25 research outputs found

    Uticaj klimatskih uslova područja na prinos pšenice

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of climatic conditions in the city of Leskovac, in the period from 2000 to 2008th year, the yield of wheat. This paper presents the average yield of wheat according to the mean monthly temperature and total precipitation during the vegetation period. So they separated two years ago (2003) when he achieved the lowest yield of wheat in the territory of Leskovac (2.4 t ha-1) and the 2004th years ago, when achieved the highest average yield in the period (3.7 t ha- 1). The average yield in the year with favorable schedule and rainfall, and average air temperature was higher by 1.3 t ha-1 of the unfavorable climatic conditions. Deficiency, poor distribution of rainfall, high average temperature, and temperature fluctuations during the growing negative impact on wheat yield. By choosing a variety that is more tolerant to drought, as well as quality and timely application of agro-technical measures can mitigate the adverse impact of climate conditions on the yield of wheat fields.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se analizira uticaj klimatskih uslova na području grada Leskovca, u periodu od 2000.-2008. godine, na prinos pšenice. U radu su prikazani prosečni prinosi pšenice u zavisnosti od srednjih mesečnih temperatura i ukupnih padavina u periodu vegetacije pšenice. Tako su izdvojene dve godine (2003), kada je ostvaren najniži prinos pšenice na teritoriji Leskovca (2.4 t ha-1) i 2004. godina, kada je ostvaren najviši prosečan prinos u posmatranom periodu (3.7 t ha-1). Prosečan prinos u godini sa povoljnijim rasporedom i količinom padavina, kao i srednjom temperaturom vazduha bio je veći za 1.3 t ha-1 od godine sa nepovoljnim klimatskim prilikama. Nedostatak, loš raspored padavina, visoke prosečne temperature, i temperaturna kolebanja u toku vegetacije negativno utiču na prinos pšenice. Izborom sorte koja je tolerantnija prema suši, kao i kvalitetnom i pravovremenom primenom agrotehničkih mera može se ublažiti nepovoljan uticaj klimatskih prilika područja na prinos pšenice

    First record of Brachycerus sinuatus Olivier, 1807 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Serbia

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    The unusually looking weevil species Brachycerus sinuatus Olivier, 1807 was collected in April 2019 in the vicinity of Preševo (southern Serbia). It is the first finding of this species for Serbia. By this data, its area of distribution is substantially extended westwards. Very precise data about the locality where it was found in contributing to the knowledge of its ecology.Publishe


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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dry-land strength training on swimming specific motor abilities for young swimmers aged 10-14 years. The participant sample comprised 60 swimmers, aged 10-12 and 13-14, divided into two experimental and two control groups. Measures included 16 variables for assessing specific motor abilities in disciplines 100m crawl and breaststroke. The experimental exercise program lasted 12 weeks. Compared to the control groups, the experimental groups had additional dry-land strength training targeting large muscle groups of the entire body. After the applied experimental program statistically significant effects were identified in the form of improvement of the following variables: start time 10m breaststroke, stroke length in breaststroke and turn length in breaststroke for swimmers aged 10-12, whereas for swimmers aged 13-14 there was improvement in the variable stroke efficiency in crawl. Based on the total analysis, we conclude that the applied experimental program would require modification in the further training process with a view to achieving more considerable training effects which would in turn effect a more significant transformation of swimming results in the categories of swimmers aged 10-12 and 13-14

    A new curve for temperature-time relationship in compartment fire

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    Deconvoluting charge trapping and nucleation interplay in FeFETs: Kinetics and Reliability

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    Discovery of ferroelectric (FE) behavior in HfO 2 removed the compatibility roadblocks between the state-of-the-art CMOS and FE memories. Even though FE FETs (FeFETs) are scaled into 22 nm nodes and beyond, the limits of the technology as well as the physical mechanisms and reliability are still under research. In this paper we successfully developed a multiscale modeling platform to understand the interplay between the FE switching and charge trapping. Starting from the nucleation theory and rigorous charge transport modeling we present for the first time a self-consistent modeling framework we used for investigation of reliability and variability in FeFETs


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    Automatic control of breathing is highly dependent on the integrity of the pontomedullary network of reciprocally connected neurons localized in a number of functionally and neurochemically different compartments. Glutamate is considered the key neurotransmitter mediating signal transmission in the respiratory regions of the brainstem. Identification of the respiratory-sensitive neurons using this neurotransmitter for microstimulations provides an insight into the topographic organization of the pontomedullary nuclei involved in the modulation and control of breathing.Three types of respiratory responses were observed following glutamate microinjections: hyperpnea, apneusis (inspiratory cramp) and hypopnea or apnea. Hyperpnea was obtained as a result of microstimulations in the region of lateral parabrachium and caudal Kölliker-Fuse nuclei. Apneustic response was observed in the region localized ventrally from superior cerebellar peduncle, while hypopneic or apneic responses followed glutamate microinjections in the region of ventral Kölliker-Fuse nucleus and a narrow area between motor and principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, which is referred to as intertrigeminal region.Anatomical distribution of the obtained respiratory responses depends on the localization of microinjections and ascendant and descendent projections stemming from the sites of stimulation

    Presentation of pericardial hydatid cyst as acute cardiac tamponade

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    We report a case of a 47-year-old man with isolated pericardial hydatid cyst (without myocardial involvement) that presented as acute pericardial tamponade. After initial investigation and transthoracic echocardiography, emergent pericardial drainage was performed for downgrading the urgency of a definitive treatment for a hydatid cyst. A computed tomography examination after the pericardial drainage showed a pericardial cyst without heart muscle involvement, making the treatment possible through anterior thoracotomy and without performing cardiopulmonary bypass. Complete surgical removal of the cyst was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. The patient received postoperative albendazole treatment. He remained asymptomatic and no recurrence was observed during a 1-year follow-up period


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    Indoor fires very often may cause great material damage and endanger human lives. The heat produced by fire affects the heating and ignition of surrounding flammable materials, as well as the heating of the building structure, causing its damage. It is well known that fire spread mostly depends on flammability and quantity of surrounding material, but small differences in the amount of fuel can significantly affect the speed of fire spread, and consequently, rate of heat released by fire. In this paper, the influence of the heat release rate on fire spreading is shown. The Large Eddy Simulation method of Fire Dynamics Simulator software package has been used to investigate the prediction of fire dynamics in a compartment. Numerical results show that the fire dynamics in the compartment is largely dependent on the quantity of fire load mass and the heat release rate during the fire.Požari u zatvorenom prostoru vrlo često mogu prouzrokovati veliku materijalnu štetu i ugroziti ljudske živote. Toplota oslobođena tokom požara utiče na zagrevanje i paljenje okolnih zapaljivih materijala, kao i na zagrevanje građevinske konstrukcije, prouzrokujući njeno oštećenje. Poznato je da širenje požara najviše zavisi od zapaljivosti i količine okolnog materijala. Male razlike u količini zapaljivog materijala mogu značajno uticati na brzinu širenja požara, a samim tim i na brzinu oslobađanja toplote tokom požara. U ovom radu prikazan je uticaj brzine oslobađanja toplote na širenje požara. Metoda simulacije velikih vrtloga softverskog paketa Fire Dinamics Simulator je korišćena za istraživanje predviđanja dinamike požara u zatvorenom prostoru. Numerički rezultati pokazuju da dinamika požara u velikoj meri zavisi od količine mase požarnog opterećenja i brzine oslobađanja toplote tokom požara

    Root cause of degradation in novel HfO2-based ferroelectric memories

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    HfO2-based ferroelectrics reveal full scalability and CMOS integratability compared to perovskite-based ferroelectrics that are currently used in non-volatile ferroelectric random access memories (FeRAMs). Up to now, the mechanisms responsible for the decrease of the memory window have not been revealed. Thus, the main scope of this study is an identification of the root causes for the endurance degradation. Utilizing trap density spectroscopy for examining defect evolution with cycling of the device studied together with modeling of the degradation resulted in an understanding of the main mechanisms responsible for degradation of the ferroelectric behavior