1,761 research outputs found

    Common protocol for distributed network file system

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    Paper deals with common protocol for distributed network file system. Focus is on CIFS protocol from Microsoft, the enhanced version of Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB), that is proposed as possible common solution for file sharing among distributed systems. There are new requirements included as well, that are to be implemented due to recent changes in applications and devices and has been addressed in new generation of distributed file system protocols such as AFS2, CODA and WebDAV

    The work of Jaroslav Pelikan on Insects of the order Thysanoptera.

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    Diese Arbeit ist eine kleine Ehrung für Doc. Ing. Dr. Jaroslav Pelikán, DrSc, einen bekannten Wissenschaftler auf den Gebieten der Entomologie, Theriologie und Ökologie. Er beschrieb rund 80 neue Arten und sieben neue Gattungen von Fransenflüglern (Thysanoptera). Seine Arbeiten auf nationaler Ebene schliessen neben detaillierteren Beiträgen zur Fauna der Tschechoslowakei einige Checklisten ein. Am 22. April 2006 feierte Jaroslav Pelikán seinen 80. Geburtstag.The paper is a small tribute to Doc. Ing. Dr. Jaroslav Pelikán, DrSc, who has been a reputable scientist in the fields of entomology, theriology and ecology. He described about 80 new species of thrips as well as seven new genera of Thysanoptera. His national contributions included several checklists, together with his more complex contribution within the Fauna of Czechoslovakia. On the 22nd of April 2006 Jaroslav Pelikán celebrated his 80th birthday

    Contigo o sin ti: ¿la satisfacción de pareja y la violencia dirigida a la pareja influyen en la presencia de la pareja en la fotografía del perfil en Facebook de una mujer?

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    Social network sites (SNSs) provide new opportunities for online self-presentation of millions of users. The cover profile photograph (CPP) along with written information regarding relationship status is a central component of online self-presentation, although their associations with actual romantic relationships are not clear. We investigated relationships between the presence of a current romantic partner on the CPP and the displayed relationship status and partner satisfaction, partner-directed violence and women’s intrasexual competition with peers. A total of 28 % of the 158 women with a Facebook profile and being involved in a romantic relationship had their romantic partners on their CPP. As predicted, women with their partners on the CPP were more satisfied with their romantic relationship than others. Furthermore, women who did not have their partner on the CPP tended to conceal or lie in their displayed mating status suggesting that this may be a strategy how to attract another potential mate. The partner-directed violence and intrasexual competition hypotheses were not supported. Overall, the CPP and an honestly displayed relationship status is an expression of relationship satisfaction amongst women. Las redes sociales (RS) proporcionan nuevas oportunidades para la auto-presentación on line de millones de usuarios. La fotografía del perfil (FDP), junto con información escrita sobre estado civil es un componente central de la auto-presentación en línea, a pesar de su relación con las relaciones románticas reales no son claras. Se investigaron las relaciones entre la presencia de una pareja romántica actual en el FDP y el estado de la relación y satisfacción de la pareja, la violencia dirigida a la pareja y la competetividad intrasexual de las mujeres con sus iguales. Un total de 28% de  158 mujeres con un perfil en Facebook involucradas en una relación romántica tenían a sus parejas sentimentales en su FDP. Como se predijo, las mujeres con sus parejas en su FDP estaban más satisfechas con su relación romántica que otras. Por otra parte, las mujeres que no tienen su pareja en su FDP tendían a ocultar o mentir sobre su estado civil lo que sugiere que esto puede ser una estrategia para atraer a otra pareja potencial. Las hipótesis sobre violencia y competencia intrasexual no fueron confirmadas. En general, el FDP y un status de relación que se muestra sinceramente es una expresión de satisfacción en la relación de pareja de las mujeres

    The Impact of Married Individuals Learning HIV Status in Malawi: Divorce, Number of Sexual Partners, Condom Use with Spouses

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    This paper assesses how knowledge of HIV status gained through HIV testing and counseling (HTC) by married individuals affects divorce, the number of sexual partners and the use of condoms within marriage. Instrumental variable probit and linear models are estimated, using a randomized experiment administered as part of the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health. The results indicate that knowledge of HIV status (1) does not affect chances of divorce for either HIV-negative or HIV-positive respondents; (2) reduces the number of sexual partners among HIV-positive respondents, and (3) increases condom use with spouses for both HIV-negative and HIV-positive respondents. These results imply that individuals actively respond to learning HIV status through HTC, invoking protective behavior against future risk of HIV/AIDS for themselves and their actual and potential sexual partners

    Cereal pests among nest parasites – the story of barley thrips, Limothrips denticornis Haliday (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

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    Barley thrips, Limothrips denticornis, Haliday, 1836 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a grass-dwelling Holarctic species represents a model example to study transport mechanisms of Thysanoptera into nests. In samples from more than 1,500 nests, barley thrips were recorded in nests of 20 vertebrate species, both birds and mammals. Applying appropriate statistics (nonparametric methods) clear clustering among nest materials and a strong relationship between presence of thrips and grass as the nest material was found. Occurrence of thrips was not associated with nest size, location or height. To validate our statistical analyses 15 wooden boxes were installed and equipped with sticky traps to record the whole year migration dynamics. Barley thrips infiltrate nests by various ways (e. g. dwelling on bark, landing from atmosphere), however most of them (88%) invade passively on nest material (grass) in spring (1st summer nesting) and autumn (winter nest building)

    The Thought Experimental Method: Avicenna's Flying Man Argument

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    No argument from the Arabic philosophical tradition has received more scholarly attention than Avicenna's 'flying man' thought experiment, in which a human is created out of thin air and is able to grasp his existence without grasping that he has a body. This paper offers a new interpretation of the version of this thought experiment found at the end of the first chapter of Avicenna's treatment of soul in the Healing. We argue that it needs to be understood in light of an epistemological theory set out elsewhere by Avicenna, which allows that all the constitutive properties of an essence will be clear to someone who understands and considers that essence. On our reading, this theory is put to work in the 'flying man': because the flying man would grasp that his own essence has existence without grasping that he has a body, connection to body cannot be constitutive of the essence