2,591 research outputs found

    On the use of fictionality for persuasion and pedagogy

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    Fictionality is regularly used for rhetorical purposes but has been rarely studied, except as it has been used in traditional forms of fiction. This dissertation draws upon rhetorical theory and narrative theory to propose an original analytic framework for isolating and examining the dynamics activated by and peculiar to the employment of fictionality for rhetorical purposes, particularly persuasion and pedagogy. The use of fictionality in ethics thought experiments and business communication textbooks is examined in detail to illustrate this analytic framework

    Quantifying Relationship between Infill Percentage and Tensile Strength of Fused Deposition Modeled Thermoplastic Polyurethane

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    With the advent of additive manufacturing (AM), understanding the effects of changing 3D printing settings is critical for engineering pursuits. One of the most widespread methods, known as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), has been well-researched by consumer hobbyists and members of the general public. However, an empirical analysis is needed for scientific research and projects, and few have been performed to prove the relationship between a printing setting and material strength quantitatively. This lack of literature is partly due to the breadth of printers and factors that can affect an FDM model’s printability. This project tensile tested one Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) brand at various infills. It analyzed the effects of infill percentage on the tensile strength and moduli of elasticity. Additionally, it interprets the data and details further testing to validate a hypothesis formed from the study results. The data used will also be showcased with another group who will use it to help validate their study. This study aims to clearly show that the process of printing a part is as imperative to the success of a project as creating a design and choosing materials

    Modeling Agglomeration of Dust Particles in Plasma

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    The charge on an aggregate immersed in a plasma environment distributes itself over the aggregate's surface; this can be approximated theoretically by assuming a multipole distribution. The dipole-dipole (or higher order) charge interactions between fractal aggregates lead to rotations of the grains as they interact. Other properties of the dust grains also influence the agglomeration process, such as the monomer shape (spherical or ellipsoidal) or the presence of magnetic material. Finally, the plasma and grain properties also determine the morphology of the resultant aggregates. Porous and fluffy aggregates are more strongly coupled to the gas, leading to reduced collisional velocities, and greater collisional cross sections. These factors in turn can determine the growth rate of the aggregates and evolution of the dust cloud. This paper gives an overview of the numerical and experimental methods used to study dust agglomeration at CASPER and highlights some recent results

    Comparable Worth in a General Equilibrium Model of the U.S. Economy

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    This paper presents a computable general equilibrium model that simulates the effects on employment, output, wages, and economic efficiency of introducing comparable worth into the U.S. economy. The model calculates economy-wide aggregate impacts and disaggregated results for individuals grouped by sex, marital status, and education. The effects depend on the hiring rules that would accompany comparable worth, the source of existing male-female wage differentials, the extent of coverage of comparable worth, the intra-household behavior of married couples, and demand and supply elasticities. If, after comparable worth is introduced, employers are constrained to employ men and women in historical proportions, the adverse effects on aggregate employment, output, and efficiency would be much larger than if the employment constraint is based on applicant proportions. If existing wage gaps are the result of sex differences in productivity, the adverse of facts of comparable worth are relatively large; but if they are the result of discrimination, the efficiency losses are much smaller. If only part of the economy is subject to comparable worth, the efficiency loss is reduced under the productivity gap assumption, but increased if the wage gap is the result of discrimination. The redistributive effects of comparable worth on married men and women are sensitive to assumptions about intra-household behavior and the size of the gains from marriage. By contrast, unmarried women appear to benefit from comparable worth under most sets of assumptions while unmarried men lose.

    Modeling of Infrared–Visible Sum Frequency Generation Microscopy Images of a Giant Liposome

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    The article explores the theory of Infrared-Visible Sum Frequency Generation microscopy of phospholipid envelopes with dimensions larger than the wavelength of the nonlinear emission. The main part of the study concerns derivation and accounting for the contributions of effective nonlinear responses specific to sites on the surfaces of a bilayer envelope and their dependence on polarization condition and experimental geometry. The nonlinear responses of sites are mapped onto the image plane according to their emission directions and the numerical aperture of a sampling microscope objective. According to the simulation results, we discuss possible approaches to characterize the shape of the envelope, to extract molecular hyperpolarizabilities, to anticipate possible heterogeneity in envelope composition and anisotropy of the environment proximal to the envelope. The modeling approach offers a promising analytic facility to assist connecting microscopy observations in engineered liposomes, cellular envelopes and sub-cellular organelles of relatively large dimensions to molecular properties and hence to chemistry and structure down to available the spatial resolution


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    COVID-19 virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome COVID-19 virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Virus ini dapat ditularkan dari manusia ke manusia dan telah menyebar secara luas di Cina dan lebih dari 190 negara dan teritori lainnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan yaitu  bulan September sampai bulan Oktober 2022, Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara langsung. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para pasien pengidap COVID-19 yang menjalani isolasi di Rumah Sakit Delia. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 orang yang dipilih tidak secara acak, melainkan dipilih sesuai dengan prinsip penelitian kualitatif yaitu kecukupan (adequacy).informan sebanyak 7 orang yang merupakan pasien yang pernah mengidap COVID-19 dan menjalani karantina di RSU. Delia Kecamatan selesai kabupaten Langkat. Cara pengambilan sampel seperti ini disebut purposive sampling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman hidup pasien COVID-19 selama menjalani karantina dan mengetahui pelayanan yang diberikan pihak RSU. Delia kepada pasien COVID-19. Dari hasil wawancara dapat terlihat bahwa dasar utama para pasien dapat terinfeksi karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang COVID-19 dan kurang disiplin dalam menggunakan protokol kesehatan selama pandemi COVID-19.Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat berbagai pendapat dan pengalaman yang dialami pasien selama karantina. diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa para pasien mendapatkan pengalaman yang hampir sama. Mulai dari gejala yang dialami sampai pada pengalaman yang dirasakan selama menjalani karantina juga memiliki kesamaan diantara para pasien

    The Tyranny of the Vital Few: The Pareto Principle in Language Design

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    Modern high-level programming languages often contain constructs whose semantics are non-trivial. In practice how- ever, software developers generally restrict the use of such constructs to settings in which their semantics is simple (programmers use language constructs in ways they understand and can reason about). As a result, when developing tools for analyzing and manipulating software, a disproportionate amount of effort ends up being spent developing capabilities needed to analyze constructs in settings that are infrequently used. This paper takes the position that such distinctions between theory and practice are an important measure o f the analyzability of a language

    Sequential phosphorylation of adjacent serine residues on the N-terminal region of cardiac troponin-I: structure-activity implications of ordered phosphorylation

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    AbstractWe have used NMR spectroscopy to monitor the phosphorylation of a peptide corresponding to the N-terminal region of human cardiac troponin-I (residues 17–30), encompassing the two adjacent serine residues of the dual phosphorylation site. An ordered incorporation of phosphate catalysed by PKA was observed, with phosphorylation of Ser-24 preceding that of Ser-23. Diphosphorylation induced a conformational transition in this region, involving the specific association of the Arg-22 and Ser-24P side-chains, and maximally stabilised when both phosphoserines were in the di-anionic form. The results suggest that the second phosphorylation at Ser-23 of cardiac troponin-I is of particular significance in the mechanism by which adrenaline regulates the calcium sensitivity of the myofibrillar actomyosin Mg-ATPase
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