316 research outputs found

    Growing a Software Language for Hardware Design

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    The Liquid Metal project at IBM Research aimed to design and implement a new programming language called Lime to address some of the challenges posed by heterogeneous systems. Lime is a Java-compatible programming language with features designed to facilitate high level synthesis to hardware (FPGAs). This article reviews the language design from the outset, and highlights some of the earliest design decisions. We also describe how these decisions were revised recently to accommodate important requirements that arise in networking and cryptography

    A new method for imaging nuclear threats using cosmic ray muons

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    Muon tomography is a technique that uses cosmic ray muons to generate three dimensional images of volumes using information contained in the Coulomb scattering of the muons. Advantages of this technique are the ability of cosmic rays to penetrate significant overburden and the absence of any additional dose delivered to subjects under study above the natural cosmic ray flux. Disadvantages include the relatively long exposure times and poor position resolution and complex algorithms needed for reconstruction. Here we demonstrate a new method for obtaining improved position resolution and statistical precision for objects with spherical symmetry

    Obtaining material identification with cosmic ray radiography

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    The passage of muons through matter is mostly affected by their Coulomb interactions with electrons and nuclei. The muon interactions with electrons lead to continuous energy loss and stopping of muons, while their scattering off nuclei lead to angular 'diffusion'. By measuring both the number of stopped muons and angular changes in muon trajectories we can estimate density and identify materials. Here we demonstrate the material identification using data taken at Los Alamos with the Mini Muon Tracker.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to AIP Advance

    High-level real-time programming in Java

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    Real-time systems have reached a level of complexity beyond the scaling capability of the low-level or restricted languages traditionally used for real-time programming. While Metronome garbage collection has made it practical to use Java to implement real-time systems, many challenges remain for the construction of complex real-time systems, some specic to the use of Java and others simply due to the change in scale of such systems. The goal of our research is the creation of a comprehensive Java-based programming environment and methodology for the creation of complex real-time systems. Our goals include construction of a provably correct real-time garbage collec-tor capable of providing worst case latencies of 100 s, capa-ble of scaling from sensor nodes up to large multiprocessors; specialized programming constructs that retain the safety and simplicity of Java, and yet provide sub-microsecond la-tencies; the extension of Java's \write once, run anywhere" principle from functional correctness to timing behavior; on-line analysis and visualization that aids in the understanding of complex behaviors; and a principled probabilistic analy-sis methodology for bounding the behavior of the resulting systems. While much remains to be done, this paper describes the progress we have made towards these goals

    Policy Feedback and the Politics of the Affordable Care Act

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    There is a large body of literature devoted to how “policies create politics” and how feedback effects from existing policy legacies shape potential reforms in a particular area. Although much of this literature focuses on self‐reinforcing feedback effects that increase support for existing policies over time, Kent Weaver and his colleagues have recently drawn our attention to self‐undermining effects that can gradually weaken support for such policies. The following contribution explores both self‐reinforcing and self‐undermining policy feedback in relationship to the Affordable Care Act, the most important health‐care reform enacted in the United States since the mid‐1960s. More specifically, the paper draws on the concept of policy feedback to reflect on the political fate of the ACA since its adoption in 2010. We argue that, due in part to its sheer complexity and fragmentation, the ACA generates both self‐reinforcing and self‐undermining feedback effects that, depending of the aspect of the legislation at hand, can either facilitate or impede conservative retrenchment and restructuring. Simultaneously, through a discussion of partisan effects that shape Republican behavior in Congress, we acknowledge the limits of policy feedback in the explanation of policy stability and change

    Critical thinking for 21st-century education: A cyber-tooth curriculum?

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    It is often assumed that the advent of digital technologies requires fundamental change to the curriculum and to the teaching and learning approaches used in schools around the world to educate this generation of “digital natives” or the “net generation”. This article analyses the concepts of 21st-century skills and critical thinking, to understand how these aspects of learning might contribute to a 21st-century education. The author argues that, although both critical thinking and 21st-century skills are indeed necessary in a curriculum for a 21st-century education, they are not sufficient, even in combination. The role of knowledge and an understanding of differing cultural perspectives and values indicate that education should also fit local contexts in a global world and meet the specific needs of students in diverse cultures. It should also fit the particular technical and historical demands of the 21st century in relation to digital skills