20 research outputs found

    Nitrate isotopic data from snow collected along the CHICTABA traverse, East Antarctica, 2013-2014

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    This dataset contains isotopic ratios of nitrate analyzed from snow samples collected along the CHICTABA traverse in East Antarctica in Nov 2013-Jan 2014. Supplemental information on the elevation (doi:10.5194/tc-13-665-2019) and surface mass balance changes (doi:10.5194/tc-13-281-2019) along the traverse route are also included for context. The samples came from relatively shallow depths of the snowpack (maximum = 2.03 m deep) and represent nitrate deposition that occurred from 0-6 years ago. These samples were collected in order to better understand the interaction and mass transfer of nitrate at the snow-air interface in Antarctica, with particular focus on determining the impacts of photolysis on nitrate. Snow samples were collected with three techniques: skin layer samples of the loose snow grains 2-6 mm deep on the snow surface, 1 m depth layer samples taken as a 5-10 cm thick layer from 1 m below the snow surface, and snow pits that extended 99-203 cm deep and were sampled at 3 cm continuous intervals. 250-1500 g of snow were collected into clean plastic bags, melted at room temperature at Concordia Station, Dome C, and then the nitrate was concentrated using an ionic exchange resin. Nitrate concentrations were determined using colorimetry. Isotopic analysis occurred at the Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement, Grenoble, France, through bacterial denitrification and a MAT 253 mass spectrometer with Gas Bench

    Nitrate chemistry of snow samples collected along the CHICTABA transect, East Antarctica, 2013-2014

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    Nitrate samples were originally collected as 0.2-1.5 kg snow samples in the field along the CHICTABA traverse, Antarctica. Snow was collected in three methods: snow pits, skin layer, and 1 m depth layer. For snow pits, snow was collected in increments of 3 cm thick layers. Skin layer samples were collected as the loose snow grains 2-6 mm deep on the surface. The 1 m depth layer samples were taken as a 5-10 cm thick layer surrounding 1 m depth, which was then thoroughly mixed. Samples were melted and nitrate concentrated with a ion exchange resin at Concordia Station, Antarctica. Isotopic analysis performed with MAT253 mass spectrometer at IGE, Grenoble, France

    Reassessing the role of temperature in precipitation oxygen isotopes across the eastern and central United States through weekly precipitation‐day data

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    Abstract Air temperature is correlated with precipitation oxygen isotope (δ18Oprcp) variability for much of the eastern and central United States, but the nature of this δ18Oprcp‐temperature relationship is largely based on data coarsely aggregated at a monthly resolution. We constructed a database of 6177 weeks of isotope and precipitation‐day air temperature data from 25 sites to determine how more precise data change our understanding of this classic relationship. Because the δ18Oprcp‐temperature relationship is not perfectly linear, trends in the regression residuals suggest the influence of additional environmental factors such as moisture recycling and extratropical cyclone interactions. Additionally, the temporal relationships between δ18Oprcp and temperature observed in the weekly data at individual sites can explain broader spatial patterns observed across the study region. For 20 of 25 sites, the δ18Oprcp‐temperature relationship slope is higher for colder precipitation than for warmer precipitation. Accordingly, northern and western sites with relatively more cold precipitation events have steeper overall relationships with higher slope values than southeastern sites that have more warm precipitation events. Although the magnitude of δ18Oprcp variability increases to the north and west, the fraction of δ18Oprcp variability explained by temperature increases due to wider annual temperature ranges, producing stronger relationships in these regions. When our δ18Oprcp‐temperature data are grouped by month, we observe significant variations in the relationship from month to month. This argues against a principal causative role for temperature and suggests the existence of an alternative environmental control on δ18Oprcp values that simply covaries seasonally with temperature

    Layer-bounding surfaces in stalagmites as keys to better paleoclimatological histories and chronologies

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    Petrographic recognition of layer-bounding surfaces in stalagmites offers an important tool in constructing paleoclimate records. Previous petrographic efforts have examined thickness of layers (a possible proxy for annual rainfall) and alternation of layers in couplets (a possible indicator of seasonality). Layer-bounding surfaces, in contrast, delimit series of layers and represent periods of non-deposition, either because of exceptionally wet or exceptionally dry conditions. Two types of layer-bounding surfaces can be recognized according to explicitly defined petrographic criteria. Type E layer-bounding surfaces are surfaces at which layers have been truncated or eroded at the crest of a stalagmite. Keys to their recognition include irregular termination of layers otherwise present on the stalagmite\u27s flank, dissolutional cavities, and coatings of non-carbonate detrital materials. Type E surfaces are interpreted to represent wet periods during which drip water became so undersaturated as to dissolve pre-existing stalagmite layers, and thus they necessarily represent hiatuses in the stalagmite record. Type L layer-bounding surfaces are surfaces below which layers become thinner upward and/or layers have lesser lateral extent upward, so that the stalagmite\u27s layer-specific width decreases. They are thus surfaces of lessened deposition and are interpreted to represent drier conditions in which drip rate slowed so much that little deposition occurred. A Type L surface may, but does not necessarily, represent a hiatus in deposition. However, radiometric age data show that Type L surfaces commonly represent significant hiatuses. These surfaces are significant to paleoclimate research both for their implications regarding climate change (exceptionally wet or dry conditions) and in construction of chronologies in which other data, such as stable isotope ratios, are placed. With regard to climate change, recognition of these surfaces provides paleoclimatological information that can complement or even substitute for geochemical proxies. With regard to chronologies, recognition of layer-bounding surfaces allows correct placement of hiatuses in chronologies and thus correct placement of geochemical data in time series. Attention to changing thickness of annual layers and thus to accumulation rate can also refine a chronology. A chronology constructed with attention to layer-bounding surfaces and to changing layer thickness is much more accurate than a chronology in which hiatuses are not recognized at such surfaces

    An extraction method for nitrogen isotope measurement of ammonium in a low-concentration environment

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    International audienceAbstract. Ammonia (NH3) participates in the nucleation and growth of aerosols and thus plays a major role in atmospheric transparency, pollution, health, and climate-related issues. Understanding its emission sources through nitrogen stable isotopes is therefore a major focus of current work to mitigate the adverse effects of aerosol formation. Since ice cores can preserve the past chemical composition of the atmosphere for centuries, they are a top tool of choice for understanding past NH3 emissions through ammonium (NH4+), the form of NH3 archived in ice. However, the remote or high-altitude sites where glaciers and ice sheets are typically localized have relatively low fluxes of atmospheric NH4+ deposition, which makes ice core samples very sensitive to laboratory NH3 contamination. As a result, accurate techniques for identifying and tracking NH3 emissions through concentration and isotopic measurements are highly sought to constrain uncertainties in NH3 emission inventories and atmospheric reactivity unknowns. Here, we describe a solid-phase extraction method for NH4+ samples of low concentration that limits external contamination and produces precise isotopic results. By limiting NH3atm exposure with a scavenging fume hood and concentrating the targeted NH4+ through ion exchange resin, we successfully achieve isotopic analysis of 50 nmol NH4+ samples with a 0.6 ‰ standard deviation. This extraction method is applied to an alpine glacier ice core from Col du Dôme, Mont Blanc, where we successfully demonstrate the analytical approach through the analysis of two replicate 8 m water equivalent ice cores representing 4 years of accumulation with a reproducibility of ±2.1 ‰. Applying this methodology to other ice cores in alpine and polar environments will open new opportunities for understanding past changes in NH3 emissions and atmospheric chemistry

    An extraction method for nitrogen isotope measurement of ammonium in a low-concentration environment

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    International audienceAbstract. Ammonia (NH3) participates in the nucleation and growth of aerosols and thus plays a major role in atmospheric transparency, pollution, health, and climate-related issues. Understanding its emission sources through nitrogen stable isotopes is therefore a major focus of current work to mitigate the adverse effects of aerosol formation. Since ice cores can preserve the past chemical composition of the atmosphere for centuries, they are a top tool of choice for understanding past NH3 emissions through ammonium (NH4+), the form of NH3 archived in ice. However, the remote or high-altitude sites where glaciers and ice sheets are typically localized have relatively low fluxes of atmospheric NH4+ deposition, which makes ice core samples very sensitive to laboratory NH3 contamination. As a result, accurate techniques for identifying and tracking NH3 emissions through concentration and isotopic measurements are highly sought to constrain uncertainties in NH3 emission inventories and atmospheric reactivity unknowns. Here, we describe a solid-phase extraction method for NH4+ samples of low concentration that limits external contamination and produces precise isotopic results. By limiting NH3atm exposure with a scavenging fume hood and concentrating the targeted NH4+ through ion exchange resin, we successfully achieve isotopic analysis of 50 nmol NH4+ samples with a 0.6 ‰ standard deviation. This extraction method is applied to an alpine glacier ice core from Col du Dôme, Mont Blanc, where we successfully demonstrate the analytical approach through the analysis of two replicate 8 m water equivalent ice cores representing 4 years of accumulation with a reproducibility of ±2.1 ‰. Applying this methodology to other ice cores in alpine and polar environments will open new opportunities for understanding past changes in NH3 emissions and atmospheric chemistry

    Arctic sea-ice loss fuels extreme European snowfall

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    The loss of Arctic sea-ice has been implicated with severe cold and snowy mid-latitude winters. However, the mechanisms and a direct link remain elusive due to limited observational evidence. Here we present atmospheric water vapour isotope measurements from Arctic Finland during ‘the Beast from the East’—a severe anticyclonic outbreak that brought heavy snowfall and freezing across Europe in February 2018. We find that an anomalously warm Barents Sea, with a 60% ice-free surface, supplied up to 9.3 mm d−1 moisture flux to this cold northeasterly airflow. We demonstrate that approximately 140 gigatonnes of water was evaporated from the Barents Sea during the event, potentially supplying up to 88% of the corresponding fresh snow over northern Europe. Reanalysis data show that from 1979 to 2020, net March evaporation across the Barents Sea increased by approximately 70 kg per square metre of sea-ice lost (r2 = 0.73, P < 0.01), concurrent with a 1.6 mm (water equivalent) per year increase in Europe’s maximum snowfall. Our analysis directly links Arctic sea-ice loss with increased evaporation and extreme snowfall, and signifies that by 2080, an Atlantified ice-free Barents Sea will be a major source of winter moisture for continental Europe

    Baffin Bay sea ice extent and synoptic moisture transport drive water vapor isotope (δ¹⁸O, δ²H, and deuterium excess) variability in coastal northwest Greenland

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    Abstract At Thule Air Base on the coast of Baffin Bay (76.51° N, 68.74° W), we continuously measured water vapor isotopes (δ¹⁸O, δ²H) at a high frequency (1 s⁻¹) from August 2017 through August 2019. Our resulting record, including derived deuterium excess (dxs) values, allows an analysis of isotopic–meteorological relationships at an unprecedented level of detail and duration for high Arctic Greenland. We examine isotopic variability across multiple temporal scales from daily to interannual, revealing that isotopic values at Thule are predominantly controlled by the sea ice extent in northern Baffin Bay and the synoptic flow pattern. This relationship can be identified through its expression in the following five interacting factors: (a) local air temperature, (b) local marine moisture availability, (c) the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), (d) surface wind regime, and (e) land-based evaporation and sublimation. Each factor's relative importance changes based on the temporal scale and in response to seasonal shifts in Thule's environment. Winter sea ice coverage forces distant sourcing of vapor that is isotopically light from fractionation during transport, while preventing isotopic exchange with local waters. Sea ice breakup in late spring triggers a rapid isotopic change at Thule as the newly open ocean supplies warmth and moisture that has ∼10 ‰ and ∼70 ‰ higher δ¹⁸O and δ²H values, respectively, and ∼10 ‰ lower dxs values. Sea ice retreat also leads to other environmental changes, such as sea breeze development, that radically alter the nature of relationships between isotopes and many meteorological variables in summer. On synoptic timescales, enhanced southerly flow promoted by negative NAO conditions produces higher δ¹⁸O and δ²H values and lower dxs values. Diel isotopic cycles are generally very small as a result of a moderated coastal climate and the counteracting isotopic effects of the sea breeze, local evaporation, and convection. Future losses in Baffin Bay's sea ice extent will likely shift mean annual isotopic compositions toward more summer-like values, and local glacial ice could potentially preserve isotopic evidence of past reductions. These findings highlight the influence that the local environment can have on isotope dynamics and the need for dedicated, multiseason monitoring to fully understand the controls on water vapor isotope variability