9 research outputs found

    The perceived trade-off between corporate social and economic responsibility:: A cross-national study

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    We study cross-nationally whether managers view corporate social and economic responsibility as compatible, or incompatible. The conceptual framework builds on different theories that support alternative views of corporate responsibility compatibility. A set of hypotheses relates differences in cultural values, corporate governance systems, and managerial education to corporate responsibility compatibility. A corporate responsibility scale is developed and its cross-national invariance is tested. Data analysis, controlling for gender and work experience, shows that in countries with large power distance, with less strict corporate governance, and more integrated business education, social responsibility is perceived as relatively incompatible with economic responsibility, whereas in countries with smaller power distance, with stricter corporate governance, and more functional business education, social and economic responsibility are perceived as more compatible

    Gérer les responsabilités sociales des entreprises envers leurs parties prenantes

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    Différents groupes de parties prenantes attendent des entreprises qu’elles jouent un rôle plus important dans la résolution des problèmes sociaux et environnementaux actuels. Gérer leurs responsabilités et leurs relations avec les groupes de parties prenantes est de plus en plus important pour les entreprises. Cependant, les études existantes ne donnent que des réponses limitées quant à la façon dont ces entreprises peuvent gérer leurs relations avec leurs parties prenantes. «Quelles pratiques responsables devraient être adoptées par les entreprises et estce que ces pratiques permettent d’améliorer leur performance sociale?» et «Y a-t-il des cultures organisationnelles permettant aux entreprises de mettre en place des pratiques responsables avec plus de succès?» sont des questions qui restent encore en suspend. Afin de répondre à ces questions, nous avons développé une enquête et recueilli des données auprès de 244 entreprises basées en Suisse

    A Test of the Quasi-Circumplex Structure of Human Values

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    Schwartz’s value system (SVS) has been widely used in diVerent disciplines (e.g., psychology, management, and marketing). Although the value structure seems to be validated when data are analyzed through multidimensional scaling, we show that the quasi-circumplex structure of human values is not supported when conWrmatory analysis approaches (e.g., CIRCUM and constrained conWrmatory factor analysis) are used. Based on two samples of French and Swiss respondents, conWrmatory tests of SVS provide little support for its quasi-circumplex structure, mainly due to problems of construct and discriminant validity resulting from multicollinearity between value types

    Attitudes toward Corporate Responsibilities in Western Europe and in Central And East Europe

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    This study investigated the attitudes toward social, economic, and environmental corporate responsibilities of 3064 current managers and business students in 8 European countries. Participants in Western European countries had significantly different perspectives on the importance of these corporate responsibilities (CR) than those in Central and East European countries. Within each country, environmental CR is perceived as most important in both CEE and Western European countries. Across countries, Western European respondents accord more importance to social CR and less importance to economic CR. CEE countries are not homogenous, e.g., CR attitudes in the Czech Republic are closer to that of Western Europeans, possibly triggered by the accession to EU. Work experience (managers vs. business students) influences social and environmental orientations more than the economic orientation for only some countries. Generational differences were found as well: Business students attribute more importance to environmental CR and less importance to social CR than managers

    Attitudes toward corporate responsibilities in western Europe and in Central and East Europe

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    This study investigated the attitudes toward social, economic, and environmental corporate responsibilities of 3064 current managers and business students in 8 European countries. 0 Participants in Western European countries had significantly different perspectives on the importance of these corporate responsibilities (CR) than those in Central and East European countries. Within each country, environmental CR is perceived as most important in both CE and Western European countries. Across countries, Western European respondents accord more importance to social CR and less importance to economic CR. CE countries are not homogenous, e.g., CR attitudes in the Czech Republic are closer to that of Western Europeans, possibly triggered by the accession to EU. 0 Work experience (managers vs. business students) influences social and environmental orientations more than the economic orientation for only some countries. Generational differences were found as well: Business students attribute more importance to environmental CR and less importance to social CR than managers