1,262 research outputs found

    Claps and Claptrap: : An analysis of how audiences respond to rhetorical devices in political speeches

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    Significant insights have been gained into how politicians interact with live audiences through the detailed microanalysis of video and audio recordings, especially of rhetorical techniques used by politicians to invite applause. The overall aim of this paper is to propose a new theoretical model of speaker-audience interaction in set-piece political speeches, based on the concept of dialogue between speaker and audience. Research is reviewed not only on applause, but also on other audience responses, such as laughter, cheering, chanting, and booing. Research is also reviewed on other factors besides rhetorical devices, in particular, delivery, speech content, and uninvited applause. Although these analyses are based primarily on British speeches, they also include recent studies of speeches delivered in both Japan and the USA. This cross-cultural perspective, it is proposed, provides significant insights into the role of political rhetoric in speaker-audience interaction, which may be usefully conceptualized in terms of broader cross-cultural differences between collectivist and individualist societies

    The Microanalysis of Political Discourse

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    El microanálisis representa tanto una metodología como una manera distintiva de interpretar la comunicación. En este artículo se estudia su aplicación al análisis del discurso político en relación a tres conceptos claves: el modelo de destrezas sociales de la interacción social, la imagen y la labor de la imagen, y el papel del contexto social (especialmente géneros de comunicación). A través de las técnicas del microanálisis se pueden analizar las destrezas comunicativas de los políticos, en concreto sus capacidades para llevar a cabo una labor de la imagen efectiva en diferentes contextos sociales.Microanalysis represents both a distinctive methodology and a distinctive way of thinking about communication. Its application to the analysis of political discourse is discussed in relation to three key concepts: the social skills model of social interaction; face and facework; the role of social context (especially genres of communication). Through microanalytic techniques the communicative skills of politicians can be analysed, in particular their ability to perform effective facework in different social contexts

    Oral History Interview: Peter Bull

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    This interview is one of series conducted concerning the Oral History of Appalachia. Peter Bull was an English actor and author. He discusses: Greece; books he has written; long and detailed discussions of teddy bears; his family; people he has known; astrology; his career in theater; movies he has starred in; other movies and plays; his pet dogs; and other topics.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1566/thumbnail.jp

    A quality of service based framework for dynamic, dependable systems

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    There is currently much UK government and industry interest towards the integration of complex computer-based systems, including those in the military domain. These systems can include both mission critical and safety critical applications, and therefore require the dependable communication of data. Current modular military systems requiring such performance guarantees are mostly based on parameters and system states fixed during design time, thus allowing a predictable estimate of performance. These systems can exhibit a limited degree of reconfiguration, but this is typically within the constraints of a predefined set of configurations. The ability to reconfigure systems more dynamically, could lead to further increased flexibility and adaptability, resulting in the better use of existing assets. Current software architecture models that are capable of providing this flexibility, however, tend to lack support for dependable performance. This thesis explores the benefits for the dependability of future dynamic systems, built on a publish/subscribe model, from using Quality of Service (QoS) methods to map application level data communication requirements to available network resources. Through this, original contributions to knowledge are created, including; the proposal of a QoS framework that specifies a way of defining flexible levels of QoS characteristics and their use in the negotiation of network resources, a simulation based evaluation of the QoS framework and specifically the choice of negotiation algorithm used, and a test-bed based feasibility study. Simulation experimentation conducted comparing different methods of QoS negotiation gives a clear indication that the use of the proposed QoS framework and flexible negotiation algorithm can provide a benefit in terms of system utility, resource utilisation, and system stability. The choice of negotiation algorithm has a particularly strong impact on these system properties. The cost of these benefits comes in terms of the processing power and execution time required to reach a decision on the acceptance of a subscriber. It is suggested, given this cost, that when computational resources are limited, a simpler priority based negotiation algorithm should be used. Where system resources are more abundant, however, the flexible negotiation algorithm proposed within the QoS framework can offer further benefits. Through the implementation of the QoS framework within an existing military avionics software architecture based emulator on a test-bed, both the technical challenges that will need to be overcome and, more importantly, the potential viability for the inclusion of the QoS framework have been demonstrated

    What Happened at the Greece-Turkey Border in early 2020?

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    NOMA based resource allocation and mobility enhancement framework for IoT in next generation cellular networks

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    With the unprecedented technological advances witnessed in the last two decades, more devices are connected to the internet, forming what is called internet of things (IoT). IoT devices with heterogeneous characteristics and quality of experience (QoE) requirements may engage in dynamic spectrum market due to scarcity of radio resources. We propose a framework to efficiently quantify and supply radio resources to the IoT devices by developing intelligent systems. The primary goal of the paper is to study the characteristics of the next generation of cellular networks with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) to enable connectivity to clustered IoT devices. First, we demonstrate how the distribution and QoE requirements of IoT devices impact the required number of radio resources in real time. Second, we prove that using an extended auction algorithm by implementing a series of complementary functions, enhance the radio resource utilization efficiency. The results show substantial reduction in the number of sub-carriers required when compared to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and the intelligent clustering is scalable and adaptable to the cellular environment. Ability to move spectrum usages from one cluster to other clusters after borrowing when a cluster has less user or move out of the boundary is another soft feature that contributes to the reported radio resource utilization efficiency. Moreover, the proposed framework provides IoT service providers cost estimation to control their spectrum acquisition to achieve required quality of service (QoS) with guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and non-guaranteed bit rate (Non-GBR)

    Audience Responses and the Context of Political Speeches

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    Previous studies showed that cultural dimensions (individualism and collectivism) are related to audience behavior in responding to political speeches. However, this study suggests that speech context is an important issue to be considered in understanding speaker-audience interaction in political speeches. Forms of response, audience behavior, and response rates were analyzed in three speech contexts: acceptance speeches to nomination as political parties’ candidates for presidential election, presidential election campaign speeches, and presidential inauguration speeches in the Korean presidential election of 2012. We found that audience response forms and behavior were distinctive according to the three speech contexts: in-group partisan leadership, competitive, and formal contexts. However, there was no relationship between the affiliative response rate and electoral success in the election. The function of the audience response is popularity and support of a speaker in acceptance and election campaign speeches, while it is conformity to social norms in inauguration speeches

    Political behavior in organizational context: nature, research and paradigm

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    This paper investigates political behavior in organization context. In the first section, it studies inappropriate terminology in political behavior arena and recommends that political behaviors are neither positive nor negative in nature. The study also demonstrates that ends and means for influencing others are two criteria for determining faces of political behavior. In the second section, related and important research are reviewed and categorized in terms of content. Finally, we present the dominant paradigm of political behavior as a philosophical infrastructure. The study also presents some guidelines for further research the limitations are discussed in conclusion part