280 research outputs found

    Complexity stage model of the medical device development based on economic evaluation-MedDee

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    The development of a new product is essential for the progress and success of any company. The medical device market is very specific, which is challenging. Therefore, this paper assesses an economic model for medical device evaluation using the economic, health, technology regulatory, and present market knowledge to enable the cost-time conception for any applicant. The purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive stage model of the medical device development to subsequently describe the financial expenditure of the entire development process. The identification of critical steps was based on the literature review, and analysis, and a comparison of the available medical device development stages and directives. Furthermore, a preliminary assessment of the medical device development steps and procedures on the basis of the interviews was performed. Six interviews were conducted with an average duration of one hour, focusing on areas: relevance and level of detail of the medical device development stages, involvement of economic methods, and applicability of the proposed model. Subsequently, the improvement and modification of the medical device investment process, based on respondents' responses, were conducted. The authors have proposed the complexity model MedDee-Medical Devices Development by Economic Evaluation. This model is comprised of six phases: initiation, concept, design, production, final verification, and market disposition in which the economic methods are incorporated.Web of Science125art. no. 175

    OCL Plus:Processes and Events in Object-Centred Planning

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    An important area in AI Planning is the expressiveness of planning domain specification languages such as PDDL, and their aptitude for modelling real applications. This paper presents OCLplus, an extension of a hierarchical object centred planning domain definition language, intended to support the representation of domains with continuous change. The main extension in OCLplus provides the capability of interconnection between the planners and the changes that are caused by other objects of the world. To this extent, the concept of event and process are introduced in the Hierarchical Task Network (HTN), object centred planning framework in which a process is responsible for either continuous or discrete changes, and an event is triggered if its precondition is met. We evaluate the use of OCLplus and compare it with a similar language, PDDL+

    Control systems for street lighting

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    Public lighting is a specific type of lighting system with various requirements.  It is a lighting system which is subject to many influences. Some impacts are changing very rapidly but a lighting system is designed for a specific case. These effects are for example traffic density or the impact of weather. Comprehensive regulation taking into account all the effects not currently exist but particular systems taking into account the subtasks are occurring. The aim is to show the possibilities and also the technical prerequisites for the realization of such systems

    Design, Modelling and simulation of two-phase twostage electronic system with orthogonal output for supplying of two-phase asm

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    This paper deals with the two-stage two-phase electronic systems with orthogonal output voltages and currents - DC/AC/AC. Design of two-stage DC/AC/AC high frequency converter with two-phase orthogonal output using single-phase matrix converter is also introduced. Output voltages of them are strongly nonharmonic ones, so they must be pulse-modulated due to requested nearly sinusoidal currents with low total harmonic distortion. Simulation experiment results of matrix converter for both steady and transient states for IM motors are given in the paper, also experimental verification under R-L load, so far. The simulation results confirm a very good time-waveform of the phase current and the system seems to be suitable for low-cost application in automotive/aerospace industries and application with high frequency voltage sources

    Continual Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurement

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    Import 30/10/2012Sledování změn krevního tlaku patří dnes k základním, nejčastěji používaným lékařským metodám. Měření krevního tlaku, jako standardní procedura, lze však používat pouze v nespojitých časových intervalech. Spojité měření je možné pouze při zavedení invazivního senzoru do těla pacienta, což je pro něj samotného velmi nepohodlné a jako každý invazivní zákrok spojeno s jistými riziky. Mnohdy by bylo diagnosticky výhodné sledovat změnu krevního tlaku v určitém spojitém časovém intervalu. Takovéto měření by mělo být neinvazivní a co nejméně pacienta omezující. Z fyziologie kardiovaskulárního systému vyplývá, že existuje souvislost mezi elektrickou a mechanickou aktivitou srdce a hodnotou krevního tlaku. Toto se potvrzuje ve zpracované rešerši na danou problematiku. Práce je zaměřena na zpracování signálu EKG, PPG a tlaku do té míry, aby bylo možné získat informaci o šíření pulsní vlny vztaženu k hodnotě krevního tlaku. Šíření pulsní vlny je zde chápáno jako časový interval mezi R-vlnou EKG záznamu a počátkem následující pulsní vlny. Tato hodnota je popisována jako PTT čas (Pulse Transit Time). Byl sestaven měřící řetězec pro jednotné snímání všech potřebných biosignálů a vytvořen měřící software v prostředí LabView, pro signálové zpracování naměřených dat. Měření bylo provedeno na jednom pacientovi, který měl zaveden extravaskulární tlakový snímač do arteria femoralis. Tento pacient byl po celou dobu měření v klidu, nedocházelo tedy k výrazným tlakovým změnám. Pro statistické zpracování získaných dat byla použita případová studie, kdy byla data zpracována regresní analýzou.Monitoring changes in blood pressure are essential to today, most commonly used medical methods. Measurement of blood pressure as a standard procedure, however, can be used only in discrete time intervals. Continuous measurement is only possible with the introduction of invasive sensor to the patient body, which is very uncomfortable for him, and as any invasive procedure associated with certain risks. Often it would be diagnostically useful to monitor changes in blood pressure in a continuous time interval. Such measurements should be the least invasive and restrictive for a patient. The physiology of the cardiovascular system shows that there is a link between electrical and mechanical activity of the heart and blood pressure. This is verified in a search on the topic. This thesis focuses on processing of ECG, PPG signal and pressure to the extent that it is possible to obtain information about the spread of a pulse wave relative to the value of blood pressure. Spread of a pulse wave is understood here as the time interval between the R-wave of ECG and the beginning of the pulse wave. This value is described as a time PTT (Pulse Transit Time). Measuring chain for scanning of all the necessary biosignals was built and measuring software for signal processing of measured data was developed in LabVIEW environment. Measurements were performed on a patient who had extravascular pressure sensor introduced to arteria fomoralis. This patient stayed calm during the whole measurement, so there were no significant pressure changes. For statistical processing of the gained data a case study was used where the data were processed by regression analysis..450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Asynchronous Generators with Dynamic Slip Control

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    This paper presents various systems fordynamic slip control of wound-rotor asynchronousgenerators. Particular systems are presented here andcompared to each other. This paper thus yields acomprehensive overview of systems for converting windenergy to electrical energy using asynchronous generatorswith slip control

    Sensorless Field Oriented Control of BLDC Motors for MAVs

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    To achieve longer flight duration of the microaerial vehicles (MAVs) it is needed to optimize theirpropulsion system. A typical propulsion system of VTOL(vertical take-off and landing) MAV consist of the propellerBLDC (brushless DC) motor, motor controller and battery(typically Lithium based chemistry). All these parts of thepropulsion system can be optimized in a specific way. In thecase of the propeller, this can be done by the optimization ofstatic and dynamic thrust performance. The motorconstruction can be optimized by using lighter materials orstronger rotor magnets. As for the battery - alternativepower sources like solar panels, hydrogen fuel cells etc. maybe used. We are focusing on the optimization of the motorcontrol part. In this paper, we are presenting synthesis ofthe BLDC controller using the field oriented controlstrategy which promises better performance in thedynamical response of the propulsion system, lower powerconsumption and generally higher efficiency in comparisonwith the traditional six step commutation techniques

    Prisilno upravljanje dinamikom pogona elastičnog zgloba s jednim senzorom pozicije rotora

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    Position control system of moderate precision based on ‘forced dynamics control’ for the drive with significant vibration modes is described. To exploit the only position sensor on the motor side, all necessary control variables are estimated in observers based on motor position and stator current measurements. The designed controller is of a cascade structure, comprising an inner speed control loop, which respects vector control principles and an outer position control loop, which is designed to control load angle with prescribed dynamics in the presence of flexible modes. Simulations of the overall control system indicate that the proposed control system exhibits the desired robustness and therefore warrants further development and experimental investigation.U radu je opisano upravljanje sustavom pozicioniranja srednje preciznosti s izraženim vibracijskim modovima korištenjem metodologije prisilnog upravljanja dinamikom. Kako bi se iskoristio senzor pozicije na strani motora, sve potrebne varijable stanja estimiraju se na temelju mjerenja pozicije motora i statorskih struja. Projektirani regulator je kaskadne strukture, s unutarnjom petljom po brzini vrtnje koja se temelji na principima vektorskog upravljanja, i vanjskom petljom po poziciji za upravljanje kutom tereta s definiranom dinamikom u prisustvu slabo prigušenih modova. Simulacijski rezultati cjelokupnog sustava upravljanja potvr.uju da predloženi sustav upravljanja posjeduje željenu robusnost i time opravdava budući razvoj i eksperimentalna istraživanja

    Effect of Permanent Magnet Rotor Design on PMSM Properties

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    The paper is focused on the permanentmagnet location and shape investigation in PMSM. At first,the real PMSM has been modeled by means of FEM whichhas been verified by experiments. Next step was a creatingof two new models with different position of PM: one withsurface mounted PM and other one with inset PM. The PMvolume and quality have been in all models kept constant .The main goal of this paper is to investigate the influence ofthe PM design on PMSM properties such as torque ripple,maximum torque, EMF, stator current and winding losses.The investigation has shown, that PM surface design canimprove PMSM properties