28 research outputs found

    Fuzz testing on eNodeB over the air interface : Using fuzz testing as a means of testing security

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    In modern society, security has become an increasingly important subject, as technologyhas become an integrated part of everyday life. The security of a system can be tested withthe help of fuzzing, where incoming messages to the system are altered. In this thesis, afuzzer was developed targeting an E-UTRAN Node B (eNB) in the Long-Term Evolution(LTE) landscape. The eNB is current prototype and is from the company Ericsson. Thefuzzer is particularly designed for testing the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of theeNB. The fuzzer uses a genetic method where all of the fuzzer’s flags (the R, F2, E, LCID, Fand L flags) are triggered during the fuzzing period. Depending on the output of the firstgeneration of fuzzed values, new values are generated either by choosing a value close tothe original value, or by choosing a value that belong to the same subgroup as the originalvalue. Four test cases are made, where first test case is the base line of the program and theother three test cases fuzzes the eNB, using different parts of the fuzzer. The results show that depending on which parts of the fuzzer are used, the connectionbecomes different. For test two and three, the connection became increasingly unstable andmore data was present in the connection. Test case four did not however deviate so muchfrom the baseline, if compared to test two and three

    Utveckling av Mälarsjukhusets kallelser för kvinnoenheten : Med hjälp av patientkommunikation, text, bild, läsningsteorier, symboler och teorier om semiotik.

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    På Mälarsjukhusets kvinnoklinik vårdas patienter med olika bakgrund och modersmål. I mötet mellan vårdgivare och patienter med invandrarbakgrund är ofta en tolk nödvändig för att kunna kommunicera sinsemellan. Dock finns det en risk för att olika individuella och kontextuella faktorer kan leda till kommunikationsbrister, vilket kan resultera i inställda operationer och slösade resurser för de involverade. Exempelvis kan kommunikationen brista i den nuvarande kallelsen som endast baseras på text, speciellt för patienter med begränsat ordförråd och kunskaper om det svenska språket. Den nuvarande kallelsen är tillgänglig på flera språk. Projektet undersöker Mälarsjukhusets nuvarande kallelse och hur patienter med invandrarbakgrund förhåller sig till den. Genom teorier och intervjuer med målgruppen undersöks troliga faktorer som kan bidra till kommunikationsbrister i kallelsen. Teoretiska fält som har varigt relevanta för projektet var kommunikation i vården, symbolik och semiotik, läsförståelse, text och bild i samverkan. Utifrån intervjuresultatet och framtagna data gjordes en ny kallelse för kvinnokliniken. Resultatet blev en alternativ kallelse med fokus på att visualisera information samt strukturera om detta till en mer pedagogisk läsordning. Illustrationerna var mestadels pictogram inspirerade av Oti Aichers och Henry Svahns pictogram. Slutsatsen av projektet blev att den alternativa kallelsen underlättar förståelsen av kallelsens textbudskap, eftersom pictogram användes som en extra kommunikationsväg för läsarna. Speciellt relevant är användandet av bilder för analfabeter som inte har en stor språkkunskap och är beroende av tolk

    Hur förberedda är småföretagare inom besöksnäringen för en kris?

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    Denna uppsats undersöker hur riskmedvetenhet och krisberedskap ser ut hos småföretagare i besöksnäringen, vilka förutsättningar som finns för dem och vilka behov de har. Med rätt förutsättningar blir de mer motståndskraftiga och får en bättre möjlighet att förebygga risker och hantera uppkomna krissituationer. Det finns en utsatthet i deras småskalighet vilket kan innebära behov av stöttning från sina branschorganisationer, både i hanteringen av själva krisen som i arbetet med riskmedvetenheten. Forskningen spelar en viktig roll och den är omfattande inom krishanteringens alla områden men brister i kombinationen småföretagare, besöksnäring och krishantering. Den saknar en gemensam terminologi vilket skulle underlätta och förbättra den gemensamma forskningen i framtiden, både nationellt som globalt. Dessutom behöver dagens utbildningsunderlag, krisledningsmodeller och planer nyanseras och anpassas till en mer småskalig verksamhet. Uppsatsen utgår från en pusselbitsansats och har antagit en kritisk realistisk position. Med stöd av forskningen och genom undersökningar av myndigheter, branschorganisationer och småföretagare undersöks vilka mekanismer som påverkar och vilka pusselbitar som saknas. Uppsatsens analys och slutsats bidrar med sex pusselbitar till framtida forskning och utveckling; kommunikation, nätverk, medlemsorganisationer, utbildning samverkan och forskning.This essay examines what risk awareness and crisis preparedness look like among small business entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry, what conditions exist for them and what needs they have. With the right conditions, they become more resilient and have a better opportunity to prevent risks and handle emerging crisis situations. There is a vulnerability in their small scale, which may mean a need for support from their member organisations, both in handling the crisis itself and in the work with risk awareness. The research on this topic plays an important role and it is extensive in all areas of crisis management, but it is lacking in the combination of small business entrepreneurs, the hospitality industry and crisis management. It lacks a common terminology, which would facilitate and improve joint research in the future, both nationally and globally. In addition, today's training material, crisis management models and plans need to be nuanced and adapted to a more smallscale operation. The essay starts from a puzzle piece approach and has adopted a critical realist position. It is investigating which mechanisms have an impact and witch pieces of the puzle are missing, with the support of research and through surveys of authorities, industry organisation and small businesses. The essay's analysis and conclusion contribute six pieces of the puzzle to future research and development; communication, networks, member organisations, education, collaboration and research

    Evaluating mobile communication energy consumption with video and voice communication

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    Today smart phones can be used in different ways for different scenarios. One is video and voice calls over internet, which consumes a lot of energy and could be improved. This thesis studies how different wireless communication technologies affect the battery consumption of a mobile device. This is measured with the help of a software program named EnergyBox. By capturing different traces on a smartphone and giving it as input to Energybox, we can see how different communication methods affect the energy consumption. These results showed that voice calls consumed less energy than video calls and that WiFi was the most energy efficient transmission technology, followed by 3G and LTE. It could also be seen that if the call interval was shortened for the video calls the energy consumption decreased. 3G also showed some interesting results that should be investigated further. The conclusion of this is that voice calls are preferred over video calls considering the energy aspect and that WiFi consumes less energy than 3G, which consumes less than LTE

    Fuzz testing on eNodeB over the air interface : Using fuzz testing as a means of testing security

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    In modern society, security has become an increasingly important subject, as technologyhas become an integrated part of everyday life. The security of a system can be tested withthe help of fuzzing, where incoming messages to the system are altered. In this thesis, afuzzer was developed targeting an E-UTRAN Node B (eNB) in the Long-Term Evolution(LTE) landscape. The eNB is current prototype and is from the company Ericsson. Thefuzzer is particularly designed for testing the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of theeNB. The fuzzer uses a genetic method where all of the fuzzer’s flags (the R, F2, E, LCID, Fand L flags) are triggered during the fuzzing period. Depending on the output of the firstgeneration of fuzzed values, new values are generated either by choosing a value close tothe original value, or by choosing a value that belong to the same subgroup as the originalvalue. Four test cases are made, where first test case is the base line of the program and theother three test cases fuzzes the eNB, using different parts of the fuzzer. The results show that depending on which parts of the fuzzer are used, the connectionbecomes different. For test two and three, the connection became increasingly unstable andmore data was present in the connection. Test case four did not however deviate so muchfrom the baseline, if compared to test two and three

    L'association microbialite-bryozoaires dans le Messinien de Sicile et de Sardaigne

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    Dans les constructions riches en microbialite du Messinien de Sicile occidentale (bassin de Salemi) et de Sardaigne (péninsule de Sinis), les bryozoaires sont très fréquents. Trois types de relations entre bryozoaires (24 espèces) et microbialites peuvent y être distingués : 1) colonies noduleuses massives de cellépores au sein de pâtés microbiens ; 2) lames plus ou moins contournées appartenant à une espèce encroûtante également au sein de pâtés microbiens ; et 3) colonies de bryozoaires encroûtantes installées en compagnie de serpules sur des croûtes microbiennes tapissant les cavités du bâti corallien. Les deux premiers types correspondent à de véritables constructions dans lesquelles les colonies de bryozoaires et les croûtes microbiennes sont étroitement associées pour constituer un ensemble compact et induré, de taille souvent pluri-métrique, sur lequel viendront s\u27établir ultérieurement diverses communautés d\u27organismes (bivalves notamment à la partie supérieure, bryozoaires encroûtants et serpules dans les habitats cryptiques). Ces constructions se développent dans un environnement marin normal d\u27assez faible profondeur, à caractère récifal corallien pour la Sicile. Les relations microbialite-bryozoaires témoignent des interactions entre tapis microbiens et bryozoaires récemment observées dans l\u27Actuel. Cette association représente une nouvelle modalité dans les processus de bioconstruction déjà remarquablement diversifiés au Messinien.In the Messinian of western Sicily (Salemi basin) and Sardinia (Sinis peninsula) bryozoans are often associated with microbialite build-ups. Inside these constructions, three types of relationships between bryozoans (24 species) and microbialite are distinguished: 1) massive nodular colonies of cellepores within microbial patches; 2) more or less convoluted sheets belonging to an encrusting species, also within microbial patches; and 3) encrusting bryozoan colonies and serpulid worms covering the microbial crusts lining the cavities of the coral framework. The first two types of associations correspond to real bioherms tightly associating bryozoan colonies and microbial crusts. They constitute a compact and hardened structure, often several metres high, on which various communities of organisms will later settle: bivalves essentially on the top surfaces, encrusting bryozoans and serpulids in cryptic habitats. All these build-ups developed in a shallow-water, normal marine environment, associated with coral reefs in Sicily. The observed bryozoan-microbialite relationships correspond to the kind of interaction between microbial films and bryozoans that has also been identified in the Recent. This type of association represents a new modality among the already diversified biosedimentary events of the Messinian.</p

    Evaluating mobile communication energy consumption with video and voice communication

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    Today smart phones can be used in different ways for different scenarios. One is video and voice calls over internet, which consumes a lot of energy and could be improved. This thesis studies how different wireless communication technologies affect the battery consumption of a mobile device. This is measured with the help of a software program named EnergyBox. By capturing different traces on a smartphone and giving it as input to Energybox, we can see how different communication methods affect the energy consumption. These results showed that voice calls consumed less energy than video calls and that WiFi was the most energy efficient transmission technology, followed by 3G and LTE. It could also be seen that if the call interval was shortened for the video calls the energy consumption decreased. 3G also showed some interesting results that should be investigated further. The conclusion of this is that voice calls are preferred over video calls considering the energy aspect and that WiFi consumes less energy than 3G, which consumes less than LTE

    La microflore de diatomées du Messinien de Gibellina (Sicile occidentale, Italie)

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    Pestrea, Simona, Martin, Jean-Paul Saint (2002): La microflore de diatomées du Messinien de Gibellina (Sicile occidentale, Italie). Geodiversitas 24 (3): 585-610, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.537666

    Optimal Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with Conduction System Pacing Guided by Electro-Anatomical Mapping: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Biventricular pacing has been the gold standard for cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with left bundle branch block and severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction for decades. However, in the past few years, this role has been challenged by the promising results of conduction system pacing in these patients, which has proven non-inferior and, at times, superior to biventricular pacing regarding left ventricular function outcomes. One of the most important limitations of both procedures is the long fluoroscopy times. Case description: We present the case of a 60-year-old patient with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and left bundle branch block in whom conduction system pacing was chosen as the first option for resynchronization therapy. A 3D electro-anatomical mapping system was used to guide the lead to the His bundle region, where correction was observed at high amplitudes, and afterward to the optimal septal penetration site. After reaching the left endocardium, left bundle branch pacing achieved a narrow, paced QRS complex with low fluoroscopy exposure. The three-month follow-up showed a significant improvement in clinical status and left ventricular function. Conclusion: Since conduction system pacing requires a great deal of precision, targeting specific, narrow structures inside the heart, 3D mapping is a valuable tool that increases the chances of success, especially in patients with complex anatomies, such as those with indications for cardiac resynchronization therapy

    Les assemblages de diatomées des niveaux infra-gypseux du Messinien de Méditerranée (Espagne, Sicile, Chypre)

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    Pestrea, Simona, Blanc-Valleron, Marie-Madeleine, Rouchy, Jean-Marie (2002): Les assemblages de diatomées des niveaux infra-gypseux du Messinien de Méditerranée (Espagne, Sicile, Chypre). Geodiversitas 24 (3): 543-583, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537695