676 research outputs found

    The Public Spectacle Of Italian Masculinity: Nonverbal Display Of Gender Identity

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    Italian masculine identity is examined by looking at the following influences: history and structure of Italian society, the public places used for the performance and the culture surrounding the display of masculinity. This research uses an approach similar to an ethnography of communication. Initial data and ideas were gathered through observational fieldwork and interviews that took take place in Italy during July 2006 and July 2007. A methods section describes interviews that later took place with Americans in order to compare and contrast responses with ones previously collected from Italians. The data gathered from these interviews will be used to highlight and substantiate the components of cultural identity that are unique to Italian masculinity. In analyzing the research data, the social meaning model is applied to elaborate a culturally shared set of meanings for a particular nonverbal act in an Italian piazza. Finally, findings are organized using four aspects of cultural identity to understand an Italian definition of masculinity. Two contributions emerged from the research: cultural sense making and cultural change. Cultural sense making provides a context for Italian masculine behavior, and cultural change describes the transformation of Italian ideology between the generations in regards to gender roles

    Orthographic Similarity and False Recognition for Unfamiliar Words

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    There is evidence of false recognition (FR) driven by orthographic similarities within languages (Lambert, Chang, & Lin, 2001; Raser, 1972) and some evidence that FR crosses languages (Parra, 2013). No study has investigated whether FR based on orthographic similarities occurs for unknown words in an unknown language. This study aimed to answer this question. It further explored whether FR based on orthographic similarities is more likely in a known (English) than in an unknown (Spanish) language. Forty-six English monolinguals participated. They studied 50 English and 50 Spanish words during a study phase. A recognition test was given immediately after the study phase. It consisted of 40 Spanish and 40 English words. It included list words (i.e., words presented at study); homographs (i.e., words not presented at study, orthographically similar to words presented at study); and unrelated words (i.e., words not presented at study, not orthographically similar to words presented at study). The LSD post-hoc test showed significant results supporting the hypothesis that false recognition based on orthographic similarities occurs for words in a known language (English) and in an unknown language (Spanish). Further evidence was provided by the LSD post-hoc test supporting the hypothesis that false recognition based on orthographic similarities was more likely to occur in a known language than an unknown language. Results provided evidence that the meaning and orthographic form are used when information is encoded thereby influencing recognition decisions. Furthermore, these results emphasize the significance of orthography when information is encoded and retrieved

    A Methodological Approach to Nautical Chart Design

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    The need for improved nautical chart design has recently been identified. Cumulative addition of various data and the resulting visual clutter are examples of actual problems calling for studies in this field. As has been demonstrated in studies of aeronautical charting, effective communication of navigational information can be achieved through the choice of appropriate graphic solutions. Research on effective graphic encoding should permit optimization of information transfer from the cartographer to the navigator and other users. Cartographic communication theory can provide an organized framework to initiate studies on improved chart encoding. In the past, cartographers’ personal impressions and experience have led the way in nautical chart design. Such indirect research methods were lacking in objectivity. Better ways must now be sought and an approach relying on objective chart evaluation should lead the way. Thus, practical measurement of the reliability of proposed chart designs must be achieved through systematic testing with subjects. The normal chart use conditions are then investigated and simulated to measure the perceptual reactions of the users on specific problems needing investigation. Adoption of an adequate methodology — hence, following closely the successive steps of scientific experimentation — can also bring the marine cartographer to the realm of scientific research

    Session A, 2017 Second Place: Effect of Both Presence of White Stripe and Size of Organism on Cryptic Color Change in American Toads

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    One major defensive mechanism of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) against predation is cryptic coloration; they undergo a color change to match their substrates. The observation of a distinct white stripe on some Adirondack toads led us to question how the stripe impacts the toad’s ability to match substrate color. We hypothesized that American Toads with a distinct white stripe will have a faster rate of color change (measured in change of MCV’s per minute) than American Toads without white stripes. Due to the difference in sizes of the toads, we also hypothesized that smaller toads would undergo a faster color change (change in MCV’s per minute) due to their smaller surface area. Thirty-one toads were collected after sunset on the trails immediately surrounding the campus. These toads served as both the experimental and sampling units. They were brought back to the lab and color change was tested from a light to dark tank over a total of 3 hours. One two sample T-test and one regression analysis were used to statistically analyze the data for hypothesis one and two, respectively. The mean findings for the presence or absence of a white stripe on rate of color change will be presented and discussed, as well as the hypothesis on color change rate based on size. The findings from this experiment could potentially explain how the diverse coloration of Adirondack toad populations persist with distinct markings

    Intégration de la 3D sur un site Web grâce à WebGL

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    Internet a été une réelle révolution qui a permis de relier le monde grâce à un réseau informatique mondial. Puis est venu le World Wide Web qui tire profit d’Internet pour afficher des pages Web, qui sont des sources d’informations accessibles partout dans le monde. À travers les années et grâce à ses évolutions, le Web est devenu tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui : une source d’informations gigantesque et interactive. Ces avancées ont pris du temps à façonner le Web sous sa forme actuelle et de nombreuses technologies en sont responsables. Le JavaScript, l’AJAX et le PHP font partie de ces technologies qui ont permis l’évolution du Web. Aujourd’hui encore, de nouvelles technologies font surface comme le WebGL qui a été créé pour permettre de faire de la 3D sur une page Web. Ce travail a pour but d’explorer plusieurs aspects de WebGL pour mieux comprendre ce que cette technologie pourrait apporter au Web. Premièrement, les technologies qui ont précédé le WebGL seront passées en revue afin de mieux cerner comment le WebGL est arrivé sur le marché. Cela permettra de comprendre ce qu’il a apporté par rapport à d’autres solutions. Deuxièmement, une présentation plus approfondie de WebGL sera faite en abordant plusieurs points. Son aspect technique, ses avantages et inconvénients et ses alternatives actuelles et futures seront présentées afin de mieux connaitre le WebGL. Troisièmement, la place actuelle de WebGL sera analysée avec ses différentes évolutions et son taux d’utilisation afin de pouvoir déterminer quel sera le futur de WebGL. Quatrièmement, différentes bibliothèques et frameworks seront abordés afin de présenter des solutions qui permettent de simplifier le développement. Une présentation spécifique de chaque solution permettra de savoir lesquelles sont les plus utilisées ou les plus adaptées à certains cas d’utilisation. Cinquièmement, des cas concrets d’utilisation de WebGL seront présentés afin de démontrer que le WebGL peut être utilisé à des fins très poussées. Dernièrement, une partie pratique sera réalisée afin de mettre en pratique les connaissances qui ont été acquises à travers ce travail de recherche

    primary lymphomas of the genitourinary tract a population based study

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    Abstract Objective We performed a population-based analysis focusing on primary extranodal lymphoma of either testis, kidney, bladder or prostate (PGUL). Methods We identified all cases of localized testis, renal, bladder and prostate primary lymphomas (PL) versus primary testis, kidney, bladder and prostate cancers within the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (1998–2015). Estimated annual proportion change methodology (EAPC), multivariable logistic regression models, cumulative incidence plots and multivariable competing risks regression models were used. Results The rates of testis-PL, renal-PL, bladder-PL and prostate-PL were 3.04%, 0.22%, 0.18% and 0.01%, respectively. Patients with PGUL were older and more frequently Caucasian. Annual rates significantly decreased for renal-PL (EAPC: −5.6%; p = 0.004) and prostate-PL (EAPC: −3.6%; p = 0.03). In multivariable logistic regression models, older ager independently predicted testis-PL (odds ratio [OR]: 16.4; p Conclusion PGUL rates are extremely low and on the decrease in kidney and prostate but stable in testis and bladder. Relative to primary genitourinary tumors, PGUL are associated with worse CSM for testis-PL and renal-PL but not for bladder-PL and prostate-PL, even after adjustment for other-cause mortality
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