246 research outputs found

    What effect has selection for conformation traits had on milk production? : Holstein and Jersey cows

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    Selektion av mjölkkor har pågått sedan den industriella revolutionen, främst på mjölkproduktionsegenskaper men även på exteriöregenskaper. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns genetiska samband mellan de olika exteriöregenskaperna, och mellan exteriöregenskaper och mjölkproduktionsegenskaper. Några av dessa genetiska samband visade att en tydligt mjölktypad ko har högre mjölkavkastning och att en ko med ett grunt juver gav lägre mjölkavkastning. Mellan bakjuverhöjd och främre juveranfästning fanns ett positivt samband. Bakjuverhöjd hade ett positivt samband med mjölkavkastning medan främre juveranfästning hade ett negativt samband med mjölkavkastning. Det finns samband mellan dessa egenskaper men det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur sambanden påverkar varandra.Humans have selected dairy cows for milk production and conformation traits since the industrial revolution. Earlier research has shown that different conformation traits were genetically correlated to each other. It was also shown that there was a genetic correlation between conformation traits and milk production. Angularity was found to give higher milk production while a shallow udder was found to give lower milk production. Rear udder height and front udder attachment had a positive genetic correlation to each other. However rear udder height had a positive correlation with milk production, while front udder attachment had a negative correlation with milk production. There are genetic correlations between conformation traits, but it is important to be aware of how these trait

    Are There as Many Trademark Offices as Trademark Examiners?

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    Federal trademark-registration rights have grown in import, and trademark owners have taken notice. In the fiscal year of 2018, over 660,000 federal trademark registration applications were filed with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (“Trademark Office”), representing a 60 percent increase from a decade prior. Yet despite the fact that there is growing concern that the Trademark Office is routinely issuing inconsistent trademark determinations, systematic empirical studies of the administrative process of obtaining federal registration rights are virtually nonexistent. This Article begins to close this gap by conducting the first large-scale study of trademark officials, known as trademark-examining attorneys, who make the initial determination on whether to accept or decline a federal trademark registration. Utilizing a novel dataset comprising over 7.8 million trademark applications, this Article examines the extent to which trademark-examining attorneys’ determinations differ from one another. We find substantial heterogeneity in Trademark Office outcomes. Trademark-examining attorneys have wildly divergent publication rates and registration rates even while controlling for a range of characteristics of the applications. The duration of time an application is before the Trademark Office also varies considerably among trademark-examining attorneys as does whether a filed opposition is sustained

    CFRP strengthening of a reinforced concrete bridge : a case study done with Eurocode from an economic perspective

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    Syftet med examensarbetet är att analysera några vanliga förstärkningssystem med kolfiber för en befintlig vägbro. Analysen görs ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv där olika kolfiberalternativ jämförs. Syftet är också att jämföra tillvägagångssätt och resultat av klassning samt förstärkningsbehov för den befintliga bron, enligt gamla och nuvarande svenska normer. Examensarbetet är teoretiskt och baseras på litteraturstudier och beräkningar för den befintliga bron. Resultaten från förstärkningsberäkningarna analyseras ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv där material- och arbetskostnad för de möjliga förstärknings- alternativen uppskattas

    Stop the Trucks : en kvalitativ analys av kampanjen om transport av slaktdjur i EU

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    The aim of this study is to do a qualitative research on the campaign Stop the Trucks. My methods include visual analysis of the campaign film and website, text analysis of the press release and interviews with three animal welfare organizations that were all part of the campaign. I will use a social constructionist perspective to depict how our moral view of non-human animals is socially constructed and how this conception can change through time. In this study I will answer three questions: which conceptions of animals and their well-being can be found in the campaign? Does the campaign put pressure on the commission for changes and which visions of animal welfare are expressed by the campaign’s creator? How do the three interviewed organisations, that were all part of the campaign, contemplate themselves in making a change for better animal welfare? The main conclusions of the study are that the campaign aimed to awake sympathy in the viewer and to pressure the commission for a legislative improvement, moreover the implementation of the already existing laws

    Catégorisations éditoriales et postures d’écrivains – le cas de Gisèle Pineau et de Fabienne Kanor

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    The focus of this article is the ways in which Gisèle Pineau and Fabienne Kanor are positioned and position themselves in relation to the divide between on the one hand French and the other Francophone literature. Presentations of the authors in editorial paratexts as well as interviews and essays written by the writers in question are analyzed. The result shows that both editorial paratext and authorial discourse place Pineau almost exclusively in the category “guadeloupean”. However, from the studied texts cannot be determined whether this characterization makes a French or a Francophone writer out of her. In Kanor’s case, the authorial discourse violently rejects the label Francophone without embracing Frenchness either. One possible interpretation of the result would consist in saying that the rejection of the term Francophone in the editorial paratext as well as in the authorial discourse puts into question its very use.   Cet article traite la manière dont Gisèle Pineau et Fabienne Kanor sont positionnées et se positionnent par rapport aux deux pôles de la littérature française d’un côté et francophone de l’autre. L’analyse porte sur des présentations des auteures sous forme de paratexte éditorial, mais aussi sur des interviews et des essais écrits par les écrivaines en question. Le résultat montre que le paratexte éditorial aussi bien que le discours auctorial placent Pineau de manière quasi exclusive dans la catégorie « guadeloupéenne ». Cependant, les textes étudiés ne permettent pas de déterminer si cette caractérisation fait d’elle une auteure française ou francophone. Pour ce qui est de Kanor, le discours auctorial rejette de façon véhémente l’appellatif francophone sans pour autant se positionner en tant qu’auteure française. Une interprétation possible du résultat consisterait à dire que le terme de francophone tend à être rejeté autant par le paratexte éditorial que par le discours auctorial, mettant ainsi en question son utilisation

    Har extraarbetande heltidsstudenter med högre self-efficacy också bättre mental hälsa?

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    Då extraarbete tycks allt vanligare bland studenter var syftet med den här studien att undersöka varför studenter extraarbetar och om heltidsstudenter skiljer sig åt i avseende på deras självskattade mentala hälsa beroende på om de extraarbetar eller inte. Vidare var avsikten att undersöka om heltidsstudenter som extraarbetar bedömde sin mentala hälsa som bättre om de samtidigt uppvisade en högre grad av self-efficacy. Deltagarna bestod av 87 studenter i åldrarna 19-45 (M = 24.16) vid den samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Lunds Universitet. Studien baserades på en enkätundersökning som administrerades via Facebook. Enkäten bestod av bakgrundsfrågor, frågor kring extraarbete, frågor gällande upplevd mental hälsa (RAND-36) och self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy Scale). Resultatet visade på en positiv korrelation (r = .472) mellan variablerna upplevd mental hälsa och graden av generell self-efficacy. Mer än hälften av studenternas subjektiva upplevelse för kombinationen av heltidsstudier och extraarbete var att det hade en negativ påverkan på deras hälsa. Nyckelord: extraarbete, self-efficacy, mental hälsa, anställningsbarhet, arbetslivserfarenhet.Since working extra amongst university students seem more common today the purpose of this study was to examine the rationales for doing so, and whether or not full time students differ in aspects of their self rated mental health depending on whether or not they engage in extra work outside school. In addition we examined whether student that worked extra and if that was associated with higher levels of self-efficacy. In total 87 students aged 19-45 (M = 24.16) at the faculty of social-science at Lunds University participated in an online survey that was administered through Facebook. The survey consisted of questions regarding background, extra work, mental health (RAND-36), and self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy Scale). The result indicated a correlation (r = .472) between perceived mental health and general self-efficacy. The majority of the students subjective experience regarding the combination of full time studies and extra work was that it had a negative effect on their mental health. Keywords: extra work, self-efficacy, mental health, employability, working experience

    Fysisk träning för personer med övervikt och fetma. En litteraturstudie.

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    Maintaining multipotent trunk neural crest stem cells as self-renewing crestospheres

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    Neural crest cells have broad migratory and differentiative ability that differs according to their axial level of origin. However, their transient nature has limited understanding of their stem cell and self-renewal properties. While an in vitro culture method has made it possible to maintain cranial neural crest cells as self-renewing multipotent crestospheres (Kerosuo et al., 2015), these same conditions failed to preserve trunk neural crest in a stem-like state. Here we optimize culture conditions for maintenance of avian trunk crestospheres, comprised of both neural crest stem and progenitor cells. Our trunk-derived crestospheres are multipotent and display self-renewal capacity over several weeks. Trunk crestospheres display elevated expression of neural crest cell markers as compared to those characteristic of ventrolateral neural tube or mesodermal fates. Moreover, trunk crestospheres express increased levels of trunk neural crest-enriched markers as compared to cranial crestospheres. Finally, we use lentiviral transduction as a tool to manipulate gene expression in trunk crestospheres. Taken together, this method enables long-term in vitro maintenance and manipulation of multipotent trunk neural crest cells in a premigratory stem or early progenitor state. Trunk crestospheres are a valuable resource for probing mechanisms underlying neural crest sternness and lineage decisions as well as accompanying diseases.Peer reviewe