48 research outputs found

    Representação do conceito de mulher na Classificação Decimal Dewey (CDD) a na Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU): duas perspetivas sobre o mesmo conceito?

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    A dinâmica e a emergência de novos conhecimentos exige que se construam novos sistemas de organização de conhecimento e se revejam outros, para a sua localização e acesso. Nesse processo, as estruturas de organização do conhecimento assumem particular relevância como instrumentos eficazes de efetuar esses propósitos. Pela sua longevidade, destacam-se as classificações bibliográficas, entre as quais a Classificação Decimal de Dewey (CDD) e a Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU). Propõe-se como objetivo identificar como esses dois sistemas representam o conceito mulher e se tal pode ser considerado indicador de duas perspetivas sobre o mesmo conceito. Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa exploratória, baseada na revisão da literatura e análise comparativa da representação desse conceito nos dois sistemas considerados. Não se observam duas perspetivas diferentes em relação ao conceito mulher, os dois sistemas continuam a traduzir a mentalidade positivista na qual foram concebidas. É evidente a reduzida representatividade do conceito mulher nos dois sistemas de classificação no que se refere à exaustividade e à especificidade. Os dois sistemas refletem a noção de mulher num plano depreciativo e inferior à masculina, traduzindo o estereótipo tradicional.The dynamics and emergence of new knowledge requires building new knowledge organization systems and reviewing others for the location and access of knowledege. In this process the structures of knowledge organization assume particular relevance, as effective instruments to accomplish these purposes. For its longevity, the bibliographical classifications stand out and among them particularly the Dewey Decimal Classification (CDD) and the Universal Decimal Classification (CDU). It is proposed to identify how these two systems represent the concept of woman and whether this can be considered as an indicator of two perspectives on the same concept. A qualitative exploratory approach was adopted, based on literature review and comparative analysis of the representation of this concept in the two systems considered. Two different perspectives are not observed in relation to the womans concept, because the two systems continue to translate the positivist mentality in which they were conceived. The low representativeness of the concept of woman in the two classification systems is evident with regard to exhaustivity and specificity. Both systems reflect the notion of woman in a depreciative and inferior plan to the masculine, translating the traditional stereotype

    Foliar treatments as a strategy to control iron chlorosis in orange trees

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    Different foliar treatments were applied to evaluate the recovery of iron chlorosis of orange trees (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. cv. 'Valencia late') grown on a calcareous soil. The treatments were: Fe (II) sulphate (500 mg Fe L-1), sulphuric acid (0.5 mM H2SO4), Fe (III)-chelate (Hampiron 654 GS, 120 mg Fe L-1) and distilled water as a control. The recovery from iron chlorosis was evaluated with the SPAD-502 apparatus and the values converted to total chlorophyll concentration. The effects of treatments on the mineral composition of leaves and flowers, and the size and quality of fruits were evaluated. The residual effect of treatments was also evaluated one year later. In orange trees, the use of frequent foliar sprays with Fe was able to alleviate Fe chlorosis and prevented yield and quality losses caused by Fe chlorosis. Compared with the control, sprays of Fe (II) sulphate led to higher concentrations of chlorophyll, Fe and Zn in leaves and flowers at the end of the experimental period, and significantly improved fruit size and quality. Leaf Fe concentration increased after the sulphuric acid spray, but this treatment did not affect fruit quality parameters. The mineral composition of flowers and leaves was correlated with some fruit quality parameters obtained one year later. These results suggest that foliar sprays with Fe could help to avoid fruit quality losses caused by Fe chlorosis in citrus orchards

    Pesquería del sable negro (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) frente a la costa continental portuguesa y la isla de Madeira

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    For several decades, the black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo, Lowe 1839) has been a valuable resource for fishing communities in Madeira and more recently for those in mainland Portugal. The evaluation of the species’ exploitation status was conducted only in the late 20th century and separated for the two areas of the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Nowadays, species stock assessment studies are usually conducted in the framework of scientific working groups from regional fisheries organizations: ICES analyses data from the fishery operating in continental waters, whereas CECAF deals with the data pertaining to the Madeiran fishery. This paper presents the first attempt to combine the information available from the two longline fisheries targeting black scabbardfish in Portuguese waters in one single analysis. A description of the two fleets’ technical characteristics was conducted and a unique model was developed for the standardization of the fishing effort aimed at the species in the Portuguese EEZ. From this model, weekly landings-per-unit-effort time series were estimated by region for the period 2005-2007 and compared using a non-parametric statistical test. Percentages of discarded species, in number and weight, were calculated and reveal consistently low figures. These discards seem to depend on the number of hooks, soaking time and depth.Durante varias décadas, el sable negro (Aphanopus carbo) ha sido un recurso valioso para las comunidades de pesca de Madeira y más recientemente para las comunidades de pesca de Portugal continental. La evaluación del estado de explotación de la especie se inició a finales del siglo XX y se realizó separadamente para dos áreas de la Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE) portuguesa. Hoy en día, los estudios de evaluación de stock de la especie son, por lo general, conducidos por grupos de trabajo científicos pertenecientes a organizaciones pesqueras regionales; ICES analiza datos de las pesquerías de las aguas continentales mientras que CECAF trabaja con los datos pertenecientes a la pesquería de Madeira. Este trabajo representa el primer intento de reunir, en un único análisis, la información disponible de las dos pesquerías de palangre que capturan el sable negro en aguas portuguesas. Se realizó una descripción de las características técnicas de las dos flotas y se desarrolló un modelo único para la estandarización del esfuerzo de pesca dirigido a la especie en la ZEE portuguesa. Apartir de este modelo, se estimaron series temporales de desembarques semanales por unidad de esfuerzo para esta región durante el periodo 2005-2007, y se compararon utilizando una prueba estadística no paramétrica. Se espera que los resultados, alcanzados gracias a la reciente cooperación entre las Organizaciones Regionales de Pesca, ayuden a entender el papel del llamado “componente sur” del stock en la dinámica de población de la especie. Los porcentajes de especies descartadas, en número y en peso, fueron bajos, y parecían depender del número de anzuelos, tiempo de permanencia en el agua y profundidad

    The memory of iron stress in strawberry plants

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    Research ArticleTo provide information towards optimization of strategies to treat Fe deficiency, experiments were conducted to study the responses of Fe-deficient plants to the resupply of Fe. Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) was used as model plant. Bare-root transplants of strawberry (cv. ‘Diamante’) were grown for 42 days in Hoagland's nutrient solutions without Fe (Fe0) and containing 10 mM of Fe as Fe-EDDHA (control, Fe10). For plants under Fe0 the total chlorophyll concentration of young leaves decreased progressively on time, showing the typical symptoms of iron chlorosis. After 35 days the Fe concentration was 6% of that observed for plants growing under Fe10. Half of plants growing under Fe0 were then Fe-resupplied by adding 10 mM of Fe to the Fe0 nutrient solution (FeR). Full Chlorophyll recovery of young leaves took place within 12 days. Root ferric chelate-reductase activity (FCR) and succinic and citric acid concentrations increased in FeR plants. Fe partition revealed that FeR plants expressively accumulated this nutrient in the crown and flowers. This observation can be due to a passive deactivation mechanism of the FCR activity, associated with continuous synthesis of succinic and citric acids at root level, and consequent greater uptake of Fe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discards for Southern Hake Stock, a First Approach to Iberian Data

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    This document presents sampling levels obtained with Portuguese and Spanish Discard Sampling Programmes, both included in National Sampling Programmes, and some preliminary results for the Iberian Southern Hake discards. These programs consist on onboard-observer sampling schemes, with co-operative vessels, quasirandom selected, in the ICES Division VIIIc and IXa. The methodology used to estimate hake discards for Portugal and Spain since 2003 was based on the one proposed in the “Workshop on Discard Sampling Methodology and Raising Procedures” (PGCCDBS, Denmark, 2003). Spain presents results for the years 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004. In the Portuguese Program, 2004 is the first year with an analysis of discard data. The number of trips sampled by the Spanish program for 2004 was 53, distributed by three trawl fleets- BACA trawl, Pair trawl and WHVO trawl. Portuguese onboard-observers sampled 40 trips distributed by Crustacean and Fish trawl fleets. The estimated percentages of discarded hake in relation to total catch were of 19,9 (C.V. = 22.6%) and 46,7 (C.V. = 72.1%) for the Spanish and Portuguese fleets respectively. The confidence interval for the Portuguese discard estimate is very large which denotes the very low precision of the obtained value. A co-operation in the analysis of this kind of data, between the two countries, could be the next step, since a standardisation of the methods would be of great importance for a realistic comparison of results obtained from both programs