248 research outputs found

    Once in a lifetime: the date of the Wayland's Smithy long barrow

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    Twenty-three radiocarbon results are now available from the Wayland’s Smithy long barrow, and are presented within an interpretive Bayesian statistical framework. Four alternative archaeological interpretations of the sequence are considered, each with a separate Bayesian model, though only two are presented in detail. The differences are based on different readings of the sequence of Wayland’s Smithy II. In our preferred interpretation of the sequence, the primary mortuary structure was some kind of lidded wooden box, accessible for deposition over a period of time, and then closed by the mound of Wayland’s Smithy I; Wayland’s Smithy II was a unitary construction, with transepted chambers, secondary kerb and secondary ditches all constructed together. In the Bayesian model for this interpretation, deposition began in the earlier 36th century cal BC, and probably lasted for a generation. A gap of probably 40–100 years ensued, before the first small mound was constructed in 3520–3470 cal BC. After another gap, probably of only 1–35 years, the second phase of the monument was probably constructed in the middle to later part of the 35th century cal BC (3460–3400 cal BC), and its use probably extended to the middle decades of the 34th century cal BC. Results are discussed in relation to the local setting, the nature of mortuary rites and the creation of tradition

    Talking About My Generation: the Date of the West Kennet Long Barrow

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    Thirty-one radiocarbon results are now available from the West Kennet long barrow, and are presented within an interpretive Bayesian statistical framework. Two alternative archaeological interpretations of the sequence are given, each with a separate Bayesian model. In our preferred interpretation, the barrow is seen as a unitary construction (given the lack of dating samples from the old ground surface, ditches or constructional features themselves), with a series of deposits of human remains made in the chambers following construction. Primary deposition in the chambers is followed by further secondary deposition of some human remains, including children, and layers of earth and chalk, the latest identifiable finds in which are Beaker sherds. In the Bayesian model for this sequence, the construction of the monument at West Kennet, as dated from the primary mortuary deposits, occurred in 3670–3635 cal. BC, probably in the middle decades of the thirty-seventh century cal. BC. The last interments of this initial use of the chambers probably occurred in 3640–3610 cal. BC. The difference between these two distributions suggests that this primary mortuary activity probably continued for only 10–30 years. After a hiatus probably lasting for rather more than a century, the infilling of the chambers began in 3620–3240 cal. BC and continued into the second half of the third millennium cal. BC. In an alternative interpretation, we do not assume that all the people dated from the primary mortuary deposits were placed in the monument in a fleshed or partially articulated condition; they could therefore have died before the monument was built, although they must have died before the end of the formation of the mortuary deposit. In the Bayesian model for this interpretation, the monument appears to belong either to the thirty-seventh century cal. BC or the mid-thirty-sixth century cal. BC, and deposition again appears short-lived, but the model is unstable. Results are discussed in relation to the setting and sequence of the local region

    Serious mortality: the date of the Fussell's Lodge long barrow

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    Twenty-seven radiocarbon results are now available from the Fussell’s Lodge long barrow, and are presented within an interpretive Bayesian statistical framework. Three alternative archaeological interpretations of the sequence are given, each with a separate Bayesian model. It is hard to decide between these, though we prefer the third. In the first (following the excavator), the construction is a unitary one, and the human remains included are by definition already old. In the second, the primary mortuary structure is seen as having two phases, and is set within a timber enclosure; these are later closed by the construction of a long barrow. In that model of the sequence, deposition began in the 38th century cal BC and the mortuary structure was extended probably in the 3660s–3650s cal BC; the long barrow was probably built in the 3630s–3620s cal BC; ancestral remains are not in question; and the use of the primary structure may have lasted for a century or so. In the third, preferred model, a variant of the second, we envisage the inclusion of some ancestral remains in the primary mortuary structure alongside fresh remains. This provides different estimates of the date of initial construction (probably in the last quarter of the 38th century cal BC or the first half of the 37th century cal BC) and the duration of primary use, but agrees in setting the date of the long barrow probably in the 3630s–3620s cal BC. These results are discussed in relation to the development and meanings of long barrows at both national and local scales

    Gaze cueing and affective judgments of objects: I like what you look at

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    When we see another person look somewhere, we automatically attend to the same location in space. This joint attention emerges early in life and has a great impact on social interactions in development and in everyday adult life. The direction of another's gaze indicates what object is of current interest, which may be the target for a subsequent action. In this study, we found that objects that are looked at by other people are liked more than objects that do not receive the attention of other people (Experiment 1). This suggests that observing averted gaze can have an impact on the affective appraisals of objects in the environment. This liking effect was absent when an arrow was used to cue attention (Experiment 2). This underlines the importance of other people's interactions with objects for generating our own impressions of such stimuli in the world

    Hats-3b: An inflated hot jupiter transiting an F-type star

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    We report the discovery by the HATSouth survey of HATS-3b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting a V = 12.4 F dwarf star. HATS-3b has a period of P = 3.5479 days, mass of Mp = 1.07 M J, and radius of R p = 1.38 R J. Given the radius of the planet, the

    HATS-1b: The first transiting planet discovered by the hatsouth survey

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    We report the discovery of HATS-1b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V = 12.05 G dwarf star GSC 6652-00186, and the first planet discovered by HATSouth, a global network of autonomous wide-field telescopes. HATS-1b has a period of P ≈ 3.4465 days, mass of Mp ≈ 1.86 MJ, and radius of Rp ≈ 1.30 RJ. The host star has a mass of 0.99 M⊙ and radius of 1.04 R⊙. The discovery light curve of HATS-1b has near-continuous coverage over several multi-day timespans, demonstrating the power of using a global network of telescopes to discover transiting planets.Development of the HATSouth project was funded by NSF MRI grant NSF/AST-0723074, operations are supported by NASA grant NNX09AB29G, and follow-up observations received partial support from grant NSF/AST-1108686. Followup observations with the ESO 2.2 m/FEROS instrument were performed under MPI guaranteed time (P087.A-9014(A), P088.A-9008(A), P089.A-9008(A)) and Chilean time (P087.C- 0508(A)). A.J. acknowledges support from Fondecyt project 1095213, Ministry of Economy ICM Nuclei P07-021-F and P10-022-F, Anillo ACT-086 and BASAL CATA PFB-06. V.S. acknowledges support form BASAL CATA PFB-06. M.R. acknowledges support from a Fondencyt postdoctoral fellowship N 3120097 and contributions from the ALMA-CONICYT FUND Project N 31090015. R.B. and N.E. acknowledge support from Fondecyt project 1095213. Work at the Australian National University is supported by ARC Laureate Fellowship Grant FL0992131. We acknowledge the use of the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), funded by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund, and the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France

    KELT-11b: A Highly Inflated Sub-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting the V=8 Subgiant HD 93396

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    We report the discovery of a transiting exoplanet, KELT-11b, orbiting the bright (V=8.0V=8.0) subgiant HD 93396. A global analysis of the system shows that the host star is an evolved subgiant star with Teff=5370±51T_{\rm eff} = 5370\pm51 K, M=1.4380.052+0.061MM_{*} = 1.438_{-0.052}^{+0.061} M_{\odot}, R=2.720.17+0.21RR_{*} = 2.72_{-0.17}^{+0.21} R_{\odot}, log g=3.7270.046+0.040g_*= 3.727_{-0.046}^{+0.040}, and [Fe/H]=0.180±0.075 = 0.180\pm0.075. The planet is a low-mass gas giant in a P=4.736529±0.00006P = 4.736529\pm0.00006 day orbit, with MP=0.195±0.018MJM_{P} = 0.195\pm0.018 M_J, RP=1.370.12+0.15RJR_{P}= 1.37_{-0.12}^{+0.15} R_J, ρP=0.0930.024+0.028\rho_{P} = 0.093_{-0.024}^{+0.028} g cm3^{-3}, surface gravity log gP=2.4070.086+0.080{g_{P}} = 2.407_{-0.086}^{+0.080}, and equilibrium temperature Teq=171246+51T_{eq} = 1712_{-46}^{+51} K. KELT-11 is the brightest known transiting exoplanet host in the southern hemisphere by more than a magnitude, and is the 6th brightest transit host to date. The planet is one of the most inflated planets known, with an exceptionally large atmospheric scale height (2763 km), and an associated size of the expected atmospheric transmission signal of 5.6%. These attributes make the KELT-11 system a valuable target for follow-up and atmospheric characterization, and it promises to become one of the benchmark systems for the study of inflated exoplanets.Comment: 15 pages, Submitted to AAS Journal

    An intervention to promote patient participation and self-management in long term conditions: development and feasibility testing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is worldwide interest in managing the global burden of long-term conditions. Current health policy places emphasis on self-management and supporting patient participation as ways of improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. However, achieving genuine participation is difficult. This paper describes the development of an intervention designed to promote participation in the consultation and facilitate self-management in long-term conditions. In line with current guidance on the development of complex interventions, our aim was to develop and refine the initial intervention using qualitative methods, prior to more formal evaluation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We based the intervention on published evidence on effective ways of improving participation. The intervention was developed, piloted and evaluated using a range of qualitative methods. Firstly, focus groups with stakeholders (5 patients and 3 clinicians) were held to introduce the prototype and elucidate how it could be improved. Then individual 'think aloud' and qualitative interviews (n = 10) were used to explore how patients responded to and understood the form and provide further refinement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The literature highlighted that effective methods of increasing participation include the use of <it>patient reported outcome measures </it>and <it>values clarification exercises</it>. The intervention (called PRISMS) integrated these processes, using a structured form which required patients to identify problems, rate their magnitude and identify their priority. PRISMS was well received by patients and professionals. In the individual qualitative interviews the main themes that emerged from the data related to (a) the content of the PRISMS (b) the process of completing PRISMS and how it could be operationalised in practice and (c) the outcomes of completing PRISMS for the patient. A number of different functions of PRISMS were identified by patients including its use as an aide-memoire, to provide a focus to consultations, to give permission to discuss certain issues, and to provide greater tailoring for the patient.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There was evidence that patients found the PRISMS form acceptable and potentially useful. The challenge encountered by patients in completing PRISMS may encourage exploration of these issues within the consultation, complementing the more 'task focussed' aspects of consultations resulting from introduction of clinical guidelines and financial incentives. Further research is required to provide a rigorous assessment of the ability of tools like PRISMS to achieve genuine change in the process and outcome of consultations.</p