32 research outputs found

    Bone Conduction Stimulated VEMP Using the B250 Transducer

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    Objective: Bone conduction (BC) stimulation is rarely used for clinical testing of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) due to the limitations of conventional stimulation alternatives. The aim of this study is to compare VEMP using the new B250 transducer with the Minishaker and air conduction (AC) stimulation.Methods: Thirty normal subjects between 20 and 37 years old and equal gender distribution were recruited, 15 for ocular VEMP and 15 for cervical VEMP. Four stimulation conditions were compared: B250 on the mastoid (FM); Minishaker and B250 on the forehead (FZ); and AC stimulation using an insert earphone.Results: It was found that B250 at FM required a statistically significant lower hearing level than with AC stimulation, in average 41 dB and 35 dB lower for ocular VEMP and cervical VEMP, respectively, but gave longer n10 (1.1 ms) and n23 (1.6 ms). No statistical difference was found between B250 at FM and Minishaker at FZ.Conclusion: VEMP stimulated with B250 at FM gave similar response as the Minishaker at FZ and for a much lower hearing level than AC stimulation using insert earphones

    Long-term follow-up and review of the Bone Conduction Implant

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    Active transcutaneous bone conduction devices are a type of bone conduction device developed to keep the skin intact and provide direct bone conduction stimulation. The Bone Conduction Implant (BCI) is such a device and has been implanted in 16 patients. The objective of this paper is to give a broad overview of the BCI development to the final results of 13 patients at 5-year follow-up. Follow-up of these patients included audiological performance investigations, questionnaires, as well as safety evaluation and objective functionality testing of the device. Among those audiological measure-ments were sound field warble tone thresholds, speech recognition threshold (SRT), speech recognition score (SRS) and signal to noise ratio threshold (SNR-threshold).The accumulated implant time for all 16 patients was 113 years in February 2022. During this time, no serious adverse events have occurred. The functional improvement for the 13 patients reported in this paper was on average 29.5 dB (average over 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz), while the corresponding effective gain was-12.4 dB. The SRT improvement was 24.5 dB and the SRS improvement was 38.1%, while the aided SNR-threshold was on average -6.4 dB.It was found that the BCI can give effective and safe hearing rehabilitation for patients with conduc-tive and mild-to-moderate mixed hearing loss

    Three-Year Follow-Up with the Bone Conduction Implant

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    Background: The bone conduction implant (BCI) is an active transcutaneous bone conduction device where the transducer has direct contact to the bone, and the skin is intact. Sixteen patients have been implanted with the BCI with a planned follow-up of 5 years. This study reports on hearing, quality of life, and objective measures up to 36 months of follow-up in 10 patients. Method: Repeated measures were performed at fitting and after 1, 3, 6, 12, and 36 months including sound field warble tone thresholds, speech recognition thresholds in quiet, speech recognition score in noise, and speech-to-noise thresholds for 50% correct words with adaptive noise. Three quality of life questionnaires were used to capture the benefit from the intervention, appreciation from different listening situations, and the ability to interact with other people when using the BCI. The results were compared to the unaided situation and a Ponto Pro Power on a soft band. The implant functionality was measured by nasal sound pressure, and the retention force from the audio processor against the skin was measured using a specially designed audio processor and a force gauge. Results: Audiometry and quality of life questionnaires using the BCI or the Ponto Pro Power on a soft band were significantly improved compared to the unaided situation and the results were statistically supported. There was generally no significant difference between the two devices. The nasal sound pressure remained stable over the study period and the force on the skin from the audio processor was 0.71 \ub1 0.22 N (mean \ub1 1 SD). Conclusion: The BCI improves the hearing ability for tones and speech perception in quiet and in noise for the indicated patients. The results are stable over a 3-year period, and the patients subjectively report a beneficial experience from using the BCI. The transducer performance and contact to the bone is unchanged over time, and the skin area under the audio processor remains without complications during the 3-year follow-up

    The bone conduction implant - a review and 1-year follow-up

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate its safety and effectiveness of the bone conduction implant (BCI) having an implanted transducer and to review similar bone conduction devices. Design: This is a consecutive prospective case series study where the patients were evaluated after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Outcome measures were focussed on intraoperative and postoperative safety, the effectiveness of the device in terms of audiological performance and patient\u27s experience. Study sample: Sixteen patients with average age of 40.2 (range 18-74) years have been included. Thirteen patients were operated in Gothenburg and three in Stockholm. Results: It was found that the procedure for installing the BCI is safe and the transmission condition was stable over the follow-up time. No serious adverse events or severe adverse device effects occurred. The hearing sensitivity, speech in noise and the self-assessment as compared with the unaided condition improved significantly with the BCI. These patients also performed similar or better than with a conventional bone conduction reference device on a softband. Conclusions: In summary, it was found that the BCI can provide a safe and effective hearing rehabilitation alternative for patients with mild-to-moderate conductive or mixed hearing impairments

    A novel method for objective in-situ measurement of audibility in bone conduction hearing devices–a pilot study using a skin drive BCD

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    Objective: Objective measurement of audibility (verification) using bone conduction devices (BCDs) has long remained an elusive problem for BCDs. For air conduction hearing aids there are well-defined and often used objective methods, and the aim of this study is to develop an objective method for BCDs. Design: In a novel setup for audibility measurements of bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) attached via a soft band, we used a skin microphone (SM) on the forehead measuring in-situ sound field thresholds, maximum power output (MPO) and international speech test signal (ISTS) responses. Study sample: Five normal-hearing persons. Result: Using the electrical output of SM it was possible to objectively measure the audibility of a skin drive BCD, presented as an eSPL-o-gram showing thresholds, MPO and ISTS response. Normalised eSPL-o-gram was verified against corresponding FL-o-grams (corresponding force levels from skull simulator and artificial mastoid (AM)). Conclusion: The proposed method with the SM can be used for objective measurements of the audibility of any BCDs based on thresholds, MPO and speech response allowing for direct comparisons of hearing and BCD output on the same graph using an eSPL-o-gram. After normalisation to hearing thresholds, the audibility can be assessed without the need for complicated calibration procedures

    NĂ€rstĂ„endestöd och efterlevandestöd – under och efter vĂ„rdtid inom specialiserad Palliativ vĂ„rd och ASIH i SkĂ„ne

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    Bakgrund: En av hörnstenarna i palliativ vÄrd handlar om att ge stöd till alla nÀrstÄende. Enligt lagstiftning har sjukvÄrden Àven en skyldighet att speciellt beakta barns behov av information, rÄd och stöd om barnets förÀldrar eller nÄgon annan vuxen som barnet varaktigt bor tillsammans med har en livshotande sjukdom eller avlidit.Syfte: Alla nÀrstÄende inom Palliativ vÄrd och ASIH i SkÄne ska erbjudas personcentrerad och jÀmlikt stöd under och efter vÄrdtiden.Metod: Uppdraget startades 2019 och berÀknas vara klar under hösten 2022. All personal inom palliativ vÄrd och ASIH i SkÄne involverades genom att de fick göra nulÀgesanalys gÀllande nÀrstÄendestöd. I nÀsta steg utfördes gapanalys för att identifiera likhet och olikhet kring nÀrstÄendestöd. Vidare fick all personal ge förslag till att forma framtidens nÀrstÄendestöd. Efter nulÀgesanalys och gapanalys bildades en multiprofessionell arbetsgrupp med representanter frÄn alla verksamheterna i SkÄne. Arbetsgruppens uppdrag var att framstÀlla beslutsunderlag gÀllande nÀrstÄendestöd under vÄrdtid och efterlevandestöd till nÀrstÄende efter vÄrdtiden. Resultat: NulÀgesanalys som utfördes 2019 visade att nÀrstÄende med liknande behov har erbjudits olika professionella stöd. Gapanalys utfördes under 2020 för kartlÀggning av vilka former av stöd saknades/önskades samt var relevanta i nu tiden. Under 2021 arbetet har fortsatt med att definiera vad nÀrstÄendestöd innefattar och under 2022 har arbete pÄgÄtt med att ta fram beslutsunderlag för hur och vilka former av nÀrstÄendestöd som ska erbjudas.Betydelse: Genom strukturerad arbetssÀtt identifiera nÀrstÄendes förutsÀttningar, behov och önskemÄl ökar sannolikheten för att nÀrstÄende erbjuds rÀtt stöd, i rÀtt tid och av rÀtt profession

    Self assessment from one versus two hearing aids

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    Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka med frÄgeformulÀr om det finns nÄgon skillnad i nytta i olika vardagssituationer för personer med sensorineural hörselnedsÀttning med hörapparat utprovad till ett öra respektive bÄda öronen. Material och Metod Deltagargruppen bestod av 71 personer. Metoden var en experimentell, randomiserad kontrollerad studie, med crossover för intern kontroll. Efter varje interventionsperiod skattade deltagarna nyttan utifrÄn frÄgeformulÀr. I studien definieras nyttan med hörapparat utifrÄn upplevelse i olika vardagssituationer. För att fÄ svar pÄ frÄgestÀllningen valdes frÄgeformulÀren SSQ och IOI-HA. I studien har Àven anvÀndarbok anvÀnds. Resultat Med frÄgeformulÀret SSQ skattade sig deltagarna signifikant bÀttre med tvÄ hörapparater jÀmfört med en nÀr det gÀller rumsuppfattning och riktningshörande samt nÀr det gÀller ett allmÀnt bÀttre hörande i mer bullriga miljöer. Med frÄgeformulÀret IOI-HA finns ingen signifikant skillnad i deltagarnas skattning mellan en och tvÄ hörapparater. I anvÀndarboken skattar sig deltagarna överlag högre med tvÄ hörapparater Àn med en i upplevelse av hörandet och tillfredsstÀllelse. Konklusion TvÄ hörapparater visar pÄ ett bÀttre resultat vid taluppfattning och rumsuppfattning samt ger en större tillfredsstÀllelse Àn en hörapparat.Inge

    Knowledge In The Decision-Making Process For Sustainable Renovation Of Multifamily Houses

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    Bakgrund: Renovering av flerfamiljshus Ă€r en utmanande process med flera krav frĂ„n intressenter sĂ„som hyresgĂ€ster, fastighetsĂ€gare, byggherrar, arkitekter och samhĂ€lle mĂ„ste samordna. Som en del av större projekt som syftar till att utveckla en kravdriven modell för att stödja beslut om hĂ„llbar renovering av flerfamiljshus, Ă€r vĂ„rt fokus att analysera krav pĂ„ kunskapsdelning hela renoveringsprocessen. Nya krav pĂ„ grund av en förĂ€ndring frĂ„n nyproduktion till underhĂ„ll och specialiserade tjĂ€nster krĂ€ver ny kunskap, nya sĂ€tt att samarbete och förbĂ€ttrad kunskapsdelning. MĂ„l: Syftet Ă€r att studera hur och vem som krĂ€ver samarbete och kunskapsutbyte under renoveringsprocessen. Grunden för beslut inom en renoveringsprojekt riktar forskningsfrĂ„gor kring kriterier för val av fastighet att renovera, dokumentation av renoveringsbeslut och kunskapsutbyte i renoveringsprocessen - internt, externt och mellan projekt. Metod: I denna fĂ€ltstudie har intervjuer med representanter frĂ„n fastighetsbolag genomförts för att undersöka kriterier för att vĂ€lja ut fastigheter för renovering och grunden för renoveringsbeslut. Genomförandekunskaper i beslutsprocessen analyseras ocksĂ„. PĂ„gĂ„ende renoveringsprocesser och motivation och incitament för kunskapsutbyte inom ett projekt mellan aktörer, frĂ„n projekt till projekt inom ett fastighetsbolag och mellan fastighetsbolag analyseras. Resultat: Underlag för renoveringsbeslut varierar frĂ„n okulĂ€r besiktning till anvĂ€ndning av kalkylblad och avkastningsberĂ€kningar. Även om behovet av kunskapsdelning nĂ€mns som mycket viktigt finns det brister i incitament för utveckling av strukturerade processer för kunskapsdelningBackground: Renovation of multifamily houses is a challenging process as a large number of requirements from stakeholders such as tenants, property owners, building contractors, architects and society has to be coordinated. As part of larger project aiming to develop a requirement driven model to support decisions for sustainable renovation of multifamily houses, our focus is on analysing requirements for knowledge sharing throughout the renovation process. New requirements due to a change from new production to maintenance and specialised services require new knowledge, new ways of collaboration and improved knowledge sharing. Objectives: The purpose is to study how and who requires cooperation and knowledge sharing during the renovation process. The basis for decisions within a renovation project is addressed research questions around Criteria for choice of which property to renovate, the Documentation of renovation decisions and Knowledge sharing in the renovation process – internally, externally and between projects. Methodology: This field study has used interviews with representatives from property companies to investigate criteria for choosing which properties to renovate and the basis for renovation decisions. The knowledge implementation in the decision-making process is also analysed. On-going renovation processes and motivation and incentives for knowledge sharing within a project between stakeholders, from project to project within a property company and between property companies are analysed. Results: Basis for renovation decisions varies from ocular inspection to intense use of spreadsheets and yield calculations. Though an outspoken need for knowledge sharing, neither incentives nor developed and structured processes for knowledge sharin

    Palliativ vÄrd : En litteraturöversikt av sjuksköterskors perspektiv

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    Background: It is part of nurses' professional role to meet patients and relatives in palliative care. Palliative care aims to relieve suffering before death, due to illness, injury or natural aging. Despite the importance of palliative care, patients and relatives describe in previous research that nurses saw them only as a disease and not as unique people. Patients and relatives value communication and support with a focus on existential needs, which means a great responsibility for nurses. Aim: To create an overview of palliative care from nurses' perspectives. Method: A literature review. A total of 12 caring science articles were included which were analyzed and summarized. Results: Nurses believed that communication is important to create trusting relationships with patients and relatives in palliative care. However, some nurses expressed that it is difficult and therefore avoided communicating. Many nurses state that they lack preparation and training for palliative care in basic education. Conclusion: Palliative care should be designed based on patients' individual needs, but in order for nurses to be able to fulfill individualized care, conditions such as time and resources are needed. Communication is also an important part of palliative care, where the conversation is important for both comfort and support. Keywords: Communication, Experience, Literature review, Nurses, Palliative car