218 research outputs found

    Element Replacement Approach by Reaction with Lewis Acidic Molten Salts to Synthesize Nanolaminated MAX Phases and MXenes

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    Nanolaminated materials are important because of their exceptional properties and wide range of applications. Here, we demonstrate a general approach to synthesize a series of Zn-based MAX phases and Cl-terminated MXenes originating from the replacement reaction between the MAX phase and the late transition metal halides. The approach is a top-down route that enables the late transitional element atom (Zn in the present case) to occupy the A site in the pre-existing MAX phase structure. Using this replacement reaction between Zn element from molten ZnCl2 and Al element in MAX phase precursors (Ti3AlC2, Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN, and V2AlC), novel MAX phases Ti3ZnC2, Ti2ZnC, Ti2ZnN, and V2ZnC were synthesized. When employing excess ZnCl2, Cl terminated MXenes (such as Ti3C2Cl2 and Ti2CCl2) were derived by a subsequent exfoliation of Ti3ZnC2 and Ti2ZnC due to the strong Lewis acidity of molten ZnCl2. These results indicate that A-site element replacement in traditional MAX phases by late transition metal halides opens the door to explore MAX phases that are not thermodynamically stable at high temperature and would be difficult to synthesize through the commonly employed powder metallurgy approach. In addition, this is the first time that exclusively Cl-terminated MXenes were obtained, and the etching effect of Lewis acid in molten salts provides a green and viable route to prepare MXenes through an HF-free chemical approach.Comment: Title changed; experimental section and discussion revise

    Інтеграція знань з астрономії та фізики щодо уявлень про приливи та відливи

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    (uk) В статті розкриті окремі гравітаційні, енергетичні та екологічні особливості припливів та відливів, які у підручниках для середніх загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та вищої школи мало висвітлені. Автором якісну картину припливів та відпливів доповнено кількісною.(en) The article revealed specific gravity, energy and environmental features tides and low tides that textbooks for secondary schools and higher education was highlighted. The author of picture quality tides supplemented with quantitative

    American Military Culture and Civil-Military Relations Today

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    We demonstrate a standard-free method to retrieve compositional information in AlxIn1-xN thin films by measuring the bulk plasmon energy (E-p), employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Two series of samples were grown by magnetron sputter epitaxy (MSE) and metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), which together cover the full compositional range 0 <= x <= 1. Complementary compositional measurements were obtained using Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and the lattice parameters were obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is shown that E-p follows a linear relation with respect to composition and lattice parameter between the alloying elements from AlN to InN allowing for straightforward compositional analysis. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Regulating Sustainable Finance in Capital Markets: A Perspective from Socially Embedded Decentered Regulation

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    We present an ab initio theoretical analysis of the temperature-dependent stability of inherently nanolaminated (Cr1−xMnx)2AlC. The results indicate energetic stability over the composition range x = 0.0 to 0.5 for temperatures ≥600 K. Corresponding thin film compounds were grown by magnetron sputtering from four elemental targets. X-ray diffraction in combination with analytical transmission electron microscopy, including electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy analysis, revealed that the films were epitaxial (0001)-oriented single-crystals with x up to 0.16.Funding Agencies|European Research Council under the European Community|258509227754|Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation||Swedish Research Council|||DFG-SPP 1299|</p

    Theory of the Eigler-swith

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    We suggest a simple model to describe the reversible field-induced transfer of a single Xe-atom in a scanning tunneling microscope, --- the Eigler-switch. The inelasticly tunneling electrons give rise to fluctuating forces on and damping of the Xe-atom resulting in an effective current dependent temperature. The rate of transfer is controlled by the well-known Arrhenius law with this effective temperature. The directionality of atom transfer is discussed, and the importance of use of non-equlibrium-formalism for the electronic environment is emphasized. The theory constitutes a formal derivation and generalization of the so-called Desorption Induced by Multiple Electron Transitions (DIMET) point of view.Comment: 13 pages (including 2 figures in separate LaTeX-files with ps-\specials), REVTEX 3.

    Tuning composition in graded AlGaN channel HEMTs toward improved linearity for low-noise radio-frequency amplifiers

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    Compositionally graded channel AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) offer a promising route to improve device linearity, which is necessary for low-noise radio-frequency amplifiers. In this work, we demonstrate different grading profiles of a 10-nm-thick AlxGa1-xN channel from x = 0 to x = 0.1 using hot-wall metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The growth process is developed by optimizing the channel grading and the channel-to-barrier transition. For this purpose, the Al-profiles and the interface sharpness, as determined from scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, are correlated with specific MOCVD process parameters. The results are linked to the channel properties (electron density, electron mobility, and sheet resistance) obtained by contactless Hall and terahertz optical Hall effect measurements coupled with simulations from solving self-consistently Poisson and Schr\uf6dinger equations. The impact of incorporating a thin AlN interlayer between the graded channel and the barrier layer on the HEMT properties is investigated and discussed. The optimized graded channel HEMT structure is found to have similarly high electron density (∼9 7 10 12 cm-2) as the non-graded conventional structure, though the mobility drops from ∼ 2360 cm2/V s in the conventional to ∼ 960 cm2/V s in the graded structure. The transconductance gm of the linearly graded channel HEMTs is shown to be flatter with smaller g m ′ and g m ″ as compared to the conventional non-graded channel HEMT implying improved device linearity

    Phase formation in CrFeCoNi nitride thin films

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    As a single-phase alloy, CrFeCoNi is a face centered cubic (fcc) material related to the archetypical high-entropy Cantor alloy CrFeCoNiMn. For thin films, CrFeCoNi of approximately equimolar composition tends to assume an fcc structure when grown at room temperature by magnetron sputtering. However, the single-phase solid solution state is typically not achieved for thin films grown at higher temperatures. The same holds true for Cantor alloy-based ceramics (nitrides and oxides), where phase formation is extremely sensitive to process parameters such as the amount of reactive gas. This study combines theoretical and experimental methods to understand the phase formation in nitrogen-containing CrFeCoNi thin films. Density functional theory calculations considering three competing phases (CrN, Fe-Ni and Co) show that the free energy of mixing, delta G of (CrFeCoNi)1-xNx solid solutions has a maximum at x = 0.20-0.25, and delta G becomes lower when x less than 0.20, greater than 0.25. Thin films of (CrFeCoNi)1-xNx (x = 0.14-0.41) grown by magnetron sputtering show stabilization of the metallic fcc when x lesser than or equal to 0.22 and the stabilization of the NaCl B1 structure when x is greater than 0.33, consistent with the theoretical prediction. In contrast, films with intermediate amounts of nitrogen (x = 0.22) grown at higher temperatures show segregation into multiple phases of CrN, Fe-Ni-rich and Co. These results offer an explanation for the requirement of kinetically limited growth conditions at low temperature for obtaining single-phase CrFeCoNi Cantor-like nitrogen-containing thin films and are of importance for understanding the phase-formation mechanisms in multicomponent ceramics

    Chemical-scissor-mediated structural editing of layered transition metal carbides

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    Intercalation of non-van der Waals (vdW) layered materials can produce new 2D and 3D materials with unique properties, but it is difficult to achieve. Here, we describe a structural editing protocol for 3D non-vdW layered ternary carbides and nitrides (MAX phases) and their 2D vdW derivatives (MXenes). Gap-opening and species-intercalating stages were mediated by chemical scissors and guest intercalants, creating a large family of layered materials with unconventional elements and structures in MAX phases, as well as MXenes with versatile termination species. Removal of surface terminations by metal scissors and stitching of carbide layers by metal atoms leads to a reverse transformation from MXenes to MAX phases, and metal-intercalated 2D carbides. This scissor-mediated structural editing may enable structural and chemical tailoring of other layered ceramics