14 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Entrepreneur Online Class Activities in Fostering Student Entrepreneurship Interest

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengetahui penerapan topik-topik mata kuliah yang diterapkan secara praktik dengan metode Entrepreneurship Online Class Activity; 2) Mengetahui efektivitas penerapan Entrepreneurship Online class activity terhadap Minat Berwirausaha; 3) Mengetahui solusi yang diperlukan dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa saat pelaksanaan Entrepreneurship Online Class Activity pada pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatifmelalui indepth interview terhadap informan yang telah mengikuti pembelajaran kewirausahaan dengan penerapan Enterpreneurship Online Class Activity. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kewirausahaan dengan penerapan Entrepreneurship Online Class Activity terbilang cukup baik dan efektif. Hal ini dapat mendeskripsikan bahwa pada umunya penerapan EOCA menjadi kegiatan praktek kewirausahaan yang dapat dilakukan secara online (daring) dan sesuai dengan tujuan guna meningkatkan minat berwirausaha mahasiswa. Indikator yang menentukan efektifitas penerapan Entrepreneurship Online Class Activity dalam meningkatkan minat berwirausaha mahasiswa adalah motivasi mahasiswa, kompetensi mahasiswa, pengalaman dosen, gaya komunikasi dosen, kemutakhiran materi dan sarana prasarana

    Peran Wirausaha Pertanian dalam Menghadapi Era Disrupsi Inovasi

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    Changes in strategic environment of economic globalization including disruptive innovation require agribusiness actors’ view adjustment. This paper discusses role of agri-entrepreneurs dealing with distrubictive innovation in agriculture. There are three elements of disrupsi innovation, i.e. (i) improvement levels acceptable to customer; (ii) improvement path when new agricultural commodities are introduced and refined through technological innovations; (iii) importance of different understanding between continuous and disruption innovations. Professional managers are encouraged to grow a new business expected to compete with the established ones. Agricultural business models for the upper-middle class consumers run by young entrepreneur produce new products with premium prices but the sale volume is limited. It is important to inspire young agri- entrepreneurs who accustomed to disrupted innovation to develop business based on their goals and market segments. AbstrakPerubahan lingkungan strategis berupa globalisasi ekonomi termasuk disrupsi inovasi memerlukan cara pandang baru pelaku usaha agribisnis. Tulisan ini membahas peran kewirausahaan agribisnis menghadapi era disrupsi inovasi. Ada tiga unsur disrupsi inovasi yang penting, yaitu: (i) tingkatan penyempurnaan yang dapat diterima oleh pelanggan; (2) jalur untuk penyempurnaan melalui terobosan inovasi; (iii) pemahaman yang berbeda antara inovasi berkelanjutan dan disrupsi inovasi. Para manajer profesional didorong untuk menumbuhkan bisnis baru yang dapat bersaing dengan bisnis yang telah mapan. Para wirausahawan muda menjalankan model bisnis pertanian dengan sasaran konsumen golongan ekonomi menengah-atas dengan introduksi komoditas kualitas prima dan harga premium, namun volume pasar terbatas. Implikasinya adalah perlu menyiapkan wirausaha pertanian muda yang memahami disrupsi inovasi untuk menghasilkan produk pertanian berdasarkan tujuan dan segmen pasarnya

    Sustainable Development Strategy on Poultry Industry in Indonesia

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    Development of poultry industry that had been running in Indonesia which more emphasized in economic growth aspect, on one side has succeeded in increasing production, but on the other side it caused negative impact toward business and environmental sustainability. A new paradigm reorientation of poultry industry development was needed in terms of direction, strategy and policy. This paper aimed to study the success and the failure of poultry industry development by conventional approach, paradigm of sustainable poultry industry development, concept and implementation of integrated business partnership, and future perspective. The results of this study showed that the development of poultry industry by conventional approach had generated negative impact toward business stability and sustainability, also toward environmental sustainability. The paradigm of sustainable poultry industry development could be used as an alternative strategy in improving farmers welfare while maintaining environmental sustainability. This paradigm could work well if it was integrated with an integrated business partnership strategy from upstream to downstream. In order to support this effort, consolidation of poultry industry institutions from upstream to downstream was required, so that integration of product processes and between business people could be achieved


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    BNI Syariah as a shariah public bank is committed to fulfill and complete the plan in developing the human resource from time to time to support the performance and provide the best service for the stakeholder and also to create world class human capital.  The organization’s effort to increase the productivity both in financial and non financial aspect has experienced various constraints; one of them is the declining of the employee’s performance due to the declination of the motivation.  The objective of the research is to study the most influential motivation factors to the employee’s performance.  The data is collected using the annual report of the company, conducted interviews and questionnaire with differential semantic scale.  The data is analyzed with Partial Least Square (PLS).  The result shows that both motivation and hygiene factor influence the employee’s performance.  The most influenced factor in both offices is hygiene.  The most dominant indicator in hygiene factor reflection in developing the performance of the employee is the working condition and interpersonal relationship.    Keywords:   hygiene factor, performance, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation motivator AbstrakBNI Syariah sebagai Bank Umum Syariah berkomitmen untuk memenuhi dan menyempurnakan rencana pengembangan SDM dari waktu ke waktu untuk menunjang kinerja dan layanan yang terbaik kepada para stakeholder serta mewujudkan world class human capital. Usaha organisasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitasnya baik dalam aspek finansial maupun non finansial mengalami berbagai hambatan, salah satunya adalah penurunan kinerja karyawan yang disebabkan oleh penurunan tingkat motivasi karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji faktor-faktor motivasi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data laporan tahunan perusahaan, wawancara dan Kuesioner dengan skala semantic differential. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil analisis pengaruh faktor-faktor motivasi terhadap kinerja menunjukkan bahwa motivator dan hygiene factor keduanya berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Adapun faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang (KC) Jakarta Barat dan Bogor adalah hygiene factor. Indikator yang paling dominan dalam merefleksikan hygiene factor dalam membangun kinerja pegawai adalah kondisi kerja dan hubungan interpersonal.Kata kunci: hygiene factor, kinerja, motivasi ekstrinsik, motivasi intrinsik, motivato

    Dinamika Kelembagaan Kemitraan Usaha Rantai Pasok Buah Tropika Berorientasi Ekspor

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    The main problem faced in the development of Indonesia's tropical fruits are the lack of variety, quantity, quality and continuity of supply that is in line with market demand dynamics and consumer preferences. The purpose of this paper is to examine the performance of export-oriented tropical fruit business partnership institutions. The method of analysis is carried out by reviewing various literature studies, especially primary scientific journals and other data and information. Indonesia's main tropical fruits are mango, pineapple, papaya, and avocado, constituting 75% of global tropical fruit production. National fruit production sequentially from the largest are banana of 6,189,052 tons, mango 2,376,339 tons, papaya 906,312 tons, durian 888,130 tons, and mangosteen 190,294 tons. Fruit consumption level in 2000 had reached 36 kg/capita/year, increasing in 2005 to 45 kg/capita/year, in 2007 it had reached 47 kg/capita/year, but in 2011 it decreased to 34.55 kg/capita/year, and in 2014 it increased again to 43.33 kg/capita/year. In the period January to March 2018 the volume of Indonesian fruit exports amounted to 325,236 tons, while in the same period in 2017, the volume of Indonesian fruit exports was recorded at 306,441 tons, an increase of 6.13%. Institutional performance of supply chain partnerships in tropical fruits, both carried out through general trade patterns and contract farming has not been fully efficient. The strategy of developing export-oriented tropical fruits in the future needs to be carried out through integrated supply chain business partnership institutions. Operationally can be done by using seeds/superior clone seeds, cultivation technology based on Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and the application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), the application of Good Handling Practices (GHP), and integrated supply chain business partnerships. AbstrakPermasalahan pokok yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan buah tropika Indonesia adalah belum terwujudnya ragam, kuantitas, kualitas, dan kesinambungan pasokan yang sesuai dengan dinamika permintaan pasar dan preferensi konsumen. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji kinerja kelembagan kemitraan usaha buah tropika berorientasi ekspor. Metode penulisan dengan melakukan review dari berbagai studi pustaka terutama jurnal ilmiah primer serta data dan informasi terkait. Buah tropika utama Indonesia adalah mangga, nenas, papaya, dan alpukat, merupakan 75% produksi buah tropika global. Produksi buah nasional secara berturut-turut adalah  pisang sebesar 6.189.052 ton, mangga 2.376.339 ton, pepaya 906.312 ton, durian 888.130 ton, dan manggis sebesar 190.294 ton. Tingkat konsumsi buah pada tahun 2000 sudah mencapai 36 kg/kapita/tahun, meningkat pada tahun 2005 menjadi 45 kg/kapita/tahun, tahun 2007 telah mencapai 47 kg/kapita/tahun, namun pada tahun 2011 mengalami penurunan menjadi sebesar 34,55 kg/kapita/tahun, dan tahun 2014 meningkat kembali mencapai 43.33 kg/kapita/tahun. Pada periode Januari hingga Maret 2018 volume ekspor buah Indonesia sebesar 325.236 ton, sedangkan periode yang sama pada tahun 2017, volume ekspor buah Indonesia tercatat sebesar 306.441 ton atau meningkat sebesar 6,13%. Kinerja kelembagaan kemitraan usaha rantai pasok pada buah tropika baik yang dilakukan melalui pola dagang umum maupun pertanian kontrak (contract farming) belum sepenuhnya efisen. Strategi pengembangan buah tropika berorientasi ekspor ke depan perlu dilakukan melalui kelembagaan kemitraan usaha rantai pasok secara terpadu. Secara operasional dapat dilakukan dengan menggunaan bibit/benih klon unggul, teknologi budidaya yang didasarkan Standar Prosedur Operasional (SOP) dan penerapan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), penerapan Good Handling Practices (GHP), dan kelembagaan kemitraan usaha rantai pasok secara terpadu.

    Pengaruh motivator dan hygiene factor terhadap kinerja pegawai di pt bank bni syariah kantor cabang jakarta barat dan bogor

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    BNI Syariah as Islamic Banks are committed to fulfill and enhance human resources development plan from time to time to support the performance and the best service to stakeholders and to realize world class human capital. This of course requires high performance from employees to be able to perform the tasks well. The organization's efforts to improve productivity in both the financial and non financial aspects encounter various obstacles, one of which is the performance degradation caused by a decrease in employee motivation levels of employees. This study aims to: (1) Assess the condition of motivation and performance of employees in general. (2) Assessing the impact of motivator and hygiene factors on employee performance. (3) Assess the motivational factors that most influence on employee performance. (4) Formulate operational managerial measures that needs to be done to increase the motivation for the performance of employees can be better. Respondents in this study were all employees at PT Bank BNI Syariah West Jakarta which amounted to 41 people and all employees at PT Bank BNI Syariah Bogor totaling 53 people. All employees were respondents in the study because the total number of employees in both branches in less than 100 people, which is only 94 people. The sampling method branches on judgment method used in this study (purposive) sampling based on the consideration of researchers on some characteristics appropriate to answer the research objectives. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to determine how the respondents' perceptions of the statements in the questionnaire through the analysis of the average score. Furthermore, after statistical analysis of descriptive data analysis using the program Partial Least Square (PLS) to obtain the results of how much influence motivator and hygiene factors on employee performance. Analysis of the data using PLS because it does not require large sample quantities and is recommended between 30-100 samples as described in Ghozali (2015). Evaluation model in SEM-PLS use 2.0 SmartPLS program is very useful for predicting the relationship between the dependent variable of several independent variables. PLS can find indicators of the independent variables which are relevant to the dependent variable (Feng et al., 2008). PLS model consists of structural parts, which reflects the relationship between the latent variables and measurement components, which shows how the latent variables and their related indicators (Haenlein and Kaplan, 2004). Descriptive analysis with the average value score indicates that in general the condition motivator, hygiene factor and the performance of employees in the category of high, but not maximum. Therefore, an employee at PT Bank BNI Syariah Branch Office in West Jakarta and Bogor should be encouraged to continue to improve his motivation in order to achieve maximum performance. The analysis results motivator and hygiene factors to employee performance showed that the hygiene factor is more dominant influence on the formation of employee performance compared to the motivator. Indicators of the most dominant in the hygiene factor reflects the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Syariah Branch Office in West Jakarta and Bogor are the conditions of work and interpersonal relationships. Indicators of the most dominant motivator reflect the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Syariah Branch Office in West Jakarta and Bogor is the work itself

    Consumers’ behavior analysis of vegetable e-commerce using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach in Jabodetabek

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    Vegetable e-commerce is a vegetable shopping tool that provides convenience and comfort, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. People do not need to leave their homes to meet their needs so they can avoid exposure to the Covid-19 virus. This study aims to determine the behavior of using e-commerce vegetables in Jabodetabek through perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitudes, formulate managerial implications and marketing strategies to increase consumers repurchase intentions. This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) test with LISREL. The results showed that perceived usefulness and attitude were significantly influenced by perceived ease of use; perceived benefits have no significant effect on repurchase intention, but perceived benefits have a significant effect on attitudes; and consumers' intention to make repeat purchases are directly influenced by attitudes. The managerial implication that vegetable entrepreneurs can do is to continue implementing strategies that can increase positive attitudes toward consumers so that vegetable e-commerce is easier to use and provides benefits according to consumer expectations. The 4C approach (co-creation, currency, communal activation, and conversation) can be applied to develop positive consumer attitudes

    Mediating Role of Halal Technology Implementation on Halal Purchase Intention in Semarang

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    This study aimed to analyze halal purchase intention that is mediated by halal technology implementation on packaging product in Semarang City, Indonesia. This analysis tried to build the concept of consumer behavior based on Islamic branding technology. The research model was developed through research variables to fill existing research gap between halal awareness and halal purchase intention by halal technology implementation. This technology able to detect halal label validated by MUI that is expected to mediate both variable.Research approach used quantitative approach. Data was collected by survey questionnaire methods for packaging product’s consumer in Semarang. This research used purposive sampling to obtain 100 consumers as data observation. SEM analysis was used to analyze the data through running Smart PLS 3.2.8 for Professional application for hypothesis testing.The finding presented that Consumer Behavior based on Islamic Branding Technology Concept is proven. It is proved by significant mediating effect between halal awareness to halal purchase intention through halal technology implementation (0.016). Other result proved that halal awareness has insignificant value on halal purchase intention of packaging product in Semarang (0.412), halal awareness has significant value on halal technology implementation (0.000) and halal technology implementation has significant value on halal purchase intention (0.011)

    Mediating Role of Halal Technology Implementation on Halal Purchase Intention in Semarang

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    This study aimed to analyze halal purchase intention that is mediated by halal technology implementation on packaging product in Semarang City, Indonesia. This analysis tried to build the concept of consumer behavior based on Islamic branding technology. The research model was developed through research variables to fill existing research gap between halal awareness and halal purchase intention by halal technology implementation. This technology able to detect halal label validated by MUI that is expected to mediate both variable.Research approach used quantitative approach. Data was collected by survey questionnaire methods for packaging product’s consumer in Semarang. This research used purposive sampling to obtain 100 consumers as data observation. SEM analysis was used to analyze the data through running Smart PLS 3.2.8 for Professional application for hypothesis testing.The finding presented that Consumer Behavior based on Islamic Branding Technology Concept is proven. It is proved by significant mediating effect between halal awareness to halal purchase intention through halal technology implementation (0.016). Other result proved that halal awareness has insignificant value on halal purchase intention of packaging product in Semarang (0.412), halal awareness has significant value on halal technology implementation (0.000) and halal technology implementation has significant value on halal purchase intention (0.011)

    Agri-food commodity mapping and trade between Indonesia and Australia

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    This article investigates the dynamics of comparative advantage and trade performance in agri-food items between Indonesia and Australia. The method used in this study is to measure comparative advantage and export performance from 2000 to 2019 using balassa index (BI), Lafay index (LFI), and trade balance index (TBI). The findings show that Indonesia significantly reported negative TBI in trading both with the world and Australia, using a 'products mapping' methodology focused on trade balance index (TBI), Balassa index (BI), Lafay index (LFI), and other descriptive approaches. According to the results of both BI and LFI, Indonesia has a high rate of unfavorable TBI in total food items, both globally and in Australia, indicating that the nation has depended heavily on food imports for home use. Indonesia's competitive advantage in trade with Australia was 9/31 food items, according to the product mapping. Indonesia has competitive disadvantages and a negative TBI in 9/31 food items traded with Australia. Indonesia urgently needs to increase investment and enforce policies on domestic agriculture and food value chains to improve its exports and competitiveness, especially in products with natural advantages