8,494 research outputs found

    Anatomía de los cladodios de Opuntia (Cactaceae) de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge of the cladodes anatomy of nine species of Opuntia that grow in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fresh and herbarium samples were prepared according to usual methods for light microscope. Histochemical techniques were performed to identify starch, mucilage and oxalate salts. The main traits found were: epidermis smooth and uniseriate, covered by a thin cuticle and epicuticular waxes; large (range 36-57 µm length) stomata in low density (range 21-27/ mm2), located at level respect to the rest of epidermal cells with a deep substomatal chamber; a multiseriate hypodermis with one crystal layer; the cortex with external chlorenchyma and internal hydrenchyma. The eustele presents different size of vascular bundles; in some species the large ones have a secretory duct adjacent to the phloem. Some species showed wide-band tracheids and a few presented fibres in their vascular bundles. Some characters (presence of fibres and ducts) may be a useful tool for plant identification. However, many open questions remain to be investigated such as the correlation of the environment factors with hypodermis, calcium oxalate crystals, and wide-band tracheids.Anatomía de los cladodios de Opuntia (Cactaceae) de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue profundizar el conocimiento de la anatomía de los cladodios de nueve especies de Opuntia que crecen en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se hicieron preparaciones con material fresco y ejemplares de herbario siguiendo métodos habituales para microscopía óptica. Se usaron técnicas histoquímicas para identificar almidón, mucílagos y sales de oxalato. Las principales características halladas fueron: epidermis lisa y uniseriada, cutícula delgada y ceras epicuticulares; estomas grandes (entre 36-57 µm long) en baja densidad (entre 21-27/ mm2), ubicados a nivel con respecto a las restantes células epidérmicas y con una profunda cámara subestomática; hipodermis multiseriada con capa cristalífera; la corteza con clorénquima externo e hidrénquima interno. La eustela presenta haces vasculares de diferente tamaño, en algunas especies los haces mayores presentan un conducto secretor adyacente al floema. Algunas especies presentaron traqueidas con bandas de engrosamiento secundario y muy pocas tuvieron fibras en sus haces vasculares. La presencia de fibras y conducto adyacente al floema pueden ser caracteres útiles en la identificación de especies. Sin embargo, muchos aspectos requieren mayor investigación en relación con los factores ambientales, tales como la hipodermis, los cristales de oxalato de calcio y las traqueidas con bandas de engrosamiento secundario.

    The Ventasso Horse: genetic characterization by microsatellites markers

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    The genetic structure of Ventasso Horse (VH) was investigated using 12 microsatellites. The analyses were carried out on 117 VH individuals and the results were compared with those obtained analysing 11 other breeds reared in Italy. All microsatellites were polymorphic in VH and in the other breeds. A total of 124 alleles (from 6 to 19 alleles per microsatellite) were detected. Average heterozygosity was 0.743 in VH and ranged from 0.613 to 0.759 in the other breeds. The mean FST value had an average value of 0.0932. Genetic distances were calculated using Nei's standard genetic distance (Ds). The smallest Ds values were found between VH and Anglo-Arab, Thoroughbred, Maremmano and Lipizzan horse breeds. Phylogenetic trees constructed using neighbour-joining method showed two clear separate clusters: the first includes Bardigiano, Haflinger and Italian Heavy Draught Horse, the second contains the other 9 breeds

    Numerical study of halo concentrations in dark-energy cosmologies

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    We study the concentration parameters, their mass dependence and redshift evolution, of dark-matter halos in different dark-energy cosmologies with constant and time-variable equation of state, and compare them with "standard'' Lambda-CDM and OCDM models. We find that previously proposed algorithms for predicting halo concentrations can be well adapted to dark-energy models. When centred on the analytically expected values, halo concentrations show a log-normal distribution with a uniform standard deviation of ~0.2. The dependence of averaged halo concentrations on mass and redshift permits a simple fit of the form (1+z) c=c0 (M/M0)^a, with a~-0.1 throughout. We find that the cluster concentration depends on the dark energy equation of state at the cluster formation redshift z_{coll} through the linear growth factor D_+(z_{coll}). As a simple correction accounting for dark-energy cosmologies, we propose scaling c0 from Lambda-CDM with the ratio of linear growth factors, c0 -> c0 D_+(z_{coll})/D_{+,Lambda-CDM}(z_{coll}).Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Genetic characterization of the Bardigiano horse using microsatellite markers

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    The study was aimed at investigating the genetic structure of the Bardigiano horse and its relationships with the Haflinger, Maremmano and Arabian breeds using 11 microsatellite markers. A total of 94 alleles were detected across the breeds, with a mean of 8.5 alleles per locus and a mean observed heterozygosity of 0.69. Compared to the other breeds, the Bardigiano horse showed quite a high genetic variability, as indicated by the mean number of alleles (7.0 vs 6.1÷7.6) and by the observed heterozygosity (0.72 vs 0.66÷0.71). Moreover, the genotype distributions in the Bardigiano groups of different sex and age were not significantly different. The overall FST value showed that the genetic differences among breeds accounted for 7.8% (P=0.001) of the total variation, and the pairwise FST values were all significant. The assignment test allocated between 96.8 and 98.9% of the individuals to the population they were collected from, with a mean probability of assignment of about 97% for all breeds, except for the Arabian, where it approached 100%. The results have highlighted that the Bardigiano breed has a high within and between breed variability, which is considerably more than could be expected by looking at its evolution history. This justifies the need for the development of additional breeding strategies to preserve the existing genetic variability

    The Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector Software for the VST

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    The effects of atmospheric differential refraction on astrophysical measurements are well known. In particular, as a ray of light passes through the atmosphere, its direction is altered by the effects of atmospheric refraction. The amount of this effect depends basically on the variation of the refractive index along the path of the ray. The real accuracy needed in the atmosphere model and in the calculation of the correction to be applied is of course, considerably worse, especially at large zenith angles. On the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) the use of an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC) is foreseen at a wide zenith distance range. This paper describes the software design and implementation aspects regarding the analytical correction law discovered to correct the refraction effect during observations with VST

    Gravitational lensing of extended high-redshift sources by dark matter haloes

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    High-redshift galaxies and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are most likely to be strongly lensed by intervening haloes between the source and the observer. In addition, a large fraction of lensed sources is expected to be seen in the submillimetre region, as a result of the enhanced magnification bias on the steep intrinsic number counts. We extend in three directions Blain's earlier study of this effect. First, we use a modification of the Press-Schechter mass function and detailed lens models to compute the magnification probability distribution. We compare the magnification cross-sections of populations of singular isothermal spheres and Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) haloes and find that they are very similar, in contrast to the image-splitting statistics which were recently investigated in other studies. The distinction between the two types of density profile is therefore irrelevant for our purposes. Secondly, we discuss quantitatively the maximum magnification, \u3bcmax, that can be achieved for extended sources (galaxies) with realistic luminosity profiles, taking into account the possible ellipticity of the lensing potential. We find that \u3bcmax plausibly falls into the range 10-30 for sources of 1-10h-1 kpc effective radius at redshifts within 1-4. Thirdly, we apply our model for the lensing magnification to a class of sources following the luminosity evolution typical for a unified scheme of QSO formation. As a result of the peculiar steepness of their intrinsic number counts, we find that the lensed source counts at a fiducial wave length of 850 \u3bcm can exceed the unlensed counts by several orders of magnitude at flux densities 73 100 mJy, even with a conservative choice of the maximum magnification

    Cold affects the transcription of fatty acid desaturases and oil quality in the fruit of Olea europaea L. genotypes with different cold hardiness

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    The olive tree lacks dormancy and is low temperature sensitive, with differences in cold tolerance and oil quality among genotypes. The oil is produced in the drupe, and the unsaturated fatty acids contribute to its quality. The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationship among development, cold response, expression of fatty acid desaturase (FAD) genes, and unsaturated fatty acid composition in drupes belonging to genotypes differing in leaf cold tolerance, but producing good oil (i.e. the non-hardy Moraiolo, the semi-hardy Frantoio, and the hardy Canino). In all genotypes, cold sensitivity, evaluated by cold-induced transient increases in cytosolic calcium, was high in the epi-mesocarp cells before oil body formation, and decreased during oil biogenesis. However, genotype-dependent differences in cold sensitivity appeared at the end of oil production. Genotype-dependent differences in FAD2.1, FAD2.2, FAD6, and FAD7 expression levels occurred in the epi-mesocarp cells during the oleogenic period. However, FAD2.1 and FAD7 were always the highest in the first part of this period. FAD2.2 and FAD7 increased after cold applications during oleogenesis, independently of the genotype. Unsaturated fatty acids increased in the drupes of the non-hardy genotype, but not in those of the hardy one, after cold exposure at the time of the highest FAD transcription. The results show a direct relationship between FAD expression and lipid desaturation in the drupes of the cold-sensitive genotype, and an inverse relationship in those of the cold-resistant genotype, suggesting that drupe cold acclimation requires a fine FAD post-transcriptional regulation. Hypotheses relating FAD desaturation to storage and membrane lipids, and genotype cold hardiness are discussed

    VST - VLT Survey Telescope Integration Status

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    The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is a 2.6m aperture, wide field, UV to I facility, to be installed at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) on the Cerro Paranal Chile. VST was primarily intended to complement the observing capabilities of VLT with wide-angle imaging for detecting and pre-characterising sources for further observations with the VLT.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, conferenc

    Celiac vagus nerve stimulation recapitulates angiotensin II-induced splenic noradrenergic activation, driving egress of CD8 effector cells

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    Angiotensin II (AngII) is a peptide hormone that affects the cardiovascular system, not only through typical effects on the vasculature, kidneys, and heart, but also through less understood roles mediated by the brain and the immune system. Here, we address the hard-wired neural connections within the autonomic nervous system that modulate splenic immunity. Chronic AngII infusion triggers burst firing of the vagus nerve celiac efferent, an effect correlated with noradrenergic activation in the spleen and T cell egress. Bioelectronic stimulation of the celiac vagus nerve, in the absence of other challenges and independently from afferent signals to the brain, evokes the noradrenergic splenic pathway to promote release of a growth factor mediating neuroimmune crosstalk, placental growth factor (PlGF), and egress of CD8 effector T cells. Our findings also indicate that the neuroimmune interface mediated by PlGF and necessary for transducing the neural signal into an effective immune response is dependent on α-adrenergic receptor signaling

    The VZV/IE63-specific T cell response prevents herpes zoster in fingolimod-treated patients.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinally the antiviral immune response of T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with fingolimod (FTY) vs other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs). METHODS: We assessed cellular immune responses specific to influenza virus (FLU), JC virus (JCV), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) using quantification of interferon-γ secretion by enzyme-linked immunospot in patients with MS on FTY (n = 31), including 2 with herpes zoster (HZ), natalizumab (n = 11), and other DMTs (n = 11). We used viral lysates for FLU and VZV and a pool of peptides for FLU, JCV (VP-1), and VZV (IE63). RESULTS: Besides an expected drop of T cells, we found that, proportionally to the number of CD3(+) T cells, only FTY-treated patients with MS exhibited an increased VZV/IE63-specific T cell response peaking 6 months into treatment, a response that returned to baseline after 12 and 24 months. Two FTY-treated patients developed an HZ 6 months into treatment, coinciding with an absent VZV/IE63-specific T cell response. However, cellular immune responses specific to VZV lysate, JCV, and FLU (lysate and pool of peptide epitopes) were similar between all 3 categories (FTY, natalizumab, and other DMTs) of study patients. CONCLUSIONS: FTY-treated patients with MS exhibit an increased VZV/IE63-specific cellular immune response after 6 months of treatment. FTY-treated patients who develop an HZ are not able to mount such a response, suggesting that a T cell response directed against this viral protein may be key in preventing the occurrence of HZ