17 research outputs found

    Regulation of RUVBL1-RUVBL2 AAA-ATPases by the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor DHX34, as evidenced by Cryo-EM

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    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a surveillance pathway that degrades aberrant mRNAs and also regulates the expression of a wide range of physiological transcripts. RUVBL1 and RUVBL2 AAA-ATPases form an hetero-hexameric ring that is part of several macromolecular complexes such as INO80, SWR1, and R2TP. Interestingly, RUVBL1-RUVBL2 ATPase activity is required for NMD activation by an unknown mechanism. Here, we show that DHX34, an RNA helicase regulating NMD initiation, directly interacts with RUVBL1-RUVBL2 in vitro and in cells. Cryo-EM reveals that DHX34 induces extensive changes in the N-termini of every RUVBL2 subunit in the complex, stabilizing a conformation that does not bind nucleotide and thereby down-regulates ATP hydrolysis of the complex. Using ATPase-deficient mutants, we find that DHX34 acts exclusively on the RUVBL2 subunits. We propose a model, where DHX34 acts to couple RUVBL1-RUVBL2 ATPase activity to the assembly of factors required to initiate the NMD response.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation SAF2017-82632-P Andres Lopez-Perrote Carlos F Rodriguez Marina Serna Oscar Llorca. Autonomous Government of Madrid Y2018/BIO4747 Ana Gonzalez-Corpas Oscar Llorca. Autonomous Government of Madrid P2018/NMT4443 Ana Gonzalez-Corpas Oscar Llorca MRC Core funding Javier F Caceres Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation BES-2015-071348 Carlos F Rodriguez The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.S

    The RNA helicase DHX34 functions as a scaffold for SMG1-mediated UPF1 phosphorylation

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    Nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) is a messenger RNA quality-control pathway triggered by SMG1-mediated phosphorylation of the NMD factor UPF1. In recent times, the RNA helicase DHX34 was found to promote mRNP remodelling, leading to activation of NMD. Here we demonstrate the mechanism by which DHX34 functions in concert with SMG1. DHX34 comprises two distinct structural units, a core that binds UPF1 and a protruding carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) that binds the SMG1 kinase, as shown using truncated forms of DHX34 and electron microscopy of the SMG1–DHX34 complex. Truncation of the DHX34 CTD does not affect binding to UPF1; however, it compromises DHX34 binding to SMG1 to affect UPF1 phosphorylation and hence abrogate NMD. Altogether, these data suggest the existence of a complex comprising SMG1, UPF1 and DHX34, with DHX34 functioning as a scaffold for UPF1 and SMG1. This complex promotes UPF1 phosphorylation leading to functional NMD

    THE AFTERCARE SURVEY:Assessment and intervention practices after brain tumour surgery in Europe

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    Introduction People with gliomas need specialized neurosurgical, neuro-oncological, psycho-oncological, and neuropsychological care. The role of language and cognitive recovery and rehabilitation in patients’ well-being and resumption of work is crucial, but there are no clear guidelines for the ideal timing and character of assessments and interventions. The goal of the present work was to describe representative (neuro)psychological practices implemented after brain surgery in Europe. Methods An online survey was addressed to professionals working with individuals after brain surgery. We inquired about the assessments and interventions and the involvement of caregivers. Additionally, we asked about recommendations for an ideal assessment and intervention plan. Results Thirty-eight European centres completed the survey. Thirty of them offered at least one post-surgical (neuro)psychological assessment, mainly for language and cognition, especially during the early recovery stage and at long-term. Twenty-eight of the participating centres offered post-surgical therapies. Patients who stand the highest chances of being included in evaluation and therapy post-surgically are those who underwent awake brain surgery, harboured a low-grade glioma, or showed poor recovery. Nearly half of the respondents offer support programs to caregivers, and all teams recommend them. Treatments differed between these offered to individuals with low-grade glioma versus those with high-grade glioma. The figure of caregiver is not yet fully recognized in the recovery phase. Conclusion We stress the need for more complete rehabilitation plans, including the emotional and health-related aspects of recovery. In respondents® opinions, assessment and rehabilitation plans should also be individually tailored and goal-directed (e.g., professional reinsertion)

    Advances on the structure of the R2TP/Prefoldin-like complex

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    Cellular stability, assembly and activation of a growing list of macromolecular complexes require the action of HSP90 working in concert with the R2TP/Prefoldin-like (R2TP/PFDL) co-chaperone. RNA polymerase II, snoRNPs and complexes of PI3-kinase-like kinases, a family that includes the ATM, ATR, DNA-PKcs, TRAPP, SMG1 and mTOR proteins, are among the clients of the HSP90-R2TP system. Evidence links the R2TP/PFDL pathway with cancer, most likely because of the essential role in pathways commonly deregulated in cancer. R2TP forms the core of the co-cochaperone and orchestrates the recruitment of HSP90 and clients, whereas prefoldin and additional prefoldin-like proteins, including URI, associate with R2TP, but their function is still unclear. The mechanism by which R2TP/PFLD facilitates assembly and activation of such a variety of macromolecular complexes is poorly understood. Recent efforts in the structural characterization of R2TP have started to provide some mechanistic insights. We summarize recent structural findings, particularly how cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is contributing to our understanding of the architecture of the R2TP core complex. Structural differences discovered between yeast and human R2TP reveal unanticipated complexities of the metazoan R2TP complex, and opens new and interesting questions about how R2TP/PFLD works

    The Aftercare Survey: Assessment and intervention practices after brain tumor surgery in Europe

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    Background People with gliomas need specialized neurosurgical, neuro-oncological, psycho-oncological, and neuropsychological care. The role of language and cognitive recovery and rehabilitation in patients' well-being and resumption of work is crucial, but there are no clear guidelines for the ideal timing and character of assessments and interventions. The goal of the present work was to describe representative (neuro)psychological practices implemented after brain surgery in Europe. Methods An online survey was addressed to professionals working with individuals after brain surgery. We inquired about the assessments and interventions and the involvement of caregivers. Additionally, we asked about recommendations for an ideal assessment and intervention plan. Results Thirty-eight European centers completed the survey. Thirty of them offered at least one postsurgical (neuro)psychological assessment, mainly for language and cognition, especially during the early recovery stage and at long term. Twenty-eight of the participating centers offered postsurgical therapies. Patients who stand the highest chances of being included in evaluation and therapy postsurgically are those who underwent awake brain surgery, harbored a low-grade glioma, or showed poor recovery. Nearly half of the respondents offer support programs to caregivers, and all teams recommend them. Treatments differed between those offered to individuals with low-grade glioma vs those with high-grade glioma. The figure of caregiver is not yet fully recognized in the recovery phase. Conclusion We stress the need for more complete rehabilitation plans, including the emotional and health-related aspects of recovery. In respondents' opinions, assessment and rehabilitation plans should also be individually tailored and goal-directed (eg, professional reinsertion)