63 research outputs found

    The Notion of 'Singularity' in the Work of Gilles Deleuze

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    Mrs. Regina Borum interview (2) conducted on May 16, 1984 about the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University

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    In this second interview, Mrs. Borum continues her description of responsibilities and duties, concentrating on her interactions with the press and organizations outside of the university. Mrs. Borum then turns to the development of the School of Medicine\u27s Development Department, and her thoughts and recollections on key people in the School of Medicine\u27s development

    En bergsoniansk pĂŚdagogik?

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    Taking as a point of departure three basic assumptions in Henri Bergson – (A) that consciousness forms part of a pragmatic and of a refl exive circuit; (B) that the formation of bodily habits and of contents of consciousness has an irreducible morphogenetical duration; (C) that a basic asymmetry subsists between the given and the non-given, between knowledge and non-knowledge – some consequences of this asymmetry are sketched out: (1) that learning is rythmical, (2) that knowledge (savoir) and ability (pouvoir/savoir-faire) are stratified, (3) that the creative process is of central pedagogical importance, (4) that ideas of utility are unable to providea motivation for learning. The difference between linguistic and mathematical understanding is then outlined. From the irreducible morphogenetical duration, the maxims ‘as early and as much as possible’ are deduced, as well as the notion that curricula cannot aim entirely at applicability. Finally a notion of pedagogical seduction is presented, as well as a “founding aporia” (René Thom) for pedagogy: between problematization and automatization, seduction and interest, knowledge and ability

    Om vĂŚkstbegivenheders skulpturelle udtryk

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    Umberto Eco’s concept of ratio difficilis accounts for semiotic processes that are often termed iconic. It borders upon a relation in which rules are not followed, but invented, in Eco’s version of Kant’s reflexive judgment. Reflexive judgment is at work in aesthetic judgment and in teleological judgment. Both relate to forms of nature and exceed the domain of understanding by implying finality. Gilles Deleuze seizes upon notions from Leibniz in order to invent a “divergent use of faculties” whereby we can grasp the generating forces of organic individuation that remain obscure to empirical conceptualisation. Proposing a ratio difficilior, we may conceive of a correspondence between organic individuation as cascade of individuating events, and events as expressed by works of art. Differences between works of art may be approached from the viewpoint of different types of organic individuation. Fibonacci numbers and surface tension forms are common to both plants and animals, but the concept of plant reiteration of growth patterns allows the circumvention of an extrinsic gestaltist approach to repetitive sculptural structures in favour of an intrinsic genetic viewpoint of individuatory cascades. A similar viewpoint applied to the difference between paratactical (“archaic”, “primitive”) and hypotactical (“classical”) organisation of statues can be derived from the difference between animal species that exist as individuals, and those that exist as colonies

    Stakkels Eliza

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    Rodgers og Hammersteins Kongen og jeg er et sjældent eksempel på et stykke klassisk americana, som ikke udspiller sig i Amerika. Den overdådige musical foregår, atypisk nok for samtiden (1949), under en krise i forholdet mellem Det britiske Imperium og Siam, der involverer en række forskellige militære og økonomiske intriger, men koncentrerer sig om en kulturalistisk politik. Fra åbningen med Anna Leonowens’ ankomst til Siam minder stykket om, at Storbritannien har eksporteret en civilisatorisk pædagogik som en del af sin imperiebygningsstrategi: Leonowens bliver importeret, så hun kan ”bringe det gode i vestlig kultur til Siam” (Rodgers og Hammerstein 379). Hendes læresætninger omfatter respekt for ”videnskaben” og for anti-despotismen i både den politiske sfære og i paladsets

    Cell cycle analysis of fetal germ cells during sex differentiation in mice

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    Background information. Primordial germ cells in developing male and female gonads are responsive to somatic cell cues that direct their sex-specific differentiation into functional gametes. The first divergence of the male and female pathways is a change in cell cycle state observed from 12.5 dpc (days post coitum) in mice. At this time XY and XX germ cells cease mitotic division and enter G1/G0 arrest and meiosis prophase I respectively. Aberrant cell cycle regulation at this time can lead to disrupted ovarian development, germ cell apoptosis, reduced fertility and/or the formation of germ cell tumours
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