546 research outputs found

    Jet dynamics. Recollimation shocks and helical patterns

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    The dynamics and stability of extragalactic jets may be strongly influenced by small (and probable) differences in pressure between the jet and the ambient and within the jet itself. The former give rise to expansion and recollimation of the jet. This occurs in the form of conical shocks, or Mach disks, if the pressure difference is large enough. Pressure asymmetries within the jet may trigger the development of helical patterns via coupling to kink current-driven instability, or to helical Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, depending on the physical conditions in the jet. I summarize here the evidence collected during the last years on the presence of recollimation shocks and waves in jets. In the jet of CTA 102 evidence has been found for (traveling)shock-(standing)shock interaction in the core-region (0.1 mas from the core), using information from the light-curve of the source combined with VLBI data. The conclusions derived have been confirmed by numerical simulations combined with emission calculations that have allowed to study the spectral evolution of the perturbed jet. Helical structures can also be identified in radio-jets. The ridge-line of emission of the jet of S5~0836+710 has been identified as a physical structure corresponding to a wave developing in the jet flow. I review here the evidence that has allowed to reach this conclusion, along with an associated caveat. Current data do not allow to distinguish between magnetic or hydrodynamical instabilities. I finally discuss the importance of these linear and non-linear waves for jet evolution.Comment: 11 pages. Proceedings of the conference: The innermost regions of relativistic jets and their magnetic fields. Corrected typos and added reference

    A numerical simulation of the evolution and fate of a FRI jet. The case of 3C 31

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    The evolution of FRI jets has been long studied in the framework of the FRI-FRII dichotomy. In this paper, we test the present theoretical and observational models via a relativistic numerical simulation of the jets in the radio galaxy 3C 31. We use the parameters derived from the modelling presented by \cite{lb02a,lb02b} as input parameters for the simulation of the evolution of the source, thus assuming that they have not varied over the lifetime of the source. We simulate about 10 % of the total lifetime of the jets in 3C 31. Realistic density and pressure gradients for the atmosphere are used. The simulation includes an equation of state for a two-component relativistic gas that allows a separate treatment of leptonic and baryonic matter. We compare our results with the modelling of the observational data of the source. Our results show that the bow shock evolves self-similarly at a quasi-constant speed, with slight deceleration by the end of the simulation, in agreement with recent X-ray observations that show the presence of bow shocks in FRI sources. The jet expands until it becomes underpressured with respect to the ambient medium, and then recollimates. Subsequent oscillations around pressure equilibrium and generation of standing shocks lead to the mass loading and disruption of the jet flow. We derive an estimate for the minimum age of the source of t>1.108yrst>1. 10^8 \rm{yrs}, which may imply continuous activity of 3C 31 since the triggering of its activity. The simulation shows that weak CSS sources may be the young counterparts of FRIs. We conclude that the observed properties of the jets in 3C 31 are basically recovered by the standing shock scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. For better quality figures, please check http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/mperucho/Research.htm

    Jet stability, dynamics and energy transport

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    Relativistic jets carry energy and particles from compact to very large scales compared with their initial radius. This is possible due to their remarkable collimation despite their intrinsic unstable nature. In this contribution, I review the state-of-the-art of our knowledge on instabilities growing in those jets and several stabilising mechanisms that may give an answer to the question of the stability of jets. In particular, during the last years we have learned that the limit imposed by the speed of light sets a maximum amplitude to the instabilities, contrary to the case of classical jets. On top of this stabilising mechanism, the fast growth of unstable modes with small wavelengths prevents the total disruption and entrainment of jets. I also review several non-linear processes that can have an effect on the collimation of extragalactic and microquasar jets. Within those, I remark possible causes for the decollimation and decelleration of FRI jets, as opposed to the collimated FRII's. Finally, I give a summary of the main reasons why jets can propagate through such long distances.Comment: For the proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows III (HEPRO III, IJMPD, accepted). 12 page

    Studying the interaction between microquasar jets and their environments

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    In high-mass microquasars (HMMQ), strong interactions between jets and stellar winds at binary system scales could occur. In order to explore this possibility, we have performed numerical 2-dimensional simulations of jets crossing the dense stellar material to study how the jet will be affected by these interactions. We find that the jet head generates strong shocks in the wind. These shocks reduce the jet advance speed, and compress and heat up jet and wind material. In addition, strong recollimation shocks can occur where pressure balance between the jet side and the surrounding medium is reached. All this, altogether with jet bending, could lead to the destruction of jets with power <1036erg/s<10^{36} \rm{erg/s}. The conditions around the outflow shocks would be convenient for accelerating particles up to ∼\sim TeV energies. These accelerated particles could emit via synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) scattering if they were leptons, and via hadronic processes in case they were hadrons.Comment: 4 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows, held in Dublin, Ireland, September 24-28, 200

    Simulations of the relativistic parsec-scale jet in 3C273

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    We present a hydrodynamical 3D simulation of the relativistic jet in 3C273, in comparison to previous linear perturbation analysis of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability developing in the jet. Our aim is to assess advantages and limitations of both analytical and numerical approaches and to identify spatial and temporal scales on which the linear regime of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability can be applied in studies of morphology and kinematics of parsec-scale jets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Proceedings of the workshop "Multiband Approach to AGN", held on Sep.30-Oct.2 in Bonn. Publication: Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v. 26, No.1 (2005). Reduced figure resolution! Version with original figures is availavble at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/bonn04/proceedings/perucho.pd

    3D simulations of wind-jet interaction in massive X-ray binaries

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    High-mass microquasars may produce jets that will strongly interact with surrounding stellar winds on binary system spatial scales. We study the dynamics of the collision between a mildly relativistic hydrodynamical jet of supersonic nature and the wind of an OB star. We performed numerical 3D simulations of jets that cross the stellar wind with the code Ratpenat. The jet head generates a strong shock in the wind, and strong recollimation shocks occur due to the initial overpressure of the jet with its environment. These shocks can accelerate particles up to TeV energies and produce gamma-rays. The recollimation shock also strengthens jet asymmetric Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities produced in the wind/jet contact discontinuity. This can lead to jet disruption even for jet powers of several times 103610^{36} erg s−1^{-1}. High-mass microquasar jets likely suffer a strong recollimation shock that can be a site of particle acceleration up to very high energies, but also eventually lead to the disruption of the jet.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter
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