficiently higher than unity. An approximate but fairly accurate scheme is introduced to deal with the situation dictated by the condition, vpe 2 /Ve 2e1. The present investigation is motivated by the research in solar radiophysics. However, in this article the emphasis is placed on basic properties of the instability rather than its application

    Generation of harmonic Langmuir mode by beam-plasma instability

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    In this article, numerical solutions of the generalized weak turbulence equation [P. H. Yoon, Phys. Plasmas 7, 4858 (2000)] are carried out. In the generalized weak turbulence theory, the generation of the 2vpe-harmonic Langmuir mode is treated as a fundamental process in turbulent beam-plasma interaction process, in addition to, and concomitant to, the well-known nonlinear processes such as Langmuir and ion-sound mode coupling and wave-particle interactions. The present numerical analysis shows that the harmonic mode, which is a solution to a nonlinear dispersion equation, hence a ‘‘nonlinear’’ eigenmode, grows primarily due to an induced emission process, which is a ‘‘linear’’ wave-particle interaction process. The harmonic Langmuir mode generation has been observed since the late 1960s in laboratory experiments, simulations, and in space. However, adequate and quantitative theoretical explanation has not been forthcoming. The present work represents a step toward an understanding of such a phenomenon

    Ionospheric ion-acoustic enhancements by turbulent counterstreaming electron beam-plasma interaction

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    Ion-acoustic enhancements are investigated within the context of turbulent beam-plasma interaction processes. The analysis assumes a pair of counterstreaming electron beams interacting with the background plasma. Two-dimensional velocity space and two-dimensional wave number space are assumed for the analysis, with physical parameters that characterize typical ionospheric conditions. The solutions of the electrostatic weak turbulence theory show that the ion-acoustic wave levels are significantly enhanced when the computation is initialized with a pair of counterstreaming beams in contrast to a single beam. We suggest that this finding is highly relevant for the observed ion-acoustic enhancements in the Earth's ionosphere that are known to be correlated with auroral activity

    Transition from thermal to turbulent equilibrium with a resulting electromagnetic spectrum

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    A recent paper [Ziebell et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 010701 (2014)] discusses a new type of radiation emission process for plasmas in a state of quasi-equilibrium between the particles and enhanced Langmuir turbulence. Such a system may be an example of the so-called “turbulent quasi-equilibrium.” In the present paper, it is shown on the basis of electromagnetic weak turbulence theory that an initial thermal equilibrium state (i.e., only electrostatic fluctuations and Maxwellian particle distributions) transitions toward the turbulent quasi-equilibrium state with enhanced electromagnetic radiation spectrum, thus demonstrating that the turbulent quasi-equilibrium discussed in the above paper correctly describes the weakly turbulent plasma dynamically interacting with electromagnetic fluctuations, while maintaining a dynamical steady-state in the average sense

    Two dimensional kinetic analysis of electrostatic harmonic plasma waves

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    Electrostatic harmonic Langmuir waves are virtual modes excited in weakly turbulent plasmas, first observed in early laboratory beam-plasma experiments as well as in rocket-borne active experiments in space. However, their unequivocal presence was confirmed through computer simulated experiments and subsequently theoretically explained. The peculiarity of harmonic Langmuir waves is that while their existence requires nonlinear response, their excitation mechanism and subsequent early time evolution are governed by essentially linear process. One of the unresolved theoretical issues regards the role of nonlinear wave-particle interaction process over longer evolution time period. Another outstanding issue is that existing theories for these modes are limited to one-dimensional space. The present paper carries out two dimensional theoretical analysis of fundamental and (first) harmonic Langmuir waves for the first time. The result shows that harmonic Langmuir wave is essentially governed by (quasi)linear process and that nonlinear wave-particle interaction plays no significant role in the time evolution of the wave spectrum. The numerical solutions of the two-dimensional wave spectra for fundamental and harmonic Langmuir waves are also found to be consistent with those obtained by direct particle-in-cell simulation method reported in the literature

    Multiple harmonic plasma emission

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    Weakly turbulent plasma processes in the presence of inverse power-law velocity tail population

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    Observations show that plasma particles in the solar wind frequently display power-law velocity distributions, which can be isotropic or anisotropic. Particularly, the velocity distribution functions of solar wind electrons are frequently modeled as a combination of a background Maxwellian distribution and a non-thermal distribution which is known as the “halo” distribution. For fast solar wind conditions, highly anisotropic field-aligned electrons, denominated as the “strahl” distribution, are also present. Motivated by these observations, the present paper considers a tenuous plasma with Maxwellian ions, and electrons described by a summation of an isotropic Maxwellian distribution and an isotropic Kappa distribution. The formalism of weak turbulence theory is utilized in order to discuss the spectra of electrostatic waves that must be present in such a plasma, satisfying the conditions of quasi-equilibrium between the processes of spontaneous fluctuations and of induced emission. The kappa index and relative density of the Kappa electron distribution are varied. By taking into account the effects due to electromagnetic waves into the weak turbulence formalism, we investigate the electromagnetic spectra that satisfy the conditions of “turbulent equilibrium,” and also the time evolution of the wave spectra and of the electron distribution, which occurs in the case of the presence of an electron beam in the electron distribution
