73 research outputs found

    Detectability of landscape effects on recolonization increases with regional population density

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    Variation in population size over time can influence our ability to identify landscape-moderated differences in community assembly. To date, however, most studies at the landscape scale only cover snapshots in time, thereby overlooking the temporal dynamics of populations and communities. In this paper, we present data that illustrate how temporal variation in population density at a regional scale can influence landscape-moderated variation in recolonization and population buildup in disturbed habitat patches. Four common insect species, two omnivores and two herbivores, were monitored over 8years in 10 willow short-rotation coppice bio-energy stands with a four-year disturbance regime (coppice cycle). The population densities in these regularly disturbed stands were compared to densities in 17 undisturbed natural Salix cinerea (grey willow) stands in the same region. A time series approach was used, utilizing the natural variation between years to statistically model recolonization as a function of landscape composition under two different levels of regional density. Landscape composition, i.e. relative amount of forest vs. open agricultural habitats, largely determined the density of re-colonizing populations following willow coppicing in three of the four species. However, the impact of landscape composition was not detectable in years with low regional density. Our results illustrate that landscape-moderated recolonization can change over time and that considering the temporal dynamics of populations may be crucial when designing and evaluating studies at landscape level

    Reduced Population Control of an Insect Pest in Managed Willow Monocultures

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    BACKGROUND: There is a general belief that insect outbreak risk is higher in plant monocultures than in natural and more diverse habitats, although empirical studies investigating this relationship are lacking. In this study, using density data collected over seven years at 40 study sites, we compare the temporal population variability of the leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima between willow plantations and natural willow habitats. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The study was conducted in 1999-2005. The density of adult P. vulgatissima was estimated in the spring every year by a knock-down sampling technique. We used two measures of population variability, CV and PV, to compare temporal variations in leaf beetle density between plantation and natural habitat. Relationships between density and variability were also analyzed to discern potential underlying processes behind stability in the two systems. The results showed that the leaf beetle P. vulgatissima had a greater temporal population variability and outbreak risk in willow plantations than in natural willow habitats. We hypothesize that the greater population stability observed in the natural habitat was due to two separate processes operating at different levels of beetle density. First, stable low population equilibrium can be achieved by the relatively high density of generalist predators observed in natural stands. Second, stable equilibrium can also be imposed at higher beetle density due to competition, which occurs through depletion of resources (plant foliage) in the natural habitat. In willow plantations, competition is reduced mainly because plants grow close enough for beetle larvae to move to another plant when foliage is consumed. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study confirming that insect pest outbreak risk is higher in monocultures. The study suggests that comparative studies of insect population dynamics in different habitats may improve our ability to predict insect pest outbreaks and could facilitate the development of sustainable pest control in managed systems

    Current status of ground-based optical observations for short-wavelength infrared aurora and airglow emissions in Northern Europe

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions: [OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences, Wed. 4 Dec. /Entrance Hall (1st floor) at National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR

    Modulation of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSEs) with high-frequency heating during low solar illumination

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    Polar mesospheric summer echo (PMSE) formation is linked to charged dust/ice particles in the mesosphere. We investigate the modulation of PMSEs with radio waves based on measurements with EISCAT VHF radar and EISCAT heating facility during low solar illumination. The measurements were made in August 2018 and 2020 around 20:02 UT. Heating was operated in cycles with intervals of 48 s on and 168 s off. More than half of the observed heating cycles show a PMSE modulation with a decrease in PMSE when the heater is on and an increase when it is switched off again. The PMSE often increases beyond its initial strength. Less than half of the observed modulations have such an overshoot. The overshoots are small or nonexistent at strong PMSE, and they are not observed when the ionosphere is influenced by particle precipitation. We observe instances of very large overshoots at weak PMSE. PMSE modulation varies strongly from one cycle to the next, being highly variable on spatial scales smaller than a kilometer and timescales shorter than the timescales assumed for the variation in dust parameters. Average curves over several heating cycles are similar to the overshoot curves predicted by theory and observed previously. Some of the individual curves show stronger overshoots than reported in previous studies, and they exceed the values predicted by theory. A possible explanation is that the dust-charging conditions are different either because of the reduced solar illumination around midnight or because of long-term changes in ice particles in the mesosphere. We conclude that it is not possible to reliably derive the dust-charging parameters from the observed PMSE modulations

    A data driven approach to flag land affected signals in satellite derived water quality from small lakes

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    The land-affected signal in remotely sensed radiance from nearshore waters is a common problem for remote sensing, introducing uncertainty in atmospheric correction and subsequent water quality constituent concentration estimates. This study proposes a new method for identifying effects of land on satellite remote sensing of water quality. The new optical water types (OWT) containing the land-affected signal were derived from POLYMER-corrected imagery of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in reduced resolution (MERIS RR) and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). These were then applied, as part of a larger set of existing OWTs corresponding to the variability observed in natural waters, to satellite images. The ability to identify pixels containing both water and land, and those contaminated with radiance from adjacent land, was evaluated. Our test sites include dark lakes of varying size in Sweden (Lakes Rusken, Bolmen, Ringsjön, and Ivösjön) where the classification showed high sensitivity to land near the lake shore. The land-affected signal is shown to lead to underestimations of chlorophyll-a concentration and Forel-Ule colour indices, and overestimations of turbidity in these lakes, which can be corrected after masking out the land-affected pixels. The land-affected signal is strongest in summer, both NDVI and sun zenith angle covaried with the seasonal variation of land-affected signal. Further, the results confirmed that satellite images with coarser spatial resolution are more prone to land-affected signal compared to images with finer spatial resolution, for small inland water bodies. We propose a data-driven approach for water quality processing with ‘land-affected water types’ as an effective way to improve the lake optical water quality monitoring from water colour sensors

    A data driven approach to flag land affected signals in satellite derived water quality from small lakes

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    The land-affected signal in remotely sensed radiance from nearshore waters is a common problem for remote sensing, introducing uncertainty in atmospheric correction and subsequent water quality constituent concentration estimates. This study proposes a new method for identifying effects of land on satellite remote sensing of water quality. The new optical water types (OWT) containing the land-affected signal were derived from POLYMER-corrected imagery of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in reduced resolution (MERIS RR) and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). These were then applied, as part of a larger set of existing OWTs corresponding to the variability observed in natural waters, to satellite images. The ability to identify pixels containing both water and land, and those contaminated with radiance from adjacent land, was evaluated. Our test sites include dark lakes of varying size in Sweden (Lakes Rusken, Bolmen, Ringsjön, and Ivösjön) where the classification showed high sensitivity to land near the lake shore. The land-affected signal is shown to lead to underestimations of chlorophyll-a concentration and Forel-Ule colour indices, and overestimations of turbidity in these lakes, which can be corrected after masking out the land-affected pixels. The land-affected signal is strongest in summer, both NDVI and sun zenith angle covaried with the seasonal variation of land-affected signal. Further, the results confirmed that satellite images with coarser spatial resolution are more prone to land-affected signal compared to images with finer spatial resolution, for small inland water bodies. We propose a data-driven approach for water quality processing with ‘land-affected water types’ as an effective way to improve the lake optical water quality monitoring from water colour sensors

    An amphiphilic graft copolymer-based nanoparticle platform for reduction-responsive anticancer and antimalarial drug delivery

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    Medical applications of anticancer and antimalarial drugs often suffer from low aqueous solubility, high systemic toxicity, and metabolic instability. Smart nanocarrier-based drug delivery systems provide means of solving these problems at once. Herein, we present such a smart nanoparticle platform based on self-assembled, reduction-responsive amphiphilic graft copolymers, which were successfully synthesized through thiol–disulfide exchange reaction between thiolated hydrophilic block and pyridyl disulfide functionalized hydrophobic block. These amphiphilic graft copolymers self-assembled into nanoparticles with mean diameters of about 30–50 nm and readily incorporated hydrophobic guest molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was used to study nanoparticle stability and triggered release of a model compound in detail. Long-term colloidal stability and model compound retention within the nanoparticles was found when analyzed in cell media at body temperature. In contrast, rapid, complete reduction-triggered disassembly and model compound release was achieved within a physiological reducing environment. The synthesized copolymers revealed no intrinsic cellular toxicity up to 1 mg mL−1. Drug-loaded reduction-sensitive nanoparticles delivered a hydrophobic model anticancer drug (doxorubicin, DOX) to cancer cells (HeLa cells) and an experimental, metabolically unstable antimalarial drug (the serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) inhibitor (±)-1) to Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (iRBCs), with higher efficacy compared to similar, non-sensitive drug-loaded nanoparticles. These responsive copolymer-based nanoparticles represent a promising candidate as smart nanocarrier platform for various drugs to be applied to different diseases, due to the biocompatibility and biodegradability of the hydrophobic block, and the protein-repellent hydrophilic block

    Complete genome sequence of the filamentous gliding predatory bacterium Herpetosiphon aurantiacus type strain (114-95T)

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    Herpetosiphon aurantiacus Holt and Lewin 1968 is the type species of the genus Herpetosiphon, which in turn is the type genus of the family Herpetosiphonaceae, type family of the order Herpetosiphonales in the phylum Chloroflexi. H. aurantiacus cells are organized in filaments which can rapidly glide. The species is of interest not only because of its rather isolated position in the tree of life, but also because Herpetosiphon ssp. were identified as predators capable of facultative predation by a wolf pack strategy and of degrading the prey organisms by excreted hydrolytic enzymes. The genome of H. aurantiacus strain 114-95T is the first completely sequenced genome of a member of the family Herpetosiphonaceae. The 6,346,587 bp long chromosome and the two 339,639 bp and 99,204 bp long plasmids with a total of 5,577 protein-coding and 77 RNA genes was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2005

    Estimating the concentration of total suspended solids in inland and coastal waters from Sentinel-2 MSI: A semi-analytical approach

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    Inland and coastal waters provide key ecosystem services and are closely linked to human well-being. In this study, we propose a semi-analytical method, which can be applied to Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) images to retrieve high spatial-resolution total suspended solids (TSS) concentration in a broad spectrum of aquatic ecosystems ranging from clear to extremely turbid waters. The presented approach has four main steps. First, the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at a band lacking in MSI (620 nm) is estimated through an empirical relationship from Rrs at 665 nm. Second, waters are classified into four types (clear, moderately turbid, highly turbid, and extremely turbid). Third, semi-analytical algorithms are used to estimate the particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) at a reference band depending on the water types. Last, TSS is estimated from bbp at the reference band. Validation and comparison of the proposed method with three existing methods are performed using a simulated dataset (N = 1000), an in situ dataset collected from global inland and coastal waters (N = 1265) and satellite matchups (N = 40). Results indicate that the proposed method can improve TSS estimation and provide accurate retrievals of TSS from all three datasets, with a median absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 14.88 %, 31.50 % and 41.69 % respectively. We also present comparisons of TSS mapping between the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) and MSI in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan and the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. Results clearly demonstrate the advantages of using MSI for TSS monitoring in small water bodies such as rivers, river mouths and other nearshore waters. MSI can provide more detailed and realistic TSS estimates than OLCI in these water bodies. The proposed TSS estimation method was applied to MSI images to produce TSS time-series in Lake Kasumigaura, which showed good agreements with in situ and OLCI-derived TSS time-series
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