323 research outputs found

    The Gender variable in core corporate strategy syllabi

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    Using Dialogue to Contextualize Culture, Ecosystem Services, and Cultural Ecosystem Services

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    We propose an alternative methodology for engaging with multifaceted cultural ecosystem services (CES) in the Global South. We explore the use of dialogue as a tool for understanding CES in situ, while developing shared action steps toward CES conservation among stakeholders. We held six dialogue workshops in the rural Central Pacific region of Costa Rica that were designed to foster understanding of shared community values for ecosystem services and associated conservation challenges. In two of the workshops, we employed model-based reasoning through which we used maps as boundary negotiating objects to nurture dialogue on CES values, observations, and concerns. In four of the workshops, we used photovoice to elicit reflection and dialogue on CES values and changes in ecosystem services in the region. Observations and surveys of workshop participants revealed that the process engendered reflection on ecosystem service values, and community support and enthusiasm for future communal efforts. These workshops demonstrated how dialogue can elucidate local values for CES, while strengthening support across stakeholders for improved conservation actions. We propose that this methodology is applicable in various contexts for improved CES assessment across diverse stakeholders

    Dealing with Death: Medical Students' Experiences with Patient Loss

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Current research on medical students' death experiences is either outdated or produces conflicting results. This research aims to address these issues by analyzing in-depth interviews in order to explore how medical students view and cope view death. The sample consists of twenty third and fourth year students attending a large Midwestern medical school. Grounded theory analyses techniques of line-by-line coding were used to analysis the interviews. The study revealed that students predominantly cope with patient death by talking and that contrary to much of the findings of previous research concerning medical socialization and physicians, students do not always view death as a failure. Beyond the students' death experiences, the study also captured students' perceptions and reactions towards various socialization stages in their medical careers, such as gross anatomy lab. Student beliefs as to what constitutes a good and bad death are also explored as well as their attitudes towards physician assisted suicide. Although these findings are not generalizable to any medical student population, they do provide important qualitative information as to how medical students experience and cope with death

    Tensoativos ecológicos na formulação de glifosato

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    Weeds affect various crops worldwide, causing low yields and, therefore, significant economic losses. These losses can be minimized by the use of herbicides such as glyphosate. However, the efficiency of glyphosate depends on the type of agrochemical formulations. The most widely used surfactant is polyethoxylated tallow amine. Nevertheless, the disadvantage of these compounds is that their toxicity is greater than that of glyphosate itself. Thus, this study aimed to develop an environmentally-friendly combination of surfactants that can increase the performance of glyphosate compared to other currently used formulations. Saponin (S) is environmentally friendly and has a unique ability to go through the waxy cuticle of the weed leaf. However, its interfacial properties are very poor. In contrast, the alkyl glucoside (AG) mixture has shown excellent interfacial properties, being an environmentally safe surfactant, but cannot pass through the cuticle. In the present study, we mixed both surfactants. Two formulations were made with 20% (F1) and 2% (F2) of S with 4% AG. To verify the usefulness of our formulations, they were compared against a commercial product. The results showed that the commercial product had better CMC 0.3±0.1% and pC20 1.155±0.099 than our formulations F1 and F2. Formulations F1 and F2 showed better gCMC than the commercial product 36.5±4.1 mN/m and 30.9±1.4 mN/m, respectively. Field tests showed that F2 was more effective than the commercial product in eliminating weeds at the end of the test at 30 days. Our results allowed confirming that the use of saponin improves the efficiency of glyphosate. The work showed that structures similar to cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene are very effective for introducing drugs into plants through the leaves. This is an advance in general and in particular for the increase of the yield in certain crops.As ervas daninhas afetam várias culturas em todo o mundo, causando baixos rendimentos e perdas econômicas significativas. Essas perdas podem ser minimizadas pelo uso de herbicidas como o glifosato, cuja eficiência depende do tipo de formulação agroquímica. O surfactante mais amplamente utilizado é a amina de sebo polietoxilada. No entanto, a desvantagem desses compostos é que sua toxicidade é maior do que a do próprio glifosato. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma combinação de surfactantes ecologicamente correta que pode aumentar o desempenho do glifosato em comparação com outras formulações utilizadas atualmente. A saponina (S) é ecologicamente correta e tem a capacidade única de atravessar a cutícula cerosa da folha da erva daninha. No entanto, suas propriedades interfaciais são muito pobres. Em contraste, a mistura de alquil glicosídeo (AG) apresentou excelentes propriedades interfaciais, sendo um surfactante ambientalmente seguro, mas não pode passar pela cutícula. No presente estudo, misturamos os dois surfactantes. Duas formulações foram feitas com 20% (F1) e 2% (F2) de S com 4% AG. Para verificar a utilidade das nossas formulações, elas foram comparadas com um produto comercial. Os resultados mostraram que o produto comercial apresentou melhor CMC 0,3±0,1% e pC20 1,155±0,099 do que nossas formulações F1 e F2. As formulações F1 e F2 mostraram gCMC melhor do que o produto comercial 36,5±4,1 mN/m e 30,9±1,4 mN/m, respectivamente. Os testes de campo mostraram que o F2 foi mais eficaz do que o produto comercial na eliminação de ervas daninhas no final do teste aos 30 dias. Nossos resultados permitiram confirmar que o uso da saponina melhora a eficiência do glifosato. O trabalho mostrou que estruturas semelhantes ao ciclopentanoperidrofenantreno são muito eficazes para a introdução de drogas nas plantas através das folhas. Este é um avanço em geral e, em particular, para o aumento da produtividade de certas safras

    Tetrabutylammonium methacrylate as a novel receptor for selective extraction of sulphonylurea drugs from biological fluids using molecular imprinting

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    Tetrabutylammonium methacrylate introduced as functional monomer for the stoichiometric imprinting of sulfonylurea drug glibenclamide.</p

    Leftovers: the Forgotten Effects of a Good Life

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    A walk through the life cycle of food and food waste on campus. This event will be hosted at the Shi Center for Sustainability

    N-(Phosphonomethyl)Glycine Interactions With Soils

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    Glyphosate is a non selective, broad spectrum, postemergent herbicide widely used in weed control. The adsorption isotherms and surface coverage of glyphosate (NPhosphonomethylglycine,PMG) in aqueous suspensions of Argentine soils as a function ofPMG concentration and pH were measured. Zeta potential curves for the PMG/soils system were also determined. The formation of inner sphere surface complexes of PMG on the soil surface, were analyzed as a function of pH and surface coverage.Glifosato es un herbicida no selectivo, post-emergente y de amplio espectro, muy utilizado para el control de malezas. Las isotermas de adsorción y el cubrimiento superficial de glifosato (N-fosfonometilglicina, PMG) en suspensiones acuosas de suelos argentinos fueron medidas como una función de la concentración de PMG y del pH. También fueron determinadas las curvas de potencial zeta para el sistema PMG/suelo. La formación de complejos superficiales de esfera interna de PMG sobre la superficie de los suelos fue analizada como una función del pH y del cubrimiento superficial.Fil: Pessagno, Romina Carla. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Abad de Los Santos, Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Torres Sanchez, Rosa Maria. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; Argentin

    Lathe converted for grinding aspheric surfaces

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    A standard overarm tracing lathe converted by the addition of an independently driven diamond grinding wheel is used for grinding aspheric surfaces. The motion of the wheel is controlled by the lathe air tracer following the template which produces the desired aspheric profile

    Os contos na promoção de vínculos de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social (p. 187-206)

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    Resumo O projeto de pesquisa, que fundamenta a escrita deste artigo, objetiva proporcionar às crianças participantes um melhor desenvolvimento cognitivo e emocional por meio da leitura, trabalhando o vínculo entre família e criança. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, que teve como amostra crianças de 6 a 9 anos, que se encontravam, à época, em situação de vulnerabilidade psicossocial. Foram utilizados como ferramentas para coleta de dados desenhos e contos de fadas. As crianças participantes da pesquisa eram atendidas por um projeto social, situado em uma região periférica e de alta periculosidade e vulnerabilidade social, em uma cidade de médio porte, na Região Metropolitana de Campinas. Observou-se que os contos de fadas podem atuar como agentes facilitadores do desenvolvimento, possibilitando aventar-se o sofrimento psíquico infantil. No momento em que a criança passa a ter contato com os contos de fadas, inicia-se um processo de construção do “eu”, pois os contos despertam a fantasia e a imaginação e tornam possível o processo de autovalorização. Os resultados obtidos foram expressivos no que diz respeito à aquisição de habilidades sociais, que facilitaram a elevação da autoestima, favorecendo, assim, a socialização. Como resultados, promoveu-se a produção de conhecimentos pessoais, a recreação, a interação social e a criação de um ambiente de desenvolvimento mais saudável.Palavras-chave: Contos de fadas. Desenvolvimento cognitivo emocional. Vínculos familiares. Fairy tales in promoting of family binding of children on social vulnerability situationAbstractThis project aimed to provide for the participants children a better cognitive and emotional development through reading, working the link between family and child. This is a qualitative research that had as sample children from 06 to 09 years old. Some drawings and tales were used as tools. Children participating in the research are from a social project that is located in the peripheral region and with high danger levels and social vulnerability in the city of Americana. It was observed that the tales act as facilitators, and it is possible to have an outline of child psychological distress. So when the child begins to have contact with the fairy tales, it begins a construction process of the “Me” because the tales arouse fantasy and imagination and make possible the valorization process. The results were significant in relation to the acquisition of social skills, which helped to increase the self-esteem, fostering socialization. It promoted the production of personal knowledge, recreation, and finally the interaction and the creation of a healthy environment.Keywords: Fairy tales. Emotional cognitive development. Family bindings. Los cuentos de hadas en la promoción de la familia que une los niños en situación de vulnerabilidad socialResumenEl proyecto de investigación, que fundamenta la redacción de este artículo, con el objetivo de proporcionar a los participantes los niños un mejor desarrollo cognitivo y emocional a través de la lectura, que trabaja en el enlace entre la familia y el niño. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que tuvo como hijos de muestra 06-09 años de edad, que estaban en el momento de la vulnerabilidad psicosocial. Fueron utilizados como instrumentos de recogida de datos y dibujos de cuentos de hadas. Los niños participantes de la investigación fueron recibidos por un proyecto social, que se encuentra en la zona periférica y de alta peligrosidad y la vulnerabilidad social en la ciudad de Americana. Se observó que los cuentos de hadas pueden actuar como facilitadores de los agentes de desarrollo, si es posible, a través de éstos, sugerir a la angustia psicológica del niño. En el momento en que el niño entra en contacto con los cuentos de hadas, se inicia un proceso de construcción del “yo”, porque los cuentos despiertan la fantasía y la imaginación y hacen posible el proceso de valoración. Los resultados fueron significativos en relación con la adquisición de habilidades sociales, lo que facilitó el aumento de la autoestima, el fomento de la socialización. Como resultado de ello, ha promovido la producción de conocimiento personal, la recreación, la interacción social y la creación de un entorno de desarrollo más saludable.Palabras clave: Cuentos de hadas. Desarrollo cognitivo emocional. Lazos familiares