590 research outputs found

    Comparing quasiparticle H2_2O level alignment on anatase and rutile TiO2_2

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    Knowledge of the molecular frontier levels' alignment in the ground state can be used to predict the photocatalytic activity of an interface. The position of the adsorbate's highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) levels relative to the substrate's valence band maximum (VBM) in the interface describes the favorability of photogenerated hole transfer from the VBM to the adsorbed molecule. This is a key quantity for assessing and comparing H2_2O photooxidation activities on two prototypical photocatalytic TiO2_2 surfaces: anatase (A)-TiO2_2(101) and rutile (R)-TiO2_2(110). Using the projected density of states (DOS) from state-of-the-art quasiparticle (QP) G0W0G_0W_0 calculations, we assess the relative photocatalytic activity of intact and dissociated H2_2O on coordinately unsaturated (Ticus_{\textit{cus}}) sites of idealized stoichiometric A-TiO2_2(101)/R-TiO2_2(110) and bridging O vacancies (Obrvac_{\textit{br}}^{\textit{vac}}) of defective A-TiO2−x_{2-x}(101)/R-TiO2−x_{2-x}(110) surfaces (x=14,18x=\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{8}) for various coverages. Such a many-body treatment is necessary to correctly describe the anisotropic screening of electron-electron interactions at a photocatalytic interface, and hence obtain accurate interfacial level alignments. The more favorable ground state HOMO level alignment for A-TiO2_2(101) may explain why the anatase polymorph shows higher photocatalytic activities than the rutile polymorph. Our results indicate that (1) hole trapping is more favored on A-TiO2_2(101) than R-TiO2_2(110) and (2) HO@Ticus_{\textit{cus}} is more photocatalytically active than intact H2_2O@Ticus_{\textit{cus}}

    Level alignment of a prototypical photocatalytic system: Methanol on TiO2(110)

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    Photocatalytic and photovoltaic activity depends on the optimal alignment of electronic levels at the molecule/semiconductor interface. Establishing level alignment experimentally is complicated by the uncertain chemical identity of the surface species. We address the assignment of the occupied and empty electronic levels for the prototypical photocatalytic system of methanol on a rutile TiO2 (110) surface. Using many-body quasiparticle (QP) techniques we show that the frontier levels measured in ultraviolet photoelectron and two photon photoemission spectroscopy experiments can be assigned with confidence to the molecularly chemisorbed methanol, rather than its decomposition product, the methoxy species. We find the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the methoxy species is much closer to the valence band maximum, suggesting why it is more photocatalytically active than the methanol molecule. We develop a general semi-quantitative model for predicting many-body QP energies based on the appropriate description of electronic screening within the bulk, molecular or vacuum regions of the wavefunctions at molecule/semiconductor interfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of Excited Electrons in Copper: Role of Auger Electrons

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    Within a theoretical model based on the Boltzmann equation, we analyze in detail the structure of the unusual peak recently observed in the relaxation time in Cu. In particular, we discuss the role of Auger electrons in the electron dynamics and its dependence on the d-hole lifetime, the optical transition matrix elements and the laser pulse duration. We find that the Auger contribution to the distribution is very sensitive to both the d-hole lifetime tau_h and the laser pulse duration tau_l and can be expressed as a monotonic function of tau_l/tau_h. We have found that for a given tau_h, the Auger contribution is significantly smaller for a short pulse duration than for a longer one. We show that the relaxation time at the peak depends linearly on the d-hole lifetime, but interestingly not on the amount of Auger electrons generated. We provide a simple expression for the relaxation time of excited electrons which shows that its shape can be understood by a phase space argument and its amplitude is governed by the d-hole lifetime. We also find that the height of the peak depends on both the ratio of the optical transition matrix elements R=|M_{d \to sp}|^2/|M_{sp \to sp}|^2 and the laser pulse duration. Assuming a reasonable value for the ratio, namely R = 2, and a d-hole lifetime of tau_h=35 fs, we obtain for the calculated height of the peak Delta tau_{th}=14 fs, in fair agreement with Delta tau_{exp} \approx 17 fs measured for polycrystalline Cu.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Quasiparticle level alignment for photocatalytic interfaces

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    arXiv:1404.5166v1Electronic level alignment at the interface between an adsorbed molecular layer and a semiconducting substrate determines the activity and efficiency of many photocatalytic materials. Standard density functional theory (DFT)-based methods have proven unable to provide a quantitative description of this level alignment. This requires a proper treatment of the anisotropic screening, necessitating the use of quasiparticle (QP) techniques. However, the computational complexity of QP algorithms has meant a quantitative description of interfacial levels has remained elusive. We provide a systematic study of a prototypical interface, bare and methanol-covered rutile TiO2(110) surfaces, to determine the type of many-body theory required to obtain an accurate description of the level alignment. This is accomplished via a direct comparison with metastable impact electron spectroscopy (MIES), ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), and two-photon photoemission (2PP) spectroscopy. We consider GGA DFT, hybrid DFT, and G0W0, scQPGW1, scQPGW0, and scQPGW QP calculations. Our results demonstrate that G0W0, or our recently introduced scQPGW1 approach, are required to obtain the correct alignment of both the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied interfacial molecular levels (HOMO/LUMO). These calculations set a new standard in the interpretation of electronic structure probe experiments of complex organic molecule/semiconductor interfaces.We acknowledge funding from the European Projects DYNamo (No. ERC-2010- AdG-267374), and CRONOS (No. 280879-2 CRONOS CPFP7); Spanish Grants (Nos. FIS2012-37549-C05-02, FIS2010-21282-C02-01, PIB2010US-00652, RYC-2011-09582, JAE DOC, JCI-2010-08156); Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco (No. IT-319-07); NSFC (Nos. 21003113 and 21121003); MOST (No. 2011CB921404); and NSF Grant No. CHE-1213189.Peer Reviewe

    Lifetime of d-holes at Cu surfaces: Theory and experiment

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    We have investigated the hole dynamics at copper surfaces by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission experiments and many-body quasiparticle GW calculations. Large deviations from a free-electron-like picture are observed both in the magnitude and the energy dependence of the lifetimes, with a clear indication that holes exhibit longer lifetimes than electrons with the same excitation energy. Our calculations show that the small overlap of d- and sp-states below the Fermi level is responsible for the observed enhancement. Although there is qualitative good agreement of our theoretical predictions and the measured lifetimes, there still exist some discrepancies pointing to the need of a better description of the actual band structure of the solid.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Leaf physiological and morphological constraints of water-use efficiency in C3_3 plants

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    The increasing evaporative demand due to climate change will significantly affect the balance of carbon assimilation and water losses of plants worldwide. The development of crop varieties with improved water-use efficiency (WUE) will be critical for adapting agricultural strategies under predicted future climates. This review aims to summarize the most important leaf morpho-physiological constraints of WUE in C3 plants and identify gaps in knowledge. From the carbon gain side of the WUE, the discussed parameters are mesophyll conductance, carboxylation efficiency and respiratory losses. The traits and parameters affecting the waterside of WUE balance discussed in this review are stomatal size and density, stomatal control and residual water losses (cuticular and bark conductance), nocturnal conductance and leaf hydraulic conductance. In addition, we discussed the impact of leaf anatomy and crown architecture on both the carbon gain and water loss components of WUE. There are multiple possible targets for future development in understanding sources of WUE variability in plants. We identified residual water losses and respiratory carbon losses as the greatest knowledge gaps of whole-plant WUE assessments. Moreover, the impact of trichomes, leaf hydraulic conductance and canopy structure on plants’ WUE is still not well understood. The development of a multi-trait approach is urgently needed for a better understanding of WUE dynamics and optimization

    Dynamics of Excited Electrons in Copper and Ferromagnetic Transition Metals: Theory and Experiment

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    Both theoretical and experimental results for the dynamics of photoexcited electrons at surfaces of Cu and the ferromagnetic transition metals Fe, Co, and Ni are presented. A model for the dynamics of excited electrons is developed, which is based on the Boltzmann equation and includes effects of photoexcitation, electron-electron scattering, secondary electrons (cascade and Auger electrons), and transport of excited carriers out of the detection region. From this we determine the time-resolved two-photon photoemission (TR-2PPE). Thus a direct comparison of calculated relaxation times with experimental results by means of TR-2PPE becomes possible. The comparison indicates that the magnitudes of the spin-averaged relaxation time \tau and of the ratio \tau_\uparrow/\tau_\downarrow of majority and minority relaxation times for the different ferromagnetic transition metals result not only from density-of-states effects, but also from different Coulomb matrix elements M. Taking M_Fe > M_Cu > M_Ni = M_Co we get reasonable agreement with experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, added a figure and an appendix, updated reference

    Hole dynamics in noble metals

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    We present a detailed analysis of hole dynamics in noble metals (Cu and Au), by means of first-principles many-body calculations. While holes in a free-electron gas are known to live shorter than electrons with the same excitation energy, our results indicate that d-holes in noble metals exhibit longer inelastic lifetimes than excited sp-electrons, in agreement with experiment. The density of states available for d-hole decay is larger than that for the decay of excited electrons; however, the small overlap between d- and sp-states below the Fermi level increases the d-hole lifetime. The impact of d-hole dynamics on electron-hole correlation effects, which are of relevance in the analysis of time-resolved two-photon photoemission experiments, is also addressed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Nickel

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    The spin dynamics in Ni is studied by an exact diagonalization method on the ultrafast time scale. It is shown that the femtosecond relaxation of the magneto-optical response results from exchange interaction and spin-orbit coupling. Each of the two mechanisms affects the relaxation process differently. We find that the intrinsic spin dynamics occurs during about 10 fs while extrinsic effects such as laser-pulse duration and spectral width can slow down the observed dynamics considerably. Thus, our theory indicates that there is still room to accelerate the spin dynamics in experiments.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figure
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